Harliss (The Watchers Book 2)

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Harliss (The Watchers Book 2) Page 9

by M. D. Stewart

  “Yes. Every day when I would wake up, in the shower. I would sometimes come home mid-shift and do it then and every night before I would go to sleep.” He closed his eyes briefly, feeling her fingers moving faster. Just talking about it made him hotter.

  “Tell me about the first time you did it, Micah.” Her voice was breathy, her eyes closed. He knew she was trying to see it in her mind’s eye.

  “I had finished my injections and was starting to feel urges. My body was changing and I was working out all the time. I do not know why, but I was in the shower and I started to remember the movies I had seen of humans engaging in sex and my cock started to get hard and it felt so good.” He sped up his fucking, he flexed his hands against her hips, his own eyes closing.

  “I just reached down and ran the palm of my hand against the underside of my cock. A drop of precome formed on the tip and ran my finger over it. I took both hands and wrapped them around my cock and squeezed. Oh fuck. Then I started moving my hands, stroking my cock. I stopped and grabbed some soap to make it slick I pumped my hips, letting the head of my cock slide in my fisted hand. I felt the vibrations start in my balls and spread up my spine. Before I knew it, I was shooting my come across the shower stall.” He felt her body come apart and he let himself go over the edge with her.


  Harliss fell asleep on her own after she and Micah made love in the shower. He had lovingly cleaning her, then dressed her in comfortable clothing. After she was placed on the couch, he packed two bags with some extra clothes and belongings. Avery and Monica had brought several injections of life stabilizing serum for Micah to take with him in case the Otronian contingent needed to come back to the pod.

  When it was time to head to the train tube, he called security to his quarters. Avery stayed to help Micah deal with strange men being around his mate. As a mated male, Micah knew Avery wouldn’t be interested in Harliss. Monica insisted on being there because she was worried for her friend. If Harliss did wake up, Monica wouldn’t be a threat since she was mated to Avery.

  “I am sorry to leave so much for you to deal with since you are newly mated too, Avery.”

  Avery just shook his head and placed his hand on Micah’s shoulder.

  “You would do the same for me if needed. Monica and I understand. She and I will accompany you to the train tube in case she wakes up.”

  “I will leave the KenSpec Labs meeting to you. I am sure you will be more than able to handle Dr. Kensington’s concerns. You can contact me if you have issues that need my attention.” Avery only nodded as the small group headed down the hall. Micah spotted Enele at the head of the group, making sure the hall was clear for their passing. Every few feet, he saw Hunters standing guard and his feeling of kinship to his mate’s people grew. On some level he knew they were providing security, but they were also there to show support for one of their own.

  Once they reached the train tubes, Enele stayed by the entrance to stop anyone from following. Micah turned to the man and nodded. “Thank you for helping us. I know you have done more than required for your Clanswoman. The big man nodded in acknowledgement, just as the doors opened allowing him to enter with Harliss. Avery gave him the life-stabilizing injection and handed him another syringe for Harliss.

  “Safe journey, Micah. May the deities of our ancestors guide and protect you.”

  Chapter Seven

  The trip to the farmhouse seemed to take hours, but in reality was less than an hour. When he pulled to the stop and the door opened, Flynn walked in and embraced him. Micah felt a kinship with his old friend in ways that he never expected. When he’d offered him and Charley sanctuary, he had no idea of the depth of Flynn’s feelings for his mates. Now he was turning to Flynn for help with his own mate.

  “Here,” Flynn handed him a pair of sunglasses, “you are not used to the sun. These will help. Charley sent her pair for Harliss.” Flynn put the dark lens glasses on Harliss, his throat constricting. He hadn’t thought of the Earth’s sun being so bright. He’d only seen it a few times, having spent the majority of his time on Earth underground or in an enclosed facility. “Come, my friend. We will figure this out and help you both.”

