Bimbo Casino: The Complete Series (The Shining Spiral Saga)

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Bimbo Casino: The Complete Series (The Shining Spiral Saga) Page 3

by Nadia Nightside, that was wrong. Rosie was a whiz at numbers.

  He took another drink, Karen cooing soft nothing into his ear that he couldn't quite make out.

  Well, maybe Rosie wasn't quite as good at numbers as he was...but it was his job, after all.

  His drink had emptied, but it was no problem. He watched as Karen filled it with some kind of chocolate liqueur and then Delilah took it and...and...

  She pulled her top down and filled it with the milk from her enormous tits. Fuck.

  Karen handed him back the drink. Completely full now.

  “There you are, love,” said Delilah. “Don't you want it?”

  “It's...uh...ah...your milk. In there. In this.”

  It smelled heavenly. How was he not gulping it down?

  Stroke, stroke, stroke. “Don't you deserve that? It was so good, wasn't it?”

  Taking a long sip, he decided it was good. Nothing to worry about. Too good to not have several more.

  He knew the game already. Three-card poker was easy. The highest hand was a straight flush. The ante was twenty, and the bonus bet was another twenty. He put down the ante and the bonus, and then placed his initial bet of twenty again when he was dealt his cards.

  “You can make a bigger bet than that, can’t you?” asked Delilah.

  Jonathan had expected this. Certainly, a beautiful babe like Delilah, employed by the casino, was there to make him spend more money. He shrugged. “I mean...twenty seems plenty, doesn’t it?”

  Delilah looked down, clearly disappointed. “Oh, I guess so. I just thought, a strong man like you...surely you can afford a nice big bet, can’t you?”

  Taking a long sip of his drink, he stared intently down Delilah’s soft, palpably close cleavage. Her fingers slid up and down his thigh, sweeping some imaginary piece of dust away. It felt like someone was whispering softly in his ear...but when he turned to look, there was only Karen, smiling softly with her big brown eyes dancing merrily. She was silent, smiling, sliding her fingers around the heavy cylinder of his chips. Her grip looked like she could be holding anything cylindrical...his cock, for instance.

  “Couldn't you make a bigger bet?” Delilah cooed again, with Karen cooing at the same time. “A real man like you can make such a big bet...”

  To his left, Karen kept nodding happily, intently, sliding her fingers up and down the stack of his chips.

  Staring deep into Delilah’s eyes, he slipped his hands over Karen’s, pushing forward whatever chips were there. It was over three hundred dollars, a tenth of his what the casino had given him.

  The scantily-clad dealer happily dealt her own cards. Three of a kind. Jonathan had junk—a five, an eight, and a two. Nothing. Three hundred dollars down the drain.

  The dealer clapped her hands happily, her tits bouncing hypnotically. “Thanks so much for playing with me. Another hand?”

  Jonathan took a long drink to think about it. After his gulp, the drink was empty...and then it was gone, replaced by another by Karen’s quick hands. Everything felt so warm, so floating. He was surrounded by gorgeous women all smiling at him, wanting him, having fun.

  He was in heaven.

  Delilah’s hot, soft mouth slid up and down Jonathan’s neck, his ear. “Go on. You can win. You’re a winner. Show me, baby.”

  Less than thirty minutes later, all the credit extended to him and Rosie was gone. All three thousand dollars, just vanished. If he were able to comprehend much of anything outside of Delilah's hands on his body, her breasts pushing up against his arm, he might not have believed it.

  Drunk now, a bit stumbly, he allowed Delilah to guide him to the ATM in a corner with her hand in his pocket. Her fingertips slid against the stiff shaft of his cock through the inner fabric of his pants.

  His clothes were fitting rather tightly. Somehow he felt bigger than before. Delilah had always been shorter than him...but she seemed rather more so now. Looking down, he noticed that his top few buttons had burst off—and beneath, his chest had become enormously muscled. His pant legs no longer stretched down to his ankles, ending instead somewhere around his mid-calf.

  Testing his strength, he picked his arm up—Delilah holding on and squealing in delight at the ease with which he lifted her up. When he set her down, she hugged him tight.

