Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender

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Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender Page 2

by Angela Castle

  Shrieks filled the air while the white and blue aliens investigated the other caged women.

  Oh, god, were these the aliens the Druel expected us to breed with? They were huge!

  One big alien shoved the others out of his way. His crystal blue gaze ran down the length of my exposed body. I felt the flush seeping to the surface of my skin under his intense scrutiny.

  My heart, already spiked with fear, pounded harder. What were the Druel planning to do?

  I glanced up to his face. Arctic blue eyes met mine. I was surprised to find them strangely un-beast like. He had an angular, attractive face with high cheekbones and a low, square-cut jaw. His nose was wider, flatter than a human’s. His lips were fuller and wider, the pointed end of white teeth peeked over his bottom lip.

  No doubt every male, cover model agency would pound on his doorstep wanting him to be their lead, if he were human.

  Anna, you are an idiot! How could I think such things?

  He suddenly crouched down, making himself slightly lower than me. He stuck his hand through the bar. My breath seized. He held out his hand, his fingers beckoning me to come to him.

  I shook my head. “Hell, no.” I sucked in a deep breath, suddenly remembering to breathe.

  He cocked his head to the side, his expression curious. Slowly, he rose to his feet. Other males tried to push him aside, but he snarled and snapped at them, displaying his sharp set of teeth.

  He squatted down again. I watched him place his wrist into his mouth and bite down, tearing open his own flesh. Bright blue blood flowed over his wrist. He held it out, again gesturing for me to come forward.

  “Nor, tor nor ikk.” His voice was deep and gravelly.

  Involuntarily, I shuddered, hearing him talk. I stared bewildered at his bloodied wrist. He was offering me his blood? Why the hell would he do that? Was he some kind of alien, vampire race? I glared at him and shook my head again.

  He huffed, obviously frustrated by my refusal. He removed his bloody wrist and licked at the wound with his blue tongue, his eyes never leaving mine. I noticed the wound started to close, and within seconds, it was healed completely. He must have some kind of healing properties in his saliva, but it still didn’t make sense. Why he would try to give me his blood.

  I watched him glance around my cage before pulling himself up to his full height. His large hands gripped the bars and started to pull. The muscles in his arms bunched and strained. I gasped when the bars started to creak and the stone crack. Shit. I stared opened mouthed at his display of strength. Any minute he would tear the cage door off its hinges. Then there would be nothing stopping him from grabbing me and doing hell knows what.

  A claxon alarm made me jump, and the big white and blue alien muttered under his breath. His blue gaze filled with anger, he puffed out his chest and gave me some kind of salute by placing his arm across his chest. Releasing the bars, he spun on his large, bare feet and strode away.

  I stared at his retreat. What the hell was that all about?

  All the big, muscled aliens were leaving. They shoved and snarled at each other, before vanishing back through the large door. Once the last one vanished, the door slid shut and the alarm ceased.

  I finally peeled myself away from the wall and to the bars, my own small fingers curling around the same spot where his had been. It still felt warm.

  The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach grew with each breath. Somehow, I knew things were about to get a hell of a lot worse.

  Chapter Three

  Was this how it felt to be a worm on a hook? I was the third woman to be dragged from the cage out into the bright light. Despite the warm, alien sun on my naked skin, I shivered; whatever the women went through before me I didn’t know, only it was now my turn.

  There was not much difference between the ancient Roman Coliseum, in its entire splendor and this alien arena. The octo bot shoved me up onto a platform and shackled my arms above my head. Then it removed the collar from my neck with a sharp click before zooming away.

  I took in the arena of earthy, red sand, tall black metal sides and floating stands filled with the hum of chattering Druel. Robots zoomed about and the white aliens, with their blue, tattoo-like patterns, stood out against the red sand.

  Some leaned against the black walls; I could barely make out their bored expressions. Others leaned over, hands planted on their thighs panting, and some were splattered in what looked like blue paint. I could only guess it was their alien blood.

