The Shadow Ryana (The Shadow Sisters Book 1)

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The Shadow Ryana (The Shadow Sisters Book 1) Page 25

by C. R. Daems

  "Your majesty, there is a Zunji asking to see the Shadow," Tomas said after a whispered exchange at the door.

  "Let him in, Tomas."

  The Zunji knelt and bowed his head for a second, then ran over to me.

  "Shadow, the north side is down by twenty hands and the south by twenty-five. The warriors in the north weren't as sneaky as those in the south. They need more training," he whispered with a big grin.

  "Gero, the son of the Zunji chief Sizwe, informs me your count is a little off, Lord zo'Stanko. He puts your total strength at fifty-five hands. In addition, most of those will desert as soon as the Zunji give them permission to leave. I'm sure Araby and the Zunji could crush what would be left of your armies."

  "Your majesty, see—the Shadow conspires with Araby to overthrow you!" zo'Stanko shouted.

  "I've the solution. I'll send out forty hands, twenty to the south and twenty to the north, to collect the weapons from your armies. If Araby attacks them, we'll join with you to defeat them. If not…"

  "If your majesty doesn't want our support, we'll leave."

  I smiled. "Your armies may leave with his Majesty's permission, but for your killing of Shadows, you owe us your lives. I'm here to collect."

  The remaining three lords stepped in front of se'Dubben and zo'Stanko. Two ran at me, swords raised as they came. This time the guards were faster. One hacked into one fool's belly. The other's sword clattered to the floor as he threw himself to his knees.

  I threw a knife. It struck se'Dubben in the neck. I flicked a second at zo'Stanko. The room stank of blood. I sat back down facing the king.

  "See, Captain. I told Tomas the Shadow wasn't in a good mood." He turned back to me. "What if I have you killed, Shadow, for killing two of my First Lords?"

  "I'd die."

  "That doesn't scare you?"

  "No. Dying is easy. It's living that's difficult. It would be an act of mercy." I was so tired. As I talked, the soldiers had drawn their swords and circled the king.

  "Put those away. The question was rhetorical. You've prevented a war and possibly saved my life and kingdom from chaos. How can I repay you—money to you or the Shadows?"

  "I say for the Shadow Sisters you owe us nothing. I've taken payment. However, many risked their lives and all that they cherish to avoid this war and support your rule. I would ask a boon for them."

  "Ask and I shall see."

  "Declare the gypsies under your protection and let them each entertain you when they are in Tarlon." The king nodded.

  "Declare the Earth Wizards the King's Wizards. They have been united in every province behind peace and your rule and supported me." He nodded again.

  "Recognize the Zunji as a people and make the desert they inhabit a province with Sizwe the new First Lord." He hesitated, frowned, but eventually nodded.

  "Araby has and will continue to support you. I doubt she wants anything more than to return home to her people. I'll leave it to you to decide what loyalty is worth."

  "Tomas, prepare those declarations. Captain, the Shadow looks tired. Escort her wherever she wishes to go, and I think those men are ready to leave." He pointed to the dead bodies. "The other two to the dungeons until I can determine their part in this." He turned back to me.

  "Shadow, you'll always be welcome here."


  Tarlon—Dazel Province

  Crossing the courtyard toward the gate, I would have like to lie down and never wake up again. The king didn't know how right he was. I was tired to my bones. I had avoided a war and lost myself in the process. I felt I had nowhere to go. Maybe the Zunji would take me in.

  "Shadow, would you tell me how you got into the castle? The king's safety…"

  "It's easy, Captain, I climbed to the roof and came down the stairs."

  "You did what? You climbed to the roof?" He stopped to laugh. "Thank you, Shadow. I don't think I've much to worry about. Only a Shadow could do that. Anytime you want to see the king, ask for me and I'll save you the climb." He was still laughing as I walked through the castle gate. Out of habit, I stayed to the shadows, using Anil and Kasi to guide me to Sizwe's camp. Once in the desert, I made no attempt at secrecy. Sizwe sat at a small fire with his wives and sons waiting for me.