  “God, you're so strong,” she moaned. “I bet you could crush me any time you wanted. I bet you could just ruin me.”

  Considering that fact very heavily, he languidly let her take the bank card out of his pocket, and told her his PIN number. Why not? He could trust her. She worked for the casino.

  He loved the casino with all his heart.

  Somehow his bank allowed him to withdraw over five thousand dollars at a time. Had it been in one of those forms he signed when he accepted the prize trip down here?

  It was so very hard to recall. But then, why recall anything? All that mattered was having fun for the casino.

  “Don’t worry about that cash, studly,” Delilah purred in his ear. “Come back over to the table and show me how hard you can play. You'll make your money back in no time at all. You're such a fucking stud.”

  Within moments, he had slipped back down in front of Tasha, placing enormous bet after enormous bet. Karen's legs slid over on top of his muscular thighs. Delilah's lips barely left his ear, whispering and suggesting. Bet harder, harder, harder.

  Minutes melded into hours. Jonathan lost track of time. He lost track of caring.

  He drank more and more of the lactation-infused drinks. His body grew and grew, only becoming stronger and more impressive. His forearms were like steel cords, his back a collection of iron serpents. Stubble grew and grew on his chin, blooming into a sexy, dark beard. Delilah's tongue ran over it, adoring his manly hair—and that was okay with him, of course. It wasn't like they were kissing. That wasn't cheating.

  In between several gulps of his fifth or sixth or fifteenth or sixteenth Spiral Twist, he pushed forward several thousand dollars of chips. Delilah had convinced him that the only way to win big was to play big. If he put down big enough bets, all he would need was one big win...and certainly, he was such a man that he was going to win all the time, right? He just had a bit of a cool streak.

  Delilah was right. The casino would be good to him.

  The casino was so good. He had to do what the casino wanted.

  That odd, wonderful techno beat kept thumping out, creating a helpful rhythm for his every action.

  “Take that,” he said proudly, barely looking at his own cards, as he pushed forward the thousands of dollars.

  Tasha smiled prettily, showing her cards. “Gosh, I win again!”

  “Are you sure?” said Jonathan, his drunken attention stumbling around, trying to find the place in his head that could still accomplish things like math, and noticing. “It’s just, um, I have two face cards, and you’ve got...a three and a two...”

  Something was making it rather hard to think, and not just the alcohol. Looking down, he saw that Karen was hard at work, tugging his pants down and off his legs. She had to unlace his shoes first.

  The massive hard-on that his cock had long-ago transformed into was no longer hidden—in fact, it was being celebrated. Delilah, humming and nuzzling him absently, staring with bright, empty eyes around the casino, stroked his cock hard and lovingly.

  Big muscles weren't the only thing that had grown on Jonathan. His cock was staggeringly huge now—nearly a foot of pure, perfect man meat made entirely for one purpose: fucking as much hot fertile pussy as possible. Just looking at it made Jonathan swell with pride.

  The casino had given him this new cock. He really ought to show his appreciation.

  Delilah's small hand encapsulated his big shaft, slip-sliding all the way down and massaging softly into his balls, and then back up slowly again. It was a mechanical, absent motion, like she was brushing her hair. Precum spurted up the second he noticed, sliding in warm waves over her hand. The thick volumes of it layered over her skin like
melted butter—creamy and warm.

  “Hey, you’re’re stroking my cock.” Jonathan almost felt bad about pointing it out. She hadn’t seemed like she was doing it on purpose.

  She gasped, as if noticing it just now herself. “Gosh, I sure am! What should we do about that?”

  Even with the pleasant surprise on her face, she didn’t stop stroking. In fact, she increased her efforts, sliding her thumb around the head of his cock, rubbing in whatever slick precum slid out. Occasionally the surface of his precum-wet cock slid against Karen’s face, who moaned passionately, licking her gorgeous, puffy lips.

  So, Jonathan didn’t notice as Tasha gathered up all the cards and his latest bet and dealt again. She didn’t even bother shuffling—instead, just picking out cards that she liked and putting them down in front of him. Apparently, she liked giving him twos and threes and sevens.

  “I think, I mean...oh god. You’re great at that,” he moaned to Delilah.