  I felt the weight of their stares. Many of them pushed off the walls, walking in closer to get a better look at me. Slowly, a small crowd gathered; I counted fifteen in all. Some shoved at each other, eyeing off their opponents.

  The one who almost broke the bars of my cage, walked closer to the platform. I tensed, expecting him to jump up onto the platform and grab me. I met his bright, ice blue gaze and saw the raw determination lurking there.

  I swallowed, every part of my body now trembled. If I wasn't shackled firmly, my legs would give out and I would collapse to the ground in a quivering mess.

  I knew what they were about to do, and it scared me even more than being abducted by the Druel.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out I was the prize for the coming fight.

  Shit, shit, shit. I tried to slow my rapid breathing, praying this was only some ongoing nightmare. The white and blue patterned aliens were pairing off—ridged tension in their muscles.

  A horn blared and they jumped into action. My jaw dropped open at the vicious fighting. Back on earth, I was quite a couch potato. I watched action movies with my brothers and their friends, enjoying the action and fighting movies, but nothing could prepare me for the reality of the fighting before me.

  They split into pairs to attack each other, using fists, legs and feet. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was loud, even above the roaring, Druel crowd. I heard growling and grunts when blows landed. Two men went down and the remaining two turned on each other. One of the men did a roundhouse kick flinging the other man halfway across the arena. He rolled over and didn’t get up. The last man standing clenched his fists. I stared at his heaving chest. Yes, it was the very same one who offered me his blood.

  Four new men replaced the fallen ones and it started again. I flinched at the brutality of it. These aliens were not messing around. Blue blood splattered onto the red sand. I heard one of the alien’s legs break during a brutal kick.

  The man roared and went down clutching his limb. Some of his fellow aliens, who chose not to fight, grabbed him and dragged him back from the main action. My blood-offering alien waited for the other two to finish.

  What the hell? My alien? I didn’t know what else to call him.

  When only two remained, they attacked each other. I shut my eyes. I didn’t want to watch any more. The sound of fighting continued above the yelling crowd. It was a vicious sound. Finally, a cheer rose from the Druel. My eyes snapped open out of curiosity. The place was filled with men oozing blue blood. A few of them eyed the others and backed away, bowing out of the fighting. Five remained in the centre, ready to fight.

  It began again. Roars and growls erupted while they fought. The injured were dragged away to the sidelines. It finally came down to the last three. Two of them teamed together to attack the large male.

  My blood-offering-man was notably bigger: thicker arms, shoulder and legs. I only glimpsed a small display of his strength, when he tried to rip my cage door off.

  He fought with amazing speed dodging fists and feet. He punched one man in the face and I winced hearing something crack. The man staggered back and collapsed onto the sand. Blue blood covered the fallen man’s features. He rolled to one side holding his face with both hands. He didn’t get up.

  The last one glanced in my direction and then back at his larger opponent. He put up his hands and backed away.

  The winner threw back his head and roared. The crowd went wild, stomping the floor under their feet, making the whole stad
ium shake.

  Terror gripped me. I froze as he approached the platform, trying not to pass out from my rapid, rasping breaths. I heard the whine of gears when the platform automatically lowered to the arena floor, until the winner stood mere inches from me.

  Oh, no, no, no! With a click, my arms were free and they dropped like rocks. I ignored the rush of blood back into my limbs, making them prickle. The man reached out his large blood-soaked hands, his thick fingers digging into my hips, yanking me towards him.

  I fell forward over his wide shoulder. His thickly muscled arm trapped my legs against his chest while a firm hand gripped my ass, holding me in place. My long brown hair fell over my eyes, blinding me. I couldn’t think and I was too weak to put up a fight. The cheers became muffled while he carried me out of the arena. I shut my eyes and struggled just to breathe, fighting against the rising terror, knowing what he wanted to do to me. What was worse, I had no way of stopping him.

  * * *

  I could smell him. Despite the blood, he didn’t smell too bad—sweat, sand and something raw, I couldn’t quite identify. Some of the sounds I could make out, such as his labored breathing, the grating of metal doors opening and closing, the low rumble of voices and the electric pings and humming of hovering machines.

