Barbarian's Taming: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 9)

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Barbarian's Taming: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 9) Page 20

by Ruby Dixon

  She sounds…defeated. That’s not good.

  “The South Caves?” my mate asks, his expression growing increasingly bleak. “Are they livable?”

  “Gone.” She shakes her head. “We’ll figure something out. It’s going to be okay.” The smile she beams our way is tight and tired, and I’m guessing it’s an answer she’s had to give over and over again lately. Poor Georgie.

  I squeeze Talie tight, and the baby just blinks up at me with big glowing eyes. Okay, I haven’t been much of a baby person in the past, but now that I’m carrying my own (at least, I’m pretty sure I am at this point, if the law of averages is with me), she’s suddenly fascinating and adorable. “Is everyone all right, at least? Everyone healthy?”

  “We’re making it,” Georgie says, crossing her arms over her chest and gazing back at the small, scattered camp. “Maylak’s exhausted herself trying to heal everyone, so we’re making her take it easy for a while.” She gives us a quick look-over. “If you’ve got any broken bones, they might have to wait—”

  “We’re okay,” I say quickly. “Don’t worry about us.” I move a little closer to Hassen, wishing he’d put his arm around me. I know he doesn’t dare because he’s back to exile status and I’m off limits, but we’re going to fix that. Somehow.

  “Pashov?” Hassen asks, a hushed note in his voice. “Is he…”

  “Good and bad,” Georgie says quietly. “He’s alive and recovering, but…his memory is gone. He doesn’t remember anyone. Not Stacy, not his son, nothing. But his body? His body is healthy enough.”

  Hassen sucks in a breath. “No memory of his mate…?”

  “Give him time,” I say, before Hassen worries further over his friend. “He’ll be fine. I imagine even a healer can’t fully fix a traumatic brain injury. He’s got a cootie, and he’s got people to look after him. He’ll be all right. These things just take time.”

  Georgie just nods. “I hope you’re right.”

  “May I see him?” Hassen asks.

  Georgie turns and points at a pair of tents near the fire. “He’s in the tent on the left there. Go say hello, but don’t go into the other one. Stacy’s taking a nap. It’s…hard on her.” Georgie shoots me a worried look.

  God, I’ll bet. Her mate nearly dying and then him not remembering her? With a small baby, too? And all of this other crap going on? She has to be going through hell.

  Hassen steps forward, and then hesitates, looking back at me. There’s so much pain and worry in his eyes, I just want to take it all away from him and absorb it.

  I reach out and touch his arm. “You go ahead, big guy. Say hi to Pashov. I’ll stay here and talk to Georgie for a minute.”

  He nods at me, and I see a possessive flash in his eyes. “I will be back.”

  “I’ll be here. I won’t go anywhere without you.”

  A ghost of a smile touches his face. He rubs a hand down his jaw, tired, then heads off for the small tent.

  Georgie waits until Hassen is gone and then arches an eyebrow at me. “Should I ask?”

  “You can, but I’m not sure how much I’m willing to tell just yet.” I’m kind of glad that Hassen’s and my cooties are being mutually silent, because I’m not sure how our resonance will affect things. “Is he still an exile?” I ask bluntly.

  “That’s not my call to make,” Georgie tells me. “That’s Vektal’s. It’s his tribe.”

  “Yes, but you’re his mate.”

  “Yes, and Hassen stole your sister after being warned that exile would happen if anyone did.”

  “Yes, and that was a big goof on his end. He knows that, and he’s sorry for it. And I’m sure if you put a bug in Vektal’s ear, he’d be willing to listen to reason and lift the ban on Hassen.”

  “Why would I do that? Look, I like Hassen as much as the next guy, and overall, I think he means well. But I think he also showed a criminal lack of judgment.”

  “He acts before he thinks sometimes. You know, like when he went into the cave to save Pashov?” I can’t help but throw that back in her face.

  “Point taken.”

