Silent Talk

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Silent Talk Page 12

by Shūsuke Amagi

  Any normal person would have had trouble controlling that weight.

  He landed on its back. Using his left wrist, he reeled in a steel thread anchored in the mountain, all the time running, dragging the huge blade with him.

  His targets were the wings.

  He headed for the left wing. Furious winds buffeted him, but he shot through them using Internal Kei. He raised the sword and chopped down. The red of the wing scattered. The monster howled, not in pain, as the wing had no nerves, but because it lost its balance.

  The filth monster sloped to one side. Layfon released the sword and retrieved it using a steel thread. Letting loose the steel thread looped around his left wrist, he ran up the back of the monster.

  He jumped and descended. He had wanted to shoot out a steel thread to reduce his falling speed, but there wasn't anything above him to latch onto.

  A shock wave on the ground signaled the filth monster's landing. The wind rolled back from the monster and caught some of Layfon's weight as he landed.

  The filth monster struggled to its feet. Blood filled its raging eye as it watched Layfon, the small creature who was interfering with its dinner. Its starving and furious gaze seemed to be enough to stop a person's heart.

  "How long does it take to regenerate your wing? Two days? Three? As long as there's a big enough gap, then Zuellni can escape......" Layfon murmured, feeling the wetness coming from inside his armor-suit.

  He was sweating profusely.

  The murderous intent of a Phase 1 filth monster was this amazing.

  But more focus than that was needed for him to cut off its wing.

  "How long will it take you to die of hunger? One week? Or one month? I'll play with you no matter how long it takes."

  The filth monster had used up all of its stored nutrients to enter the first maturity phase. It didn't have enough strength to molt a second time.

  Layfon couldn't run. This thought caused his stubbornness to lift its head, and that was enough indication of his collapsing will to fight. If this continued, an opening would appear for the teeth of the filth monster to sink into.

  The monster headed straight for Layfon, its body waving away the clouds of dust and its movements generating more dust. It had no legs as it had already given them up in the molting process, but its snake-like movements were fast even without legs.

  This huge body of the filth monster in itself was a weapon, its every scale hard and sharp. Even if it didn't make direct contact with Layfon, a brush with it could tear open Layfon's armor-suit.

  Although Layfon had taken away the opponent's advantage by forcing it to move on the ground, he himself was still at a disadvantage.

  "Fon Fon......"

  Layfon leaped back into the close pressure of death.

  "I think if it's him, he can do it......I admit I didn't consider fully in my passion to invent the new Dite, but I really think he can do it!"

  Harley's voice hovered in Nina's mind.

  The sound of the running bike shook her entire body. The sun shone overhead. The temperature should be cold, but she felt hot. This must be because of the armor-suit.

  Seated in the sidecar with nothing to do but sit still, she wasn't at all impatient and anxious because......

  "But looking at him, I thought I might have been wrong. Layfon - He, how should I put it......He was very serious. Of course he'd have such a reaction encountering this event. He has to fight a filth monster alone......His reaction is natural, but I don't feel that that's the only reason."

  The bike flew across the earth.

  Sharnid was the driver. Only one set of armor-suit had been improved, so Nina and Sharnid wore the old type of armor-suit. They had worn it once when they were on a training mission outside the city. This old type restricted the body's movements, but it was better than wearing nothing.

  But even if she could move more deftly, what could the present Nina do?

  After listening to Harley, Nina went to find Karian at the office of the Student President. He received her with an expression free of guilt.

  "Just what is this?!" Nina said angrily.

  "Nothing. Layfon-kun said he doesn't need any help. I believe in him. Believing is different from abandoning."

  Nina's fist pounded down on the desk. The documents rose an inch and the pen holder swayed. The fountain pen next to the documents rolled to the side.

  Her hand hurt.

  "......He also said, don't let anyone get close."


  Picking up the pen which was about to fall off, Karian turned it about skillfully with his fingers.

  "It seems a fight with a filth monster is dangerous. I can't tell how dangerous since I'm not a Military Artist, but it seems that one would die while looking for somewhere safe. He said he doesn't need anyone to wait for orders in a safety zone in that type of battlefield. There are only two outcomes in a battle with filth monsters outside a city – either come back alive, or die. He said we better be mentally prepared......"

  Nina held her breath. That was all she could do.

  Layfon was all alone out there......

  Her fist tightened on the desk. Her muscles still hurt. Her condition was hardly normal in this present state. If she tried to generate a Kei flow, her waist would hurt painfully.

  What could she do in this situation?

  But she couldn't stop herself.

  "Please let me go."

  "And what do you plan to do there?" Karian's question was reasonable. "I understand your condition. Even if I don't know the details, as President, I can't allow a pale-faced student to enter that dangerous a place."

  "He's my subordinate and my comrade. Even if we can't fight together, at least let me go and rescue him......"

  She didn't know what she could do to help out.

  But when she said "comrade", she could imagine Layfon's genuine smile.

