Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4)

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Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4) Page 5

by Manda Mellett

  “You think you can do it?” Blade seems concerned. “A roomful of men is different than just the two of us.”

  Having assured him that won’t be a problem—as I think I’ve demonstrated, I get lost in my head when I’m dancing, and who I’m in front of doesn’t bother me at all, I don’t even see them—at last this strange interview comes to an end.

  I leave the club, and once outside, stand for a moment with my head resting on the wall. A giggle bursts out of me. How the fuck did I end up like this? My plan for life had been to be a lawyer, to stay in school and study hard. But then Ron had turned up, introduced by my parents, paraded in front of me as a suitable mate. And stupidly, I’d not put up much resistance, unwilling to disappoint them. And Ron was easy enough on the eyes. I’d been flattered, if slightly aghast at the speed, by his swift offer of marriage. In fact, my parents had been in the room, and had accepted on my behalf.

  From then I was caught up in an avalanche, unable to escape what was bowling down that hill. I was wed before I knew it, and barely finished the first year of college when Ron decided he wanted a full-time wife.

  And look at me now. Christ, my parents would disown me. A stripper dancing in a men’s club? But then, they’ve probably already decided they didn’t have a daughter anymore. Leaving my husband would have shamed them enough.

  I might not have become a top-notch lawyer, but I’ve got this job on my own, and I’m allowed to feel some pride.

  After driving back on cloud nine, I enter my sister’s home to find her waiting for me, her face impassive, ready to react to whatever news I’ve got, either to transform her features into a sympathetic frown or a smile of delight.

  For a moment I keep her in suspense, my expression equally set. Then I can’t hold it in any longer. “I got the job!” I cry out.

  She beams, then squeals. “I knew you could do it! Alex, that video you sent me of the way that you work that pole, showed you had talent.” Then her face falls. “You gonna be okay working in that club? I know this can’t be what you wanted.”

  “Are you kidding me? Dancing every night? They don’t expect me to do more, Celine. They made that clear. I’ll be doing something I love, and getting paid for it.” Taking hold of her hands, I look up into her face. “You might have got the height, big sister, but I got the moves. And I’ll be able to pay my way and have more besides.” I twirl her around me and shake my butt. She tries to copy me and stumbles, making us both laugh.

  Then she pulls away and grows serious. “You know I’ll always help you out. Anything you need me to do.”

  She’ll have to, as I’ll be working nights.

  Chapter 5


  “Snake’s offered to help.”

  I nod to acknowledge our prez’s announcement. It’s our Friday night church, the weekly meeting all brothers are required to attend, and which is traditionally followed by a party, an alcoholic fuck fest. Normally nothing would keep me from participating, happy to leave Satan’s Topless Angels in the safe hands of Road and the rest of our staff. But tonight, I’m eager to see how the new girl will cope having to perform in front of a live and very lewd audience, and decide while I’ll stay after church, it will just be for a couple of drinks. For once, forsaking the chance to get my dick wet doesn’t worry me none. If yesterday was anything to go by, and if Alex hasn’t had nerves and decides not to show, I suspect after seeing her on that pole I’ll be straight back here to drag a sweet butt into the nearest room to give my poor throbbing cock some relief. Even the memory of how she moved to the music has me already swelling. Fuck it. I’m in church!

  “We know where he is?” I try to concentrate on the meeting I’m supposed to be contributing to.

  “SoCal is all we know, but Mouse has been trackin’ him. He’s not tryin’ to stay under the radar. Which suggests he doesn’t know we’re lookin’ for him.”

  “Yeah, I got a hit on his credit card in Escondido of all places.” Our computer nerd indicates his laptop, always open in front of him. Sometimes I think his fingers are glued to the keys.

  “Can Snake tempt him out into the open?” I ask.

  “Yeah. The plan is for him to reach out. He’s puttin’ out rumours that the San Diego chapter wants to break off from us.” We’re the mother chapter of the Satan’s Devils MC. Snake is the president of our chapter down in San Diego. If they really were pulling away, it wouldn’t seem strange they’d be gearing up for a fight and would want to bolster their ranks. And floating the suggestion might tempt a rogue Demon to join their numbers.