  "Greetings, Shadow. Gero tells me I'm to be a First Lord and that our land has become a province. I don't believe anyone could've taken this land away from the Zunji, but I thank you for gaining the Zunji respect as a people."

  "You earned it for supporting the king." It had been amazing how they had devastated the two armies. Sizwe banged his leg and laughed along with everyone around the fire.

  "We did it for you, Shadow. Besides, my warriors will sing of this fight and you for many generations. You've relieved the boredom and justified our training that some were beginning to question."

  I spent the next sixday with the Zunji, resting and trying not to think, to remain in the present. Gero and his sons spent the days showing me the Zunji way of life. Except for the contrast in terrain, their life appeared not too different from that of the Shadows. The next day the gypsies arrived in Tarlon.

  "I thank you for letting me rest here and for showing me your way of life. I must leave now. I've business to take care of." I felt a pang of sorrow leaving. I had enjoyed my time with them.

  "You're welcome here any time, to visit or to stay. Maybe you could stop in now and then with another war." He almost looked serious.

  I left at night because I only had my blacks and wanted to avoid notice. I made my way to the Earth Wizards' guild house and was ushered in immediately.

  "Welcome, Shadow." They were all sitting in their audience room as if they had been expecting me, which they probably were. "We did little yet received much."

  "Every little act helped avoid the war. You'll now have an opportunity to do much, helping the king. I thank you for your help in fighting the other Wizards. Without you, I couldn't have won." I had had lots of help in living to see this day. I hoped the king's rewards helped pay for that help. And I hoped Sister Morag wouldn't be too mad because I asked nothing for the Shadow Sisters. How could anyone pay for the death of a Sister? It would have been vulgar to ask. The deaths of se'Dubben and zo'Stanko seemed a just payment, although they hadn't acted alone.

  I stayed until the next night. During the day, Wizard Egica gave me a tour of the guild house. It was an amazing collection of trees, plants, flowers, rocks, and water pulled right out of the earth—a garden in a building. The food—roots, berries, spices, and vegetables—tasted strange but was satisfying. I left at night and made my way to the gypsy camp.

  I arrived late, hoping to collect my things and leave before anyone woke. Everyone seemed asleep as I slipped into my wagon quietly. When I closed the door, Stela lay curled up asleep on my bed. She had her arm around my traveling bag, so there was no way I was going to get it without waking her.

  "Stela." I touched her arm and stepped back. She jerked awake with a knife in her hand, looking around until she saw me in the shadow.

  "Daughter, you scared your mother to death. I knew you'd try to sneak away without saying goodbye. Where do you intend to go? Back to Ahasha?"

  "No, mother, the Shadows won't want me there." Even if they did, I couldn't go back. "I didn't think you would want me to stay either now that your obligation to Mistress Morag was over. I might live with the Zunji for a while."

  "My poor wild daughter. You aren't thinking straight, and it's no wonder. You've been living in chaos for so long you've lost your way. I can't speak for the Shadows, but I know all the Dorian clan loves you. You're clan and they would want you to stay."

  "Not if they knew who I really was and what I've done."

  "What? Save Alida and Ilka's lives, save our horses, and save us from losing everything we own, including our lives? The clan knows you risked your life for us. Nothing else matters to them. Stay with us for a while, at least until you can think straight again. Then decide what you want to do."<
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  "I may never be able to think straight again."

  "Then you'll stay with us all of your life. Sleep now. I'm going back to my wagon. This damn bag is uncomfortable to sleep with." She kissed me on both cheeks and left.

  She was right, I couldn't think straight anymore. I was lost in the past. I loved my life with the clan and decided to stay for a while.

  * * *

  When I woke the next day, Alida, Ilka, and Yoan were sitting outside my wagon.

  "You're back!" Alida and Ilka screamed at the same time, as they ran and wrapped their arms around me. "You did find a Shadow. She stopped the war, and the king has declared us under his protection, and we are going…" Ilka and Alida reiterated the events of the past sixdays while jumping up and down like kids at a party. "You're the craziest sister, and you do the stupidest things, but we love you anyway. Oh, Luka is arriving to day."