  “Thank you! Don’t you like what Karen is doing, too?”

  He looked down. Karen had started licking attentively at his balls. Her tongue, small and pink dragged over the surface of his sack, lips pushing forward every so often to kiss him tenderly.

  “Oh, man.”

  Tasha tapped the table briefly. “Another bet, sir?”

  “Yes,” he said, not even looking at the cards. “The same as last time. Wait,” he said, shaking his head. “No. I want to pay attention, so...”

  Delilah had a drink in her free hand, sliding it right under Jonathan’s nose. No doubt it had her milk in it like the last twenty.

  “Another round, sir?”

  He took it and began drinking without saying anything. It was easier to take a little drink down than it was to think about anything. His cock swelled in Delilah's hand, more immense volumes of precum spilling out. There was more of that precum than all the cum combined from his orgasms from the past month—including the one he had filled his wife with earlier in the day.

  God, he could just sit there and drink and let Delilah stroke his cock, let Karen lick his balls. Fuck, why not? If they wanted his money, they could have it. Money wasn't important—only the casino was important.

  “Do you like that, sir?” Delilah asked. “How we call you sir? How we take care of your every need? Isn’t that awfully wonderful?”

  “Yes,” he said, leaning forward into Delilah.

  Man, she was so fucking pretty. What if he just, kissed her a bit? Just a little?

  He slid his lips forward onto hers. Delilah responded with a happy, eager moan, like she had been waiting on him, her strokes speeding up on his cock.

  “Mmm, I’d really love to keep making out with you, sir, but I don’t want to leave Karen out...”

  “Oh yeah...she’s too pretty to leave out.”

  “She definitely is.” Delilah’s strokes slowed. “God, her mouth is right there, isn’t it? What if you know...slid your cock in?”

  Jonathan, rather drunkenly, considered that for several moments. Karen panted beneath him, her pretty pink lips open and wet, panting with need.

  “It’s just I...I have a wife...”

  Delilah's strokes sped up again. His cock twitched happily. “Wouldn’t she want you to be fucking the hot mouths of sexy girls like us, though? Isn’t that better than anyone else? After all, if it wasn’t us, a stud like you would definitely be going off and fucking someone. But, you know you can trust us.”

  “Trust you.” Her cleavage was so fucking sexy. He wanted to eat his meals off it.

  “Besides,” said Delilah. “I’m like, the one stroking your cock. If I guide it into Karen’s mouth, it’s not even cheating. That’s just something me and Karen did.”

  He nodded slowly. “Oh, yeah. That makes sense.”

  He moved forward just slightly, and Karen moved the rest of the way, sliding her mouth all the way up his cock. Oh god, oh god! She was so. Fucking. Good! Her mouth made his cock feel like a lightning rod, absorbing all the hot currents of pleasure that she pulsed out from her mouth.

  Delilah breathlessly moaned into his mouth, like she was his lover, like she had needed him for years. Her kiss was the kiss of ages, immortal, needy, desperate. Her moan increased in pitch, and Jonathan saw from the corner of his eye that she had started pumping Karen up and down on his cock. Delilah's excitement increased from this, her kiss getting only more passionate. Fuck. Wow.

  “Please cum,” Delilah moaned to him, in between gentle, needy kisses. “Cum in her mouth. We need you to cum in her, oh god, please?”

  Karen's moans only confirmed Delilah's words. For a few brief seconds, Jonathan felt like he could go on forever like this, with Karen sucking him off for the rest of his life. Her soft, sweet lips felt so velvety-perfect against his shaft.

  But then, suddenly, unexpectedly, his bliss powered through him, the orgasm starting with hot tension in his buttocks that released outward and exploded down Karen's eager, vibrating throat. She lapped up his seed while Delilah looked on with clear jealousy in her vibrant brown eyes.

  His cum spilled out from him, feeling like it would go on forever. He filled up Karen's stomach and mouth and had enough leftover to shoot all over her face, spraying her down as she smiled and gobbled down every last spurt.

  “Another game, sir?” Tasha asked, smiling as brightly as she had been when he started, as if she hadn’t witnessed anything at all.