  "Mmm......Okay. I'll give you permission to use a bike. My sister will guide you."

  "Thank you."

  "But you must come back alive. Escape immediately if the situation turns bad."

  "......I won't run away."

  "You people are the only ones who can keep this city alive."

  "Layfon's the same," Nina said and ran out of the room.

  She was now riding the bike. The problem was, what could she do to help?

  Only a few days ago......Layfon was alone, pondering on how to the fight the filth monster without telling anyone. Facing the current him like that, what could she do?

  She and Layfon differed in strength and experiences, but fighting as a platoon and fighting the filth monsters were different things.

  Even so, she couldn't continue her normal daily life not knowing what was going on outside.

  Didn't Sharnid say that there were two types of secrets? Ones that mattered and ones that didn't?

  This was a secret she was concerned about. She couldn't stay hidden in the dark.

  (We aren't the only ones who want you to live.)

  The sender of that letter must feel the same. That letter was written with ease, worry and jealousy. It was clear that the girl felt something for Layfon. To leave this person behind in a place where only one choice, life or death, was possible......Just what was Layfon thinking?

  (Perhaps that's what she meant by "difference?")

  Pain rose in Nina's chest. Was this what Leerin meant when she said in the letter that she was happy Layfon didn't give up the Military Arts but she didn't want him to become the Layfon of Grendan?

  Thinking of this, a tightness spread through Nina's chest.


  She chased away the uneasiness inside her. What she wanted to know wasn't how much Leerin knew of Layfon, but what Layfon's true intention was in this fight.

  For him to head alone into this kind of a place.

  Even if it was the fate that no Military Artist could escape from.

  She didn't know what to do if she failed to find out.

ust what is he thinking......)


  (What do I do after I find out?)

  If she didn't understand that either, she felt she had no way to move forward.

  Did this concern belong to the future? Or was it because of her present self......She wasn't too clear on the question itself.

  "......You're almost there," Felli's voice came through.

  Fatigue came through Felli's voice. Nina never knew Felli's psychokinesis could reach this far. This made her acknowledge once more just how ignorant she was of her team members' strength.

  (I'll think about that later......)

  "What is it?"

  "Hey, over there......" Sharnid said before Felli did. He shook his head and pointed ahead.

  The bike entered a dust cloud.

  And this was what Nina saw after a while.

  The deserted ground looked as if someone had been madly slashing at it, and in that ground laid a huge, deep gutter. The sand and dust fluttering around were proof of it.

  A lone shadow had fallen inside that gutter.

  Nina's hand pressed down on her chest, her heart tightened.

  Sharnid slowed down the bike, heading towards the dark shadow.

  It was the bike that Layfon had taken with him, but Layfon himself was nowhere to be seen.

  "Where is he......?" She couldn't see properly through the dancing sand, but something was certain.

  She didn't get it. The mountain where the filth monster had fastened itself onto should be right ahead of them. But it was gone.

  "Felli, where's Layfon?"

  Felli didn't reply.

  They were already one day late. Was Layfon all right?

  "Answer me. Is he all right?"

  "He's okay, but......"

  "But...? What is it?"

  "He said don't get closer. Run far away."

  "What did you say?"

  And the sound of some distant explosion filled her eardrums, and she saw a dark shape spattering the sky.

  A huge rock was descending towards Nina and Sharnid.

  In an instant, his concentration broke.

  Something had happened, but he had immediately focused back on the task before him.

  It seemed to be some information......And he had shouted out something in panic.

  The break in concentration was almost fatal.

  Layfon didn't have time to remember it. He didn't dig through his memories as he had no time to think or do anything extraneous outside the battle.

  Because if he did that, then death awaited him.

  The huge monster filled Layfon's entire vision. It roared as its body batted at Layfon. The steel threads flew at the filth monster's tail and wrapped around it. The tail thrashed, pulling Layfon up and down, as if Layfon was a fish struggling off a hook.

  When Layfon stopped spinning, he lowered himself – His destination was the filth monster's head.

  The filth monster seemed wounded. It seemed to have been buried quite deep, and it still hadn't managed to shake loose the rubble on top of it.

  The huge sword chopped down towards its body.

  The scales resisted the sword point, but in one swift movement, Layfon had pierced through the tough outer-shell - only to feel yet another resistance, another layer of scales.


  It was one layer after another. Every time the sword hit a scale, sparks lit up. Bathed in a shower of sparks, Layfon realized he had failed. His usual self could have torn through the monster like it was paper......But why couldn't he do it?

  At this rate, the filth monster's flesh would have swallowed Layfon's blade. Before that happened, Layfon had turned the blade around. He grasped hold of the handle again and put his foot on the monster's back. He pulled the steel threads to confirm they were anchored about one Jimel ahead of him in the mountain face, then he 'pulled' again as he kicked at the monster's back. As Layfon was torn skyward, the huge blade leaped out of the flesh. Red blood sprayed from the filth monster's wound.

