Seal of Honor

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Seal of Honor Page 2

by Dahlia Rose

  He took it from her and placed it on the chest at the foot of the bed. “Okay, so now we talk. Jordyn, what are you running from?”

  She sighed and began her story, knowing she would have to tell him at some point anyway. “I’m originally from New York and that’s how it began. I was working in a marketing firm in Manhattan and on my way home one day I almost got mugged. I say almost because a man named Sergei stepped in and stopped the guy and then asked me out on a date, and I accepted. We had this whirlwind relationship and when I asked him about his family he always managed to change the subject. That should’ve been my first clue something was wrong.” Jordyn sat back and idly played with the hem of the comforter.

  “When I found out I was pregnant he was thrilled and he asked me to marry him. Ten weeks in the pregnancy he told me the truth. His mother was the Brighton Beach Dame. She ran a criminal organization. I was horrified. He wanted out, wanted to run away with me and start a life somewhere new. He wanted the family we had started and I said yes to running away with him. We chose Hawaii as our place to start over. The night before we were supposed to leave, he had one more thing to do for his mother and we’d be flying out the next day. He got killed, shot by some rival, and suddenly she was at my doorstep telling me Sergei was gone and that my baby was the only link she had left to him.”

  “That’s fucked up,” Zack said.

  “She wanted me to move to Brighton and raise the baby in her home.” Jordyn felt tears threaten and tried to hold them back. “Sergei wanted out of that life and here she was trying to bring me and an innocent baby into it. Oh, she said we’d be protected at all times, but what kind of life would that be for a baby? She could be hurt on her way to school or while at the park. I said no and she said I didn’t have a choice. She said she would wait until I had her and take her from me and no one would even know. I realized then that my life was in danger so when she left my apartment saying she would be back to pick me up, I left everything, packed my clothes and followed through with what Sergei and I had planned. I came to Hawaii and for a while I thought I was safe.”

  “She found you,” he surmised.

  “Yes. I started getting calls soon after you left on your mission and then Sergei’s cousin showed up at the coffee shop. I went home with Keelei, my co-worker, for a few days and when I went back to my apartment tonight it was trashed and a note had been left on the table saying that I was far enough along that they could cut her from my stomach and leave me to die.” Jordyn couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. “So I came here… I’m so scared they’re going to take her. I didn’t have a chance to really love Sergei, but I love this baby. She’s my daughter; I can’t let them have her!”

  “They won’t get a chance to touch you or the baby.” Zack came close and wrapped her in his arms. His warmth was like a security blanket that cocooned her. “I’ll keep you both safe.”

  “They found my apartment,” she pointed out.

  Zack cupped her chin. “Yeah, but this is my house, my domain, and trust me, no one fucks with what belongs to me.”

  “Does that mean me too?” Jordyn whispered.

  “Do you want to be mine?” he asked huskily.

  “I want a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I’m supposed to have them,” she answered honestly. “I had a sucky childhood and every relationship I’ve ever had seemed to end badly. I don’t want to do anything to hurt you, Zack.”

  He chuckled. “I’m a big boy. I’ll take my chances.”

  “These are some bad people, Zack. I don’t know how they found me—”

  “The Dame may be able to strike fear into Brighton Beach immigrants. Those people are innocent and scared, trying to make a better life for themselves and she feeds into that,” Zack said angrily. “But she has yet to deal with me. Tomorrow you’re going to stay here, relax in safety, and I’m going on base to see what I can find out. I’ve got resources they don’t even know about.”

  “Zack, I don’t…”

  He held her shoulders and stared at her. Jordyn couldn’t look away from his gaze, a gaze she would happily drown in. “Jordyn Royale, you came to me because you feel something for me and you thought I could help, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He kissed her hard. “Then let me help. I want to be the man you lean on.”

  “You’re a strange man.” Jordyn sighed and then yawned.

  “You’re tired, baby. Lie back and get some sleep,” Zack encouraged. He stood and began to pull a pillow from behind her to take with him to the couch.

