More Than He Expected

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More Than He Expected Page 9

by Andrea Laurence

  Will frowned into his coffee mug. “To do what?”

  “Maybe I’ll treat her to a massage.”

  “From you?”

  “No,” Alex chided. “I mean a real one at a day spa. She could get a pedicure and all that. A little feminine indulgence.”

  Will took a sip of his coffee, watching Alex warily. “That’s very nice of you. Not exactly subtle, though.”

  “Can’t I be nice to a pregnant woman who could use some pampering?”

  “Absolutely. But don’t be surprised if Adrienne smells blood in the water. And even if she doesn’t get suspicious, you and I both know it’s not the best idea.”

  “Of course it’s a terrible idea,” Alex agreed with a grin. It would be setting himself up for a day alone with Gwen. Sort of. It wasn’t as if they’d let him in the room with her. He’d likely spend at least half the day in the waiting room reading emails on his phone. But he couldn’t just walk out and leave her alone all day after the incredible night they’d spent together.

  And he didn’t want to, if he was honest with himself.

  Maybe a day out without privacy would cool his desire for her and let him take a step back, physically, if nothing else. It might also completely implode in his face and make him feel closer to her than ever, but what was life without some risk?

  Alex set down his empty mug, the caffeine finally waking him up for the day. It was too early to make the arrangements, but he’d call as soon as he could.

  “You ready for that run?”


  Gwen watched curiously as everyone loaded up into a couple cars to go on what she called “the winery crawl.” Even if she weren’t pregnant, she would’ve taken a pass on this particular excursion. She was tired and really not interested in discussing vintages and bouquets. But instead of a quiet afternoon lounging and reading a book, she noticed not only Emma but also Alex beside her, waving to the cars.

  “You’re not going?” she asked.

  Alex shook his head. “Nope.”

  She cast a quick glance to Emma, who had spun on her heel and whipped her phone out of her pocket before the cars had cleared the driveway. “Hey, Tommy,” she said as she disappeared into the house, probably not to surface for quite some time. Gwen remembered being eighteen and completely wrapped up in a guy.

  Turning back to Alex, she crossed her arms over her chest. It hadn’t been as long ago as she would like to think. The object of her reluctant attraction was wearing khaki pants and a plaid button-down shirt, his honey-colored hair falling into his eyes. As always, he was charmingly irresistible, which made her feel better for falling off the wagon. She hadn’t even bothered to put her bracelet on this morning.


  He moved in closer, standing only inches away to look down at her petite, barefooted frame. “I wanted to spend some time with you and treat you to a little indulgence.”

  The combination of his words and the heat of his body so close to her own made the words she had planned to say far more difficult to get past her tongue. “I hope you d-didn’t pass up on the trip in the hopes we’d indulge in wild, sexual…escapades all day. Not with Emma roaming around the house.”

  Alex smiled and placed his large hands on her upper arms, exposed by her spaghetti-strap sundress. The simple touch sent a surge of awareness through her body. Memories of the night before rushed through her mind. In an instant, her breasts tightened and her sex clenched, making her wish she hadn’t taken wild escapades off the table so soon.

  “Actually, I have a surprise for you.”

  Gwen looked suspiciously at him. She wasn’t good with surprises. Maybe she was just jaded, but surprises were rarely good. At least not her mother’s surprises. Occasionally, Paw-Paw would surprise her with a trip into town for ice cream, or Gran would make her favorite chicken and dumplings for dinner. She could only assume Alex had planned a good surprise, but she couldn’t help the flutter of nerves in her stomach.

  Alex was watching her with concern. “You don’t want your surprise?”

  “No. I mean, yes,” she corrected, “I want it. I’m just a little paranoid.”

  “Don’t be. It will be a great day, I promise. Are you ready to leave?”

  “I think shoes would be a good idea, first. The term ‘barefoot and pregnant’ isn’t supposed to be quite this literal in this day and age.”

  Alex smiled. “Okay. You go get some shoes. I’ll tell Emma where we’re going, and we’ll be off. You don’t want to be late for the appointment.”

