Ice Dragon Tales

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Ice Dragon Tales Page 7

by Hurri Cosmo

  "I see," Nochi said and was silent for a few moments. " you have... Are you spoken for, Momisa? Do you have someone special?"

  At the least, his identity had not been compromised, that was for sure. "No." He answered with more irritation than he intended to and thought too late it was definitely the wrong answer. He should have thought about it more and figured out that if he was "spoken for" the questions would have stopped. Damn it. I am an idiot!

  "I see." Again he was silent. Probably thinking up the next question for Joron to ridiculously trip over. This time he would think. But there were no more questions like the last one and for that, Joron was grateful. Instead, the guard started to talk about Claymoor Doom, as if he were trying to impress Joron. Of course, Joron figured it out too late it was exactly what the man was trying to do. Joron had a very sinking feeling Nochi was readying himself to ask to court the man he thought was a woman and part of that process, at least in the guard's mind, was to make "her" understand and appreciate where he hoped to take "her" someday.

  Joron could not feel more pathetic.

  This was yet another reason why this idea had been wrong from its inception. Joron should have listened to his instincts from the very beginning.

  Not wanting to encourage the guard any further than he figured he already had, Joron remained as silent as he could. He nodded and smiled when appropriate, interjected a few expletives when needed. He hoped he didn't sound dismissive but also hoped he didn't sound interested either. Finally about an hour and a half into the journey, Nochi fell silent. Joron was relieved.

  They once again rode in silence, Joron thinking more and more about the stolen kiss.

  * * * *

  Nochi was thinking more and more about the young lady in his presence. She was not spoken for. For a moment, he wondered why. She was exquisite. How could someone like this have not been claimed? He allowed his heart to imagine her in his arms, those soft lips kissing him, those thin arms around his neck, his hands touching her, feeling her skin, her roundness, like his king had.

  Yes. His king. He was the one he had asked the questions for, not himself. He shivered. He had seen the red flush of her cheeks when he asked her name. With her small stature, slightly smudged face, and the air she created around herself, it totally fascinated him. He had definitely noticed the young woman's loveliness when he had first ridden around that bend, knowing his king had found sure trouble. He had noticed the fire in her eyes and the fact she didn't seem to care her gown had become dirty from her struggle. But the truth was, she still seemed frightened and in need of sturdy arms around her.

  It seemed such a strong contradiction, her fire and helplessness. She had seemed ready to fight with everything in her yet at the same time, ready to run. He had been totally smitten. And then her bashfulness with only telling him her name and the way she seemed so out of place on this mission of hers... Whatever it was, she truly must have no one because who in their right mind would have allowed her to go anywhere alone? What secret did this amazingly beautiful creature harbor? Had someone hurt her? He felt the need and fierce desire to protect her and wished for the opportunity to do so. He sat up straighter in his saddle, searching the area for the slightest indication that hope would come true.

  But he had betrayed her already, keeping it from her who it was who had saved her. And suddenly, he found himself envying his king. He wanted this woman for himself. Being his king's main personal guard, he knew Aric only played at love--not that he had had many partners lately. Still, he had broken many hearts in the past and Nochi now objected to his king laying a hand on this innocent. For the first time in his life, he wanted what the king would go after.

  * * * *

  Suddenly the sounds of a fast approaching horseman reached them. Nochi quickly grabbed the reins out of Joron's hands and pushed his horse to the side of the road, putting himself directly in front of Joron, blocking any attack that could possibly be aimed at him from the forthcoming party. Joron allowed it out of habit, having had it happen to him several times when he was out with his own guards. He craned his neck forward to see who it was he was being protected from. Around the corner of the road ahead came a galloping horse. At first glance the man riding seemed out of control but the closer he came, it was apparent he was simply in a frenzied hurry. In the next couple of seconds, Joron realized he knew the man. He yanked the reins back from Nochi and kicked his horse to come out from around the guard so when he called out to the man, he could be seen.

