[Invitation to Eden 21.0] Falling or Flying

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[Invitation to Eden 21.0] Falling or Flying Page 7

by RG Alexander

  She licked her lips again. “You resisted last night.”

  He watched her tongue. “I was under orders and you were otherwise occupied. No one ever got around to daring me, because Austin knows I wouldn’t have been able to resist.” His gaze dropped between her legs. “I might have forgotten it was a game. You are the sexiest fucking tour guide I’ve ever seen. I want to taste that pussy, Mary Ann. I want to feel it bruising my cock. And your ass… Is my plug inside you right now?”

  “Yes.” She wanted him to touch her. Wanted Austin to hurry.

  Court’s attention was fixed to the dildo stretching her sex. “I knew it. Show me.” When she didn’t respond, his tone changed to one tinged with command. “Get on your knees and turn around so I can see my property.”

  A tremor ripped through her when she realized what he wanted. How close he would be. Nothing would be hidden from him. It was almost more intimate than… “He told me not to stop.”

  “Don’t stop,” Court responded roughly. “You can fuck yourself on your knees. Just think of it as practice. After I get a good look at that sweet ass you’ll be on them again when I own it tonight.”

  She moaned and obeyed, moving into position, her arms shaking with excitement and an unsettling feeling of vulnerability. “Who doesn’t like mind-fuckery, Ginger?”

  His breath on the cheek of her ass made her shiver, and she heard him swear as she started thrusting again. “This isn’t a mind-fuck, Joely. Unless Austin is just letting you do this to torture me. I’m making promises, and those I take seriously. I promise I will make you scream with my tongue. I promise I’m going to have my hands all over your body as soon as I’m allowed to touch you, and that I’ll be balls deep in that perky pink ass before we get to your resort.”

  He lowered his voice and she could feel the vibration of it against the back of her thigh. “I’ll tell you a secret, Joely. I’m dying for it. I’m aching to get a chance to have you. The second I climbed inside Wanda, I knew what the fuss was about. Knew you would be worth it. I haven’t touched you, but I get the strangest feeling that when I do I won’t be able to stop. I get the feeling you’re going to love it. That you want it. Do you want it, Joely? Want to know what it would feel like to fuck me?”

  “Court.” She couldn’t stop her moan or deny him. He was right. She wanted to know. Was dying to know. “When we get back…you’ll have those perks you talked about. All you want.”

  A man as obviously sexual as Court? He would have a harem.

  He growled. “Fuck the perks. I can’t say I understand the metaphysical tango it took to get you all to ourselves, but I’m not sorry we’re here. If I had my way we’d stay in this spot and fuck and eat and sleep and fuck again until another castaway showed up to take our place. That sounds like heaven to me.”

  “Oh God,” she whimpered, elbow deep in the water now as she fucked herself with the toy. She wanted to be taken. She wanted him to keep all of his promises. Wanted to believe what he was saying. “Court.”

  “Don’t stop, Joely,” he muttered. “Be a good girl for Austin and fuck that pussy for me. Tell me how it feels.”

  “I can’t.” She slung her hips helplessly, reaching for the release she needed. “I need more. I need it harder.” I need Austin. You. Nothing but that would be enough.

  “Hell.” She heard the sound of splashing water as his hands smacked the surface in frustration. Then he leaned on his elbows beside her, ducking down to look into her eyes. “Listen to me, Joely. You want me to fuck you?”


  “I’m going to. We’re going to. You’re going to love it. I can see how ready you are for the two of us. How much you’re enjoying that plug. But when we’ve worn the Professor out I’ll still be greedy for more. I’ll drag you out of his arms and take you again while he sleeps. I’ve heard the sounds you make, Mary Ann, and I know I’ll have to cover your mouth so he won’t wake up when you call my name and beg for more of my cock. I’ll keep you quiet so I can have that tight wet pussy all to myself and fuck you as hard and deep as you need to be fucked.”

  “Yes!” She was close. Hearing him, feeling him, seeing his blue eyes full of lust, was sending her closer to the edge.