  Jordyn caught his hand. “Will you stay with me?”

  He looked at her. “You want me to sleep with you?”

  Insecurity flooded her. “I’m sorry, what was I thinking? You wouldn’t want to share a bed. I’m so huge.”

  “Shut up, Jordyn.”

  Zack continued to get her comfortable and then she watched as he pulled off his shoes, jeans and shirt. “I kind of run hot when I sleep,” he said apologetically. She looked at his sculpted form in appreciation. Pregnancy didn’t put a damper on her desire, but in fact heightened it.

  “I don’t mind,” she said as he climbed into bed.

  He held out his arms to her and she scooted into his embrace without hesitation. She was unable to help the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips. He felt delicious and when he gently rubbed her tummy the baby kicked in response.

  “She’s feisty,” he said with a laugh.

  “She wants out, I think,” she replied. “We’ve got about six weeks left. She’s supposed to be a New Year’s baby.”

  “Did you pick a name for her yet?” His voice was low and its sound relaxed Jordyn.

  “Not really. I’m batting around a few ideas like Scotia, Heaven or Joy,” she said. She noticed that his hand had stayed on her belly even though the baby had stopped kicking.

  “There is one thing we can do, one thing that could ensure her safety and yours,” Zack said. “I was thinking about it in the kitchen while I was fixing your soup.”

  “What is it?” Jordyn asked.

  “You could marry me, then both she and you would have my name.” Zack cut her off before she could speak. “We could do it on base and then go to military police and Oahu PD. Trust me, they’ll think twice before coming after the wife of a Navy SEAL.”

  “Zack, you can’t be serious. I can’t accept or let you do that for me.” Jordyn looked up at him and protested. “You’re taking on something that you don’t have to. A child that’s not yours, a woman—”

  “That I can’t stop thinking about.” Zack cupped her cheek. “Does it really matter who sired her by blood if I’m asking to be her father? I’ve always wanted a family, children and a wife. Couldn’t you see me as a father and a husband? Someone you could go to bed with and watch our children grow up?”

  “I could see you as that and more,” Jordyn answered truthfully. “But is this the way we start a relationship and life together, with danger at our doorstep and an impulsive decision? I’m trying to be the voice of reason here.”

  “It’s not ideal, I admit. I wanted to romance you a bit more first, but I learned long ago its best to go with my gut,” Zack said. “I’ve been dreaming about you and watching her grow in your belly from a distance. Now that I have the chance to be in your lives, I don’t want to give that up. We can get to know each other in the process of building something real, all the while you and the baby will be safe.”

  All his words sounded so very good to her, especially since she’d heard only negativity most of her life and then having had lost Sergei. She was so willing to believe him and their plan to runaway and start anew only to be left alone, running from his mother. Could she believe Zach’s words and actually put her trust in someone and hope that it didn’t backfire?

  “Zack, it doesn’t worry you in the least? Any of this?” Jordyn asked gently.

  “No, it doesn’t,” he answered. “I was raised by a woman, a so-called mother, who married a man only
for his money. Then when he died, she treated my stepsister like crap until she ran off and didn’t give a damn about anything that was due her. I found out later that she ended up living on the street and becoming a junkie before dying from an overdose. My mother didn’t even care. She thought she’d done something good by stealing an inheritance for me. Then she systematically destroyed and cried down every girl I dated. I was dating this girl named Jenny and she got pregnant. My mother acted like we were bringing the antichrist into the world and she made Jenny’s life miserable. Even calling her at her house just to torture her. Jenny’s mother told me the day I was going to confront my mother that she lost the baby.”

  “Oh, Zack, I’m so sorry. How could your mother be so cruel?” Jordyn gasped.

