Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender

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Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender Page 9

by Angela Castle

  It was breakfast, the day of the final battle with the Hurl beasts, when Joan broke her news.

  “I’m pregnant,” she blurted out when Makkiu pulled her onto his lap, a beaming smile of pride across his white face. She glanced up at him and smiled.

  Both Abby I stared at her in stunned silence.

  “How do you know?” Abby beat me to the question.

  “The Druel have, um, scanners; you need to ask the octopus robots. They scanned me and well…”

  Abby didn't start her period either and glanced at Nular “I want to check, too.”

  He nodded and helped her from the bench. I sighed heavily, watching them walk away. Before pulling my attention back to Joan, my head spun with the uncertainty of whether to congratulate the couple or burst into tears.

  “At least we now know it's possible, congratulations.” I managed after a moment, knowing she secured a chance of living.

  Morrdrook’s arm wrapped around me, lifted and sat me on his lap. I leaned into the security and warmth of his body. He kissed the top of my head.

  “We will have our own, patience, my Aunna.” He rumbled softly near my ear. I nodded, swallowing down the heart-sized lump in my throat. My mind swirled with doubts. What if I couldn’t get pregnant as easily as Joan?

  “Tonight is our last battle. We have more to fight for than our own breath.” Morrdrook looked directly at Makkiu’s proud face.

  “More to protect, this time we try harder.”

  I had a small inkling of what they were talking about; both Joan and I glanced between our men.

  “Soon brother, first we kill the beasts, then we plan.”

  “It will be good to go home.”

  “What are you talking about?” I studied Morrdrook’s hardened expression.

  “Talk later, when arrive home, must have silence.” He nodded towards one of the hovering bots in the meal room. Curious, but also sensible, I shut my mouth and nodded. My questions can wait.

  Morrdrook picked up my favorite, strawberry flavored cube. “Must eat, keep up strength.”

  I had the sudden urge to giggle, knowing how much strength I needed to keep up with Morrdrook’s hungry sexual appetite. He was becoming more than my tower of strength and comforting presence, he is an addiction. Every touch, every kiss, every slide of his cock deep inside my body, I couldn’t get enough.

  I accepted the food from his hand, like I did the first day he fed me, only this time my smile was seductive. God, I wanted him again.

  It was harder to spot under the artificial lighting in the meal room, but I felt a thrill when I noticed his skin markings glowing.

  “We have training, be good, my Aunna.” He dropped his tone, but I heard the husky arousal.

  Abby and Makkiu reappeared, and from the grin on both their faces, everyone knew they, too, succeeded.

  “Congratulations.” I smiled feeling better about her and Joan’s pregnancies, but more worried about my own situation. I wiggled off Morrdrook’s lap when Nular lifted Abby to the bench beside me.

  I embraced my friend and she clasped me tight. “Don’t worry, Anna, I’m sure you’ll be next.”

  I nodded, smiling brightly to hide the turmoil churning inside.

  “I haven’t given up hope, yet.”

  “Come.” Morrdook tugged me from Abby’s embrace and lifted me off the seat. “Have small time before training.”

  I smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted and I threw my arms around his neck. The rest of the universe forgotten, I stared into his eyes aflame with a passion, which never seemed to die.

  My heart thumped in my chest and I couldn’t deny the truth, no matter how I tried. I loved my big, alien gladiator.

  Chapter Twelve

  The familiar gut churning wait outside the arena never got any better. I leaned against the wall with Joan and Abby, watching our heavily armoured and weaponed Zakiu men. The grand final was here—the battle with the Hurl beasts. Every remaining fighter was ordered to participate.

  The activity around the fighters' quarters ramped up; Morrdrook said the whole planet of the Druel was preparing for hibernation mode. All their advanced technology also accounted for a sophisticated, planetary defence system, in case some neighbouring, space faring planet decided to attack and plunder during their inactive period.

  I hoped someone would; this Druel needed to be taken down, one way or another. Half the galaxy was at their mercy.