  Yoan gave me a hug. "It's good to have you back, safe and sound. You've got to stay. We have to practice for the performance for the king in a sixday. I can't find anyone I can trust throwing knives at me."

  Stela was right. This was my family, but the thought of facing Luka was terrifying.

  * * *

  I spent the morning telling a mixture of truths and lies about the past two sixdays. I said I had helped a little by scouting for her and got to watch what happened in the king's reception hall. I described everything as if I had been a bystander. In the afternoon, Yoan and I began practicing. It seemed like I had never been away.

  That evening the Tobar clan arrived, and Luka jumped from his horse to run up to me.

  "Ryana, you're here. I didn't see you in Scio. I thought you'd changed your mind." He touched my earring gently. "You're blood clan, that's wonderful. I hope that means you're going to marry me." His face lit with happiness. I dragged him away into the nearby trees.

  "Luka, my love." I cupped his face with my hands. Tears scalded my eyes. "I can't marry you. I'm scarred beyond my ability to heal. I've no feeling left in me. I'd make a terrible wife and a worse mother."

  "I don't understand. Scarred? How? You said ‘my love,' yet you say you can't or won't marry me. Is there someone else?" The questions poured out too quick to answer, and the answers were to complex for me to try. I no longer knew who I was or what I should do.

  "If you knew, you wouldn't want me. I'm locked in the past and can't get out. I'm sorry, Luka." I turned and walked away, leaving him standing there. I didn't deserve him and he wouldn't be happy with me. Tears slid down my cheeks as I climbed wearily into my wagon.

  * * *

  I woke, a rocktail stick in my hand and throwing knife in the other. The door was partially open and a Shadow slid in, stopping just inside.

  "Sister Ryana, I'm Sister Alina, if you remember."

  "Are you here to kill me, Sister?" It seemed fair. I had abused Sister Morag's authority.

  "Mistress said no one could kill you without your permission."

  "You've my permission, Sister."

  "Mistress wants to see you, tonight," Alina said with a sigh. I dressed quickly in blacks, probably for the last time. I would like to die a Shadow. We ghosted out of the camp past several people who were wandering around. Five minutes later, I stood in front of Sister Morag.

  She put her hands on my shoulders.

  "I'm sorry, Mistress. I've abused the authority you gave me. I killed without remorse or feeling. I killed without thought. I'm ashamed that I've soiled the Shadows' name." Tears shone in her eyes. I didn't understand.

  "I've committed a grave sin that I hope our Sisters in the shadows will someday forgive, but I had no choice. I sent you off knowing you were too young, expecting you to die and knowing you would have to kill, although all you wanted to be was a Spy. You've done the impossible and stand before me broken because of what you had to do to achieve what I asked. Come home, Ryana."

  "I can't. The Shadows wouldn't want me around. I'm out of control."

  "Unfortunately, I think you're partially right. You would make some nervous, not because you're out of control but because you're too much in control. They would fear you. But you'll remain a Shadow for so long as you live. You've given the Shadow untold glory by your actions, and your words were clearly mine. Although you can't see it, the Shadows, gypsies, Zunji, Earth Wizards, and the king love you." She paused and took me in her arms. "Would you do something for me?"

  "Yes, Senior Sister."

  "You need to rest, but the Shadows need you. I've an idea that may achieve both. Travel with the gypsies. They love you and want you to stay." She touched my earring. "The senior Assassins/Spies and I want you to act in my name throughout the five…six provinces. You'll have my authority to direct all the Shadows on assignment. They will contact you or you them through the Intermediates, who we are in the process of replacing. You'll be available to give advice and direction when necessary. You've proven time and time again you've a sixth sense most of us lack."

  "If you wish, Sister. All I've ever wanted was to be a Sister. I'll try."

  "I can ask for nothing more. I give you permission to marry and to live your life separate from the Shadows."

