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Clandestine Page 6

by Ava Harrison

  The sun pours over me in brilliant oranges and reds, skating across the distance and into the horizon. I bask in it, lounging on a chaise on our private villa balcony at Château Saint-Martin in Vence, France. My view is incredible, stretching out to the waters of the French Riviera. Breathing in the air, it’s easy to marvel at this life. I’ve enjoyed many luxuries, but none this extravagant. This is a vacation from my life. I have no current job prospects and soon will be broke. A part of me feels like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

  And suddenly, the parallels have my stomach plummeting.

  You’re no better than a prostitute.

  I’m here knowing there’s no chance of a future with Spencer, yet I enjoy all the trappings that come with two weeks with him. I wonder if he’s drawn the parallels. Does he view me in such a way? My insecurities gnaw on my fragile psyche. The last thing I want to be to Spencer is hired entertainment. He’s not paying you. But does he really want to be with you?

  No one really wants to be with you.

  My phone chimes and I look down to see it’s him.

  Spencer: I’m finishing up business now, but I have plans for us tonight. I’m taking you on a date.

  My heart swells at the word date. All my insecurities from moments ago melt away to the fact that he used the one word I needed to hear. Date. Escorts aren’t taken on dates. They’re taken to business events.

  Me: I’d love that. What time should I be ready?

  Spencer: I wanted to do a little touring of Vence. It’s cool. I think you’ll really enjoy it. Two hours work?

  Me: Perfect.

  My phone vibrates again a second later and I think it’s going to be Spencer texting again, but instead, I’m met with the name Bridget on the screen.

  “Hey, sis.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Her voice crackles and echoes through my ear. We must not have a good connection. “Where are you?” Bridget asks.

  “The strangest thing happened. But I can’t really get into all the details right now.”

  “Vague much?” She laughs.

  “I don’t want to jinx it.” Being with Spencer is my little secret right now and I don’t want anyone spoiling it for me.

  “Well, that sounds interesting.” Her voice raises an octave.

  “I hope so,” I sigh.

  “Can you at least tell me where you are? Our phone connection is shit. It’s obvious you’re far away.”

  “That’s another thing I’m in Vence.” I move to sit up in my lounge chair.

  “Vence? Where the heck is Vence?”

  “Umm, it’s in France,” I mumble and I’m not sure she can hear me because the line is completely quiet for a beat before I hear her sharp intake of breath.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Oh, she heard me. “God I’m so jealous of you right now. Are you with a guy?” Only Bridget. Her mind always jumps to boys. Or in my case men.

  “What’s there to be jealous of?”

  “You get to travel the world. It’s so glamorous what you do.” If she only knew how unglamorous my life really is. This trip with Spencer is completely out of my norm.

  “Don’t be jealous. Being a model can suck sometimes. Trust me.” I take a deep breath. “Plus, you still have plenty of time you can do anything. You can travel.”

  “I’m sure as soon as I graduate Mom and Dad are going to be on my case to get a job.”

  “Have you thought about what you want to do?”

  “No,” she deadpans.

  “You only have a few more months.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she whines, and I laugh. “So when are you back in town?”

  “A few weeks.”

  “Maybe I’ll come in right before my summer finals.”

  “I can’t believe you had to do summer session in order to graduate,” I tease.

  “Har har har. Really funny. When I’m back in town, you won’t be laughing.”

  “Ha. Sounds like a good plan. Listen, I have to go. Call me if you come in.”

  “Will do. Love you, sis.”

  “Love you too.”

  “One more thing, send Mom and Dad a text telling them you’re okay. They’re worried about you.”

  “On it.”

  After I hang up the phone, I shoot them a text letting them know I’m in France for work. Even though I shouldn’t lie, I don’t want to tell them where I am. It’s not that I’m embarrassed but I also don’t need to answer all the questions that will surely arise if I tell them I’m on vacation with Spencer Lancaster. Once I get that out of the way, I lean back in my lounge chair and get comfy.

