Ice Dragon Tales

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Ice Dragon Tales Page 19

by Hurri Cosmo

  "Of course you did. You had to have known. That's why you truly didn't do anything, isn't it? You didn't even try to put out the fire." It finally hit Aric what it was Joron had believed from the beginning. The man murdered his wife. How did Joron know that? "Your wife went in there to find you. She went in to find you, and you did nothing to help her. Again. Why?"

  The man raised his head to gaze at the king once more. The look on his face had changed dramatically. It was now one of pure evil. The man's eyes had narrowed and his face had contorted into a snarl. It sent a shiver up Aric's back as he began to feel uneasy.

  "That bitch was having an affair with my neighbor, Taga." The man's voice was very low. "Probably for months. I had no idea. Well, Taga didn't survive either." His laugh sounded more like a mad cackle. Then suddenly his eyes shifted to the left of the king. Too late Aric realized the gaze went directly to Joron. The man came up the steps fast, but Aric was able to come between Joron and the man, turning his back to present the larger, less vulnerable part of him to protect Joron.

  Joron never moved. He looked up into the king's eyes, watching, waiting for instructions.

  Somewhere in the very back of Aric's mind he thought about the fact he would have to teach the young man about self-defense, but his act of total trust, his giving over of his safety and well-being totally to Aric, called to something very deep inside of him.

  The man was screaming that the little brat behind the king had ruined it for him. He had everyone believing his story but the little brat made a mess of it. Aric had little problem taking the blows the man rained down on him. He was sure to retain a few bruises, but they were not in the least life threatening.

  Finally the guards made it up to the throne, pulled the man off their king, and dragged him out of the room. The whole time the man screamed and shouted that he would get that little brat. Maybe Aric would not be able to let Joron out of his sight.

  "Sire, are you all right?"

  Aric turned and saw it was Nochi who addressed him. Aric heard an intake of breath enough to make him turn to look at Joron. Aric quickly turned back around to address his guard, realizing why Joron gasped. He smirked. He also saw Nochi looked at Joron more closely than Aric felt comfortable with. He was not sure what the man would do if he learned Joron was actually the beautiful young maiden in the woods. He would have to think about whether or not to tell him. For now, he told him to send a detail to Taga's house to see if Taga was truly dead like the man had indicated and that he would finish the session. Nochi nodded and with one more pensive look at Joron, he exited the chambers.

  The rest of the session went smoothly from that point on. Aric was more tense throughout it, though the problems were simple. He was more generous than he would have normally been and judging by the reactions of the people, they understood him to be off today, too. He also knew Joron would have picked up on it as well. He was kicking himself for being so weak. Not that what he did was wrong. He was not a doting king and didn't want his people to become used to any kind of over charitable act.

  "Wow. That was great." Joron was walking beside Aric as they headed toward an area even he had maybe seen once or twice in his life. A couple of guards were to the front, leading the way, and two more followed behind. Aric was glad the extra protection had finally started. They were headed out to see the storehouses of Claymoor Doom. It was definitely a secret place, secured well though it was one of those places no one wanted to see.

  Joron was gushing. "I have never been able to be in front of the people before. I couldn't believe what a difference that truly makes. And we don't use mediators. What a great idea." Joron walked faster and turned slightly to look up at Aric. "I know my father had been lied to as well. Most of the time, I knew without being able to see them. I ignored them for the most part. Sometimes I would still step in when there were children involved, but most of the time, I allowed whatever the king chose to stand. But it was a different experience from a totally different point of view today, being able to see them."

  He fell back in line with Aric but still looked up at him and when Aric looked back down to him, Joron smiled a huge smile. "Thank you."

  Aric lost a step as if he tripped. With that smile, all the anguish he just put himself through, allowing Joron to sit in on the session, simply vanished. If he could be rewarded with that smile every time, he would do it every time.

  "Well..." He cleared his throat, suddenly hoarse. "If that excited you, wait to see these storehouses." It was an attempt at a joke but Joron did not understand it at all. He truly was elated to be doing what they were doing.