  "Hawklin," he called. "Hawklin."

  The man on the horse pulled back hard on the reins while Nochi turned toward Joron and moved to block his exit. "My lady. Stop."

  Joron looked at the guard and hurriedly said, "Sir Nochi, please let me pass. I know this man. He is the one I was going to see."

  The guard reluctantly allowed Joron to come beside him as Hawklin's horse came to a halt in front of them. Joron realized at that moment Hawklin would not recognize him. Or worse yet, would. But it was far too late now. He addressed him praying a million prayers. "Hawklin, are you here about the medicine error?"

  Hawklin stared at Joron, and Joron inwardly cringed. Would he figure it out? Then Joron watched him as he turned wary eyes to Nochi. Joron saw fear in them, as if the poor man thought Nochi would run him through first and ask questions later. He glanced at Nochi, too, and saw he glared at Hawklin with suspicion and malice, hand on his sword. When he looked back to Hawklin though, the fear was gone and had been replaced with what appeared to be approval. As if he agreed Joron needed to be protected in such a manner. Then, shaking his head slightly, Hawklin seemed to come to himself in remembering his mission and what Joron had said.

  "Yes. name is indeed Hawklin and my wife... She said the medicine the young man gave me the other day was--"

  "Yes, it was a headache remedy," Joron interrupted, eternally grateful Hawklin did not seem to recognize him. "We are so sorry, Hawklin. Please keep it and use it for those purposes." Joron took out and dug into a fancy purse he had been given with the large bottle tucked away inside it. He pulled it out and handed it to Nochi, knowing he was not going to let Hawklin come any closer. Nochi graciously took the bottle, looking right into Joron's eyes and smiling, obviously grateful for Joron allowing him to stay between them, and tossed it to Hawklin.

  Hawklin grabbed it out of the air. "Thank...thank you. We discovered it late yesterday. I came as far as I could last night and... I was so concerned I wouldn't know who to talk to because the young man I met with before never gave me his name." Realizing he was babbling, he cut himself off. "I...I'm sorry, miss. Your beauty has muddled my brain, it seems."

  Joron heard a low growl coming from Nochi.

  "No, do not worry, young man." Hawklin turned his attention once again to Nochi. "As beautiful as your charge is, she is more than safe from me. I am a husband and a father of beautiful women and understand all too well the need they have to be protected. I would defend her with my life as well." He nodded first in Nochi's direction then in Joron's. "Thank you. Thank you, whoever you are, for meeting me like this. Forgive me, but if I take my leave now, being kinder to my poor horse, I may still arrive home by tomorrow morning." With another tip of his head to Joron, Hawklin turned his horse and kicked it back into a slower pace going in the opposite direction.

  * * * *

  Returning to the castle with his prisoner, Aric put him in the hands of one of his own men, telling him to take the man to the castle infirmary. He vowed to deal with him later, then rode back out, deciding to continue with his tour of the Blade Rain castle grounds. After a few hours of riding in an ever-widening circle around Blade Rain castle, King Aric returned to the stables. His mission was to simply observe the possible attack routes that would prove to be effective if indeed he ever needed that information, and he was quite pleased with the results he brought back with him.

  Taking this castle, if necessary, would be less than difficult. He sighed inwardly, knowing though unre
st was always a thought on every soldier's mind, the kingdoms had been peaceful. However, in thinking about both the still sought after servant and now the woman he had taken a keen interest in, and knowing they made this their home, he was irritated with the lack of protection offered by the environment around the castle. He wasn't sure what his next move should be. Should he take over immediately so no other ambitious king had the chance? He was not ready for an endeavor of that magnitude. However, strengthening the security would only make it more difficult for his troops later. But then, what he considered his property would be protected.

  He smirked at the thought. Somehow he knew the young lady, whose lips he still felt burning on his own, would definitely not like his declaration she was his property.

