Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology Page 35

by Anthology

  “Just because they’re bikers doesn’t mean they’re bad people.”

  “Please, Wade, can I stay in this room with you? You have two beds.”

  Scratching my head, I scrunch my forehead. I’m not in the mood for more of her shit. It’s like a roller coaster ride with her. One minute she’s sweet and funny, and then the next she wants to claw my eyes out like a banshee.

  “Fine, but can you play nice? I’m all out of patience.”

  She smiles faintly. “Sure. I’m sorry about earlier. Let me get my things.”

  Laney takes a shower, and although I’m exhausted, the thought of her naked under the running water has me turned on, so I toss and turn while she’s in there, practically pulling my sheets free from the bed.

  Exiting in a pair of tiny, cotton shorts and a thin tank top, she goes to stand at a mirror that rests over a small desk. She begins to comb her long, wet hair, and a few droplets of water trail down her shoulders.

  Shit. I close my eyes for a few seconds, trying to rid the instant hard-on I’ve developed. It’s not working, so I roll away from her and get into a fight with my sheets.

  I’m relieved once I hear her throw the covers back on the bed. I roll back over to shut off the light, and her ass is bent over in front of my face.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m checking out the bed, but the light is not bright enough to see anything.”

  “I’m sure your bed is fine. Go to sleep.”

  She huffs but finally climbs in. Once she’s tucked away, I shut off the light. I want to say hallelujah, but I have a hard-on that won’t quit. I roll over again and grab my flask from the nightstand. I take a big gulp.

  “Are you drinking?” she asks.


  “Do you drink every day?”



  “I like it.”

  “It’s bad for you to drink every day.”

  “Are you a doctor now?”

  “No. I just know.”

  “Go to sleep, Laney.”

  “Goodnight, Wade.”


  “Wade, wake up.”

  “What?” I roll over, and Laney is standing over me by the side of the bed. “What’s wrong?” I glance to the clock and see it’s three a.m.

  “I’m all itchy, so now I’m paranoid there are bugs in the bed. Can I sleep in here with you?”

  “You honestly want to get in bed with me?”

  “Please. I’m not used to staying in places like this. It’s freaking me out.”

  Sighing, I flip back the covers, so she can climb in. She does, but she’s so slow at it, I’m wondering if she’s reconsidering. She must really hate it here to be voluntarily getting into bed with me.

  Closing my eyes again, I try to sleep, but I can feel her breath on my skin. For fuck’s sake. How am I supposed to get any rest lying next to her?

  “Thank you, Wade, for taking me to California. I couldn’t have done this without you. I feel safer with you here.”

  Her voice is soft, almost tender, and I like her when she’s being nice. I like her a whole lot.

  Chapter Ten


  I’M FACING WADE in the bed, and it hits me that I’ve never slept in bed with a guy before. My ex and I had sex, but we were in high school, so we never got a chance to spend the night together.

  I’m overly emotional from this trip and from what I could discover in California, so being next to Wade comforts me. Having the urge to feel closer to him, I inch my body into his personal space.

  He doesn’t protest, so I scoot until I feel his arm against mine and his breath on my lips. He smells like the ocean, and this reminds me of Malibu and shields me further.

  “I can’t figure you out,” he whispers.

  “Me neither. I only know I like being near you.” I envision the way I found him earlier when I knocked on his door.

  He was only in his boxer briefs, and for the first time I had a visual of him and all his sexiness. A black tribal tattoo covers his sculpted chest and spreads over his cut biceps. Damn, he’s gorgeous.

  Before I can change my mind, I’m pressing my lips to his and allowing my fingers to feel along his ripped abs. He stays still while they linger, but then it’s as if I flipped a switch.

  His arm circles my waist, and he pulls me snug against him. The thrust of his tongue into my mouth incites a whimper from me, and this further ignites the lust between us.

  That’s what this has to be–lust. Other than feeling safe with his presence, he represents everything I want to steer clear of, but I can’t seem to resist the urges I’m having.

  Wade rolls me onto my back and weighs me down with his firm body. Our hands seem in a frenzy. Mine on his back and ass, and his along my waist and hip. His erection is stiff against my pelvis, and the guttural sound from him is an alarm, signaling that we’re almost at the point of no return.

  No going back.

  “Stop,” I quip. He freezes other than his pounding heart.

  “Shit, are you OK?”

  “We have to stop. Everything will be different.” Wade abruptly rolls off of me.

  “Isn’t that the point?” he asks with frustration.

  “I guess, but is that what we want?”

  “Fuck, do you have to over-analyze everything? You climbed into my bed, remember?” His voice has raised, so I’m out of the bed and marching back to my own.

  “Forgive me for wanting to ensure our friendship stays intact.”

  “Is that really why you stopped us? You don’t want to ruin our friendship. I wasn’t even aware we had established one. I thought you were still using me.”

  “Oh, you asshole!” I launch the spare pillow across the room.