  Karen slid off his cock, stroking him softly, while Delilah shuddered against his body.

  “Please, sir,” said the brunette. “Keep playing? For me?”

  * * * * *

  Hours passed with Rosie happily drinking away at Spiral Twist after Spiral Twist, her body becoming more and more luscious, big-titted and perfect for hard, muscular fucking. Distantly, she attempted to read her romance novel, but every few seconds she would stare up at the spiral twisting overhead and admire its perfect beauty. Her mind felt empty and loose.

  Loose, just like her. She was a hot, loose woman, happy to fuck anyone who came by. That's what her husband would like. He would want a woman that everybody could and would fuck. The two women whispering in her ears had strutted away long ago, but that was okay. Rosie felt perfectly acclimated to serving, now.

  She giggled happily, liqueur dripping over her lips and newly-busty breasts. That was so cool. The taste was so creamy. She slipped up some of the liqueur and sucked it off her fingers, pretending it was the cum of some stranger.

  Mmmph. That would be really hot.

  It was really fun and sexy to have an empty mind.

  Be a good wife, programmed thoughts jolted through her head. She welcomed the little jolts. They were regular parts of her life now. Be a happy wife.

  Oh, right, her mind wasn’t empty. It was just focused, now.

  “Back rub?” asked a masculine voice.

  Rosie broke from her soft liqueur-infused escape into the dreamy pages of her romance novel.

  She had been stuck on the same page for about an hour, dreamily imagining some roughhewn musclebound stud picking her up in his arms and busing her away to some dark, faraway cabin where he would fuck her endlessly. That would be something her husband could do. Her dreamy, tall, perfect husband...

  Imagine her surprise then, when the man above her was exactly like those lusty lads on the covers of her romance books—tall, taut, and impeccably cut.

  “Oh,” she said, her voice breathy and sultry. “Yes, please.”

  He held out a hand. “Why don’t you come with me then.”

  She slipped her fingers out of her cunt and took his hand. He didn’t seem to mind the excess juices.

  “I’m Marco,” he said.

  He certainly was. Rosie’s booze-and-induction-addled mind made up a little back story for him. He was some undocumented resident, working to pay for his mother and wife’s safe passage to the US. The only way he’d be able to pay properly is if he earned his keep. He needed all the help he could get from the wealthy gues
ts of the Shining Spiral Casino. Rosie slid up against him. Her newly-huge tits slid off the hulking slab of his bicep.

  “Earn your keep...gotta help,” she moaned.

  “Sure babe,” he said, the way that he would maybe point out a scrap of food to a dog. “Whatever you say.”

  They stopped in front of a door into a small white-stone building at the edge of the pool. Philip, from before, turned the corner and saw the two of them, his face suddenly shifting into outrage.

  “Hey man, she’s mine!”

  “Fuck off, Philip.”

  “Fuck you, man! I’ve been feeding her drinks all day! She’s ready to be a cocksucker right away!”

  “Not anymore man. She’s on pussy duty. Now, fuck off. This is for taking my last girl.”

  Philip pushed him. “You’re an asshole.”

  “Whatever, bro.”

  Rosie’s head rushed hard. They were fighting over her. That was so manly.

  “Look,” he said, slapping her ass hard. She loved it. “She’s so ready to go. Why don’t we both take her? And I’ll make sure you get the next girl who comes in, all right? Boss says there ought to be way more coming up anyway after these two. There’s only like a week till the grand opening anyway.”

  Marco shrugged. “Sure, okay.”

  They pushed her inside the door.

  The inside of the room was stark white, a large group of pillows in the middle of the room.

  “Go on,” Marco said. “You’ve got to be a good girl.”

  “A good wife,” Philip corrected. She heard him whisper, “She’s really into the wife angle. You gotta play it up.”

  Marco nodded. “All the good wives I know kneel down in this room. So go on.”

  All the good wives did it? Oh fuck. She was running way far behind by never having done it before! Rosie, obediently, knelt down on the pillows.

  Marco’s cock, long and hard, slid down the hot lines of her face. Oh god. He was going to fuck her face. Philip drew up next to him, his cock floating along the other side of her face. He was going to fuck her too.

  That was...


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