  It was five months ago that we took out the Rock Demons, and we didn’t do it quietly, we blew up their club. Only two escaped, and the fact they got away didn’t bother us much at the time. Not being officers, we thought them unlikely to cause problems. That is, until we found out what they’d done to Slick’s wife, Ella, and that one escapee was the nephew of their now very dead president. Always wary of trouble, we took the vote on cleaning up the remnants. Then we can stop looking over our shoulders.

  I listen as Peg throws out some thoughts, and pull out my smokes as Blade adds his bit. He breaks off midway to point at my pack. When it’s returned to me, having gone around the table, it’s half empty as usual. Pulling the ashtray toward me, I shake my head.

  The vote comes around, and I record the decision in the book, while wishing Heart was here to take over the task. In his absence I’m acting secretary, and although that gives me the hallowed, albeit temporary officer status, I’d rather my brother returned and took back his rightful role.

  “What’s the latest with Heart?” As the prez speaks, I wonder if Drummer can read my thoughts.

  “He’s not in a good place,” Wraith replies.

  “Can understand that.” Viper frowns.

  Lady puts up his hand, the prez gives him a chin jerk. “He’s not plannin’ on comin’ back to the club.” What? Various expressions of disapproval go around the table as Lady continues, “I was with him last night. Seems he’s makin’ plans to visit an ex-Army buddy up in Utah.”

  “If it’s the one I’m thinkin’ of, I thought there was bad blood there.” I frown. “He never agreed with Heart bein’ in the club.” I hope he won’t be persuaded to turn in his patch.

  Lady shrugs. “Don’t know about that, but the fucker’s pickin’ him up Sunday.”

  “He needs his real friends, his brothers around him,” Beef snarls.

  “And his fuckin’ daughter needs him. He takin’ her with him?” Joker seems incredulous Heart’s not coming back.

  “He comin’ back when he’s healed?” I couldn’t think of Heart permanently being gone from the club. Fuck it, he couldn’t be pulling away, could he? His choice of place to convalesce gives me no good feelings.

  As Lady shrugs again, obviously not knowing the answer, the prez snarls out, “He doesn’t quit the club without talkin’ to me. And we don’t take brothers leave lightly.” Drummer’s face has gone dark.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger, Prez. Just repeatin’ what he told me.”

  “Okay, well I’ll go visit him tomorrow and see what the fuck he’s thinkin’.” The prez glares around the table as if it’s our fault. He probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it, but when Drum gives that stare, everyone shrinks back into their seats. Then he pushes his chair back and puts his foot up against the table while tunnelling his hands through his hair. When he speaks next, he changes the subject. “Heard you’ve taken a new girl on, Dart?”

  “Yeah, Prez. Tonight’s her first night. I’m be gonna go along in a bit to make sure she’s doin’ okay.”

  Blade’s grinning. “Strange lookin’ bitch. Dark meat, Prez.”

  “A black?” Drum looks surprised. “Well, I suppose it’s different. She fit?”

  Now Blade and I exchange glances. How to describe someone who you wouldn’t look at twice if she wasn’t swinging around that pole? In the end, I plump for something fairly non-descript so Drum won’t think I’m out of my
mind to hire her. “She’s got what it takes to interest the customers.” Yeah, those fuckers will be all over that. But I’m visualising her in my head, pretty face, gorgeous tits, luscious ass, but all in a very small package. Nothing there to attract me, except for the way she can move.

  “She uses what God’s given her,” Blade adds, chuckling.

  The prez nods. “Well, see how it goes. We’ve got a reputation to maintain. Good girls bring in the money.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on her, Prez.”

  “Any other business we need to fuckin’ discuss?”

  Nothing’s offered. Drum bangs the gavel and sends us on our way.

  Tonight, it’s the prospect Hyde who’s minding the bar and passing out beers. I take one and have the bottle halfway to my lips when Blade appears.

  “You’re gonna go watch her first performance, then?”

  “Yeah, thought I would.”