  “There she is. I knew your true colors were right beneath the surface.”

  “I wish you could see the two fingers I’m giving you right now.”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t need to see shit to know how uptight you are.”

  That’s it! I jump from my bed and feel around for the lamp between us. “I’m going back to my room. You can leave me here and drive back home if I’m so uptight.”

  He groans and covers his face with the pillow I had thrown at him. I slip on my shoes and gather my things before I’m slamming the door behind me. Why does someone I’m so attracted to infuriate me so easily?


  The thought of leaving Laney behind did occur to me, but unlike she believes, I’m not that big of a dick. I barely slept through the night, tossing and turning from what has to be the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever experienced. She owes my cock a happy ending.

  After I’ve showered, I approach her door from outside. I hear her cries and instantly panic.


  “Go away!”

  “What’s wrong? Open this door.”

  “You’ll only have some shitty thing to say!”

  “Fuck, open the door. I need to know you’re OK.”

  The door flies open, and Laney’s face is flushed and wet. Her nose and eyes are red from crying, and her hair is in a ball on top of her head.

  “Did someone hurt you?” I grab her hands and look her over frantically.

  “The bugs did it.” Laney pulls free and begins showing me bites placed sporadically over her body.

  “Shit, are those bed bug bites?”

  “Yes,” she says, crying more.

  “Come here.” I pull her against me and stroke her hair. “You gotta get a grip. All you need is some anti-itch cream. I got them once as a kid when we stayed in a cabin.”

  “You did?” she asks through her tears.

  “Yes. You’ll be alright.” Laney pulls back and swipes the tears from her soaked cheeks.

  “I’m overwhelmed. This trip is stressing me out.”

  “I’m sorry if I’ve made that worse. Get a cool shower, and we’ll head out. I’ll buy you breakfast.” Like a lost child who found her parent, sh
e latches onto my waist.

  “Thank you, Wade.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “We’ll stay somewhere nicer tonight. I’m going to get you to California in one piece.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t know what I will find once we arrive.” Before I can question her about her comment, she disappears into the bathroom.

  I’m quickly realizing how pampered Laney’s life has been. She must be terrified of what the future holds for her if her father is penniless.


  “We’ve officially entered Oklahoma,” I say as we pass the state sign on the highway.

  “Hmm … I’m declaring you an Okie.”

  I glance to Wade and grin.

  “Anything but sweetheart.”

  He takes a few glimpses of me before his smile fades. “What are you worried you will find once we make it to California?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “We’re spending hours together in a vehicle. We should discuss something other than our favorite music and ice cream flavors.”

  “I found another game on the internet. We’ll get to know each other better by playing it. You’re in the hot seat. You have to answer five questions, but you get one veto if there’s one you don’t want to answer.”

  “I’m cool with that.”

  “I’ll go first. Are you a mama’s boy?”

  Wade blows out a long breath.

  “I guess you could say so. My mom could only be more perfect if she knew how to pick better men. My turn. Why haven’t you mentioned your mother?”

  “She died when I was thirteen. Cancer.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I. Will said it’s why I’m spoiled. My father compensated for the loss by showering me with material things.”

  “Nothing wrong with a father treating his baby girl well.”

  “If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?” I ask.


  “You’re using it already?”

  “Yep. Let’s flip it. If you could change one thing, what would it be?”

  “Aside from having my mom on this earth, I would say to be more prepared for something like the situation with my father. I wish I was more independent.”

  “It’s not too late, Laney. That’s why you’re going to college, anyway, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but … I can’t say it.”

  “Are you throwing down your veto card?”

  I bite my lip and gaze over at him.

  “No, because I’m sure you’ll throw something more personal at me.” Shifting my body to face Wade, I sigh.

  “OK, here goes. I’ve always planned to work, but also I thought I would either marry a man as wealthy as my father, or my father would always be there to give my life a little more cushion.”

  He nods but doesn’t look my direction.

  “Ugh.” I slide my hands down my face. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “Hey, I’m glad you feel you can be honest with me. You could’ve lied your way out of that one if you wanted.”

  “You managed two questions that round. It’s my turn. Why do you sleep around so much?”

  “Who said I do? I think you’re making assumptions.”

  “So, I’m wrong? One night stands like you had with Katie never happen?”

  “Shit. I forget that you caught me in action. In my defense, aren’t women the ones who always say men think with their dicks?”

  “You don’t have to prove us right!” We both burst into laughter. I get choked and have to grab a sip of my drink. “Besides the ‘man’ excuse, why do you do it?”

  He shrugs. “I have needs. Since I’m never exclusive with one woman, I need multiple.”

  “Why haven’t you ever been in a relationship with one woman?”

  “How many questions is that? Have you burned up your five yet?”

  “Answer please.”

  “I haven’t found ‘the one’ yet. You know, the one who can fulfill my every need.”

  I bust out laughing again, and Wade turns a bit red.

