Truck Stop Trouble: A Muscles and Tattoos Bad Boy Romance

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Truck Stop Trouble: A Muscles and Tattoos Bad Boy Romance Page 4

by Peter Presley

  Do you know how many orgasms I had last night? Two! I’ve never had two in one night. Maybe you have, but I haven’t. Spending time with him, even for this short period, will keep me feeling good for at least the rest of the month. Then, when it wears off, I can whine again about being single.

  So yeah, I’m gonna call off sick. It’s no big deal. Mable is in charge of the floor, and when she okays stuff like that, Al couldn’t care less. Mable knows we’re usually full of shit most of the time when we do it, but she also knows we don’t do it often. The money is too good to do it often. Plus, I’ve been at Sunrise longer than most of the other cocktail waitresses and therefore, I have some of the best shifts. So there’s always some other girl who’s willing to take over for me.

  Okay, I’ve called off sick, but I haven’t told Buck I did so yet. I know what he wants. He wants to spend the entire day in bed with me. And don’t get me wrong; I’m not opposed to it. But if he’s just gonna leave me here, he’s gonna have to do more than just get with me for a piece of ass. I want him to take me out, have some fun with me in town, something I never get a chance to do because I’m always working. He paid for dinner at Jason’s, so he can shell some more money out tonight too. He’s not rich, but that hottie isn’t poor either.

  We exchanged numbers when we were eating at Jason’s. So I guess I’ll call him . . . hope he’s awake.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he says. “What’s the word?”

  He sounds so relaxed. I got nine hours, but he seems like he got 14. “Hi, Buck!”

  “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you too. Listen, I called off today. So we can spend the day together if you want,” I say.

  “Of course I do. Let’s start with lunch. How’s that sound?”

  “Actually, it sounds great. And, well, I need to talk to you anyway.”

  “You do? About what, babe?” he says, slightly concerned.

  I don’t know how to say this, but I’m just gonna come right out and say it. I don’t have time to hesitate about it. I need to just spit it out. “I want to feel like I’m on a date with you today - a real date.”

  “I’m taking you to lunch.”

  “Yeah, but then what, Buck? I’m not just a piece of ass.” I can’t believe I just said that.

  Buck is laughing on the other end.

  “Well, now, I could say the same thing about me, can’t I.”

  Now, I’m laughing. Actually, yeah, he could say the same thing. He wanted to sleep with me and I sure as hell wanted to sleep with him too.

  “Okay, okay, you got me. But do you know what I mean, Buck? I want to have a nice time with you today in Vegas, then, tonight, we can . . . you know?”


  “Yes, fuck.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good, I’m glad you do.”

  “I gotta call you back, okay?”

  “Uh, yeah, okay.”

  We hang up. I think he understands where I’m coming from. So I’ll just wait for him to call me back.

  So here I am, sitting in my apartment. I’ve showered, done the dishes that were left over from last night. I’ve been staring at my cell off and on for the entire time. It’s been an hour, and he hasn’t called me back. Shit, what did I do? I sounded like a needy little bitch, is what I probably sounded like. Will he call me back? I took today off; he better fucking call me back.

  Plus, I’m starving, saving my appetite for this lunch he’s supposed to take me to. I could call him, but I won’t. I just won’t. I’ll give him one more hour, and that’s it. After that, I’ll call Mabel and try to squeeze back into my shift. Fuck him.

  I’m watching some stupid television show, barely paying attention to it. It’s been an hour and forty minutes now, and he still hasn’t called me back. I told you before I’m only giving him an hour. Now he’s got 20 minutes left. Oh . . . wait. There’s my cell now. It better be him.

  I look at my phone. It is he. I’m gonna play it cool. I don’t want him to know I was sweatin’ over him.

  “Hi, Buck.”

  “Hey! Okay, I got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil. Last night, you told me you had always wanted to see that. Remember when you told me that?”

  “We’re gonna go see Cirque du Soleil? Shit! Buck!”

  “I’ll take you out to a nice dinner before that too, maybe we’ll hit up Giorgio’s.”

  “Giorgio’s too! Yeah, yeah, okay. Sounds great! Oh my God, Buck!”

  “Did I do good?”

  “Yes, you did great!” Oh, God. I feel like such an ass. I’m gonna confess. “Buck, honestly, when you didn’t call me back right away, I . . .”

  “You called me all sorts of names?”

  I laugh nervously. “Well, no, not exactly, I guess.”

  “You guess?”

  “Well, I thought you were just gonna be gone for a few minutes. That’s the way you made it sound.” Ugg, I need to stop talking.

