Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One

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Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Page 6

by Bria Marche

  Karen watched with a smile as Mia held a hand mirror and stared at her amazing transformation.

  “Oh my friggin God! I don’t even recognize myself, you guys. This is perfect. Plus you’ll do my makeup and everything, right?”

  “Right,” they both chimed in.

  “This might work. At least we’ll find out more than we know now. At some point, when we plan our next move, we’ll have to tell Sasha who we are. For now though, this is going to be a blast,” Karen said. “With the four of us working together, she won’t have a clue what’s going on. Here’s what I need.” Karen wrote down Sasha’s name and address Mia had memorized already. “It will take me about two weeks to put everything together so it looks legit. When we’re ready to announce the event, I’ll make posters for you to hang on the windows of your salon. Of course you really aren’t going to do a magazine cover and Sasha will be the only contestant, but she won’t know that. I’ll even have the letter delivered to her by courier so it seems official.”

  “What if she throws it away, or thinks it’s some kind of scam?” Mia asked.

  “I’ll get a prepaid phone to use for now. I’ll include that number in the literature and the website I’ll build. She’ll probably call the number to see if it’s legit. I’ll be the one answering the phone anyway. I’ll make her believe it’s a new glamour magazine, and she has a one in four chance to be on the cover. There’s no model in the world that would pass up the opportunity to see themselves on the cover of any magazine, even if it’s Popular Mechanics,” Karen said, laughing. “Sure this is way over the top and unnecessary, but what the hell? It’s going to be a riot. She’s going to get punk’d and she won’t even know it. I’ll call you next week, Mia, when I have everything started. You can all come back if you like, and we’ll begin planning for her salon visit. You know, even if we never get her on board with us, we can still have photos of Jack and her together. We’ll just make sure to keep her face out of it. The bottom line is, we want to take Jack down. It doesn’t have to be at her expense. But once his infidelity is revealed, she would be smart to dump him too.”

  “Sounds great. I guess we ought to be going now. It’s already four o’clock. Time flies when you’re up to no good. We’ll talk next week,” Mia said.

  The girls left and giggled all the way back to Tarrytown. “I don’t think I’ve ever done a devious thing in my entire life,” Mia admitted.

  “Well then, you’re way overdue,” Vic said. “This, my dear, is going to be a blast. We should video tape it, what do you think?”

  “I think that’s an awesome idea. We can watch it over popcorn and wine, and laugh our butts off for years to come.”

  Mia dropped her friends off and continued home. The old version of Mia was gone, and the revised, one step ahead of Jack version, was coming to life. She liked her new self. She changed into someone that wasn’t going to be a victim anymore. She would have the last word, and the last laugh at Jack’s expense.

  Chapter Nine

  Each girl had a role in the plot, and they loved every second of it. Karen was busy getting the website and posters put together. Tina and Vic were looking through magazines to find hairdos and makeup colors that would look good on Sasha’s olive complexion. Mia kept Jack off balance and taunted him every chance she could. The idea of putting his image on billboard ads was still a good possibility. Mia had to find out where Sasha stood in all of this once she revealed her true identity to her. She reminded herself to ask Karen to go through the box of pictures again and search for any intimate photo’s that showed Jack’s face but not Sasha’s. There might be pictures in there that would do just fine. If not, Mia had to get busy and start following them to get the perfect shots.

  Mia kept herself busy over the next ten days shooting Little League team photographs and a small intimate wedding right in Tarrytown.

  At home, everything remained the same. There was an obvious elephant in the room between them, but Jack didn’t know why. These days, Mia was thankful to have a king sized bed. She wanted him as far away from her as possible without outright telling him to sleep in a different room.