  It will only take me an hour to get ready, so that gives me an hour to just enjoy this view and relax. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to take a vacation like this again, I might as well enjoy the free time. I pull up the Kindle app on my phone and begin to read some fantasy story that takes me away from my real world worries, placing me in a fictional character’s life for just a while. It’s full of villains and heroes, princes and princesses, damsels in distress. I don’t feel like a damsel at this particular moment, but I envision Spencer storming in on a white horse to rescue me from my perils and I can’t help but sigh. My over imagination has always been an issue.

  That’s not real life, and I’d be best to remember that so my heart isn’t crushed when Spencer and I part ways in two short weeks. I push that thought down, intent on enjoying the rest of my day.

  Two hours later, I’m dressed in a white, shift dress with a scalloped neckline, hair pulled low on my neck in an intricate braided bun. I’ve no idea where he’s taking me, and I hope I’m not underdressed.

  At the exact time he said he’d be here, Spencer comes strolling through the door looking amazing. My breath hitches. “Hi.” My words come out soft and measured, trying to control the nerves that cause my face to flush as my eyes freeze on his full lips.

  “Hi.” His masculine voice does odd things to my body, making me warm and dizzy. “You look fantastic,” he says as he strolls toward me. He places his hand on my cheek in an intimate gesture. “You’re making it hard for me to leave these walls.”

  “Yeah?” I say, having nothing better to comment with.

  “But I promised you a date and a date you shall have.” He takes my hand and pulls me into him, placing a small kiss on my lips. “Give me ten minutes to clean up and we’ll go.” I watch as he moves toward the bedroom, and I can’t help but want to follow him.

  Excitement courses through me as I take in our surroundings. The town of Vence reminds me of an adorable medieval village straight out of a children’s book. The market is robust with colors and people, and the town feels alive with excitement. It has the feeling of a daydream, one where you could easily get lost in the sights and smells surrounding you. Here I’m not Olivia, and he’s certainly not Spencer Lancaster. We’re just two people getting lost in a fairy tale.

  “Do you like it?” Spencer asks, stepping up behind me. “It’s amazing, right?” His mouth tickles the nape of my neck, and I turn my chin to give him greater access. The warmth from his lips teases me as he speaks. It makes my heart pound erratically like it might burst out from behind my ribs. God, I want him. It’s not natural how much. It’s only been a few hours since he’s touched me, and I feel desperate for him to find a small alcove and ravish me.

  As if he can hear my thoughts, his arm snakes around my waist, and I press my hips back into him. A groan escapes his mouth. Before I can think, he spins me around and nips at my lower lip, but as fast as he kissed me, he’s pulling away and grabbing my hand. With one squeeze, he motions to go deeper into the village.

  Hand in hand, we maneuver our way through the cobblestoned streets, through endless little alleyways, up and down the narrow paths. We pass through the market, spotting quaint shops and little restaurants. When I see a small souvenir shop, I make him stop so I can peek inside.

  “What are you looking for?” Spencer asks as I’m searching every nook and cranny of the store.

  “A snow globe, “ I say over my shoulder, not bothering to look at him.

  “A snow globe?”

  “Yeah, I collect them. Always have. Every location I’ve been to.”

  “Really? Why?”

  I turn at his question. “It’s a tradition I’ve had with my family since I was little. I don’t know when I started, but it’s been a constant in my life. Something I can always depend on. No matter who goes away or where they go, I get a snow globe. There’s something magical about a snow globe. It’s perfect and then you shake it. Chaos. It’s magnificent chaos. You almost don’t expect it to settle, to go back to normal. You know what I mean?”

  His stare penetrates mine. “I do,” he mumbles, and I wonder what he’s thinking.

  “When it does settle, nothing has changed. It’s just as perfect as when it started.” Turning back around, I lift on a tiptoe, but I’m too short.

  “Here, let me.”