  “She’s an evil woman. Jenny blamed me just as much as my mother. When she lost the baby she refused to see me and soon left the town I grew up in. My mother was thrilled, of course, but I just said fuck it and left. She swore I’d come back on hands and knees. I laughed in her face. I was twenty when that happened and I’ve never seen her again.” Zack ran his finger along her cheek. “That was fifteen years ago and if that taught me anything it is that we can’t choose who sires us, but we can choose how we love and if you let me, I will love your daughter and I’ll love you.”

  “Oh, Zack,” she whispered.

  He kissed her gently. “Don’t say anything now. Just think about it, okay? I look at it this way. I’ve been mentally wooing you for a few months now. I can wait a bit longer.”

  She turned over as best she could with her burgeoning belly until her back was spooned against his chest. He wrapped his arms protectively around her belly and Jordyn felt so cherished that it brought tears to her eyes. She’d been alone for so long, scared and pregnant. She ran to a place that she didn’t know and tried to make a life for herself and her unborn daughter. And life seemed to drop a gift in her hands in the form of Zack. He was offering to love and protect her and, yes, the attraction was there. They’d both had hard lives, yet it seemed some invisible force drew them to each other. Did she dare? Her heart leapt at the possibility and also that, lying in his arms, at that very moment, felt so right.



  “I think I’d like to marry you.”

  She felt a gentle kiss on her ear and shivered.

  “Good, because I wasn’t planning on taking no for an answer, Ms. Royale.”

  Jordyn giggled. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.” Zack placed another kiss on her ear. “Sleep, honey. Tomorrow is another day.”

  “Thanksgiving is Thursday,” she murmured sleepily.

  “We’ll get a turkey and all the fixings tomorrow.” Zack’s voice rumbled against her ear. “Pumpkin pie?”

  “I’ll make one,” she answered.

  “Yummy.” His voice was soft.

  Jordyn let her mind drift away and for the first time in a long time, every noise and sound didn’t make her sit up, scared for her life. She actually slept and felt like everything was going to be all right and that running was no longer a necessity.

  Chapter Three

  The next day dawned bright and clear. The forecaster said it would be a mild seventy-five degrees and the winds would be balmy. Zack had the sunroof down on his Nissan Armada and the sun was warm on Jordyn’s face. After breakfast, they went to her apartment to gather what they could of her things. He saw the devastation of what was left of her apartment and she saw his body reverberate with rage. She couldn’t hold back the tears when she saw what they had done with her baby’s nursery she had been trying to fix up. The crib, drawers, changing table and everything she’d bought were thrift store items, but she’d restored them with love and care. Now it was all destroyed and decimated, even the baby clothes were ripped to shreds and tossed aside.

  “We’ll start over at my place.” Zack pulled her into his arms. “Shh, baby, she’ll have her nursery again.”

  “I saved and bought this stuff by bits and pieces.” Jordyn sniffed. “It was all I could afford, but I made sure she’d have whatever she needed.”

  “You did a wonderful job, sweetheart. Ugly people did this and trust me, when I find them, they will answer for it,” Zack promised.

  “Zack, I don’t want you getting hurt over these things,” she said.

  “That’s only part of it. This is twice I’ve seen you cry because of this woman and her actions. Whoever her minions are, whoever she sent, will answer for your tears and the fear you’ve felt,” he said.

  They packed up her clothes and what she could salvage from the nursery before leaving and going to the management office of the complex. Because of the break-in and the extent of the damage, plus the neighborhood, they were more than willing to let her out of her lease, especially with Zack there in his uniform looking serious as ever and asking all sorts of questions about their security.

  From there, they went on to the Oahu courthouse and got their marriage license and then headed towards Pearl Harbor. This was the first time she was on the base and Zack took the scenic route. They passed the USS Arizona and the bold, massive statement of survival from that devastating day. December seventh would mark another anniversary of the attack and Zack would be a part of the ceremony. She’d seen firsthand the tribute for all those fallen seamen on that fateful day and one of the men in the tribute would be her husband.