  “It looks like I’m up for a huge promotion next month,” Jack said, as he finished his breakfast. He wasn’t telling Mia because he wanted to share life stories, not Jack. His only motivation to tell her anything was for the sole purpose of boasting about himself. “The rumor going around is that I’ll be the next National Sales Director. I don’t want to assume it will be me, but it’s the natural progression of things. I mean, I’m the only sales person qualified for a position like that, and of course, one would go from Regional to National anyway. How great is that? I knew it wouldn’t take long before I was a member of the upper echelon in the huge kid’s fashion and toy industry.”

  “What did you say? Sorry… I wasn’t listening. My mind is on a photo shoot I have coming up with a model.” Mia smiled, knowing full well what Jack said. She wasn’t going to admit she was listening though. He can pat himself on the back all he wants. I’m not going to indulge him.

  As soon as Jack left for work, Mia called Karen. “Hi Karen, how are things progressing?” she asked, sipping her tepid coffee.

  “Things are great. I have an idea I want to run past you though. What if I brought everything I have to you guys? We can go over the website, letter to Sasha and the posters right at the salon on Tuesday, if Tina and Vic don’t mind. We can even do a little role playing so we’re ready when the actual day comes.”

  “Wow that sounds like fun. I’ll run it past them and call you later this afternoon. So you’re talking about next Tuesday, right?”

  “Yes, and I’m almost finished with everything, so next week would be perfect.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll call you back later.”

  “Okay, bye.” Karen wolfed down her coffee and cinnamon toast, then went back to work.


  The day was warm, sunny and perfect. Mia was about to call Vic and tell her what Karen suggested, but hung up the phone instead. I’m going to ride my bike into town. Today is too nice to waste. Mia finished her coffee and turned off the pot. She showered and dressed, walked Reggie, then left on her bike. The warm breeze felt wonderful against her face as she rode. Mia smiled at everything she passed. She appreciated the perfect flowers, the cloud formations and every bird that flew by. It must be the photographer in me. She reached the downtown area and saw Aaron walking toward the entrance of his store. She rode up next to him and rang the bell on her bike.

  “Hey, Aaron!”

  “Mia, what are you doing in town so early?”

  “I came to invite you to Amelia’s for coffee and a donut. So how about it?” Mia ran into him purely by accident, but she had no intention of ruining the moment for him.

  “Sure. That sounds dangerously close to a dinner invitation, Mia. By summer’s end I just might wear you down!”

  “You never know. Things could change at any time.”

  “Are you trying to tell me something, hot stuff?” he asked, with that perfect smile.

  “Nope… I’m just saying.”

  “Well, I can only wish.”

  Mia locked her bike to the rack. They went inside and seated themselves at a cozy table by the window.

  “This is such a great surprise, Mia. Once we’re married, we can have breakfast here every morning on our way to the camera store.”

  “Oh, so you want me to work in the camera store with you after we’re married?” she teased.

  “Well of course, if you want to. That is, if you aren’t too busy with the kids.”

  “You’re crazy, Aaron.”

  “Yeah, crazy in love.”

  Mia paused for a moment, with a million thoughts bouncing through her head.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Not at all, Aaron,” she replied, her voice beginning to crack. “Actually… that’s a beautiful vision.”

  After her breakfast with Aaron, Mia rode the four blocks to the s
alon. She waved at Tina and Vic through the large front window while she locked her bike. The salon buzzed with commotion as Mia walked through the doors. Gossip to the left and drama to the right. “This place is a riot, I swear!” she said, while jumping onboard the local gossip train.

  “What brings you in all close up and personal, Chica? Do you need a blow-out?”

  “Really, Vic? Does it look like I need a blowout? I have the authentic, wind-blown bicycle hair that these ladies pay good money for, and I did it the natural way,” she said, proudly.

  “Shush, and keep your secret to yourself. I don’t want to lose their business, or money,” Vic responded, winking at her. “So what’s up, mama?”

  “I talked to Karen this morning, and she thought coming here next Tuesday would be a great idea. She’ll have everything done by then, and she said we should even consider role playing,” Mia whispered.

  “That’s perfect!” Tina said, while styling an elderly lady’s white hair in the next chair.