  “You like that idea, don’t you? Want me to steal you and have my wicked way with you in the dark?”

  “Yes,” she gasped again, shameless.

  He licked his lips, his own breathing shallow. “Knew I couldn’t shock you, Mary Ann. God, that fucker. I’m so hard I could burrow a hole in this rock.”

  “We’ve devolved to name calling now?” Austin’s voice made her shudder with relief. He was back.

  Court looked away from her and she heard more splashing in the water. “Hell yes, we have. You’re just lucky I was able to resist her as long as I did. She’s…”

  “I know.”

  Joely whimpered when Austin’s hand slid between her legs and he took the toy from her hands. “I’m here, baby,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”

  He held her in his arms as he moved through the water toward last night’s fire and she clung to him. She wanted. Needed. She couldn’t stop trembling. “Austin.”

  “Hold on, Joely. Let me get you on dry land.” He raised his voice. “Ginger, I think our girl here wants to praise your restraint with a kiss. Am I right, baby?”

  She nodded. Yes. Court needed to be kissed. She needed it. “You’re right.”

  Austin followed her out of the water and brought her back to the pallet of clothes that had become their feather bed. He positioned her on her knees and knelt behind her.

  Joely looked over her shoulder, a question in her eyes, and Austin let her see his desire. “I told you that you’d get a reward when I got back, didn’t I? Now kiss him.”

  Large hands cupped her cheeks and turned her head, and then Court was there, his beard scratching her chin and upper lip, his own lips soft and warm. Delicious. She’d never kissed a man with a beard before. She loved the sensuous scrape. Her own hands came up to touch it, tug it, as she teased him with her tongue and he groaned, opening his mouth for more.

  “That wasn’t the kind of kiss I was talking about,” Austin offered. He was caressing her back and hips, and she could feel his condom-encased erection insistent against her skin. “I think Court deserves a deeper kiss, Joely. I know from personal experience how good it feels.”

  He was a devil, and she loved it. She lifted her mouth, looking into Court’s eyes. “Lie back and let me kiss you.”

  “Jesus.” Court lay down and she looked at his erection and bit her lip as she thought about all the things he’d promised to do to her. She’d been right. As big as Austin. As arousing. God, two men…

  “Baby?” At Austin’s urging, she lowered herself until her mouth was hovering over Court’s cock, her hips high and legs spread, hoping Austin would finally give her what she needed.

  “Joely, please.”

  Court’s voice, ragged with need, had her opening her mouth and taking the head of his shaft inside. Hot, wet from the water and sinful. He tasted like sin. She sucked on his skin until he growled and his hands tangled in her hair.

  “Fuck yes, Joely. God, that’s good.” He lifted his head from the ground to watch her and his grip tightened as he started to guide her rhythm. “That’s right. Take it all, Mary Ann. Suck my cock.”

  She moaned against his skin and took more, loving the rough words. She could feel how crazy she made him. She loved that too.

  Austin’s fingers slid inside her and started to thrust, teasing her. “She likes that sailor talk, doesn’t she? The dirtier you sound, the wetter she gets.”

  Court huffed out a tight laugh. “Is he right, Joely? Then let’s get wet. I want you to take it all like I know you can. Take every fucking inch of my cock like a good girl until I come down your throat. Then I’ll give you what I promised. I know you want it.”

  God. She whimpered and felt her lips stretch as she took everything she could, until the tip of his cock h
it the back of her throat and she swallowed. I love it, she thought hazily. I am a sex fiend.

  Court’s fingers tightened in her hair and his hips lifted off the ground. “Fuck! God yes. That’s fucking it. That’s the best fucking… Don’t stop. Swallow my fucking cock and don’t stop.”

  Joely shouted against his erection when Austin decided to join their party. This time he didn’t go slow. Didn’t make her wait. He filled her with one, long delicious stroke. “Oh baby, that feels so good. You’re so tight.”

