Ice Dragon Tales

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Ice Dragon Tales Page 37

by Hurri Cosmo

  The servants put together a meal for all in attendance, including the queen's imposter, who was somewhere in the bowels of the place. Joron could no longer hear her screams and that was the most important thing right now. He wasn't sure he would have been able to handle it if he could. Plus, he did not want Taiyo to have to hear such sounds either and start asking questions. Earlier, Nochi had grabbed Taiyo and spirited him away to a far room in the chateau when it was learned the fake queen had also arrived. Aric had thankfully not allowed her access. But it was Joron who made sure tonight he was tucked well away from all of the commotion with hugs, kisses, tickles, and a few tears on Joron's part. The little tyke was now sleeping peacefully in a room upstairs, guards standing over him.

  They had been sitting like this for maybe an hour, letting the news sink in--letting the shock of it settle somewhat.

  Was there a way out?

  Finally, unable to hold back, Joron looked up to Diagus. "Who knows?" he asked into the silence.

  Diagus glanced at him, his eyes slightly glazed. "What?"

  "Who knows about us? About you? About our father?"

  "He's not our father."

  Joron sighed. "Yes, but who else knows about it?"

  Diagus thought for a moment. "Just the three of us, two Blade Rain guards. Oh, and a couple of guards of Aric's" He raised his glass to the big man sitting across from him. "I swore them all to secrecy."

  Aric looked up at him. "Names?"

  "Bard and Jason, I think."

  Aric slowly nodded his head. "Oh yes, that's right. The men I sent back to you. Good men. Trustworthy."

  "I figured."

  Joron widened his eyes slightly. "Really? That's it?"

  "Really. That's it." Diagus took a large drink. "Why?"

  Joron looked back into his lap, suddenly shy about what he was going to say. Was it right? Would it be okay?

  "Why, Joron?" This time it was Aric.

  Joron looked up at the man he'd fallen in love with. There still might be a chance for them.

  "I was thinking..." His attention went back to Diagus. "You've been trained all your life to take the throne, and Kinnabe has seen you in action. He says you will make a good king. From what I've heard and seen, I think so, too."

  Diagus raised his glass in a salute to Joron. "You will make a better one. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

  "That's just it. I don't want to be king. I have never wanted to be king. It's your job. I want you to have it."

  It was Diagus's turn for a wide-eyed expression. "What? You can't do that. I don't have a drop of royal blood. It's against all the laws."

  "So, we'll make a new law. We make your bloodline the royal one."

  Diagus glanced at Aric, who was looking into his half-empty glass with a definite smirk. "Yeah, you would like that, wouldn't you? That way you get him back. I see what this is all about."

  Aric glanced up and simply took a sip of his wine, a sparkle in his eyes.

  "Diagus, I told you. I don't want to be the king. You do. And I truly think you will make a great king." Diagus looked at Joron with narrowed eyes. Did he think Joron was lying? "It's the truth. It's what I believe."

  Diagus let out a laugh. "You mean it's not some stupid pity you're feeling for a man who has lost pretty much everything over the last few weeks?"

  "No, Diagus. I truly think you will make a great king." He tipped his head a bit, as he looked at Diagus's smiling face. The emotion there was jumbled and chaotic but he also knew Diagus had a strength that would rise above any personal struggle the man would ever have. "It is always the trials in life that mold the man. Neither one of us have had the upbringing we should have had. Our father--King Oxys--was not a good father. But he was not a good king either. He let his lusts get in the way. It was all he could see. I suppose it had something to do with his losses in life. But I can already see, Diagus, you will not allow that to happen. You have already proven you will make sure the monarchy comes first, with the very fact you would give up the crown due to honoring its origins. You have the strength necessary, right along with the wisdom and discernment so important for what lies ahead."

  Joron then looked down to his lap for a moment and continued. "Diagus, I do not have any of that. I admit I have been running around behind the king's back to make right some of what I perceived the king did wrong, but it was not the honorable thing to do."