  Riding into the stables, he was grateful to see one of his own stable hands tending to the horses and handed the reins to him, being too tired to actually deal with the horse himself. The man greeted his king and asked how his ride had been.

  "Good, but not uneventful. Seems I rescued a damsel in distress." He chuckled. "Quite the beautiful lady, as well--very stupidly out alone. But I received a very satisfying kiss as a reward." He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering those lips, that tongue, and that ass. Ahhh, yes, touching that perfectly round ass had his sex responding with gusto. And the way she kissed him back, only for a second, only for a moment, sent shivers up his spine. He wanted more--more kisses, more touching, more of everything. He sighed as he started to walk away.

  "Do you mean the princess?" The stable hand had started to brush his king's horse, having taken the saddle off already.

  Aric turned back to look at him. "Princess? What do you mean?"

  "This morning a beautiful young woman rode out from here alone. One of the people with her called her 'your highness.' I simply assumed it was the princess."

  "Brown hair with green and yellow ribbons? Was she wearing a green and yellow gown?"

  "Yes. That's the one."

  "She was called by the title of your highness?"

  "Yes, my king. I remember distinctly. As you must know yourself, she is hard to miss."

  Aric slowly nodded his head. Yes, that definitely was very true. "She gave me a fake name? I can't believe it. Why would she do that?" He frowned at the interesting development. Yes, she was the princess, which now made total sense. There were two other offspring in the family of Amar, a daughter and a son, and Momisa was not the name of the princess. She was Liarta. But since he had never met either one, he had no idea what either the princess or the younger prince looked like. In thinking about it now, it was rather odd he had not met them at the reception after the crowning of the new king either.

  He thanked his man again and made his way to the castle.

  Why in the world had she given him a fake name? Did it have something to do with the mission she was on? Was that also the reason she was alone? She had said she was on her way to Ghost Pine village. It seemed very strange, because the man the young servant met the night before must have also been from Ghost Pines, being they met at the entrance to the pass. Ghost Pines was the only parish that belonged to Blade Rain beyond the pass. Nestled tightly in a valley, it was actually considered part of the pass. The lands directly bordering Ghost Pines were the southernmost holdings of Claymoor Doom. So it only made sense then, the man the Blade Rain servant met was from there. Were the two incidents related? Was the princess delivering yet more medicine? He was agitated he would have to wait until late tomorrow to find out.

  But today he was meeting with King Diagus. Knowing the woman he had fallen hard for was the princess, he was now thinking about offering for her hand if she was not already spoken for. Hell, he would offer for her hand even if she was spoken for. He could say with certainty he had never felt this way for a woman. Ever. It was only prudent he take the advantage his status allowed him and claim his bride. However, he would have liked more information before he made that offer. It was also disconcerting the woman would have Amar blood running through her and he continued to be attracted. Wonder of wonders.

  * * * *

  "You want to what?"

  The fact the new King Diagus was finally paying attention was incredibly irritating. Aric had a hard time hiding his anger but he would do it simply to get what he wanted. What he wanted right now was the princess. To be frustrated about protocol would not help anything.

  "I'm sorry, Tamusi, but I believe my sister has been promised to another. How is it I can make a deal with you for her hand if that is the case?"

  Aric smirked. So, she was promised to another. It certainly did not surprise him, considering her unrivaled beauty and her incredible charm, and those lips... He could not get enough of those lips. He shook his head. Stay on task. I need to negotiate her hand. "I don't care who she is promised to, King Diagus. Use your authority to promise her to me."

  "Well," King Diagus drawled. "I guess I could change things where my sister is concerned. I do have the power." He chuckled. "Yes, that is definitely something I can do."

  Aric could not help but think there was a tone in his voice, or maybe it was the way he said it, but it suddenly made him think it was a calculated thought on Amar's part against his sister. He wondered briefly what had happened between brother and sister to make him want to have power over her, almost as a punishment, but he didn't much care, as long as it made the princess his. " will cost you."