  “Makkiu told me about the tall trees of the forest on Zakiu, fresh air and sunshine. They live in huts called Domiciles; it sounds quaint and peaceful.”

  I smiled, even though Morrdrook told me similar stories of the Zakiu home world, it was nice to hear Joan’s eager voice. She changed so much from the angry woman she once was.

  A dozen Octo bots whizzed into the waiting area; everyone looked up, hearing the familiar humming sound. Strange, I've never seen so many in here prior to a battle before.

  Used to seeing all sorts of robots and machines moving about, no one was particularly concerned, until they started towards us. Morrdrook and the other Zakiu quickly surround us, blocking the machines path. It tweeted at the Zakiu men in the same Druel language none of the human women understood.

  A chill of fear trickled down my spine, making my body break out in a cold sweat, watching all the men tense, their hands near their weapons. “No,” growled Morrdrook; he shook his head, but never took his eyes off the bots.

  What's going on? “They stay in the observation cage,” Morrdrook said.

  More robots entered, some of them I haven't seen before, rolling on one, thick, black wheel; I didn't have any idea how they balanced with such a heavy arsenal of weapons on the upper part of the machine. I swallowed hard, hearing the whine of the charging energy weapons pointed at our men standing protectively in front of us.

  I shifted forward laying a hand on Morrdrook’s arm. “What going on?”

  “They want to take you, I not let them.”

  “Why do they want to take us, what will they do?” There was no way I would let Morrdrook get killed for something which could be easily avoided.

  “They want all hu-mon with no bud growing inside.” I heard the barely suppressed rage in Morrdrook’s low voice and standing this close to him I saw his marks glowing.

  My fear spiked into cold, hard dread; shit they weren’t going to keep their word. They were going to kill us anyway. “They said they would give us time, another four months.”

  Several weeks passed since my first period and I was due another soon; for all I knew I could be pregnant this time. Unless the Druel knew something I didn’t.

  I pushed my fear aside to ask. “Why? What are they going to do with us?”

  “Not have you.”

  I gripped his arm, realising he was going to fight tooth and nail to stop them from taking us, but against the Druel machines, he didn’t stand a chance. I witnessed them take down three, huge Fraxi who tried fighting several Zakiu for other human women. When the Fraxi’s rage turned on the machines, they shot them with high pulsed, electric volts. It didn’t kill them, but the Fraxi couldn’t move for several hours afterward.

  I wouldn’t let him get hurt because of me. If this was how it was meant to be, then so be it. The depth of my love for Morrdrook knew no bounds; even scared witless, I would give my life for him.

  “I’ll go.”

  His head whipped down, anger gleamed in his blue gaze. “No.”

  “Morrdrook, be sensible. If you fight them they may kill you and I will be given to another. Is this what you want?”

  I felt the anger pulsing from his pores; he glared down at me. “If we surrender, then we have a chance of living and being together again. I'm brave and you're strong. I know you’ll find a way to get me back. I trust you as much as I love you.” I whispered my last, few words.

  His gaze softened, turning to sweep me into his arms, his mouth hot and desperate.

  “Sometime, you too smart, my Aunna.” His voice rough
with emotion. “My heart yours in this life and next. I will find you. You mine.”

  “I know.” I smiled against his lips, before he set me on my feet.

  It took a hell of a lot of will power to tug from the safety of his arms.

  “I fight for you Aunna, no one else.” His declaration helped sooth my strung nerves, while I stepped forward, surrendering to the bots.


  One of the octo bots zoomed in and clicked a collar around my neck. Yanking me forward, I stumbled. Sobbing, the other women stepped out from behind their men after soft words from them.

  I turned away, the tears stinging the back of my eyes, before welling and spilling down my cheeks. I can’t let him see. Whatever the Druel were planning, I didn’t care as long as Morrdrook stayed safe.

  Two other women were collared before we were dragged from the room.

  “You think they're goanna kills us because we didn’t get pregnant?” I looked at Sarah, seeing her cheeks glistening with her tears. Her face pale in the artificial lights. I always admired her curvy figure and lovely honey-wheat, blond hair. She was just as devoted to her Zakiu as the rest of us.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah, I know they said they’d give us four more months, but Druel are unpredictable, cruel bastards.”