  “You’re takin’ a risk on her, you know that? Sure, she can dance, but when those fuckers start getting their hands on her…”

  “Ain’t no fuckers gettin’ near her,” I snarl.

  Blade, the bastard, laughs. “Like that is it? You fancy tappin’ somethin’ different?”

  Christ, I’ve got to shut him down fast. There’s a myriad of reasons why he’s way off the mark. “I’d break her in fuckin’ two, man. Not my taste at all. You see how tiny she fuckin’ is?” I scowl at him for even thinking I’d go there.

  “Not in the tit or ass department.” He’s right there. But it’s the parts in between which are a bit lacking. And what’s more, I’d lose my patch if I gave her a trial run. It’s a written rule we don’t touch our employees.

  Two hours later, I’m walking into the Angels. It’s a full house tonight, every table filled, which will put a smile on Dollar’s face. Topless waitresses walk around, evading groping hands and carrying drinks to the customers. My sharp eyes fall on a table of men, their raucous behaviour suggesting they’re out on a stag night.

  I nod to Fergus, one of our bouncers. “Keep an eye on them.”

  “Already on it, boss.”

  He’s a good man. Knowing I can safely leave the potentially rowdy group to him, I make my way out back to the dressing rooms. The girls are all strippers and used to me giving only a brief knock to warn them before walking in while they’re in various states of undress. All except one, that is, who yelps and goes to cover herself in a robe. I smirk, thinking she hadn’t really thought through what working in a strip club entailed.

  My lips quirk as I step forward to greet her. “You doin’ okay, doll?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” she answers in a spirited voice.

  “Nervous?” Her expression tells me I’m stupid even to ask. “You’ll be fine,” I tell her, sincerely, and remembering how she’d blown me away when she danced, it’s no false platitude.

  She rubs her hands together and looks up with a cheeky grin. “As long as I don’t slide off the pole.”

  I’ve scheduled her early, as we tend to lead up to the best. She’s yet to prove herself, so we’ll try her with one number to see how she goes down. That goes okay, we’ll have her on again later.

  She’s biting her lip, a habit I’ve noticed. “Spit it out.”

  “Will you be watching?” she asks in her husky voice.

  “Yeah, doll. I watch all the dancers.” When I’m here I usually do. There are perks to this job.

  But her face lights up, and her eyes sparkle as if that was the right answer. Then she sets those dark eyes on me and drops her robe, making me inhale a sharp breath. Fuck me, I can see she’s obeyed my instruction. Under several sheer red veils, I can clearly see matching red pasties and a thong. Around me other women are half naked, but none of them make my cock stir. But her? Unable to understand my reaction, I turn away to leave and get on with my business, but I don’t miss the little smile of satisfaction which comes to her face.

  Fuck me. If I didn’t know better I’d think she was flirting with me. Well she can think again on that. She’s so far from the type of woman I go for it’s laughable, and even if I wanted to, anyone who works for us is off limits to me and all of my brothers. As I walk back to the stage area I realise I might have to make sure she understands that.

  Lyndsy comes on and starts off the night. She’s in good form, and sufficient dollars land on the stage to show we’ve got high rollers in tonight. Then a now-familiar tune starts to play, the house lights go down, a spotlight comes up, illuminating a small figure coming onto the stage.

  There’s a ripple of laughter, which makes my heart break, and a voice beside me says, over-loudly, “Didn’t realise it was comedy night.” I cringe, hoping she hasn’t heard it.

  But, completely oblivious, Alex walks onto the platform and approaches the pole as though she’s been doing it all her life. Her eyes half closed, she swings herself up and begins her routine. Dry ice wafts around her, and within moments she has everyone enthralled. As she works that pole, she transports every man watching away.

  No one speaks. The laughter has stopped. All eyes are upon this dark-skinned beauty going through her moves, transfixed, as one by one those veils float to the floor. When she slides down as the music comes to an end, a thunderous roar goes up. She’s done it. Watching for the second time with the right lighting is even better than when I first saw her routine. The magic she wreaks by the way she uses her body, somehow transforming her awkward shape into something amazing, so fluid, so sexy. My jeans feel too tight, as I suspect do every man’s here. Just the effect the dancers are supposed to cause. Something to fuel the patrons when they go home to their wives. Or in my case, when I hammer into a club whore tonight.

