Ice Dragon Tales

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Ice Dragon Tales Page 27

by Hurri Cosmo

  "Until? Until what? What are you trying to say?"

  Aric took a deep breath. "Until Joron said he believed Queen Erora would kill him to return the ownership of the Ice Dragon Pass back to you. I don't know your mother, but because of my experience from my last visit, I do know she has few scruples. It got me thinking. I believe now the reason your father brought me here was to tell me he was being murdered."

  "What? Murdered? Are you insane? I was there when he died. He died in bed, surrounded by family and the witnesses he insisted on. He wasn't murdered." But Diagus was suddenly feeling a cold sweat form on his forehead and on his back between his shoulder blades. Murdered? Was that the reason the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him? He knew his father was disliked, downright hated from what he had learned over the last few days. But would there have been a conspiracy to murder him?

  "Think about it, Amar. Your father was robust and healthy the last time I saw him, barely a year ago. Hell, he had to have dropped... What? Eighty pounds, maybe more? In a year. Have you ever heard of such a thing before?"

  Actually, he had. The Duke of Stone Mire, a province of Blade Rain, about two days east of the castle, had dropped that kind of weight as well. It, too, was due to an illness. Though it had been over twenty odd years ago, the duke's death had been sensationalized, due to its mysterious nature. Part of the reason, the rumors said, was the queen was at risk for whatever disease had ravaged the duke. Seemed she had spent an awful lot of time at Stone Mire....

  "What are you saying exactly?"

  "I told you. I think your father was murdered--but slowly, perhaps by poison. I think he finally figured it out and he was having me come so I could either save him or...something. I don't know for sure what he expected me to do. Unfortunately, we never had a chance to talk."

  "So...the she then. Who is this she?" Diagus felt his stomach roll. The sweat tickled the hot skin on his back as it trickled down.

  Aric simply watched Diagus. Diagus thought the man had a pained expression on his face, as if he knew the answer but would not say it.

  But, of course, Diagus knew the answer, too.

  "You mother?" Shit. It all makes sense. He'd wondered at the time why she had insisted on his father being interred so quickly and before anyone could look at him to determine what the man had suffered from. "Why?" she'd asked. "Why put the people through it? He's dead. Nothing will change that."

  Diagus went along with it at the time, not caring to know what it was his father had died from. What would an examination reveal when they never could figure out what was wrong anyway? Obviously, if it were murder by poison, the doctors were in on it--or at least some of them. No diagnosis was reached because they were not supposed to find one. Did she want me to be king that badly? She had to know it would reduce her power in the kingdom. Even so, there was no question.

  "Shit. She did it. She killed him. She killed her own husband, her king, by poisoning him. It also means she would have had the doctors on her side, too, covering it up. That's why they couldn't find what was wrong with him." He looked up at Aric again. "She's a murderer. But...why? Why would she do it?"

  Aric shrugged. "You're the one who knows her, Amar. It couldn't be simply power or riches. She already had all of that. She was already queen of the kingdom. By killing her husband, it took away her title of queen, and by forcing you to now be king, it reduced her to being the king's mother. So it took away most of her power. And as far as riches, what possible effect would there be to that? She would have no better access with her husband's death."

  It was Diagus's turn to shrug. "Well, she does know there will never be a real queen. I might go as far as to have a woman who would simply bear a son for me, produce an heir to carry on the name, but she will never have any real authority, no real influence--a receptacle, a warming oven for the next king."

  Aric paced the floor. "But even without that to necessarily worry about, it's still a reduced position. There must have been something else that pushed her to kill the king. What it is, we'll need to find out. No one is safe until we know the reasons."

  "You mean Joron is not safe." Diagus sighed. "She already hates him. She hates that I love him. Hell, she hates that you love him." He cocked his head to the side. " said we. We need to find out. You're going to help me?"

  Aric smirked. "Of course." He looked away, a hard blush taking over his face. "I mean...for Joron's sake."