  Yes. It felt like she’d been waiting forever. As if he’d been gone for years. And with the plug in she was already close to climax. She relished the feeling of being taken, of taking in return. Being filled completely. She was between the two men she wanted, and they both wanted her. Needed her.

  The strength of Austin’s thrusts forced her to take more of Court’s cock with every stroke. Each time she did Court praised her, whispering filthy things that made her tighten around Austin in reaction. A primal, carnal dance with a beat that grew faster and faster. She was flooded with sensations, with yearning, with insatiable need and something else beneath the surface. Something too overwhelming to focus on. She needed to come. She was going to come. So close.

  “I’m coming, Joely,” Court groaned. “Fuck.”

  She was swallowing his climax when she heard Austin shout her name, his hips pounding harder as he found his release. She felt his arm reach around her, fingers pressing against her clit and she cried out helplessly, needing that one last push to toss her over the edge with them.

  Her mind and body were still spinning, flying through space when someone picked her up—Court this time—and they took her back to the water to rinse off. Court kissed her and she smiled with her eyes closed, floating beside him, a peace blooming inside her that was unexpected and new.

  “Man.” Court sounded disbelieving.

  “Now you know,” Austin replied.

  For some reason it felt like they’d had an entire conversation with only two words, but Joely didn’t want to decipher it. Man, you know is right, she thought sleepily. She was a sexual champion now, equal to the professional athletes at the castle. Seven times in less than twenty-four hours. She couldn’t wait to tell Miranda.

  Austin’s next words burst her bubble. “I’ll get breakfast ready, then we should pack up and start moving again. At the edge of the map there’s an image that looks like a lean-to next to a narrow stream. Not as comfortable, I imagine, but at that point we’ll only be a few hours walk from the resort.”

  Court snorted. “You expect me to walk after that?”

  She silently agreed.

  “You think I want to leave? But we have to.” Austin sounded grim. “How long do you think Eden can go without a pilot?”

  For a moment she’d actually forgotten. About Wanda. About the lack of worried vibes coming from the resort. About her job. She opened her eyes and gently pushed away from Court’s embrace. “He’s right. We have to get back.”

  They all got dressed and Court relit the fire. When she joined them, after removing and washing off the toys, she saw that Austin had caught another bird and it was already roasting over the flames. How had he managed to catch another one? She sighed. “I miss coffee.”

  Two male grunts of agreement filled the air and she sat down on the ground with her backs to them, committing this place to memory. She could have had a house here. Could easily see herself having her morning coffee to this view for the rest of her life.

  She imagined the three of them as real castaways, living there together the way Court had described. It was a nice dream. A sexy dream.

  “I forgot to tell you last night,” Austin said into the gloomy silence, his voice causing her to turn her head. “I found the birds wandering around on a cove. It’s only a few minutes away and it’s actually beautiful, and larger than you’d expect. Maybe…well, now that you know where it is, maybe you can come back here, Joely. You could easily land a plane in that water.”

  There was a cove big enough for her plane?

  I could live here. I could live here and fly my plane back to the resort every morning. If I still had a plane. You knew that, didn’t you?

  Eden always knew. What the island might not expect was that without Austin to enjoy it with, without Court to make her laugh, the idea didn’t have the same attraction.

  Still, she thought stubbornly. A home of my own after all this time. A real house. Not a suite in a castle, not a cockpit, not an office in an airport and not a car. A home.

  Austin and Court were watching her so she forced herself to smile. “That is better than a coconut radio, Professor. Maybe by your record-setting fifth visit to Eden, I’ll have a little place of my own right here. You can come for dinner and you won’t even have to hunt for food.”

  He didn’t smile. Joely supposed she didn’t blame him. The idea of leaving this bit of paradise they’d found for another trek through the jungle didn’t thrill her either. The closer they got to the resort, the closer the end of her fantasy came.

  She wasn’t ready for it to be over.

  Her only comfort came from the matching expressions in the men’s blue and gray eyes. Neither were they.

  This was going to be a fun day.