  Layfon landed on the ground.

  He turned around quickly to face the monster and he looked down at the Dite.

  Smoke rose from one of the Dites inserted into the three holes. A closer look revealed small cracks along the Dite. Its color also looked different.

  "One's broken......"

  He took out that Dite and tossed it away.

  Although the Dite had the strength to maintain its form, that strength was limited. It had managed to hang on till now because of its high density, but now it was broken.

  The combined Dite felt lighter in his hand. This different feel might cause the next fatal error, but he couldn't stop fighting.

  He watched the filth monster.

  Many scales had fallen off its body. Blood spurted from its wound. It had lost too much blood. Slabs of something black fell off from its body.

  It had also lost half of its remaining wing. To Layfon, the filth monster looked like a gigantic snake prostrated on the ground......But the scales covering its body weren't as smooth as a snake's. They were as tough and sharp as rocks.

  Layfon had destroyed its left eye. The blood flow seeping from under that shattered eye had slowed. The wound must be recovering. Layfon didn't know whether the filth monster would regenerate the nerves in its eyes. He had no wish to find out.

  So hot......The ventilation function of the armor-suit had reached its limit. Layfon's sweat became steam.

  He knew his concentration was slipping.


  He renewed his focus. He wanted to defeat this monster without sustaining any injuries. While doing that was nearly impossible, how could he get distracted?

  He didn't plan to die. Although he did say something to Felli that might be his last words, still, it was just a possibility. He hadn't had time to talk with her properly since the fight began. As for last words......All he needed was to smile after returning safely to Zuellni.

  The filth monster struggled to get up. It must be because of the heavy wound in its head. The monster didn't seem to know where it was while its anger increased with every passing second. Its rough and wild movements sent sand flying everywhere, and the various wounds on its body sprayed out more blood.

  (I'll rest a little before it finds out where I am.)

  Layfon didn't know how much time he'd get to rest. He might not even have one minute, but all he needed was a gap in the fight so he could generate more Kei and let it fill his body. It was painful that he had nothing to replace the water and salt he had lost. He licked his lip and tasted something salty – his sweat.

  "Fon Fon......Can you talk?"

  How long had it been since he last heard her?

  "Ahah......How long has it been?"

  "About a day."

  "I see......"

  (I should be able to stay up for two more days without water.)

  He thought as he watched the filth monster. It hadn't discovered him yet.


  "Well......It's about the captain."

  "The captain? What's happened to her?"

  "......I said before that the captain and Sharnid-senpai are heading this way. Though you said they were to retreat......Don't you remember?"

  Now he knew why he had lost his concentration.

  "Ah......Sorry, I don't. Did they retreat?"

  The astonishment back then felt so far away from him. Felli's question wasn't because she doubted him. She said it out of obligation.

  Although he was resting, he didn't let down his guard. He was still focused on the fight, so everything else felt far away from him.


  He had no time to listen to her.

  It had discovered him.

  What should he do?

  He felt uneasy at the lighter weight of the Dite, but it wasn't just because he had lost one of the Dites. The clumsy feel of the Kei flow indicated that the combined Dites themselves had sustained a certain level of damage after a fight that lasted one entire

  (How many moves can I still execute?)

  Compared to his physical strength, the weapon itself might be the first to fail. This wouldn't have happened if he had the Heaven's Blade with him.

  Fighting to his limit, he realized for the first time how rare and valuable the Heaven's Blade was. That was strange. Did he not have the vision to understand that?

  "It's useless to make excuses."

  He had decided what he had to do. In that case, all he needed to do was finish his duty.

  He would defeat the filth monster with one move, so he must find an opening.

  As he thought of this, the enemy made a peculiar movement.


  It didn't seem like it intended to attack him. Almost as if it was getting distracted.

  Layfon followed it......And his concentration broke again.

  A small dust cloud. A bike with a sidecar......It wasn't the one that Layfon rode on.

  Yes, the filth monster was looking at it.

  "How could they come here!?"

  Although he couldn't tell who they were as they were wearing armor-suits, he was sure they were Nina and Sharnid.

  He leaped up to a steel thread and ran towards them, using Whirl Kei.

  Sharnid's shower of bullets had little effect on the filth monster. As Layfon passed their position, he felt Nina's eyes stabbing his face. Perhaps he was being oversensitive. And like that, he appeared in front of the filth monster. His body suddenly bounded upwards.

  Flying in the air, supported by the steel thread, Layfon turned the huge sword around and swung down to cut open the monster's forehead.

  He flew back as blood mixed with a howling noise shot high into the air. Layfon landed on the moving bike.


  "Why are you here!?" he asked angrily and looked back at the filth monster.

  It was on a rampage as the pain twisted its long body. The feeling in Layfon's hand told him he had failed in delivering a fatal strike to the brain.


  He looked at his Dite. Smoke rose from another hole. That couldn't be helped as he had tried to cut through the already tough scales along with the even harder forehead bone.


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