  “Being exiled is killing him, Georgie. He doesn’t have a family—all he’s got is the tribe. Not being able to be part of the team really hurts him, maybe more than most.” She’s not getting it, and I’m growing frustrated with her. I know Georgie’s going to see things through her mate’s point of view out of sheer loyalty. I totally get that, and I’m probably doing the same thing when it comes to Hassen. “He’s proved his worth to the tribe, hasn’t he? And what’s the point in exiling him when everyone’s homeless? Doesn’t that seem unfair? After how hard he works to provide for this tribe?”

  Her mouth purses, and she takes Talie back from my arms. “I wish it was that simple, Maddie, I really do.”

  “It is that simple. You can talk to Vektal. Make him see things our way.”

  The look on her face is hard. “You think my mate doesn’t have enough to worry about? You think he’s not killing himself slowly trying to fix everything for everyone? To be everywhere? To be the leader they need him to be? You think this is easy for him?”

  “I know it’s not. It’s not easy for anyone.” I’m not getting anywhere with her, and so I’m going to have to play hardball. If it means getting myself booted out of the tribe too, so be it.

  Hassen’s my mate, and I’m going to stand by his side. I think of Lila and feel a little squeeze of anxiety, but I tamp it down. Even if they exile me with Hassen, we’ll find a way to visit each other, my sister and me. We’re family. They can’t pull us apart.

  Time to bring out the big guns. “So Hassen found something interesting while we were out,” I say casually as she settles her daughter back in her arms. I deliberately leave out my part in things. I want my mate to get all the glory in this, because I don’t want to muddy the picture. I’m going to get him back into this tribe, damn it.


  “Yup. And you’re going to want to hear about it. It’s a game changer.” And then I wait.

  She looks over at me, little frown-lines appearing between her brows when I don’t continue. “Well?”

  I cross my arms over my chest and give her a look. “You going to talk to your mate about mine and letting him back in the tribe?”

  “Depends on what you found. It’d better be pretty fucking good,” she snaps, and I can tell her patience is at an end with me.

  “Toilets, Georgie. We found toilets.” And a whole abandoned city attached to it, but whatever.

  Her eyes narrow. “Did you say toilets?”

  “Yup. Did you say you’ll talk to your mate?”

  She stares at me for a long moment, and then flicks her hand, indicating I should continue. “I’m listening…”



  I watch my mate from a short distance away as she hugs her sister, waving her hands with enthusiastic talking. I am glad her family is home and safe. She worries about her Li-lah, even though the human is in good hands with Rokan. I know Mah-dee worries that Li-lah will be against our mating, but such talk is foolishness. Resonance is resonance. Li-lah might as well be angry at the snow that floats down from overhead for all the good it will do.

  Our khuis have chosen, and it is decided.

  Mah-dee puts a hand to her sister’s belly and makes a gesture. Li-lah nods, and they hug again. Rokan stands near his mate, grinning like a happy fool, and I am pleased for him. Resonance has taken, then, and Li-lah is with kit. As I watch, Mah-dee puts a hand to her own stomach and makes the same gesture, and then looks over at me.

  My chest resonates, and I know hers must be as well. I feel a surge of pride. My mate is carrying my kit. Whatever may happen, whatever path the tribe takes, Mah-dee and I are linked forever.

  Li-lah’s mouth opens in surprise, and then snaps shut. She makes a few motions at her sister, and then approaches me, her hands out in a warm greeting.

  And I am suddenly…ashamed.

  I took this female from

safety. From her family. All because I desperately wanted a mate and a family. I did wrong. Now, perhaps, I truly understand what I have done, and I feel sorrow. I drop to my knees and make the hand-speak. Forgive me? I am a fool.

  All is forgiven, Li-lah signs back. Welcome to the family. She offers me a hand, and when I take it, gives me a hug. I hold her stiffly, looking over at Rokan in apology. The sisters do not care, though. Mah-dee gives a happy squeal in the next moment and then launches herself at me, all clinging arms and legs. I pluck her from the air and swing her around, smiling.

  “We’re good, big guy,” Mah-dee tells me, wrapping her arms around my neck and placing a smacking kiss on my cheek. “My sister is the best.”

  Li-lah just watches Mah-dee with gentle amusement, and I am relieved that she accepts me as her sister’s mate. We can move forward from here. I hold my mate close and am thankful for her, for her khui that chose mine.