  I move out of the way, and Spencer steps forward. When he turns back around he’s holding two snow globes with the medieval town of Vence captured inside it.

  “You have two?”

  “I want to start the tradition.” He smirks, and a part of me melts at the gesture.

  After Spencer pays for the globes, we walk back into the winding street. “I thought we could stop and have a drink before dinner.” He points to a building behind me.

  From the outside, the restaurant is weathered and worn. Old stones and brown storm shutters greet us. The ivy that crawls up the side of the building only adds to the perfect ambiance.

  “This place is spectacular.”

  “The restaurant is an old mill. Would you like to grab a drink there?” he asks.

  “I’d love one.” My cheeks burn from the smile spreading on them. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this happy.

  Spencer leads me up the stairs and over to an empty table on the patio overlooking the square. Just as we sit, an older woman approaches our table. She carries two menus in her weathered hands.

  “Que puis-je faire pour vous?”

  “Deux verres de rosé, s’il vous plait,” Spencer responds, leaving me floored. His accent is perfect. Lord does he sound sexy. She nods and walks away, leaving us alone to sit in a comfortable silence until she returns.

  “You speak French?” I whisper in awe and turned on all at the same time. I can feel heat spread against my cheeks and the way he’s looking at me, it’s obvious I’m flushed and he knows the reason why. His eyes twinkle in mischief before he speaks.

  “I do. And it seems you like it when I do. I’ll need to remember that later tonight.” He winks, and my face grows warm at the thought.

  A few minutes later, she returns with a newly opened bottle of rosé, and with perfect precision despite her years, she pours us each a glass and leaves.

  With my knees crossed, I lean forward and grab my drink. “Thanks for taking me here. It’s stunning.”

  “It is,” he states, but he doesn’t say more. Just stares at me with heat in his eyes.

  “Have you ever been to Vence before?” I feel a bit flustered by the way he’s staring at me.

  “This is a first for me, but the location is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It would make for a perfect addition to my portfolio of properties. Have you ever been to France?” He leans back in his chair, still scrutinizing me with his crystal green eyes.

  “I’ve been to France for a few runway shows, but never been to this area either.”

  “And do you like it, Olivia? Have you enjoyed your stay in Vence?” He smirks at me. His gaze is wicked with innuendo.

  “I do. And you? Are you enjoying yourself?”


  “I’m happy to hear that. I like hearing what you like. You know, it’s funny. We’ve spent all this time together, and yet I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”

  His brow lifts, but I can see a slight tic in the jaw.

  “No. No.” I raise my hand up. “Nothing personal.” I roll my eyes.

  He laughs, and his lip tugs up into a smile.

  “Simple stuff.”

  “Simple stuff?”

  “Yeah, you know, like your favorite color?” I laugh but then stop when he answers.


  “Oh, okay. I was joking with that question, but I guess since you shared, I guess mine is . . .” I think for a second and our gazes catch. “Green.” The word tumbles out of my mouth before I can stop it. Shit. I hope he doesn’t make the connection. His smirk is evident against the stubble of his jaw. I can feel heat spread across my cheeks.

  “Favorite food?” I say quickly to pull the attention away from my embarrassing revelation, but with the way he studies me, and the gleam of his white teeth through his grin, my cheeks are officially on fire. “Real food,” I huff, exasperated by the direction the conversation is going.

  “You are real.” He winks.

  “You’re too much . . .” I laugh, and he joins in with me, lightening the mood and the sexual energy that has been coursing through the air.

  I’ve got to be losing my fucking mind. I don’t know what came over me when I asked Olivia to join me for the next two weeks. I just knew I didn’t want things to end so soon with her. If I could have two more weeks then fuck it, I was going to take it. We both know how this is going to end, so if she’s okay with extending it then who am I to question things? That might make me a selfish bastard, but I don’t care.