  Diagus thought if Joron didn't fill his desires as much as he did, he would definitely be interested in this large man standing in front of him. His blush opened up all kinds of thoughts--thoughts of domination and pain. It would be amazing to be able to tie this man up and make him totally helpless. But the instant he imagined what it would be like, the man tied to the bed morphed into Joron.

  Yes, Joron. Always and ever, Joron. He might be interested in the large man, but he was obsessed with Joron. He chuckled to himself. The big guy was still pretty cute. "Of course. For Joron."

  But what he said was true. Joron was not safe here. If indeed his father was murdered by his mother, Joron would for sure be the next target if he stayed, and for more reasons now than only the Ice Dragon Pass. He shook his head. Why was it so easy for him to believe what his love rival had to say? Unfortunately, it all made sense, even if he didn't want it to. Even he had found it odd on his return to see the man his father had become--thin and pale, frail and old. And according to Aric, it had only been one year for him to become that way. According to some of what he had heard, it was actually far less time than that. It wasn't that he cared all that much. Neither one of them had been loving parents in any sense of the word. But he sure didn't like the idea his mother would kill in the first place, much less with such pain and suffering. No amount of money or power could ever make him kill in such a cold and calculating way. Well, maybe he would for Joron. But then he knew Joron would hate him if he did anything of the sort. It truly was a hard, cold person who could watch, day after day, month after month, while their victim suffered and finally died.

  No. Someone like that would not have the ability to be reasoned with. They would only fall deeper into the dark void and would most assuredly kill again--if even for the sport of it, the power of it.

  Joron was not safe.

  "Take him back with you." Diagus turned to Aric. "Take him back tonight, under cover of darkness, and protect him with your life."

  "W-What?" Aric stood in total shock. "I...I want to protect Joron and planned on doing it here, if necessary. I had come with that in mind. Honestly, I thought even if I couldn't be directly by his side, I was still not leaving him ever again. But take him back? You mean, to Claymoor?"

  "Yes, damn it. Do it. There isn't any time to lose. My mother knows he's here. Until this moment, I didn't think it was a problem." He was up and heading for the door. "Come. I'll take you to him. The sooner we're with him, the safer he'll be." Diagus hesitated as he held onto the door before opening it. "This isn't over, Aric. I do not intend on giving him to you. Understand I don't have another alternative at the moment. If what you say is true, then I can't trust anyone in this castle right now. Knowing she obviously got to the doctors... I don't know who's on her side." He turned to face the large man. "When this is over, I plan on bringing him back, even by force. You do not get to keep him. Understand?"

  Aric smirked. "I understand. You are my rival in love. I will have my work cut out for me."

  Diagus pulled the door open, turning away from Aric's thoughtful gaze, and headed down the hall. He held the sword steady at his side, more out of the need to touch it. But if he needed it, he would be that much closer to pulling it. He noticed Aric did the same.

  Diagus also knew the man who trailed him was taking mental notes. He would not be able to use his bedchambers again, because the man would remember vividly how to get to them. But, of course, he had no intention of ever doing it anyway. He had planned on bringing Joron to a faraway room still being prepared. But now
with this new information, even that room would never have been safe--maybe from Aric, but not from his mother.

  * * * *

  Aric smirked behind Diagus as he led the way. Diagus had given him an odd look before pulling the chamber door open, as if he were wondering if Aric had been serious or had been mocking him. But now Aric wondered if indeed Diagus was going to bring him to Joron. He vowed to himself that if he did, his respect of this man, this king, would rise up higher than he would have ever thought it could. If he did not, well, he would have to fight the man and there was no way Diagus could possibly win. Aric might fall in the end but before he did, the kingdom of Blade Rain would be looking for a new king to crown.

  However, as they started down the wide hall, suddenly there was a man in front of them. The look on his face was pure terror. Diagus shouted out, "Kinnabe?"