  Then the chief appears, his mate at his side. Shorshie has an anxious expression on her face, and she holds Vektal’s arm. “Maddie? Hassen? Can we talk to you two once you have a moment? Vektal wants to hear what you found out on your trip.”

  “The ship—” I question, but Mah-dee claps a hand over my mouth.

  “I got this,” she tells me, and then I feel her tongue flick against my earlobe before she surges to her feet and beams a winning smile at my chief. Dazed, I watch as she links her arm around Vektal’s free one and gestures at the campsite. “Let me tell you about a little slice of human history. It’s called the Lost Colony of Roanoke…”

  I pull Mah-dee protectively against my side as Vektal rubs his brow. The look on his face is tired, and my chief—who is the same age as me—looks many years aged with worry. Mah-dee’s hands are on my knee, and she squeezes it to reassure me.

  “And this place, you believe, was once the home of another tribe?”

  Mah-dee nods. “It’s an old city. We can head in, throw up some teepee-type roofs, and ride out the brutal season all nice and cozy. We’ve got a bathing pool, plumbing, storage, fresh water…the only thing that wasn’t there was game.”

  “Game can be brought back,” Vektal says. He looks at Shorshie, his mate. “We would need to send a party of hunters out to determine if it is safe to bring the tribe. I would need to go.”

  Shorshie squeezes his hand and nods. “I can hold down the fort here.”

  “Hassen and I can show you,” Mah-dee says, and her grip on my knee grows tight. “But he’s not going to show you anything unless you remove exile status from him.”

  This is not the first time my fierce little mate has brought up my exile to the chief. She repeats it often, letting him know how displeased she is. Did I not save Pashov’s life? Did I not save hers? Did I not find a new place for the tribe to live? Am I not accepted by Li-lah? Did I not resonate to Mah-dee? She sees no reason for my exile to continue. I am both pleased at her ferocity on my behalf and worried that she will end up getting herself exiled along with me.

  “Now is not the time to talk of such things,” Vektal says. “My tribe is falling apart. We need to focus on a home, feeding everyone for the brutal season, and—”

  “And another set of hands will help with that,” Mah-dee says firmly. “You need Hassen.”

  “I do. But I cannot lift exile so quickly. I made a mistake in going easy on Raahosh’s exile, because it let Hassen believe that he would not be punished if he stole a female. I cannot make that mistake again. My hunters must follow the rules, or no one is safe.”

  “But circumstances are different right now,” Shorshie says gently. “I don’t think anyone would begrudge you changing your mind. This isn’t a normal situation. We have to adapt.” She shares a glance with Mah-dee. “Perhaps you can give Hassen some of the more difficult, less desirable tasks throughout the brutal season as penance instead? So he is still punished and yet not banished from the tribe.”

  I hold my breath. If they asked me to clean and scrape the intestine of every filthy scythe-beak from here to the mountains, I would gladly do so if it meant I was part of the tribe again and Mah-dee was with me.

  “And I hate to be ‘that’ asshole, but Hassen’s not going to show anyone anything unless he’s back in the tribe. And if he’s not allowed back, I’m leaving with him.”

  “Now is not the time to push for such things,” Vektal warns, nostrils flaring. “Pashov is still not well. Rukh is nearly feral after Har-loh got hurt when the Elders’ Cave turned on its side. It is taking everything I have to convince him to stay with the tribe, that she is safe here. My tribe is in danger of starving. You cannot hold such a thing over our heads—”

  He is right. I open my mouth to speak, to tell my chief I will go regardless.

  “I don’t care,” Mah-dee says fiercely. Her hand grips my knee so tight I feel her nails dig into the plated ridges there. “It might not be the best time for you as leader, but Hassen has no choice. You’ve backed him into a corner.”

  “Hassen can speak for himself, can he not?” Vektal says sharply with an irritated look at me.

  “He can,” Mah-dee continues. “But he has the most to lose here. I do not. I’m going with him regardless. And if he stays exiled, then we’re going to go live in the lost colony without you guys. So there.” She pauses, and then grimaces. “I just realized I sound like a demanding two-year-old.”