  Micah placed his hands on Flynn’s shoulders and nodded before turning and gathering Harliss in his arms. He kissed her forehead gently, hoping that she could somehow feel him taking care of her. The passage was narrow from the train tube to the barn, where the entrance was hidden, but wide enough to comfortably carry Harliss without fear of hitting her head. He felt her waking and quickened his pace, he needed to get her to safety before she woke up. He had extra sedatives but hated giving them to her.

  Once they reached the surface, he was thankful that Flynn had given him sunglasses. He was nearly blinded by the sun but was surprised by the coolness of the air. At his gasp, Flynn placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “It is almost spring so the air is still cold, even with the warmth of the sun. Charley said that within a few weeks, the trees will start to turn green with the leaves. I saw them changing colors when I was here as a participant. I have never seen anything so beautiful as the leaves in the autumn season here on Earth.” The walk from the barn to the farmhouse was fairly short, but the sun seemed to rouse Harliss. She began to move and talk incoherently. Flynn placed his hand on her forehead and frowned.

  “She is too warm, even for an Otronian. The sedative you gave her on the train should still be working. Perhaps her metabolism has sped up.” Flynn shook his head. “I know I am the equivalent of a doctor to the Earth inhabitants and being mated to an Otronian, I know more than most Beings here on the surface, but I cannot figure out what has happened to your mate.”

  “I do not know, Flynn, but I can hardly control my own Cougar. I fear for the safety of those around me. I also fear for myself if something should happen to her.”

  “We won’t let that happen.” Micah looked up and at the unfamiliar female voice. Two Otronian women stood side-by-side on the wide porch. One held a resemblance to Kai and Harless with the same light green eyes, the other woman held a regal bearing that made Micah feel he should bow to show respect. Both women wore long, form-fitting dresses that looked soft to the touch. Each had dark hair that reached to their waist. The woman with green eyes had darker straight hair.

  Flynn indicated the green-eyed woman. “Micah, this is Shaela, Kai’s mother and Harliss’s aunt.” He pointed to the other Otronian. “This is Talia the Head of the Otronian High Council. She requested to come here to investigate the dangers to her people on the planet.”

  “I’m sure ‘danger’ is an overstatement,” Shaela said, smiling, “but I do believe it is in our best interest to have Talia here. I have a feeling that the Earth government will know we are here and will send an emissary. My husband’s sister will be able to talk with him on behalf of our people. There will be less misunderstandings with her here.” Micah caught a gleam in the woman’s light green eyes but was too worried about his mate to question it.

  “Come, bring her inside. I will do all I can for her. But in the end, I think she’s going to need your Cougar.” Shaela waved her arm toward the door of the house, seemingly not alarmed at the condition of her niece.


  Micah carried his mate to the couch and gently sat down, holding her in his arms. Flynn walked away only to return with a bag that contained medical equipment. Shaela had her own bag and began to unpack various items including a large fan made of feathers and what appeared to be a bundle of dark grass. Aoki and Charley stood behind the couch, a look of concern on their faces.

  “Can we do anything to help?” Aoki was holding his mate, looking concerned for Harliss. Flynn nodded as he handed a small metal rod to Charley.

  “Put this between the heels of her feet. It will boost some of the readings of the hormones in her blood stream.” He never looked up from the electronic logbook. Once the enhanced readings were loaded on the screen, Flynn raised his eyes up to look at Shaela. She moved to his

  “This is very wrong. Her hormone levels are completely off. Too much of some and not enough of others. I am picking up a fast metabolizing drug in her system. It is just traces now, but it was given to her no more than two or three hours ago. Someone knew what to give her to cause this reaction, but I do not understand why.” He reached in his bag and pulled out a silver injection tube.

  “This will help to stabilize her. It is not her DNA but it is Shaela’s. It is the only Cougar DNA I had access to that is not compromised by drugs or hormones. Talia and Charley will keep an eye on her while we go with Shaela and Aoki to the back yard for your Spirit Walk.”

  Micah sat up straight on the couch and pulled Harliss close to him. “I cannot leave her.” He began to run his hand along her arm just to feel her skin.