  "I don't think I would make a good wife. I'd have to tell the truth, and that would drive anyone away and expose my identity."

  "Meet me back here tomorrow night, Sister Ryana."

  * * *

  I stood watching the Tobar clan practice. I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist. I watched from afar as Sister Morag walked into the camp.

  "I would like to speak to Luka."

  Silence pervaded the area. She stood quietly, waiting. Luka reluctantly stepped forward, his face pale and set like a man going to his execution.

  "I'm Luka."

  "Good, come with me." She turned and walked away. I dressed and hurried to meet her as she had asked, curious as to what she wanted with Luka. Morag, Alina, and Luka sat quietly.

  "Luka, what do you think of Ryana of the Dorian clan?" Morag asked as I sat down next to Alina. Luka stood there mute for a moment, looking at each of us but mostly at Morag.

  "I wanted to marry her, but she refused me. Said she was too scarred. I don't know what she meant, and she wouldn't say." He looked down at the ground. Morag took his chin in her hand and raised his head so that he looked directly at her.

  "What I'm going to tell you, you'll never repeat to anyone, ever. If you do, the Shadows will kill you. Do you understand?"


  "Ryana is a Shadow."

  "What! I knew she was special. Is that why she won't marry me?" He gave a weak smile. "I thought she didn't love me."

  "How much do you love her, Luka? She said she was scarred. The scarring is mental not physical, although I imagine she has her fair share of those, too. You'll have to have patience with her if you want her as a wife."

  "I will. I haven't been able to think of anything else these past seasons."

  "She is scarred because I sent her out to do the impossible, knowing if by some miracle she succeeded, she would suffer much. Ryana was never a killer. She wished only to be a Spy. But to free her Sisters, save those she loved, and evade the hundreds wanting her dead, she was forced to kill."

  "She's the Shadow of Death?" Luka said in a whisper.

  "Yes. Do understand now why she feels she wouldn't be a good wife?"

  "Yes. I also understand she risked her life to save Alida and Ilka, stopped thieves from stealing the Dorians' horses, saved lives, and got us under the king's protection. She has done so much for us. No gypsy would care about the other things. If the Shadows are pleased with her, the rest doesn't matter."

  "The Shadows are more than pleased. She's young but has taught us much. We're so pleased that we are asking her to direct the Shadows on assignment in the provinces. It'll mean she may have to be gone some nights. Marrying her will be a great responsibility. That's why she said no, although she loves you."

  "I'll go see her right now."

  "No, I want you to wai
t a full day and think about what I've said before you talk to her. I don't want her hurt again. She has suffered enough for a lifetime."

  "I will." He nodded. Morag waved him off. I stood there in tears. I'll stay a Shadow, and they have given me permission to marry and have children. Even if Luka doesn't want me, I can stay with my second family. I couldn't help but cry. Maybe in time, I can leave the past where it belongs.

  * * *

  The next day, Luka found me. He took me by the arm and walked me away from the wagons. I didn't know what to expect and willed myself to still my emotions, my wishes, and to exist only in the moment.

  "Marry me, Ryana."

  The End

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  Books by C . R. Daems & J. R. Tomlin


  The Stewart Chronicles

  A King Ensnared (Book I)

  A King Uncaged (Book II)

  The Black Douglas Series:

  Kingdom's Cost (Book I)

  Countenance of War (Book II)

  Not for Glory (Book III)

  Freedom's Sword


  The Riss Series:

  The Riss Gamble (Book I)

  The Riss Proposal (Book II)

  The Riss Survival (Book III)

  The Riss Accession (Book IV)

  The Riss Challenge (Book V)

  The Black Guard


  The Shadow Series:

  The Shadow Ryana (Book I)

  The Shadow Gypsy (Book II)

  Women of Power

  Talon of the Unnamed Goddess

  Scales of Justice

  Blood Duty


  The Kazak Series:

  The Kazak Guardians: Lynn's Rules (Book I)

  The Kazak Guardians: The Unthinkable (Book II)


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