  “I’m going to hang out in town for a few hours. I’ll be back at lunch time to see if you guys are free.”

  “Sounds good, Mia, later. Okay Mrs. Davis, we’re all finished,” Tina said, as she helped her out of the chair.

  Mia rode her bike to the town square. She sat at a bench next to the fountain and called her parents in Florida. The phone rang five times before the familiar voice of Ann James answered.


  “Hi, Mom, how are you?”

  “Mia, it’s so good to hear your voice. I’m fine, honey, and how are you? Tom, Mia’s on the phone.”

  “I’m good, hi, Dad.” Mia heard the extension pick up as her dad joined in on the conversation.

  “Hi, honey, so what have you been doing?”

  “Oh, the usual, working on photo shoots.”

  “How’s Jack?”

  “He’s good, keeping busy, you know how it is. I was thinking about coming down there to visit you guys soon. I haven’t seen you since Christmas.” Mia was happy her parents couldn’t see her eyes tearing up.

  “Well, honey, we would enjoy that a lot. Will Jack be able to get off work?”

  “No, Mom, I’ll come alone, but I’ll let you know when. I’m thinking late summer.”

  “That sounds wonderful. We can’t wait to see you again,” her dad piped in.

  “Thanks, Dad, I can’t wait to see you guys too. Well, I’ve got errands to run. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” It was a white lie telling her parents she had things to do, but Mia knew if she kept talking they would soon realize something was wrong. It’s hard to keep things from them, they know me so well.

  “Okay, honey, bye.”

  Mia didn’t realize how much she missed her parents until she spoke to them. When this mess is behind me, I’ll visit them for a month or so. That would be nice for all of us.

  She put the cell phone in her backpack and walked to the creek to sit along the bank. She watched as frogs jumped and swallows caught bugs in mid-air. Mia thought about Aaron as she sat. I wonder if we could have a life together someday. Does he mean what he says about loving me, or is it idle talk because he doesn’t think I’ll ever be available? He might find out sooner than later. Life with Aaron would be as close to perfect as anything I could ever imagine.

  Her cell rang out, startling her out of the imaginary life she wanted.

  “Hey, Vic.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m at the creek hanging out with my thoughts, why?”

  “Um… it’s after twelve. Did you forgot about us?”

  “Holy crap! I must have lost track of the time. So what do you want to do?”

  “Meet us at Barney’s. Tina and I are already there. We’ve got a cold one waiting for you.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in five.”

  The girls waited at a bar table, waving Mia over as she walked through the door.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize how fast the morning went by. I needed that fresh air. It gave me clarity. So what do you think of Karen’s idea?”

  “We’re on board, for sure. Tina can even practice makeup and hair styles on me since I’m the only dark haired, olive skinned beauty in our mix,” Vic said, chuckling.

  “That’s a great idea. So when you’re ready to work on Sasha, you’ll know exactly what to do. This will be a blast. You’re going to have to make me up too so I look like a different person.”

  Mia was excited, but she was also feeling strange about the whole plan. After all, they were going to be acting sweet and friendly to her husband’s lover.

  Chapter Ten

  “Mia, it’s Karen. I forgot to ask you the name of the salon,” she said, as she laughed at her own oversight. “I’m on my way and I should be there in a half hour.”

  “That’s awesome. The salon is called Hair Brained and it’s on Center Street. Vic and Tina are already there getting everything ready. I hope you’re staying for lunch. We have several cool bars and grills to choose from right downtown.”

  “No problem, it sounds like fun. I’ll see you soon.”

  Mia thought about the strange turn of events over the last month. For ages she thought Karen was the bitchy ex-wife that consumed all Jack’s free time. Now several years later, she realized there wasn’t even a daughter, but instead a hot girlfriend Jack spent his extra time with. The funny part of that horrible situation was the ex-wife was becoming a great friend. Go figure, Mia thought. She climbed into her Camaro and drove to the salon.