  "Yes. I am looking forward to it."

  Aric noticed he was almost skipping. He truly was like a child. But there was no doubt, he was a man. As Aric looked at him, stared at him, he found he was not able to get enough of just the sight of him. Joron had taken over every aspect of his life. He could still function as a king and as a father, although he found he had to concentrate on each thing in order to make it happen, but what he thought of this young man, both in and out of his bedroom, made all the difference in the world.

  What did that mean?

  It didn't matter. It could not possibly matter. He was in love. He admitted it now. It might be a while before he admitted it to Joron. For some reason, he wanted to be selfish with his thoughts along those lines. All these feelings were new and debilitating in nature. He was not himself and he had very mixed emotions where that was concerned. There would be more truths to face as time went on. But the word "love" and how it fit into his life was a big enough challenge.

  Suddenly those green eyes were trained on him and he felt a physical punch to his body that went straight to his groin and he grimaced. That was the first thing he was going to wrestle under control--the physical part of this relationship. He truly liked that time in a relationship when things were normal, casual, occasionally heated. He liked the control he had in those times.

  Because this over-the-top passion was going to drive him insane.

  * * * *

  "You're it!"

  Joron came up behind Taiyo and tapped him, tickled him under his arms, then dashed away to hide behind a heavily padded high-backed bench. The scream that came from the little boy quickly morphed into uncontrollable laughter as he turned to chase Joron. Joron pretended to not see Taiyo coming up behind him but then, at the last possible second, he turned and grabbed the little body up into his arms. Taiyo screamed again, laughing and hiccupping at the same time. Joron laughed, too, as he dumped the child over the back of the bench to bounce on the cushions.

  "Again!" Taiyo yelled, as he rolled off and came around to the back of the bench where Joron stood.

  Joron laughed as he grabbed him up and threw him over the edge, this time rolling over the back of the bench with him. They giggled, rolled off the bench, and ran around the back to do it over.

  They were in Aric's office off of his throne room. Halfway into the tour, one of Aric's men found them and whispered something to the king. Aric cut their tour short, promising to start it back up later but he had some urgent business to attend to. Joron didn't have to ask to go with. Aric made it clear he would. Then about a half hour later, Taiyo and Reeth, his nanny, showed up and Taiyo and Joron had been playing ever since.

  At first, Reeth showed shock and near panic as the two of them played, mainly because they were being so noisy in the office when Aric was obviously trying to work. Early on she told them to hush. But she quieted after she glanced at Aric, who was watching his son playing with Joron. He shook his head slowly at her and smiled. This was simply too fun not to watch. Who cared how loud it became?

  Aric did need to read through the document he had been called back to take care of. The sooner he did, the sooner he could get back to the tour with Joron. But the scene taking place in front of him, watching his son play hard, laughing with total abandon, his heart could barely contain his joy. Because of his status and the constant threat of kidnappers, Taiyo was not al
lowed to play with children his own age. His time was spent with his nanny and teachers, people who were teaching him to be king. But to watch him finally being able to take advantage of being a child was near to making his heart burst. Not to mention the fact he was also able to watch Joron being that same child. Joron had to have had a very short childhood as well, being thrown early into the role of caregiver. But at the moment, neither Joron nor his son had a clue there was another person in the castle, much less in the same room with them.

  A curt knock on the door brought Aric back to the tasks at hand. Though he knew the man asking for entry was one of his own, he was still vigilant with his two most important and precious people playing and laughing so close.


  * * * *

  Joron quickly looked up when the man came in. He was tall, like most of the guards Aric had. He was also broad in the shoulders, with short hair and a frown, all giving him a stern appearance. He was certainly someone Joron would not want to anger. He strode in, shooting a look in Joron's direction. His gaze fell to Taiyo, who was standing next to Joron, and when he recognized the child, he quickly looked away and moved forward. Suddenly Taiyo's little arms had a death grip on Joron's right thigh. Joron looked down to see the boy burying his face in the folds of Joron's pants.