  Right now, deep down, I didn’t care. I wanted with unmeasured desperation to be back in Morrdrook’s arms, telling him how much I love him. The tears flowed more freely while the Octo bots lead us to our fate.

  * * * *

  The four of us were led to a tall pole, attached to a single, four foot round platform, facing us away from each other, and then they bound us with a soft, leather material. No matter how hard I yanked, all I managed to do was chafe my wrists.

  Machines clicked and the platform rose, up through a hole, bars surrounding us. I glanced beyond and froze.

  A scream lodged in my throat. Oh, my god. So, this was our fate. Entertainment for the Druel, as they watched the Hurl beasts tear the flesh from our bodies and crunch on our bones.

  The other women whimpered when they caught sight of the huge beasts stalking around the large cage.

  Hurl beasts, three times the size of elephants, but lean and gaunt, circled our cage on four muscular legs; their fore legs were noticeably longer with deadly claws at the ends. Their heads were narrow snouts, almost skeletal, apart from stretched black, leather skin and small, fleshy patches billowing near their throat when the creatures took huffing breaths and their long thick tails whipped back and forth. My mouth hung open when my gaze slid over their various, razor-like spikes on their tails. The spikes didn’t stop at the tail, but were on various parts of their limbs, down along the back spine and shoulders. A greenish drool dripped from brown stained, dagger-like teeth. They circled our cage, snapping at each other, their gleaming red eyes hungry. No doubt they wanted to devour us piece by piece.

  The platform kept rising, up into the centre of the arena, placing us high above and almost level with the chattering, Druel crowd.

  Fucking brilliant, used as fodder in their stupid, cruel games, because we didn't become pregnant.

  A cheer went up and I squinted against the sun in my face. In the shadows I saw the doors of the arena open and out walked all the remaining fighters. My heart caught in my throat when I caught sight of Morrdook. His shoulders pulled back, his head held high, his gaze scanning the arena, lifting when he spotted the pole. His piercing gaze zeroed in on where we were tied.

  I saw anger darken his features, his hand tightened on the long, jagged blade, raising it towards me. A sob tore from my throat. Even from this distance, I saw his raw determination. Like the first time he fought to win me, he was coming for me again.

  “They’ll save us,” Sarah spoke. “I love my Barooki, he won’t let me down.” The confidence in Sarah’s voice gave me the hope I desperately needed. I knew he would never abandon me.

  The fighters spread out through the arena. Preparing for the fight, Morrdrook and three other Zakiu walked closer to our pole. I saw their minds at work, trying to figure out a way to reach us.

  An announcement in Druel language boomed across the arena and the crowd cheered. The blast of a garbled horn made me almost jump out of my skin. The ground rumbled and one trap door on the right of me slid open, out leapt the first of the Hurl beasts, snapping and snarling, quickly followed by his equally large friend. The beasts wasted no time in advancing on the nearest fighters.

  Weapons held high, two Fraxi slashed out at the first beast when it tried to swipe him with his claw. I watched in horror when the beast swung sideways, using its massive body to block and at the same time, use its thick tail to strike out at the Fraxi’s legs. The Fraxi jumped a moment too late and was flipped up onto his back, but rolled before the beast turned, trying to jump on him. Two Zakiu moved in from the beast's left and two Fraxi charged the beast's flank. The beast used his body like a battening ram and every fighter went flying backwards, landing heavily on the sand. Like lighting, the creature pounced on the nearest downed fighter, a Gillip. His strangled scream barely heard over the roar of the other beast, cornered by eight fighters. Green blood sprayed across the sand from the creature tearing into the Gillip like butter, his wet insides spilling out, cleaved into halves by the beast’s sharp jaws.

  The Druel cheered over the death. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying hold down the sudden bile rising in my throat; the gruesome sight forever burned into my mind.

  My stomach dropped and my eyes popped open when I realized the pole we were tied to was lowered, and then stopped.