  She crossed through the double glass doors and saw Tina and Vic lining up all the makeup shades. They had foundations in all skin tones, eye shadows and liners ready to go, as well as false eyelashes and lipsticks in every color known to man.

  “Holy crap, you guys are on a serious mission.”

  “That’s right, Chica. They don’t call us the best in a fifty mile radius for nothing.”

  “Cool… Karen should be here any minute. She’s bringing the wig too so you guys can figure out how to disguise me. Here comes a silver Lexus pulling up to the curb. Yep, it’s her. I’ll help her bring the stuff in.”

  “Hi, Karen, how’s it going?” the girls asked at the same time when she walked through the door.

  “I’m good, and you?”

  “We’re great. This is going to be a riot. Mia is even going to photograph and videotape what we’re doing just for the hell of it. We can watch it later, and laugh at our shenanigans.”

  “That sounds like fun. So, let me show you ladies what I came up with,” Karen said.

  She unrolled an enormous poster for the window. It showed a beautiful model’s face with a magazine called Today’s Glamour behind her head. There was a caption below the model congratulating the final four, chosen from hundreds of local models. One of them would be picked for the cover of the first issue.

  “This looks so professional.” Tina was impressed.

  Karen showed them the fake magazine website and letter she would be sending to Sasha.

  “So what happens when it never turns into a real magazine or real opportunity?” Mia asked, concerned they’d be arrested for fraud, or something of that nature.

  “Oh that stuff happens all the time. The investors fell through, or something like that. Don’t worry, new start-ups begin and fail before they even get their foot in the door. I’ve been in the business, it just happens,” Karen admitted.

  “Okay, so who’s going first, Mia, or me?” Vic asked.

  The girls spent two hours making up Vic and doing her hair in wild looks straight from the runways of Milan and Paris. Mia took forty pictures of Vic’s hair and makeup as they joked around. Mia’s turn was just as enjoyable. They put the black wig on her and made up her face with the finesse of world class makeup artists. They finished her look with crazy, lime green, rhinestone glasses and huge earrings. Mia stared at herself in the mirror with astonishment.

  “Oh my God, who am I? There’s no way in hell Sasha would recognize me. I look like so
mebody right out of a top fashion magazine.”

  “That’s right, Chica. This is exactly how you want to look for her photo shoot.”

  “Awesome… this is friggin awesome. I’m keeping this wig on for lunch. Let’s go see if anyone realizes it’s me.”

  The four girls walked the three blocks to Barney’s as heads turned and people stared. This look was so out of the norm for a small place like Tarrytown.

  Just as they reached the restaurant Tina caught a glimpse of Aaron leaving his shop.

  “Mia, there’s Aaron,” Tina said, almost choking with laughter. “Walk past him and see what he does.”

  “I can’t do that, it’s cruel,” Mia said, giggling, with tears ready to roll down her cheeks.

  “The hell you can’t, and stop messing up your makeup. Now go.”

  It was hard for any of them to keep their composure as they stood across the street and out of sight. They watched Mia stroll toward Aaron as he locked the door of the camera shop for lunch. He turned to step out onto the sidewalk and ran right into her. He caught her by the shoulders and made his apologies for almost knocking her over, then continued on. The girls had a hard time maintaining some semblance of decorum. Aaron turned back once, stared at Mia for a second, shook his head, and disappeared around the corner. They couldn’t hold their laughter any longer as Mia ran across the street and down the block to meet with them.

  “Oh my God, he had no idea who I was.” She was laughing so hard the black mascara streaked her cheeks.

  “That was hysterical,” Vic said, as she handed Mia a tissue. “Now fix your face before we go inside.”

  They enjoyed lunch together while making plans. Karen asked Vic and Tina if they could spread the word that their salon was going to hold an audition for local models. The winner would be on the magazine’s inaugural cover.

  “We know a ton of people that have salons. There’s a bunch of blogs we salon owners read all the time about new products and the latest styles. We could post something on them too,” Vic said, already excited about it.


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