  He raised his head and a hand when Diagus started to protest. "No. It may have been necessary for our people to survive, I will admit that as well, but it was not the proper course of action. Nor was it the whole of what a king is responsible for." He looked hard into Diagus's eyes. "I fully intended on continuing under your leadership as well, if I thought you would do no better. But it isn't needed. I am no longer needed. That's a very good thing." He smiled. "Diagus, you will make one of the best kings Blade Rain has ever had." Joron looked over to Aric, who raised his glass in Diagus's direction.

  "I happen to agree with him, Amar."

  Diagus looked down at his glass and swirled it for a moment, a bit of color showing on his cheeks. "We can do that? I mean," he caught Joron's eyes again, "you can make me king?"

  "Since it's the king who makes the laws, then yes. I'll make it happen, put it in the books, or whatever you're supposed to do. Honestly, the people don't need to know what even happened but if they ever find out, then you and your descendants will have the royal decree to back it up."

  "You don't want to be king?"

  "No. Never. I promise."

  Diagus slowly nodded his head. "It is what I trained all my life to do. It's the only thing I ever truly wanted--other than, of course, you." He winked at Joron. Joron smiled and blushed. "Okay. I'll do it."

  "Yes." Joron jumped up and basically skipped the couple of steps to extend his hand to Diagus. "Thank you."

  Diagus smirked, shot a look at Aric, reached up and pulled Joron down into his lap, taking his lips in a kiss. Off in the background, Joron heard a growl and suddenly he was being pulled from Diagus's grip. Diagus chuckled as he stood. "No other has come close to you, my brother." He smirked. "Of course, you are not my blood brother..." He looked at Joron with obvious love in his eyes. "I know this means you won't be coming home. You'll go and live with this clod."

  He indicated the large man who stood right behind Joron, a possessive arm around Joron's waist. He looked back at Joron, becoming very serious. "I do love you, you know. No other will do. I will certainly try to find another to take your place. There is an heir who must be born. But...after I tasted you... In fact, I have it in me to fight the urge to push you down right now and take you for real this time, all the way. You light such fire in me."

  Joron's eyes widened, but Aric pulled Joron around him, effectively putting himself between the two. "I will kill you first," he said but there was no real anger in his voice.

  Diagus smiled. "I know. I would, too, if I were you." He sat back down on his bench, taking another swig from his nearly empty glass. Aric backed away one step, continuing to pull Joron to obvious safety behind him.

  "However, Tamusi, that is not the only reason why I would not do it. I respect my brother and his wishes and desires as well. Apparently he desires you. He has nothing to fear from me and has every right to believe I will protect him as fiercely as you do." He looked up into Aric's black eyes. "Neither have you anything to fear of me, for obvious reasons, but also for the respect I now have for you as well. However, I'll wait and bide my time. You will not live forever--especially with your high ideals and grand plans. I'll not let anyone stand in my way to take Joron back to my bed when such a time as your death may arise."

  "Is that a threat, Amar?"

  "Hardly. But it is a promise." He winked at him. "Sit. Finish your drink, and we'll all head to bed. I have a mother...a queen to bury, and a kingdom to run, so I must be off early in the morning." He looked pensive then for a moment. "Is there any way I could talk the two of you into heading out with me? The s
ooner we get my bloodline in the books, the better, plus it doesn't hurt to show off this newfound friendship we have, right, Tamusi?" He raised his glass to him, winked, and took the last swallow.

  Aric cleared his throat and turned to face Joron. Joron's smile was brilliant, and both Aric and Diagus took in a breath. Aric chuckled. "I guess that would be a yes for you, huh?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Fine." Aric took the last swallow of his wine as well and with the other hand pushed a still smiling Joron to the door leading out of the library.

  Diagus stretched out his legs and crossed them. "This is a mighty fine chateau you have here, Aric. Mighty fine library, too."

  Aric continued to push Joron to the door. "Go ahead. But I want every book returned to me when you're finished, got that?"

  "Thank you. Have a great night, you two."

  * * * *

  Earlier, Aric had had the house servants change out the linen and air the master bedroom, since it had been closed up for the last two years. They were about to enter, but right before either of them took another step, Aric swept Joron up into his arms and carried him in, bride style, walking across the room and gently laying him on the bed.