  “Micah.” The voice came from the other Otronian woman, it reminded him of the voice of the Head Elder of his world. It rang with authority and demanded respect. “I can feel the love you have for my kinswoman. But things are happening right now that will demand you to be in control of your Cougar. It’s not only necessary for you but for the safety of your beloved. Big changes are coming as we speak.” She walked to the couch and moved Flynn to take his place. She looked to each person in the room before sighing.

  “I don’t know how or who but the story of Aoki, Flynn and Charley has been leaked to the press. Not just here in this country, but worldwide.” Charley gasped and reached out to her mates.

  “Just how much of it? Will they see the video of me and Aoki?” Aoki growled low, raising the hair on Micah’s neck.

  “I’m not sure what will be seen but Mace and Abby’s story will also be told. Things are going to change for all of us.” Shaela looked down but not before Micah saw her smile. “Or so I’m being told by my brother’s wife. Whatever the case, Micah, you must go on your Spirit Walk right now. Harliss is safe and will be cared for.”

  Micah pulled the unconscious Harliss closer for an embrace before standing and gently laying her on the couch. Aoki clapped him on the shoulder and inclined his head toward the back of the house.


  When he walked out the back door, Micah saw a hole dug in the ground filled with wood. Mace and Abby stood waiting for him, along with Kia and his mate, Aria. Flynn and Aoki joined him as he walked deeper into the yard.

  “This is a revered tradition to our people. One that no one here takes lightly.” Shaela moved forward and took both of his hands. “Micah, I want to take this moment to welcome you to the Cougar Clan. We are fierce, proud and loyal. We love hard and play hard. No matter what happens here, you are now Cougar and we are a better Clan now that you are one of us.” She gave him a light squeeze before dropping his hands. Aoki stepped forward ripping the shirt off Micah’s body. Mace stepped forward and handed him a small clay pot. Aoki began to chant as he dipped his fingers in the small jar, then began to paint symbols on Micah’s face, arms and hands.

  “I will light the Fires of Spirit and set the sacred circle. We don’t have the leader of the Cougar Clan with us to guide you, but Aoki who was born wolf, was raised in a Totemless Clan. He has volunteered to stand as your guide and protector. The men here, Flynn, Mace and Kai will witness your journey. I know Anaya’hana is not only on my world but this one as well, for she has brought so many miracles about on Earth. Including bringing my beloved niece Harliss to her mate.”

  Her words brought deep emotions to the surface for Micah. “I must tell you that no Being of my generation, or any that I remember, have had held beliefs in any Deity. To be honest, we have not had emotions to ask questions that science could not answer. The more I know, the more I realize that there must be something more than science. It all started with Mace and Abby and led to this moment. It is more than a series of coincidences that led me here. I believe that completely.” He looked around the people standing there with him and peace washed over him. Shaela fought tears as she raised her hand to place it over his heart.

  “All that you need is here, given to you by the goddess. I have no doubts that what you seek will bring you more joy than you could’ve imagined. Please have a seat facing the sun. Close your eyes if you feel led to, and take deep breaths while we set up the circle. Focus on your breath and relax. Don’t fight what happens next. Your journey begins.” A slow drumbeat began but he couldn’t tell from where it sounded.

  Micah could hear movement around the circle and could smell the beginnings of the fire. When he opened his eyes, he saw Flynn standing across the fire from him with dark circles painted around his eyes. Mace and Kai also had the same dark circles painted on their faces. He felt a presence behind him as Shaela moved around the fire in a circle.

  She moved as if her body were no longer under her control. As she danced around and between the men, she called upon the Earth, Air, Fire and Water elements to join in protecting them all. She called upon the goddess to bless them with her presence. She swayed and moved like a ribbon in the wind, her arms flowing low then high as free as her unbound hair. Her feet danced in a slow rhythm, making patterns he couldn’t discern. The presence behind him moved closer until it bumped against his back but stopped moving.