  Oh, my God. I’m going to be married to a Navy SEAL, she thought. She was expecting to feel terror and dread, but none came, only excitement. Especially when he kissed her hand and looked at her with desire, possession and affection in his eyes. Could I be in love already? Jordyn wondered to herself. She had seen how he looked at her for months when he came in to get his coffee every morning. She even shared a few flirtatious glances herself. Her co-workers always commented that the commander didn’t come in for the coffee, but for her. She had slipped him a scone or a few cookies with his coffee more than once in the mornings. It was all part of the mating game it seemed because she now found herself beside the man who carried two simple Celtic rings in his pocket and heading to his Admiral’s office.

  His superior officer had agreed wholeheartedly to perform the ceremony and didn’t raise an eyebrow when he saw her pregnant belly. Jordyn assumed that he’d seen more than a few impromptu weddings. She’d chosen to wear a simple maternity sundress and soft sandals. They were comfortable and cool since the bigger she got she tended to overheat. The simple ceremony was over quickly and in less than twenty minutes she was Mrs. Zack Hennessey. While she felt flustered, Zack looked cool as a cucumber and kissed the ring that was now on her finger. Jordyn felt the tiny flutter of excitement in her belly.

  “One more stop before we head back and you can put your feet up,” Zack said.

  “Two more, actually. We’ve got to grocery shop for Thanksgiving,” Jordyn said. “Do you have a tree you set up for Christmas?”

  He shook his head. “Honey, most of the time when Christmas came around we were entrenched somewhere not so nice. I don’t usually celebrate Christmas. It has always just been another day for me.”

  “It’s the one time of the year when the whole world seems caring and happy,” Jordyn said. “I grew up as a ward of New York State. It seemed Christmas was the only holiday when they seemed to give a damn about us. I celebrate Christmas each year even if I’m alone.”

  Zack helped her into the car. “Then we’ll celebrate. Nothing is too good for my wife.”

  She laughed. “Can you actually believe we went through with this?”

  “Yes and I’d do it again. Hell, I should have asked you out months ago and we’d be an old married couple by now,” he teased. “I may have even been able to give you a proper wedding night.”

  “And why can’t you now?” she asked brazenly and then bit her lip and inwardly winced. Geez, way to put the horny out there, Jordyn.

  “You’re so far along I wouldn’t want to hurt you or the baby.” Zack cleared his throat. �
�I’d be gentle. I’m not saying I’m a randy goat or anything, and my last relationship was a year and a half ago. Plus, we get tested every few months and I’m good to go.”

  Jordyn fanned the heat from her cheeks, hoping that her blush wasn’t noticeable. “Um, here’s the thing. Women can have…sex up to the time of birth. Not that I’m expecting that you’d want to sleep with me; I’m like Shamu-sized by now. But I’ve not slept with anyone since I got pregnant. Plus, all my tests have come back clean as well.” She covered her face wither hands. “Oh, God, just forget I said anything and if you pass a manhole just drop me in it.”

  Zack chuckled. “We’ve both put our foot in our mouths. Basically, we’re attracted to each other and all systems are go. If it happens, it happens, sweetheart. Let’s just leave it at that for now.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “We’re here. This is the military police. Now we’re married and we’re going to get help and have them intercede with island law enforcement,” he explained as they pulled in front of another building on base.

  He helped her out of his Armada and held her hand as they went inside. They sat down with the military police in charge and she told her story. The man behind the desk listened to them with a look of sympathy on his face and took notes on his computer while she answered questions. She gave them as much information as she could, including Sergei’s last name and what she knew of his mother. By the time they left, Jordyn felt more at ease. The police would be coming by Zack’s house in the next few days for a formal statement.

  Afterwards, they had lunch at the base commissary and Thanksgiving dinner shopping went quickly. She had to admit that by the time she got back in the SUV she was exhausted and actually dozed off in the passenger seat.

  “Wake up, sweetheart, we’re home.” He nudged her gently.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around and saw that they were parked in his driveway. “Oh, I’m sorry. I dropped off.”

  “Honey, if you were tired you should’ve said. We could have come home hours ago,” Zack said softly.


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