  Vektal nods crisply. “My daughter is less pushy than you, and she is spoiled.”

  Shorshie laughs.

  “Very well,” Vektal says and looks at me. “Your fierce pleasure-mate has convinced me. You will be given extra tasks throughout the brutal season as penance, but you are no longer in exile.”

  My heart is full of fierce joy. I want to grasp my mate and hold her tightly against me, but I force myself to nod stiffly. “I will do you proud, my chief.”

  “I need all of my people here. Your home is with the rest of us.”

  “Out in the snow,” Mah-dee points out. “With all the other homeless people. Who are gonna have a new home because of him.” When Shorshie shoots her an irritated look, Mah-dee raises her hands. “I’m not saying, I’m just saying…Hassen’s doing you guys a solid. I’ll let it go now. I just felt it had to be said.”

  Vektal gives her an exasperated look and then turns to me. “Your first task will be to keep your pleasure-mate under control.”

  And now it is my turn to laugh. “No one controls Mah-dee. She does what she pleases.”

  “Damn skippy,” Mah-dee says, and then puts her possessive hand back on my knee. “As for this pleasure-mate nonsense, I suppose that’s something else we need to update you guys on…”



  “I can’t believe you’re leaving me here!” I’m torn between wanting to punch Hassen in the face and cry into his leathers. “You cannot be serious!”

  “You were the one that boasted to the chief that we resonated,” he tells me, smoothing my windblown hair off of my face. “Now you will stay here with the other pregnant females.”

  “Hoisted on my own braggy petard,” I sigh. “Damn it.” I bury my face against his chest. “You’re going to travel fast, right?”

  “We will run the entire way,” he promises. “We can make it there in half the time.”

  “Good.” I rub my cheek against his skin, breathing in his scent and listening to the ever-present purr of his cootie talking to mine. I will not cry. I will not. It’s only a week or two. I’ll get in some lonely sister bonding time, since Rokan is going with Vektal and Hassen. I should have kept my damn mouth shut, but I was just so pleased with the fact that Hassen was no longer exiled, and I’m proud to be his mate. I wanted to tell the world.

  So I did. And now I get benched.

  I suppose it’s for the best. I slept like a log last night in our tent, too tired to even have sex with my big sexy alien mate. All the travel has caught up to me, and I suppose I need to take care of myself if I’ve got an official baby on board. But it doesn
’t change the fact that I’m going to miss him fiercely. I cling to him a little harder. “Make sure you show them the toilets, all right? That’s a big selling point to Georgie and the others.”

  He chuckles and strokes my hair. “I will show them. I promise.”

  “And you’ll stay safe?” I lean back and look up at him. He’s so handsome in the early morning sunlight, with his dark hair whipping around his face. I love his big craggy horns and his stern cheekbones and the way his fangs peek out, just a little, when he smiles down at me, like right now. “Keep an eye out for metlaks and all that?”

  “I shall be the safest of hunters,” he tells me. “Because I have the fiercest of mates to return to.”

  That’s so cute. He thinks I’m fierce. More like pushy, but I’ll take it. I curl my hands in his vest and decide to give him a little something to incentivize him. “And when you come home, I’ll suck your dick so hard you won’t be able to walk straight for weeks.”

  Hassen’s eyes go wide. He glances around the busy early morning campsite, then picks me up and begins to walk away from the others.

  I squeal, clinging to his neck. “Where are we going?”

  “Back to our tent. We have a few minutes before the others leave.” His eyes gleam with possessive lust. “And I need to make sure that my mate misses me as much as I will miss her while I am gone.”

  “This sounds like a bangin’ idea,” I tell him, breathless. My cootie is singing so loud it’s sending vibrations all through my chest. “And then you’ll go and race to the city and show everyone how awesome it is and how you saved the day.”

  “Yes,” he says, ducking into our small tent. He immediately drops to his knees and lowers me onto my back, his hand going for my pants. It’s amazing how quickly he can get them around my knees.

  “And then you’ll come back home to me and we’ll start our happily ever after, right?”


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