  They walked back into the house and Gwen headed to her room. Today she was wearing another of her flowing, tropical sundresses. While appropriate for a beach holiday, she found that they were loose enough to keep her from having to wear real maternity clothes. She’d managed to get by so far with elastic waistband scrubs and loose dresses, but eventually, she knew she would have to break down and buy a few legitimate pregnancy outfits. But she certainly wasn’t going to wear them around Alex. She slipped into a pair of cute brown sandals and grabbed a sweater in case she got chilled wherever they were going.

  By the time she emerged, she could hear the powerful purr of the Corvette’s engine in the driveway. “We’ll be back soon,” she called out in vain to Emma and stepped outside.

  Alex was waiting beside the car, the passenger door held open for her. He’d retracted the convertible top so they could enjoy the mild weather and ocean breeze. “Your chariot awaits, milady.”

  “Well, thank you, sugar,” Gwen said as she eased gently into the low bucket seat. Alex closed her door and went around to climb in on his side.

  “So, where are we going exactly?” she asked as they pulled out onto the highway.

  “I told you, it’s a surprise. But it’s a good one, I promise. Just sit back, relax and go with the flow for once.”

  Gwen laughed and leaned back in her seat. She couldn’t argue with that. Enough of her life was dictated by schedules and appointments. And while she appreciated Will and Adrienne’s efforts to make sure everyone had a great trip, there was something to be said for relaxing on vacation and taking a day as it comes. “All right. You win. I am at your mercy.”

  She closed her eyes and took a soothing, deep breath. Driving through the countryside with the top down was a rare treat. She barely rode in cars at all anymore, and there was nothing soothing about a cab ride through midtown. Riding in Alex’s convertible reminded her of sitting in the back of her grandpa’s pickup truck with the hay-scented wind whipping her hair around her face.

  When she opened her eyes again, she could tell they were getting close to a town. There were more houses near the street and sidewalks lining the road. The Hamptons had its share of outrageous mansions, but her favorites were the quaint little cottages. Old whitewashed wood siding, covered porches, wild English-style gardens… These were here long before the ultrarich came and dotted the countryside with multimillion-dollar castles.

  The houses eventually turned into shops, and she spied a sign for East Hampton. They drove past a gourmet grocer, a wine specialty store, a bakery and a neat little jewelry boutique. On the corner was a bistro with striped awnings and a shaded outdoor seating area with wrought-iron furniture. People were out and about, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded and high-energy as yesterday’s polo tournament. Quaint wasn’t even the word for this place.

  She kept waiting for him to stop and force her into a store. Alex had taken her shopping the last time they were together. He’d ushered her into Tiffany and insisted she choose something. It had felt ridiculous looking at cases filled with jewelry that cost more than a few months of her salary. And for what? It seemed a little excessive for a two-week tumble. The charm bracelet had been a choice to get him off her back. And she did love it. Actually, her wrist felt naked today without it, but she decided between the pool, the beach and the sunscreen it was best to leave it off. Besides, she couldn’t wear her chastity bracelet while she was being quite unchaste.

x had been annoyed with her selection, especially when he’d found out what it symbolized for her. Perhaps he was trying again.

  After driving for a few minutes, Alex pulled into a spot along the street and killed the engine. “We’re here.”

  Gwen looked around in confusion. They were parked near the post office. That wasn’t much of a surprise.

  Alex climbed from the car and came around to open her door. She turned and swung her legs out, but her shifting center of gravity and the road-hugging chassis made it more challenging to stand than she’d expected. “This is definitely not a third-trimester car.”

  Alex stepped off the curb and offered two strong hands to hoist her out of the seat. His help made it much easier, and she was standing in an instant. A little too easy, actually, as the momentum sent her up and colliding against his chest. She clung to him to keep from bouncing back and falling. His hands slipped under her arms to cup her elbows and steady her and then slid up the backs of her arms to keep her held close against him.