  It felt like an eternity before he came to a halt, gripped my legs and slid me down his body. My hands automatically shot out, touching warm, firm flesh. My hair still covered my face, but he gripped me with one strong arm, reached up and gently pushed aside the veil.

  I swallowed, staring into his pale eyes, which were mesmerizingly beautiful. His irises gleamed like polished diamonds.

  “Nor ikk.” His chest rumbled with his foreign words.

  “I… I don’t understand.” My voice sounded breathy and laboured.

  He stroked his finger down my cheek, his soft touch surprised me. “Nor ikk.”

  He lowered me until my naked ass hit a firm mattress. I tore my gaze away to glance around. He’d brought me to a sparse room; looking at the bars on the door, I knew it was a prison. He pushed me back onto the bed, like a dangerous predator stalking his prey. He crawled over me, gripping my wrists and pinning them above my head. I didn’t fight, I didn’t struggle. I stared up into his eyes, pleadingly. Praying, more than hoping, he understood.

  He leaned closer and bent down. My breathing quickened. This was it. Would he rape me now?

  He started sniffing me from my stomach, up over my breast, before nuzzling at my throat with his wide nose. I shuddered; Goosebumps broke out over my skin. My chest heaved with the effort to draw in breath, when I felt his hot, wet tongue slide over my skin.

  Oh, god, I felt my abdomen clench, along with a stir of sexual desire. Confusion fogged my mind, battling with my fear. What was going on? Wasn’t I supposed to fight him, not get excited? My mind screamed at my body. How the hell can you betray me! He’s an alien for god’s sake!

  He growled low in his throat and raised his head. He pulled away from me and released my wrists. Once more, he took his own wrist and bit it, the blue blood oozed down.

  Without warning, his fingers speared into my hair and yanked, the shock and stinging pain made me gasp. He shoved his bloodied wrist to my open mouth.

  Tangy fluid dripped onto my tongue and into the back of my throat and my reflexes forced me to swallow. I started to kick and struggle under his heavy weight. He removed his wrists and nodded, seemingly satisfied and licked his wound.

  But he was far from finished. He grabbed my wrist, his sharp pointed, white teeth flashing briefly before he bit down. I yelped in pain when he broke through my skin, making me bleed. He suckled briefly at the wound, before pulling away and licking the wound. Amazed, I watched it close.

  I was even more surprised when he climbed off the bed. Standing tall, his white body was splattered with blood.

  I stared at him in disbelief. What the hell was the blood thing all about? He waited for a long moment, simply staring at me. Making no more sudden moves towards me, and then he crouched down, as if trying to appear less intimidating. Instead it made him look like a dangerous predator, ready to spring into action. He tilted his head to the side, his lips curving up in a small gentle smile.

  He touched his chest. “Morrdrook.” He pointed at me. “Pa?”

  He repeated the word again, “Morrdrook, Morrdrook…” pointing again at me “pa?”

  My mind calmed, when it hit me. He was telling me his name, basic communications, an introduction.

  Curiosity and a need to understand everything slowly overrode my fear. Maybe he didn’t mean me any harm. I sat up straighter and put my legs over the side of the bunk.

  I raised my hand, noticing how badly it trembled. “Anna.” I pointed at me then pointed at him. “Morrdrook.”

  His face split into a wide grin. I blinked in momentary shock at how handsome he was, for an alien. He nodded.

  “Aunna, Morrdrook, te u norp pa.” Again he pointed at me, gestured his fisted hand, slamming into his other fist. He shook his head. “Aunna, te u norp pa.”

  “You won’t hurt me?”

  His head tilted to the side and mimicked. “You won’t hurt me.”

  My eyes widened at his slow words. “Why did you bite me and make me drink your blood?”

  He nodded, his smile returned, and he sighed in a surprisingly soft gesture for one who looked so hardened.

  “Blood bond for us, speak same words.”