  There was no longer anything in the way. He would make another commitment and this time it would be his choice.

  Joron was finally his. Completely.

  He ran his hands over Joron's body slowly, imagining his clothes weren't there. Of course, he would remove them, but all in good time. He wanted to savor every moment of being with him this night. He would overwrite the memories of this place by the sea, this house and this room, even this bed, where he had always been alone and unhappy. Well, he actually hadn't known he had been unhappy. But having Joron here now, knowing he wouldn't leave him again, he realized finally what happiness truly was.

  He removed Joron's shirt, touching everywhere, leaning in to touch those stiff nubs with his tongue. He flicked one, then the other, then he sucked and pulled, hearing a most wonderful moan from his young man. Joron arched into Aric's mouth, showing his want and need for more friction. But tonight Aric was going to relish these moments. He would lose control soon. He knew he would go at it like a man possessed, but right now he was going to take his time.

  "Be still." His voice was low but commanding, and Joron stopped moving with a whimper. Aric took Joron's wrists in one hand and held them above the young man's head while he continued to kiss and suck. "Your hands stay right there or I'll tie you up again, understand?"

  Joron whimpered again. Aric knew he was struggling to stay still. He slowly released his hands and moved farther down Joron's body. He loosened Joron's pants, slowly slipped a hand down the front and found Joron's cock. As soon as he wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing it, Joron's hands came down to Aric's head.


  Joron instantly returned them to above his head. Moaning loudly in frustration, he wiggled his hips, thrusting them forward, obviously still trying for more friction, but all Aric did was chuckle. "Yes, my little lover, soon I will give you all the sensation you need. But not until I am ready."

  Pulling out Joron's hard cock, he quickly took him into his mouth, sucking hard at first then gently, licking the tip, then nibbling. When his teeth touched him, Joron's hands came down again and his hips went up.

  Lazily, Aric murmured against Joron's weeping tip. "Do it again, my pet, and I won't let you come tonight."

  Joron jumped to comply, grabbing hold of the iron rail of the headboard, this time with a death grip. Another tiny whimper escaped his lips--those wonderful delicious lips. Oh, how he wanted to plunge his tongue between those incredible lips, but Aric had promised himself he would spend time sucking on Joron's hard cock, making him squirm and beg to come, while he endlessly licked and played. Then he wanted desperately to drink all of what Joron had, suck him dry. So he set to work doing just that. He pushed Joron's legs farther apart while he dipped down and licked Joron's beautiful balls, taking one then the other into his mouth, rolling his tongue around them. He licked the underside of Joron's cock, eliciting a loud moan and a jerk of Joron's body, as he concentrated on holding onto the rails.

  "Oh...Aric...I'm going to..."

  "Come, Joron." Aric quickly put the whole of Joron's cock in his mouth and sucked hard as the first thick ribbon of cum shot out of Joron.

  Joron screamed but kept his hands where they were, lifting his body up with every hard pulse. Again and again, Joron's cock pulsed while Aric sucked hard, keeping right in time. Finally as the pulses weakened, Joron lay back down, breathing hard, his hands still gripping the bars. Aric let Joron's spent cock fall from his mouth, jerking again with the motion, Joron let a small involuntary moan slip from his lips.

  Aric felt on top of the world. He had fully claimed this young man as his own now. He had claimed him in every way but one. Aric let Joron lay there, covered in a light layer of gleaming sweat, eyes half closed in bliss, while he reached into the pocket of his pants, pants he had not taken off yet, and pulled out the ring. He took Joron's left hand, prying it from the bar, and slid the too big ring onto his third finger.

  He looked up into Joron's surprised face and said in a low, serious voice, "With this ring, I claim you as mine. You belong to me. I promise to keep you, protect you, honor and believe in you. I promise to listen to you, laugh with you, help you in all things, but most of all, I promise to love you for the rest of my life." No one was more surprised than the king himself when a tear rolled down his own face. "Tell me, Prince Joron Amar of Blade Rain. Tell me you accept."