  Gwen looked up at him and swallowed hard. His golden eyes were focused intently on her. The light breeze was fluttering the honey layers of his hair. She reached up and brushed some out of his face, tucking them behind his ear, then left her palm resting against his cheek. It was still smooth from his morning shave, unlike last night when the rough stubble had tickled and tormented her bare skin.

  Leaning down, he kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss. She could feel the tension building beneath his tight skin, but he held back. The middle of town, surrounded by people, was hardly the place to let his passion come unleashed. And yet Gwen couldn’t help responding to him. She climbed onto her toes to get closer, their mouths and tongues meeting in an easy, comfortable dance.

  It was amazing how quickly they had gotten to know each other’s needs and wants. Last night, even after months apart, Alex remembered just how to touch her. Just how to elicit the response he sought. And now, standing in the middle of the quaint town, kissing outside the post office felt so natural. It was more like…a relationship kind of embrace.

  If that unnerving thought didn’t urge Gwen to pull away, Peanut’s sharp kick to her rounded belly surely did. Alex yanked back in surprise, looking down at the stomach that had been pressed against him a moment before.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  Another hard thump followed. Gwen winced and gently rubbed the spot of the latest attack. “That was Peanut. She’s trying out for the U.S. women’s national soccer team.”

  Gwen snatched one of his hands and pressed the palm firmly against the side of her tummy. Peanut didn’t disappoint, throwing a hard kick to protest the pressing of her little baby cocoon.

  Alex’s eyes were wide with surprise when he looked at her belly, then back at Gwen. “Does that hurt?”

  “Sometimes.” She shrugged. “At first there was just this flutter. Then, a few weeks ago, she got strong enough to really make her presence known. Before long, she’ll be beating the hell out of me.”


  “She’s stretching and testing out her little muscles. As she gets bigger, I think it’s harder for her to get comfortable. I know exactly how she feels. So…” she said, pulling away to give herself some breathing room. “Where’s this surprise of yours?”

  “Right this way.” Alex took her by the hand and led her across the street to a two-story building with the sign Heaven-Leigh Day Spa hanging over the door.

  A spa. A bubble of excitement formed in her chest at the thought. Gwen had to admit that, even if he just took her inside to buy her some overpriced shampoo, it would be a welcome indulgence. Anything more would be, well, heaven-leigh.

  She paused when she noticed the sign on the door said it was closed. The bubble burst. So much for that. “Looks like they’re closed.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.” Alex ignored the sign, opening the door, which chimed gently, and ushering her inside.

  A tall, willowy woman in white appeared from another room and approached the reception desk where they were waiting. “Good morning. I’m Leigh, the owner. You must be Miss Wright.”

  Gwen smiled. “Yes. Call me Gwen, please.”

  “Excellent. We have a full afternoon of pampering scheduled for you, Gwen.”

  Gwen turned to Alex in surprise. “A full afternoon?”

  Alex just smiled and shrugged. “What else do you have to do today?”

  “But the sign said you’re closed.”

  “Yes,” Leigh continued. “Mr. Stanton has reserved the entire spa for the day so we can give you our full, undivided attention. We have everything ready, including a prenatal massage guaranteed to make you feel like a million dollars. Are you ready to get started?”

  She could hardly believe what she was hearing. An entire day spa reserved just for her. It was absolute insanity. And she was going to enjoy every minute of it. “Honey, you have no idea how ready I am.”

  Gwen gave Alex a quick kiss of appreciation, a wide grin of excitement lighting her face, and then she disappeared into the back for her day of pampering.

  * * *

  For the next few hours, Alex sat quietly in the Zen Lounge checking email and reading a travel magazine. Occasionally, Leigh would march Gwen through from one treatment room to the next. Each time, Gwen was snuggled contently into her bathrobe and looked as though she had fewer and fewer bones left in her body. He was glad. That was the whole point. He wanted to take care of the caretaker for once. A massage, salt glow, facial, manicure and pedicure were a good way to start.