  Closing his eyes, he allowed the drumbeat to lure him into relaxation. He placed his hands on the earth beneath him and began to stroke the grass with his hands. He relaxed more when it seemed the grass began stroking him back, comforting him, raising up to surround and comfort him. The drumbeat began to fade and he could no longer tell the difference between the drum and his own heartbeat.

  All else fell away but for the sounds of the flames popping and cracking as it devoured the wood. He focused on the sound of his heartbeat and heard it change to form two heartbeats. He opened his eyes staring into the fire noticing something moving differently than the flames. The flames parted revealing a tall woman walking to him. Beside her a large male Cougar padded gracefully along. They both looked at him and somewhere inside him recognition flared, but he had no name for her and it shamed him. She was too important to not know her name. He moved to his knees, bowing his head.

  She reached out a hand to him and he took it without hesitation. She pulled him up to stand before her. Her skin had no particular color because it was glowing, bright as the fire she had come from. Her hair was long and dark, floating around her as if she were underwater. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her face held the face of every woman he’d ever met. He gasped when he noticed her eyes were as black as his own.

  “My son, I am glad you are here.” She reached down and pet the cat without releasing Micah’s hand. “Forces have been put into play for thousands of years so that I can welcome all who wish to be in my fold. I know you have struggled but each struggle has brought you here, where you have always belonged. I have chosen you to be my emissary. Very few are called to my service, but the choice to accept is yours. It will not always be an easy road but one that will lead you to happiness.” She continued to stroke the big cat as it turned its face from the woman to Micah, he saw the cat had unique gray eyes.

  “Yes, this is your totem. If you chose to accept him, he will always be a part of you and help guide you. Your place will be at the side of your mate on her home planet where you will guide those who were born in other parts of my universe. You will be the new leader of the Cougar Clan and like my daughter Shaela, you will have use of my gifts when needed. Including foresight, but also healing.”

  Micah felt disbelief and shock. “Why? Why would you gift me with something so magnificent? I am not worthy of such a thing.” Micah was truly humbled by her words. He had come from a culture where no Deity existed. He had participated in abducting humans for study. He didn’t come from the planet that worshipped Anaya’hana so he couldn’t understand why she had chosen him.

  “It is because of all your doubts that you are chosen my beloved son. You are humble and you will wield my power with love and care. You have experiences that will make you relatable to your own kind an
d you have found your soul with one of my children. You will be the tie between Otron and the Beings. You will rebuild the bridge between The Beings and myself. You will become the link between two cultures. Your eyes are black and yet you don’t understand the significance of that from your world.

  “Centuries ago on your home world, the eyes of the Monks of Se’etar were black. That is how parents knew their children were to be raised to puberty then sent to the Monks to live and train. It was a high honor at that time. These Monks were the conduit between me and the people now called The Beings. You were chosen long before you came to Earth to be one of mine, if you accept what is offered. I will not be upset if you choose to remain as you are with your Cougar as your Totem. I know this would be a big change for you. More than you have already had to accept.”

  Micah hadn’t expected his life to take this turn. It almost seemed that it was happening to someone else. “I will still have Harliss in my life? I can only continue living if she is with me. I love her more than anything and I cannot go on without her. She is ill and I need to have her healed. I want to spend my life making her happy and having a family.”

  Anaya’hana smiled and dropped Micah’s hand. So caught up in the experience, he didn’t realize she still held it. She began to run her hand over his left shoulder and down his arm to his elbow. Stroking in circular patterns, then back to his chest where she circled his heart. “I have joined you to Harliss for eternity, Micah. Nothing can take that from you. You will spend your long lives together and have a happy and blessed family line on Otron, no matter your decision to become my emissary. Your home world is undergoing changes that make it too volatile for my presence as of yet. One day your linage will bring me back to The Beings and reinstate the Monks of Se’etar. That will occur many years into the future, but for now, you will focus on your beautiful mate and rebuild the Cougar Clan with all who wish to accept that Totem be they Otronian, Being, Human or Other.” Her hand stopped moving and dropped to her side.


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