  Joron sat up, staring first at Aric's glistening eyes, then the ring, then his eyes, then the ring.

  "Before you start thinking weird thoughts, pet, this ring was not Abydell's. This ring belonged first to my great-great-great-grandfather, who gave it to my great-great-great-grandmother the day he married her. It is a family ring and has been on the hand of every queen who sat next to a Claymoor Doom king. I admit you will be the first man to wear it, but it is where it should be--on the hand of the person the king loves, the person I love. As for the inscription? I mean that more today--to you--than I ever did to anyone before--including Abydell. Now, give me an answer."

  * * * *

  Joron's heart was nearly ready to explode because it was beating so hard. Could he truly believe this time? Could he let go and believe? He slowly got to his knees and pulled Aric into a fierce hug. "Oh yes, my king, yes. I never want to be without you again. I love you, too. I love you. I love you."

  Aric hugged him back, but suddenly Aric pushed him down onto the bed again. "Good. Now that's settled, let's get back to business." He reached over to the side of the bed, grabbed a bottle, and poured what looked like lotion onto his fingers.


  "A king is always prepared." Aric winked and let some of the lotion fall from his hand and land on Joron's stomach.

  "Oh. That's cold."

  Aric laughed. "It won't be for long." He reached down between Joron's buttocks and quickly found Joron's small pucker. "It's been far too long." He inserted a finger, to be followed by a second, as he pushed in farther and deeper, twisting and turning as he went.

  Joron was shocked at the intensity, both in Aric's face as he concentrated on opening Joron with his fingers, but also at the frenzied pace he set with those fingers. Joron lifted his hips in an effort to help with the angle, and suddenly Aric's long fingers found that incredible bundle of nerves. Joron shouted but Aric only added another finger and continued his thrusting. Joron could feel the blood fill him again, so eager to be in Aric's arms, to smell his essence, to hear his low rumbling voice, to know the man was finally his. Aric removed his fingers and lined up his swollen staff. After adding some lotion to the weeping tip, he pushed in. He kept pushing until he was all the way in, bucking his hips to make sure. He looked down into Joron's half closed eyes. "Ready?"


  Aric smiled, pulled back, and slammed home. He set up a fast pace, once ag
ain totally lost in his coupling. He found Joron's precious place again, and when he hit it this time with his thick shaft, it took all of Joron's willpower not to come. Joron shifted so he wouldn't hit it dead on but Aric was having none of that. He readjusted Joron's hips and held them in place while he pounded that spot. Joron couldn't hold it. He shouted out again as cum covered his stomach. But soon Aric stiffened as well in orgasm, as Joron felt the hot liquid spill into him.

  Aric collapsed on the bed next to Joron, breathing heavily. "That was wonderful. We have joined our lives, and now our bodies. I will never let you go again." He wrapped his arms around Joron and pulled him close. Soon Joron heard his breath, slow and steady into sleep.

  Never let him go? Never? He realized he had never wanted to leave in the first place. All his life he had been running toward this man. All his life he had been preparing to meet and join with this man. Aric was his destiny, his reason to be on the earth. The life Joron had before Aric, was only preparing him to enter into this love of loves. And now, finally, they would be able to go forward into a future together. He snuggled into the warmth of his man and let sleep, at last peaceful sleep, overtake him.

  * * * *

  The next morning was hectic and hurried. Diagus insisted on traveling together, telling Joron he would not waste a moment of time he would have remaining with Joron, making it clear he didn't care where Aric was in the party, as long as Joron was next to him. Though Joron knew Aric was irritated at best, he allowed for the proximity but kept a close eye, having Taiyo riding once again in the wagon. The fake queen had been securely bound and, with a small legion of soldiers, was on her way back to Claymoor Doom dungeons. They had learned her name was Caewyth and it truly sounded as if she were Abydell's long lost twin sister.

  It was clear something had snapped inside her. Though this morning she was more than subdued, she had a very crazy, faraway look in her eyes. They would learn more and Aric would decide her fate at that point, but executing crazy people was not something he would do. Time would tell.


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