  * * * *

  Joron ran for all he was worth. Somehow he was able to stay ahead of the large men chasing him, but he was becoming tired and knew he was running in circles. It wouldn't take long and they would have him. Even as he thought that, he was being slammed up against a wall. Joron's breath was knocked out and now he not only struggled against his attackers but simply to breathe, instantly making his head spin.

  "You little fucker." The man hacked out, his breathing heavy as well. "You led us on a merry little chase, but as you can see"--he took a large breath--"it did you no good." He tightened his hold on Joron's hair and neck, pushing him harder into the wall.

  Joron coughed, trying hard to regain his ability to think, to function.

  The big man laughed. "We're no farther away from where we started." He laughed again. The others who had finally caught up, huffing and puffing themselves, laughed as best they could. "Hey, where'd that servant go?"

  There was mumbling and shifting of feet.

  "None of you idiots thought it was maybe a good thing he didn't get away? He could sound the alarm."

  "He ran off deeper into the castle. We thought..."

  "Never mind. Let's do our part and get out."

  Joron was finally able to put some thoughts together as he took short, ragged breaths. "So you intention...of protecting me?" He cringed. Damn. That's the first thing I can come up with?

  Once again, laughter came from all around him. "As you must know by now, your highness, we work for the queen. She wants you dead, but she also wanted the pleasure of doing that herself." He leaned in with his entire body, pushing Joron farther into the wall. "She might want to kill you for her pleasure but"--his laugh turned sinister, his voice gravelly and low--"we're going to have our own fun. Right, boys?"

  Additional laughter. This time more nervous, less hardy.

  "Come on, Mason. Let's deliver him and get the hell out of here. He' know, the prince."

  Joron could feel the muscles tense on Mason as he addressed his comrades. "We talked about this. We all agreed. We were going to take turns. I won the toss."

  "Yeah, we did, but that was...just talk. This... Well, I don't know, seems... wrong."

  "You fools! We all hate the royal family! Hate all their privilege and attitude! They have everything and we have nothing. You think anything will change now that the son sits on the throne? Do you?"

  With nearly every word, Joron was shoved harder and harder. Suddenly there was a clamoring and a sucking in of breath from more than one of the men behind him. Joron was not sure what any of it meant. He only knew he was terrified and needed to come up with some plan of escape or he was going to die. At that moment the man who held him against the wall loosened his grip and slid down Joron's back.

  Then there was nothing but chaos behind him.

  There were shouts and movement, and once again a strong hand descended on him, taking hold of a large portion of the back of his shirt and pulling him away. Joron fought now, for all he was worth. He didn't know exactly what happened, but he had been given a second chance and he was not going to waste it. He reached over his head, scratching and clawing at the big hand that held him and pulled him out of the way...

  Out of the way?

  Suddenly Joron was turned and his face slammed into a large chest. Joron took a breath and breathed in Aric's scent. He let out a small cry and tried to raise his eyes to look up into his captor's face, to see who it was who rescued him, but he couldn't manage it. Whoever it was who held him was fighting with his sword and Joron simply gave himself over to the thought it truly was Aric. He hoped it was Aric. He prayed it was Aric, and he wrapped his arms around that huge chest.

  Soon it was over. The movements stopped and the man pried Joron from his near death grip.

  Joron finally allowed himself to be pulled away and looked up into the face of King Aric.


  * * * *

  "You came." Joron threw his arms around Aric's neck and pulled himself up into a kiss.

  Aric, shocked at Joron's reaction, wrapped his arms around him again. He pushed his tongue into Joron's sweet mouth and tasted his lover, after days of thinking he may not ever taste him again. He was painfully aware of his tightening pants as his member grew.

  Finally Joron broke the kiss, gasping again for breath, saying over and over, "Aric is here. Aric is here." When Joron looked up at him, knowing his eyes had to portray his lust, it was then he saw Joron's tears. He thought the worst.