  It was Aric's turn to chuckle. Of course it would. Of that he never had a doubt. But he could afford it. He settled into the chair he was sitting in, knowing he had won. He didn't realize how tense he was until that very moment. Yes, he would pay the price--even if this princess had Amar blood, even if she was a woman. Right now he wanted this woman and more importantly, when they married, she would be the key to his gaining a foothold in this kingdom and, therefore, the ownership of Ice Dragon Pass. Certainly the pass was an important enough reason for him to actually once again take a bride--even an Amar bride. He chuckled again, looked up at King Diagus, raised the glass of brandy Amar had poured for him when he first sat, and gave Diagus a silent salute. Now would start the real negotiations. "Your price?"

  Diagus threw back his head and laughed.

  Chapter 6

  Nochi was reluctant to let Momisa go once they arrived back at the castle, but the king obviously had interest in her and his making any kind of a move would not be well received. He had promised his king he would protect her until she was back safely. Plus, the young lady never indicated she would accept him making an advance, so as much as he wanted to remain in her company, he had to let her go. She gathered her gown and nearly ran down the hall while the soldier watched that bottom sway back and forth. He sighed. Gorgeous, charming and unreachable. Turning on his heel, he went about the business of finding his king.

  * * * *

  Joron was relieved to finally be away from Nochi. It didn't matter the questions the man asked. Once he was out of these clothes, Momisa would no longer exist.

  And he was never going to do this again.

  He arrived in his small servant's room pretty much unnoticed and sent a maid to gather a few others to help him become Joron again. He started removing apparel he could do so by himself while he waited. Within minutes, there were six women crowded into the room.

  "Your highness. We didn't expect you back today." Joron recognized the maid talking as one of those who had attended him dressing in this ridiculous outfit.

  "I know." Joron was exhausted. He lifted his arms, turned or stood still when told to do so and, much to his relief, one of the many layers came off. "Hawklin was nearly all the way here and I met him about two hours out. I gave him the correct medicine and he headed back."

  Tsking at the obvious dirt stains, brushing them to no avail, Joron thought for sure the maid would ask what happened. Thankfully, she didn't. His little escapade in the woods needed to stay his private secret for the moment, until he could figure out what the hell he was feeling every time he remem
bered that kiss. Oh. That kiss.

  "Well, it is a good thing, your highness, because we have been informed the funeral for your father will be tomorrow."

  "What?" Joron turned quickly, the attendant capturing his full attention. "Why so soon?" Normally the body would lie in state for somewhere closer to a week to allow for word to travel to the farthest reaches of all the kingdoms. To bury the king in just three days was unheard of.

  "We have only been told when the funeral is. We were given no explanation. Maybe the princess will know. She has been sent for and should be here soon."

  Joron noticed they had brought in a tub for him and filled it with hot water. He sighed with relief. A bath would be just the thing for him to truly welcome back his normal self. Finally he was stripped of his fake womanhood and he sank into the steaming water as the women, giggling, left the room and shut the door.

  No longer a woman...

  Was he glad?

  Yes, yes he was, but his mind once again back flipped to that kiss. When did he first notice he was aroused? When he was backed into the tree? Was it the fact he was forced? Was that what aroused him? No. His brother forced him too, not to mention the stable hand, and he felt nothing but the overwhelming need to escape.

  Come to think of it, he needed to deal with the stable hand. Though he was no longer the woman who could accuse him to his face, he could still be the prince the woman talked to about it.

  He sighed. Would he actually ever run into his savior again? But if he did, he was a man now. His savior would in no way be interested in him anymore. He laid his head back on the edge of the tub and wished he knew who the man was. He could admire him from afar. His beauty was amazing, his scent, his voice...his hands, his tongue...

  Damn. He didn't give him his name on purpose.

  Joron wondered where he was from. What kingdom could produce such perfection? What was he doing here? Maybe he should ask his brother.


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