  He spoke English, or was it I understood what he said. “You speak my language?”

  He shook his head. “My blood helps you learn words. I take your blood, help me learn Aunna words, quick.”

  It hit home; the blood acted as some kind of translation between us. That’s why he gave his and took my blood.

  “You hear my words clear now?”

  “Yes.” I blinked in astonishment.

  “Good, makes easier to tell you. Druel make us fight to win female we want. I biggest, strongest, win best of all females.”

  I gaped at him. “Best of all females?” What the hell did that mean?

  “You bigger, softer, best, better, will breed.”

  “Oh!” I was a little taller than the average woman at five nine, but I have always had a weight problem, ever since I was little. This alien man assumed I was the ‘better’ female for being taller and fatter. Who was I to argue with him about that?

  “I doo best to plant seed in you. My seed strong. We try many times. I no want what happen to others, to happen to Aunna. I want keep, mine.”

  “Happen to the others?” I squeaked trying to grasp what he was telling me. There were other women here before me? “I don’t understand.”

  “If my seed does not plant in your belly, Druel will take you, dispose of you. You no good to them, if no breed.”

  His words made my blood run cold, I stared up at him. Yes, he solidified my fears. The Druel were forcing us to have sex to breed.

  “D… don’t you have women of your own species?” I swallowed watching his reactions.

  His thick brows dipped and his face darkened in evident anger.

  “They control their bodies. They do not allow our seeds to grow inside them. The Druel deemed no good.”

  Try as I might, I couldn’t hold back a rise of sympathy. They murdered a race of women because they refused to breed. The Druel’s cruelty knew no bounds. “I'm sorry about your women. You are a slave, too.”

  He nodded. “We all beasts to Druel. They think higher than all others.” As he slowly lifted his hand, I saw the blood from the fight in the arena dried. I didn’t flinch when he gently pushed back my long brown hair from my face. “You pretty little and soft. I no want you to die. Do not be afraid, I will I take care, protect, no hurt. I want to keep, not let Druel take away.”

  He unhooked the chain holding his loincloth in place, tossing it next to me on the bed. Breath seized in my lungs; my gaze dropped to his lower anatomy.

  Holy shit, he was hung like a fucking horse.
The only discernible difference in human male anatomy—not that I’d had much up close and personal encounters with human cocks—but his was as white as the rest of him. The veins lining this long shaft were bright blue, the same as the pulsing swirls on his body. At a pinch, it looked like a huge, exotic, coloured dildo. Only it was attached to a large, aroused, alien male.

  “Is it same?”

  His question startled me.

  I tore my gaze up from his appendage to his face. I felt my whole body flush at being caught staring.

  “Same as your males?” He glanced from his dick to me. I could see the curiosity in his gaze, no hint of shame or modesty, for that matter.

  I swallowed again. My lower stomach fluttered in both nerves and fear. If we tried to have sex, he would split me in half.

  “Um, yes, and no. It’s much bigger and um, not pink.” I shook my head. “W…we can’t b… breed, y…you are too b... big. It won’t fit.” Shit, I could wash a basket full of laundry and hang it out to dry on his dick.

  “No be afraid. I no hurt pretty Aunna. No want you to die.” He gripped my shoulders, pulling me to my feet. “Need wash. Dirty after fight. Not want to make my Aunna smell bad things.”

  He was worried about his smell? It was kind of sweet, but still didn’t take away from the fact there was no way we could copulate, or could we? My sex clenched at the mere thought of him trying to stuff that anaconda into me. Oh hell, I realised I was growing wet.

  It took all my strength not to collapse when my feet touched the floor. The weight of the universe on my shoulders made my mind reel. I felt light-headed. I was going to have to have sex with this huge, alien man, whether I liked it or not.

  Sex and impregnation, or death; the choices were clear. Would it be so bad?

  I glanced around the cell. The bunk was chained against a wall with a thick mattress on top. There was one, large, flat, thin bench. I didn't have any idea where I could wash.


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