  “What the hell are they doing? If we’re the prize, why are they lowering us?” Rita screeched, panic lacing her tone.

  I didn’t know, but my vocal cords felt frozen. Wildly, I searched for Morrdrook, witnessing a Fraxi being crushed, the sound of his bones snapping making bile rise again in my throat.

  More cheers from the crowd while watching another Fraxi meet a brutal end and the pole again moved. I curled my fingers around the leather-like bonds. My mind, franticly trying to figure out what the Druel game was, besides watching the fight against the Hurl beasts and the gladiators.

  Sarah suddenly screamed, wailed and thrashed against her bonds. Glancing around I saw why. Barooki, Sarah’s guy, was flung high into the air by the Hurl beast and he landed heavily on the railing at an awkward angle. His eyes wide and blue blood flowed out of a gaping head wound. I knew there was no chance of him surviving such a blow. He fell to the sands unmoving and the pole dropped again.

  Shit, now I realized every time a fighter died, we were brought closer to the reach of the Hurl beasts.

  Sarah sagged against her bonds, sobbing; there was nothing I could do to comfort her. Trying not to give into the tears threatening to spill down my face, I again tried to find Morrdrook, finally spotting him with a group of Zakiu. They advanced, running towards the beast, then suddenly split up, yelling and hollering loudly. The beast swiped out at Morrdrook. I startled when he didn’t move out of the way fast enough, the claw clipping his side and sending him sprawling backwards. In a fluid flip, he jumped back to his feet. I saw the blood oozing down his side, but his sole focus was on the beast. Morrdrook rejoined the loud hollering, the beast didn’t know which direction to turn to, or who to attack next, the fighters continuing to dance around it.

  Morrdrook used the distraction to run, sliding like a baseball player home, his big blade hit at a spot on the back of the beast's leg. An ear-splitting howl from the wounded beast made me clench my teeth. Thick, black fluid gushed from the creatures hind leg. Nular, slid in on the other side, slashing at the beast's other leg.

  My breath caught in my throat when Morrdrook barely rolled out of the way, the beast crashing down in the sand. It's tail thrashed and it's jaws snapped at anyone who tried to get near. The tail whipped out and again landed heavily on Morrdrook’s shoulder. Makkiu barrelled forward and in one, forceful downward stroke of his blade, severed the beast’s tail from his body.
It howled again, trying to get up. I swear my heart stopped beating seeing Morrdrook lay motionless under the tail. Nular was quick to shove it off and I breathed a sigh of relief when Nular helped Morrdrook up off the red sand.

  The pole again dropped. I turned to see the other Hurl beast ripping into another Fraxi. A Zakiu charged while the beast's head was down, but it shot up lighting fast, catching the Zakiu directly in the chest with one of it's spikes. He was tossed up and flung sideways, his blue blood flowing into the red sands.

  Rita’s devastated scream followed and I realised the newly downed Zakiu was her man.

  The pole dropped again and I knew we were now within reach of the Hurl beasts.

  Rita joined Sarah sobbing together. The Hurl beast backed away from the fighters and turned. I felt my eyes widen when I noticed our pole and the sacrificial lambs laid out, unable to put up a fight.

  Oh, god no. Desperately, I glanced around and spotted Morrdrook, Nular and Makkiu swinging their blades at the head of the downed Hurl beast. More black blood splattered with them delivering the killing blows.

  I sucked in a deep breath and screamed, “Morrdrook!”

  His head whipped up, his gaze and mind assessing the situation in a heartbeat. He leapt off the dead beast and ran towards us. The others following close behind. Only a handful of fighters still stood. Every able bodied fighter joined in to attack the remaining beast. Again they used the yelling tactic, to draw its attention away from us.

  It worked, thank god. Every last, standing fighter struck out from different angles. Some were knocked back, the beast fighting viciously, but it was outnumbered. A Gillip managed get under it and slice at an obvious weak spot. Morrdook didn’t wait for the creature to fall; he came in under it and thrust his sword up into the creatures throat. The power behind his blow had the sword sticking out the other end. The beast was dead before it tumbled to the sands.


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