  We’ve been all over Vence since finishing our cocktails. Strolling through the markets and seeing some of the biggest tourist sights like the Tower of Saint-Lambert and the Cathedral of the Nativity of Saint Mary. Watching Olivia’s eyes wide with amazement has been an experience I’ll never forget. It’s not often that the women who accompany me are actually in awe of things. I tend to surround myself with women who want for nothing. Spoiled, entitled, bitchy women. Anything and everything they have access to. It’s so hard to please a woman who has everything, and it’s interesting to find Olivia is not one of them.

  It occurs to me that I know nothing about her. We chose it that way, but typically I can ascertain a few details regardless of how badly I’m trying not to. The only thing I can gather about her is that she’s not from a wealthy family. Well, that’s not entirely true, but her family isn’t my type of wealth. The Lancaster type of money.

  “How long have you been a model?” I blurt out.

  Olivia turns to me, looking weary. “I’m not modeling anymore,” she says curtly and starts moving away from me.

  I pull her back, unwilling to let her get off that easily. I didn’t become the CEO of Lancaster Hotels by giving in. “What happened to that?”

  “Do we really want to ruin the day by talking about this? I thought we had agreed to keep things anonymous. Simple questions only. Remember?” Her tone is clipped.

  “We did.” I nod. “I just want to know you a little better. Is that so bad?”

  She chews her lip. “Let’s just say I no longer have the look that the photographer was going for and my agent then fired me.”

  I scrunch my brow, not getting her meaning. “What? Why?”

  She sighs. “Apparently everyone thinks I’m overweight.”

  My jaw slacks in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I say angrily. “You are anything but overweight, Olivia.” I spin her around toward me. “I think you need to speak to an attorney because that has to be illegal.”

  “It’s just not worth it. It’s his word against mine.”

  I pull her in close. “We may not know much about each other, Olivia, but I’ll tell you this right now,” I pause to collect my temper “you’re one of the most captivating women I’ve ever met, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. If you love modeling, pursue it. He may not see what he has in front of him, but someone else will.”

  She smiles. “Thank you. I needed to hear that. But in all honesty, I didn’t love modeling. It was an opportunity that came at t
he right time.” She steps away, lowering her head and picking at her nails. “While I was in college, a lot of stuff went down at home, and I really didn’t want to go back there.” She shrugs. “When the modeling contract came up, it was the perfect excuse to get as far away from home as possible. Plus, the money was great.” She looks at me finally. “I took it and ran. I don’t regret it, but I don’t want to go back. I need to find something else to do.”

  “Can I help?” I offer without even thinking. I can’t give her a job with Lancaster, but I can call in some favors. It’s the least I could do.

  “No. I’ll be okay, but thanks.” She takes my hand in her own and squeezes. We walk hand in hand down the street, taking in the sights and letting the tense conversation of moments ago slip away.

  We walk for a while longer just enjoying the scenery. My view is fucking fantastic as I take her in. She’s wearing a tight little dress that’s about mid-thigh and shows off her tan skin, which looks edible. Her hair is pulled up so you can see her neck, and instantly I want to be anywhere but here. The need to have her alone is intense, but I promised her a date.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask.

  She gives me a sidelong glance, and I watch as her cheek tips up into a knowing grin. “Depends on what you’re asking.” She chuckles. “Food can wait, though. I have a feeling you’re wanting something else.”

  I flash a sinister smirk. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.”

  “Is that so?” I quirk my brow.

  “You’re a man after all.”

  “I’ll show you a man,” I growl, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder in the middle of a crowded street in France.

  She squeals. “Put me down, Spencer,” she commands, embarrassed, but I don’t care who’s watching. Right now it’s just me and Olivia. Everyone and everything melts away. I sound like a fucking girl, but I mean it. This is the most fun I’ve had with a woman . . . ever.

  “Okay,” I concede. Sliding her down my chest, I stop her so we’re nose to nose. “Kiss me,” I demand and she doesn’t hesitate. The mint on her breath does something to my already low self-control, and I swear to God, I fucking growl.


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