  “Okay, fair enough. But do you trust me now?”

  “Yes, yes, I trust you, Buck. I’m sorry if I sounded like I didn’t.”

  “We’re gonna have a nice time together today, Fiona. I want to make you happy.”

  “I am happy, Buck.”

  “Good, now are you hungry, too? I need some lunch.”

  “Ah, yeah, yeah. I’m starved as a matter of fact. Um, I need about twenty minutes to get ready.”

  “Cool. I rented a car. Can’t be driving my big ass truck through town, right? So I’ll come pick you up, that is, unless you’d prefer I didn’t. But, you just told me you trust me, didn’t you?”

  Okay, he’s really letting me have it for what I said last night about me not wanting him to know where I live. “Buck it’s fine. You can pick me up.”

  “Cool! What’s your address?”

  “I’m at 2020 Arrow Street, Apt. 9. Just text me, and I’ll come out and meet you.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you in about 45 minutes. Sound cool?”

  “Yes, that sounds great!”

  Man, do I feel like an ass for thinking badly about him. He’s taking me to Cirque du Soleil. I can’t believe it. I did mention it to him last night, but just in conversation. I never thought he would actually take me there.

  Now I need to get myself ready for our lunch. I gotta go figure out what to wear.



  I’m in Fiona’s apartment, in her living room, sitting on her purple sofa, waiting for her to get dressed. Stuffed animals are on either side of me. I can smell her perfume. If there have been any men in this apartment, you’d never know it. The only manly thing is the Bud beer I’m holding that she insisted on buying for me. She wanted me to have a drink while I wait.

  I’m a man who spends time with a woman and then moves on, and every other time it’s been pretty easy to move on. But as I sit here, my mind is seriously fucking with me. From the minute I picked her up for lunch today, we’ve talked nonstop, laughed, gotten along really well. And even though I’m a trucker and she’s a waitress, we share a lot in common. For example, today, I found out that she was homeless for a time, just like I was. We both escaped difficult childhoods. Hers was sexual abuse and a mother who wouldn’t acknowledge what was happening. Mine was an alcoholic father who could barely take care of himself, let alone me.

  More than once today I’ve thought about just convincing her to come with me on the road, sit next to me in my truck and just roll with me. Probably wouldn’t be much of a life for her, though, right? Like I said, not everyone wants to do what I do.

  “How you doin’, Buck?” Fiona is in her bedroom. I can’t see her, but I can hear her. She didn’t want me in there. She wants to surprise me.

  “I’m good. I’m just chillin’, thinkin’.

  She appears in the doorway and gives me a sexy smile.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I’m frozen. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen is standing in front o
f me. She’s wearing a short pink dress that hugs her every curve. Her long legs are bare. High-heeled black sandals are strapped to her feet. Her long dark hair hangs down her shoulders and big gold earrings dangle from her ears.

  “Damn, Fiona.”

  She grins. “I clean up pretty good, huh?”

  I don’t answer. I can’t. I’m too turned on. I stand and walk over to her, placing my hands on her waist. She kisses me before I kiss her. Her lips land on mine and stay there, soft and wet. I pull her close.

  She pulls away, and now she’s laughing. “My dress has got you goin’, huh?”

  I’m sure she can tell how hard I am. She walks over to her dresser, grabs a small purse and then she walks back over to me.

  “Come on.” She grabs my hand. “If we stay here, we’ll never make it to dinner and Cirque.”

  She’s right about that. I’m gonna have to calm down if I want to be the gentleman I told myself I’d be tonight.



  We’re driving in the rental car to the lot where Buck’s truck is parked. Today has been an amazing day. Lunch was great, dinner at Giorgio’s was great and Cirque du Soleil was fucking amazing. It’s amazing what those performers can do. And I got to experience all of it with the handsome Buck, who treated me like a princess.

  Buck parks the rental, and after we get out, we hold hands as we walk through the lot toward his semi. I’m sure he can tell, judging by my mood today and the things I’ve said to him today, that he accomplished his mission of making me happy. Earlier today, he said that a pretty girl like me needs to get away from the casino more than I do. He’s right about that.

  His truck is massive, but it’s not the only one in the lot. This hotel must let truckers park here or something. “I still can’t believe you drive this big thing,” I say as we approach it.

  Buck opens the door, and we climb in.

  “Been driving a truck since I was 21,” he says. “It’s my life now.”

  My eyes scan the sleeper. It really is cool.

  “I could get used to this, you know?” I sit on the bed. I could get used to this. If my life were different, I could definitely get used to this.