  "Joron. Are you all right? Did that son of a bitch hurt you?" His hand went back to his sheathed weapon. But the man who had been threatening Joron was already dead by Diagus's sword.

  "No. No, I'm fine. He...they didn't do anything to me. I'm fine. It's just that... I thought... I didn't think..."

  "You didn't think I would come for you? I told you. You belong to me. Me. Of course, I bring you home." Aric took him back into his embrace and pulled Joron's head on his chest.

  "But Diagus..."

  "What about Diagus?"

  "He won't let me..."

  Aric gave Joron another quick hug, then pulled him away from him and turned him in his arms to look into the hallway where he was captured then saved. On the floor of the hallway were two of the fallen kidnappers. There was some blood on the stones but not much, so it was obvious the swords that ran them through killed them instantly. The other two were up against the wall, being held there by two castle guards. Standing in the middle of it all was Diagus. He was dutifully cleaning his sword, pretending to not pay attention to Aric or Joron. Joron tried to pull away from Aric but his iron grip only tightened. Finally, Diagus looked up at Joron.

  "So, that's how it is then, huh? The two of you?"

  Joron's face turned a deep shade of red. "Diagus?" he whispered.

  "It's fine. I'm sending you back with him anyway." He turned away again, obvious pain in his eyes. Once again, Joron tried to pull away from Aric. Once again Aric didn't move.

  "Sending me back? What are you talking about?"

  Diagus turned toward him and walked right up to Joron. Joron shrunk back against Aric's strong chest as Diagus lifted a soft hand up and cupped Joron's cheek. "I hate seeing how you react to this man. But understand, I am not giving up. You will still be mine, my sweet brother. But you're not safe here, as you just saw. Aric will explain it in more detail, but you'll need to leave your home until I can make it safe for you to return. I promise, Joron, I will make it safe and then I will bring you home." He leaned in then to steal a kiss, but Aric quick pulled him out of reach with a growl.

  "Watch it, Amar."

  Diagus chuckled. "Go. Get out of here. I'll deal with this and then I'll deal with my mother. I'll send word when I find out more."

  "I'll leave some men. When I get back, I'll send more."

  "No. Take them with you. If you want to send some when you get back, fine, but you don't have the best track record of protecting my brother. Remember, I took him right out from under your nose." His eyes wandered up to Aric's. "I would rather you have as much help as possible making sure you get him somewhere safe."

sp; Aric's anger rose instantly but he tamped it down. It was anger at himself. It was embarrassment and humiliation at his own greed and arrogance. Diagus was right. The man had walked in, easily manipulated his security, and walked right back out with his most prized possession--and in a matter of a couple of hours. All the while, Aric pounding on his chest like some damn ape, thinking no one could touch him, that no one would even dare. Diagus had no problems with such overconfidence.

  "Fine. I will send men as soon as I get back. Make sure you send word if you need anything else." He pushed Joron with him down the hall, Diagus following. "We'll leave when it's dark." He tightened his grip on Joron's arm but still turned to Diagus. "Are you sure you're going to be all right?"

  Diagus laughed as he walked alongside. "Like you're really worried about me." He laughed again. But then he became serious. "No. I'll be fine. I've always dealt with my mother. I know her. She won't come after me. I'm the king. I'm the only power she has left. As much as this should shock and upset me, it truly doesn't."

  They stopped at a place where the hallway split. Diagus once again looked up at Aric. "Thanks to you, I have my head on straight now where she's concerned. I will be able to figure this all out. It's one of the reasons I need Joron out of here. She won't be able to use him to control me. You just make sure you keep my brother safe." His gaze went back to Joron.

  And Joron smiled at him.

  The look on Diagus's face even surprised Aric. Diagus growled and reached out, taking hold of Joron again and before Aric could stop him, he went in for a fast, deep kiss, pushing Joron all the way back to the wall. Aric regained his control and pulled them apart.

  "Knock it off, Amar." But there was little force in his voice.


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