  She didn’t care much for jewelry or flowers. She wasn’t the kind to be impressed by the flash that drew other women. He didn’t even recall her mentioning his money in any conversation they’d ever had. Usually it would come up. As the sole heir of a family fortune rivaling Rockefeller and Carnegie, there was always a curiosity about how much he was actually worth. Gwen honestly didn’t care.

  It was another reason he liked her. Another reason that set her apart from the pack.

  But he knew this would be the thing that really excited Gwen. She deserved every minute of it. He would have spent three times the money he’d paid for today to see that relaxed, contented smile on her face.

  When they were finally done with her, Gwen emerged from the ladies’ changing room dressed, but still decidedly invertebrate. He offered her the choice of going home for a nap or having a late lunch at the bistro they’d seen earlier. She chose the bistro.

  They walked through town toward the restaurant, window-shopping and taking in the sights as they went along. Neither of them were in a hurry, just enjoying their afternoon together. When they arrived at the bistro, they selected a table outside. Gwen sipped pomegranate tea in the shade, and she and Alex shared a brick-oven pizza with crispy prosciutto, figs, arugula and fat slices of homemade mozzarella.

  After taking one last bite, Alex watched in amusement as Gwen leaned back in her chair and stroked her full belly. The dress had camouflaged her pregnancy most of the day, but the press of her hand against the fabric made it more obvious to anyone looking on. She looked beautiful sitting there with a smile of contentment on her face.

  Actually, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen Gwen look happier, and he was glad that he was partially responsible for it. There was a part of him that needed to make her smile. His father had always made a point of giving him anything he ever wanted growing up. That was just how he related to his son. When Alex was older, he did the same, giving expensive gifts to women instead of real affection.

  With Gwen, giving her gifts was not enough. He wanted to see the joy in her eyes, not just the excitement of greed that other women had. It was important to him in a way he didn’t understand and didn’t want to really consider.

  Glancing away, he noticed a group of older women coming down the sidewalk toward them. They’d been shopping, as evidenced by the variety of bags in their hands. One of the women, a slight little lady about Gwen’s size, was watching them with the twinkl
e of an excited grandmother in her eye. He wasn’t surprised when she stopped and leaned over to Gwen.

  “How far along are you, dear?”

  Gwen smiled. “Five and a half months.”

  “My youngest daughter is six months along. It’s going to be my first granddaughter.” She held up a bag slightly overflowing with what looked like pink fabric and lace. “Five grandsons so far, so I’m very excited. Do you know what you’re having?”

  “It’s a girl.”

  “Little girls everywhere! How wonderful. I apologize for interrupting your lunch, but you’re just glowing, and I couldn’t help but stop. With such beautiful parents, I have no doubt that baby is going to be a little heartbreaker. You’d better watch out, Daddy.”

  Alex smiled appropriately and waved as the lady joined her group and continued down the street. Explaining the reality of their complicated situation to a little old lady on the street was unnecessary. And she was right… . They would have very attractive kids. With his golden hair and her curls. Gwen’s dark eyes and his smile. It wasn’t hard to picture a little boy and girl running around playing in the grass of their front yard.

  When he turned back to Gwen, she was pensively stroking her stomach and staring off down the street. There was a slight frown on her face that snapped him back to reality. While he was daydreaming about blond children playing in a yard they didn’t have, she seemed to have taken her thoughts down a darker path. One that focused on the fact that the baby wasn’t theirs and the “daddy” was just her on-and-off, commitment-phobic lover.

  That made him frown, too. What the hell was he thinking even entertaining the idea of what their children would look like? That was the kind of fantasy a smitten teenage girl would concoct while thinking about her crush. He was a grown man. One determined never to even have children. What was it about Gwen that made him think such bizarre, unproductive things?

  Alex shook his head irritably and threw enough cash on the table to cover their check. “Are you ready to go?”

  Gwen turned back to him, snapping out of her thoughts and nodding. The frown was gone, but he could still see the worry puckering her eyebrows beneath her sunglasses.


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