  Joron crouched down, pulling Taiyo away from his leg. "Hey, Taiyo," he said softly. "What's wrong?"

  The little boy threw himself into Joron's arms, thumb in his mouth, eyes closed tight.

  What the...


  Could it be?

  Joron looked up and over to Aric's desk, where the man who had entered now stood. The man had his back to Joron, so he couldn't see his face, but it wouldn't have mattered. Taiyo was the only one who could identify his tormentor. Joron quickly looked around to find Reeth, but she was nowhere to be seen. Amazing. She had only been there a moment ago. Joron scooped Taiyo up then, allowing him to hide his face on Joron's shoulder and neck as Joron walked over to the desk. Aric was listening to what the guard was saying, but he glanced over momentarily at the approaching pair. A look of confusion flashed quickly across his face but it gave way to curiosity. Joron came around to the back of the desk to stand beside Aric, Taiyo whimpering in his arms. When he stopped beside the king, he looked up at the guard, a man he had heard Aric call Sworban. The face he saw was angry, as the guard glanced first at Joron then at Taiyo, but when his gaze fell on the boy in Joron's arms, that look went cold. Slowly the gaze came back up to Joron's face. Joron smirked as he noticed the man's uniform coat.

  Aric shifted in his chair. "Joron, please take Taiyo to the other side of the room. I'll be done shortly. There are books over there, too. Taiyo loves to be read to."

  But Joron didn't move.


  Joron looked down at Aric. Then he looked back at Sworban. He adjusted Taiyo in his arms so he could use a hand, as he pointed to a side pocket of the coat the guard was wearing.

  "You have a button missing."

  "What?" Sworban looked to where Joron was pointing. "What are you talking..." He looked over to the other side of his coat where a button was still attached, then quickly back to the place where Joron had pointed. "Well, look at that. I guess I am missing a button." He looked back to the king. "I am sorry, your majesty. I was unaware there was a button missing from my uniform. I will get it replaced immediately." His gaze returned to Joron. "Thank you...sir, for pointing it out."

  Joron smirked again at the guard's obvious discomfort. The look on Sworban's face was not one of gratitude. The way Joron read it, the man would as soon slit Joron's throat than be thankful he had been interrupted with something so unimportant.

  Aric stood as he reached into his pants pocket. He pulled something out and laid it down on the desk. Sworban looked at.

  "You..." He quickly looked up into the king's face. "You have my button? You found it?"

  He reached over to take it, but Aric slammed his hand back over it. Then Aric was shouting. "Guards." The rough voice startled both Sworban and Joron, as little Taiyo continued to hug Joron fiercely around the neck. The confusion on Sworban's face grew.

  There was suddenly a lot of movement in the room. Three large men entered, followed closely by Nochi. Joron watched as Nochi's eyes swept the room in anticipation of trouble. They approached and stood directly behind the very puzzled Sworban.

  "Nochi. Take Joron and Taiyo to the other side of the room." The king's eyes never left Sworban's.

  Nochi immediately came around the desk, grabbing Joron's arm in an iron grip and pulled. Joron didn't resist, allowing himself and Taiyo to be led quickly to a corner to the left of the king's desk. Nochi then positioned himself directly in front of them, his back to them, so close that Joron had trouble seeing clearly what was still happening with Sworban and the king. He craned his neck and was able to glimpse the two as they continued to talk.

  "So, Sworban, this is your button?" Aric had picked up the button from the desk and was examining it with seemingly great interest.

  " Well, I'm not all that sure. Buttons all look the same." Sworban still wore a baffled look but now he was obviously becoming cautious.

  "Do you know where this button was found?" Aric continued to turn the button one way, then the other.

  "No, sire."

  Finally Aric looked back up at Sworban. "In my son's hand. Now can you tell me Sworban, why my son would have your button?"

  Sworban stood there for a moment. Then as realization hit, his eyes first went big, then they narrowed. "I don't think that's my button, sire."