  Chapter Five

  Joely was not having fun. She was amazed she was still upright. She’d walked for hours yesterday, barely slept last night because she was too busy having insanely acrobatic sex, and spent most of today hiking to the shelter marked on the map.

  Only to find there was nothing here.

  You have an evil sense of humor, but it could have been worse, she thought with a wry smile. Another gift of the island—increased stamina and no blisters.

  But it was all starting to catch up with her. Small aches, little pains, a knot in her stomach and a heart that felt heavier with each step she took away from the cave.

  She could always go back, she knew that now. She would just be returning alone, which wasn’t anything new. It struck her how sad that was. Eden was an island full of people, usually enjoying themselves and each other, and she still felt as alone as Vardalos behind his mask in that invisi-mansion.

  Maybe it was time for a change. This erotic adventure was showing her that, if nothing else. If Vardalos let her, she’d build a little place by the cave and crystal pool to stay for a few days a week, but she’d keep her suite of rooms in the castle and make the effort to be more social.

  She could have dinner with Miranda and Roan, make friends with Mr. V’s new love interest and take her shopping. She could hang out at the bar and have drinks with the mechanic so he’d stop being so nervous around her.

  Hell, she’d been on the island for a decade and she had no idea how to water-ski. It was time to stop making fun of the crazy people who made the conscious decision to cling to a rope and get dragged through dangerous waters via speedboat. It was time to be one of the crazy people.

  Or not.

  Baby steps. She would get to that eventually. She would try everything the island had to offer. Live the fairytale everyone thought she did.

  She might even visit the dungeon.

  The thoughts brought her no relief. The knot hadn’t disappeared from her stomach and she knew the men following close behind her were the reason why. Two days and one night. It was a great night, and a hot morning, and more walking than she’d ever done in one stretch in her life, but that’s all it was.

  She was having a fantasy. From what she’d seen in Eden, people didn’t whine during fantasies. They didn’t mope about and search the sky for falling shoes during fantasies. They didn’t moan about the day the fantasy would end—well, some people did, but most of the time they simply enjoyed the moment.

  At the moment, she was tired and hungry and emotional. Who wouldn’t enjoy that?

  “This is ridiculous.” Stopping at a clearing, she turned to face them and looked down at the map. “If we go too much farther we’ll pass it.”

ss what?” Court grumbled. “I haven’t seen anything, leaning or otherwise. Maybe someone got rid of it. Maybe our pilot was drunk off homemade moonshine when he drew this part of the map.”

  “Or it showed him what he wanted to see. That happens all the time.” Both men studied her with interest and she bit her lip. “What?”

  Austin’s expression was thoughtful. “It makes sense, the island working like that. We see what we need to. What we want. Right?”

  When they looked at her she couldn’t help but nod. Austin set down his bags. “It also makes me wonder if anything we’ve seen so far is real. Was the cave real? Is the map? Maybe your plane is still on the beach.”

  Court rubbed his temple with his fingers. “And now my head hurts. How do you live like this, Joely Jones? The Zen-koan-ness of it all. If a tree falls in the woods, should we care? It could just be a hallucination…or a mirage. Maybe we’re actually in the desert.”

  She chuckled. She couldn’t help it. “Most people don’t think about it enough to give themselves a headache, Ginger. But trust me, everything we’ve seen is real, unless you saw something I didn’t.”

  Austin had moved closer to her while Court took the opportunity to set down his bags and circle the small clearing. “How can you be sure, Joely? Those feelings again?”

  “I think it’s an extension of that. All I know is that the island lets me see what’s really there. It always has. I lived with lies for most of my life. Some I told—innocent little white ones to get work when I was a young and inexperienced pilot and needed to eat. Or I withheld truths about things I knew so people on the mainland wouldn’t have me locked up in a loony bin.” She chuckled. “I still pretend I can’t see the naked people cavorting on the island. I’m not perfect. But believe me, mine were nothing compared to the lies everyone around me told every day. To each other. To themselves. I think Eden knew I was sick of that most of all.” She smiled at him. “Or maybe not. Maybe I just lack the imagination required to be an official guest.”


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