  “You’re blushing.” I pinch his rosy cheek next.

  His hand reaches over and clamps down onto my thigh, so I shut up and stare at him. He glances away from the road several times to look at me.

  “This, Laney. I like you like this.” I clear my throat as the intensity of his touch and words threatens to cut off my air supply.

  “You need to get your ass back in the hot seat, Okie,” he adds. “What’s your fear about arriving in California?”


  “That was quick. OK, let’s see… Why do you get so defensive with men?”

  I groan and wonder why I suggested this game.

  “I told you at the wedding. I got burned.”

  “And ever since you’ve held a grudge against all men.”

  “No, only men who remind me of said asshole.”

  “So, said asshole must have screwed around on you a lot.”

  “Only once, but after he cheated and we broke up, he made it a point to sleep with the majority of girls in our senior class and rub it in my face. He was angry that I wouldn’t forgive him.”

  “You need to realize that there are men who won’t cheat.”

  “I want to believe that.”

  “OK, I get one more question. Why did you kiss me last night?” Wade doesn’t look over, but his tone gives away the weight of his question.

  “I felt safe with you and got carried away.”

  “Now I think you’re lying your way out of a question. Are you?”

  “Sorry, but you already used up your questions.”

  He nods. “Fair enough.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “YOU KNOW … WE’RE in Texas.” Laney’s staring ahead, but I’m sure she’s waiting on her nickname, and it’s kinda cute.

  “The Lone Star State. I’m calling you Star or maybe Gator.”

  Like always, she smiles and turns her head, and it brightens my day.

  “We need to stop for lunch. I’m hungry,” she adds. “I saw on a sign that there’s a Mexican restaurant at the next exit.”

  “Sounds good.”

  After we’ve been seated, Laney orders a margarita.

  “If you’re drinking, I’m at least having one beer.”

  “OK. We can hang around long enough for you to sober up.” She giggles, and I love it. I wish she could stay this way, but experience has shown it’s not possible for her to let her guard down for any length of time. “I need to use the restroom.”

  She disappears, and the waitress brings our drinks. She’s cuter than the server was at the bar last night, so I chat it up with her while I wait for Laney to return.

  Once she’s back at the table, we place our orders and Laney smiles. “I see you’re flirting again.”

  “She was doing all the work. I’m just along for the ride.”

  “Why did you really agree to go on this trip with me?”

  “I felt sorry for ya, Gator.” I grin at her, and she shakes her head. “Figured if I could help, I should.”

  “Well, aren’t you sweet?”

  “The one and only. Often imitated but never duplicated.”

  “So smooth, Wade.”

  “I try.”

  “What’s your dad like. Is he as smooth as you?”

  My forehead wrinkles, and I take a long gulp of my drink. “I don’t like to discuss my old man. We don’t get along.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s see … what else do I not know about you? How did you get into the repo business?”

  “Aren’t you full of probing questions?”

  “Come on. I’ll give you a freebie if you tell me.”

  “Honest answer … I had my vehicle repossessed when I first got out on my own. I put up such a fight that the guy who came to repossess it offered me a job.”

  “So you were the original spider monkey?�

  “You could say that, except I was wielding a crossbow. The man was sure I was going to shoot him with it, so since he owned the company, we worked out a truce. I did some jobs for him, and I got to keep my truck.”

  “Wow, impressive.”

  “I think that’s why I’m intrigued by you, Laney. You appear to have had everything handed to you, yet you possess a spunk that I usually only see in those who have fought to survive.”

  “I might’ve had material things and money handed to me, but I’ve felt alone ever since my mother died.” Laney looks down and grabs her margarita glass. “I’m going to need another drink.”

  “Me, too.” I flag over the waitress who then goes to get us more drinks.


  “You’re so trashed,” I say as Laney finishes off the last of her third mega-sized margarita.

  “Maybe a teeny, tiny bit.” She’s holding her fingers up to resemble an inch. “You’ve had four beers. You can’t drive.” Her expression is now earnest, and it’s looking like we’re going to be way off on our traveling schedule.

  “Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy, Happy Birthday!”

  What the hell?

  Laney starts giggling as five employees approach our table, singing and clapping. It appears it’s directed at me. The next thing I know, a big sombrero is being placed atop of my head, and a dessert is slid in front of me.

  She laughs so hard, she’s falling over in the booth, and it reminds me of yesterday, when she was giggling at the waffle place.

  “Paybacks are a bitch,” she yells over the singing buffoons as she sits back up and winks at me. I glance around the restaurant and see that everyone is staring at us. Some little shitbird is standing up in his booth, sticking his tongue out at me.

  After the singing idiots leave our table, I glide my hand down my face. “Yep, you’re ten shades of cherry, Wicked Wade. That’s for making me dance with the hillbilly.”

  I have to grin at her. It was a pretty clever move that’s right up my alley. “Let’s get out of here.” I pay the ticket and lay the sombrero on the table as we leave.


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