  "I think it is." Aric kept his voice very conversational. "I think you kidnapped my son and you locked him in a room all by himself. I could bring my son over here and I'm sure he'll recognize you as the one who did it to him, but I would prefer to not have to do that. In fact, it'll go easier on you if you confess without me having to do it. So, let me ask you again, is this your button?"

  Sworban couldn't hold the gaze of the king. He dropped his chin to his chest. Joron imagined he was looking at the betraying button. He was in obvious conflict, but he finally answered. "Fine. It is my button. But I never meant to hurt the prince. I was simply trying to... I was going... I like Reeth and she won't give me the time of day. I wanted to do something to get her attention. I was simply going to put the prince in the room while he was sleeping and when Reeth raised the alarm, I would be the one to find him. But...the prince woke up and saw my face and...I didn't know what to do."

  "So you decided to leave him?"

  "Yes! He would have recognized me. I figured I would stay out of his sight, that's all. No one would ever have to know."

  Aric came around the desk and when he put himself in front of Sworban, he grabbed Sworban's chin in a tight grip, turning his face so he would look at him. "That's not all you did, is it, Sworban? You also made sure my son wouldn't talk about who it was who put him in that room, didn't you? Tell me. Tell me what you did!"

  "I didn't do anything to him!"

  "Tell me!" Aric tightened his grip.

  Sworban pulled away from the king's hold on him and took a step back. Aric didn't budge, but the guard standing behind them moved to block Sworban from going any farther. "I...I told him...that I would...hurt his father." His voice had dropped to a pathetic tone, but it didn't stir Aric's sympathy.

  "You told him you would hurt me? I have trouble believing you left it with just hurting me. But it makes no difference. I'll decide your fate later when I'm not quite so angry. Guards, take him to the dungeons. A few nights locked away down there will help him put a few things in perspective." With that, Aric turned his back on the man. "Make sure to strip his uniform from him, too. He no longer has the right or the privilege to wear it."

  "Yes, sire."

  Aric remained exactly where he was until the sounds of them taking custody of Sworban and exiting with him ceased. He then turned to Taiyo and Joron, who still stood protected behind Nochi. Nochi step
ped to the side, exposing both of them. Joron lowered Taiyo to the floor and with a gentle voice, made Taiyo turn around to look at his father. Aric came forward, holding his arms out toward Taiyo, need written on his face. Taiyo ran and jumped as Aric leaned down to swoop him up. "Daddy. Bad man. Bad man!"

  "Yes, sweetheart, the bad man is gone. He can't hurt you or me ever again. Do you understand? The bad man is gone."

  Taiyo's response was to tighten his hold around Aric's neck.

  Aric looked at Joron. "How did you know?"

  "I...I didn't. I saw Taiyo's reaction to him. I didn't want to put him in front of the man, but I couldn't find Reeth. And then I saw the missing button."

  "Thank you. Thank you for saving my son and finding his tormentor."

  Joron smiled and looked down to the floor.

  * * * *

  Nochi was struck by the way Joron shyly looked away when the king thanked him. He couldn't help but think he had seen it before, but of course, he knew he had not.

  "Nochi, please take Joron and Taiyo back to my chambers... Where is Reeth?"

  There was sound and movement then from the window and Reeth stepped out from behind the heavy curtain. Nochi paled, realizing he had not noticed the bulge in the fabric. "I...I'm sorry, sire," Reeth began, "but that man... I couldn't... I'm so sorry." She sank to her knees, her face in her hands. "Please forgive me!"

  Nochi saw his king sigh. "Reeth, it's fine. I know you had nothing to do with this and I don't blame you for being scared of that man. But going forward, make sure you tell me immediately if you ever feel threatened. Taiyo is not my only concern or responsibility. Now stop crying. Sworban is gone. He won't bother you anymore." Then as an afterthought, he readdressed her. "There isn't anyone else we need to be concerned with, is there?"

  Reeth raised her head, tears staining her cheeks. "No! No, not at all, sire. No one."

  "Get off the floor, Reeth, and take Taiyo back to the royal chambers. It's probably time for... for... Well, something for Taiyo, right? Math, reading, nap?"


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