  She’s waiting, head bowed. Money floats down onto the stage. With a beautiful, almost angelic expression, she starts to gather it up. I jump on the stage, my hand to the small of her back, and push her toward the dressing room.

  “I’ll get it for you.” My voice sounds gruff. Though she’s got some covering, I don’t want the men ogling her as she bends and twists, showing that ripe ass split by just the string of the thong as she picks up the money in her hands.

  It makes sense to give her another spot. When she comes back for her second set the room is silent with anticipation. Now knowing what to expect, they wait breathless for her to start. Men getting lap dances push girls off them in order to watch. Employing her was no mistake.

  Her dance finished, I again collect the tips on her behalf, pocketing the money in my cut to give to her later. Then, not interested in seeing the girls I’ve watched a hundred times before, I go to the bar.

  “She’s fuckin’ amazin’,” Della, our bartender tells me with a wide grin, as she hands me a beer.

  “She’s somethin’ else, isn’t she?” I’m just pleased that I gave her the chance to show what she could do. Yeah, I’m giving myself a pat on the back for that.

  “She’ll bring in the customers.” Della’s correct, and her observation pleases me. Even another woman can see Alex’s worth.

  I nod, thinking I’ll need to get photos taken, hoping a still on a poster would show how magnificent she looks. Perhaps in that pose she does with her head flung back and tits pushed up. Maybe it’s her dark skin, but there’s an air of mystique, an unknown and forbidden aura that surrounds her.

  Leaning back against the bar as Della fills a table order, I look around at the men in the club, still rapt. A waitress approaches me. “Dart that table there…” she points to the stag party I noticed earlier. “They want to know whether the new girl is available for lap dances.”

  No fucking way. “No, she’s not,” I say shortly.

  She nods and goes away to deliver the disappointing news. I see her telling the group, then indicating myself. A man gets up and comes over. He’s fishing out his wallet and taking out high denomination bills.

  “Here,” he says as he approaches, “we’ll pay good money for the black bitch.”

  My fingers curl into my hands.
Men think they can have anything they’re after at the right price. But they’re not going to get Alex. Perhaps she could use the money. I’m not giving her a choice in the matter.

  “No,” I say curtly, hoping that word is enough. If he doesn’t take the hint then I’ll follow if up with my fists.

  He sneers. “Your loss.” He pointedly puts his notes back into his wallet and then goes back to his friends. I watch him, and don’t like the way he and a couple of the other men are whispering, plotting. Hmm. We’ve had trouble with the likes of them before. Just because a woman takes her clothes off on stage doesn’t mean she’s up for anything more. Like Alex, most of them are only here because they have no alternative.

  Making a quick decision, I go backstage to the dressing room, but the person I’m seeking isn’t there.

  “Alex? The new girl?”

  “Oh, you’re talking about the coloured girl? She left after her set.” Bambi shrugs as she answers.

  Again my fists clench. “Don’t call her that.” Is her skin the only thing she sees? I stare until she can no longer meet my eyes and turns away with a huff. I spin on my heels and go to the back entrance. Philby, another bouncer, is stationed out here to make sure the girls get to their cars unmolested, and to make sure no one tries to sneak in this way.

  “Have you seen the new girl? Alex?”

  “The black? Yeah, she left some time ago. Drove off in her car.” What is it with these people? I feel incensed on her behalf. Snarling, I tell him, “She’s Alex, okay? She’s a person, not a colour.”

  He shrugs as if it’s of no matter.

  “And she’s a fuckin’ good draw for the customers. I don’t want anyone upsettin’ her.” That seems to sink in. “Keep your eye out, got a stag party in. They might try to get to the girls as they leave.”

  “Thanks for the warnin’, boss.” He taps his two-way radio. “I’ll call for backup if I need to.”

  Job done, I glance back into the club and decide I’ve had enough for the night. My mission accomplished, which was to make sure the new girl didn’t fall flat on her ass, I cross to my bike and return to the compound.


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