  “Oh, could you now?”

  He grins at me and opens the fridge. He pulls out a bottle, and if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, this handsome hunk bought us some Dom Pérignon.

  “Wait! Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yeah, I figured it would be good for tonight.”

  “Once again, you’re full of surprises aren’t you, Mr. Trucker?”

  He closes the fridge’s door. “That I am!”

  I watch him pull two champagne glasses out of one of his storage compartments. The air in this truck is a little bit colder than it was the last time I was in here, but it’s making me imagine how warm his cock will be when I finally get it swimming in my pussy. I think I look super sexy in my pink tonight, but I’m not going to have it on much longer. It served me well, but now I’m ready to feel some skin.

  I shift my weight to the side and cross my legs. My legs are two of my best features. They’re long, and they look good in heels. I rarely wear really high heels, but tonight I am. In fact, my sandals are still on my feet. I’ll keep them there a little bit longer. I love how sexy stilettos make me feel.

  Under this dress, I’m wearing a red bra and a red thong. Did he catch a glimpse of my panties when I repositioned my legs? I think so. You should see the look on his face right now.

  He walks over to me holding the glasses of champagne. I take one of them.

  “To a great day and an even greater night,” he says. We each take a sip of our champagne. And then, he leans down toward me. “I love red . . . “ He whispers into my ear and then gives it a nibble. “Especially when I know how close it is to your pussy.”

  “Bad boy,” I say, setting my champagne glass down.

  I raise my dress, exposing my thighs and making my red thong visible. “Now, you can take a closer look . . . I know you’ve been watching.”

  Buck gets a look in his eyes that makes me think I’ve just got him super hard. He seems to be taken aback by my statement. I grab my champagne glass and down the entire contents.

  “Hmmm,” I say. “Good bubbly.”

  Upon seeing me gulp down the champagne, Buck grabs the bottle and brings it closer to us. I hold out my glass, and he pours me some more.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I tease.

  “No,” he says, staring down at my red panties, drinking his champagne. “So I guess I’ll have to cut you off after this one, huh?”

  I nod. “You may be right.”

  Buck sets his glass down. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  “I’ve been told I’m pretty.”

  “You’re more than pretty, Fiona.”

  “So are you just gonna talk about my beauty all night, or are we gonna do this?” I part my lips with my tongue. “I know you want more; therefore, come and have me tonight, and don’t make me change my mind.” I stand up, pull off my dress and throw it to the floor. “The bra and panties are your duty,” I say, as I throw my hair back, revealing the glittery gold earrings dangling from my ears.

  That’s all Mr. Hottie needs to hear. He sets his champagne glass down and gets me in another one of his bear hugs from behind. His lips are on my neck, and his hungry hands squeeze my breasts that are covered with a red push-up bra. But in no time, the bra is off, and his hands return to my breasts, pinching my nipples as he does it.

  “Now, I’m about to get buck wild for the woman who captured me in Vegas.”

  Buck is gonna get “buck wild.” I can go for that. But I want to get on the bed. So I gently push him away and then I get on the bed with my palms against the wall, offering my pussy in the doggie position. My panties and my shoes are still on. He grabs the top of my panties and pulls them down my legs, past my knees and off my feet, still clad in my black stiletto heels.

  I stare at the wall in front of me. I hear his shirt hit the floor, and then I feel him behind me on the bed. He’s moving fast. He wants me, and I want him.

  His hands move my thighs farther apart. And then I feel it, the tip of his tongue on my clit. I bend over, and he licks me slowly and laps me fast and hard. I bend over, even more, allowing him to get his face against my pussy. I’m so wet. He’s practically devouring me

  “Damn your pussy is sweet,” he says, placing his hands on my ass and smashing my pussy against his lips. My nipples harden as my excitement mounts.

  “Oh, God. Eat me, Buck!”

  I spread my legs wider, welcoming his forceful tongue. He moves it faster and faster. I’m near orgasm. And then he sucks my clit into his mouth and I explode, pressing the side of my face hard against the wall.

  He brings his face out from between my legs. “That was a wet one,” he says.

  I laugh, still facing the wall. “Yeah, it sure was.”

  I stay there kneeling, catching my breath and then he smacks my ass gently, and I turn to face him.

  I stand, and we exchange an erotic battle stare.

  “That was some good pussy,” he says.

  I smile and look down. Mr. Hottie’s pants are still on, but judging by the tent that has formed, they need to come off. I pull off his pants and his underwear, and his hard cock practically jumps out at me, sticking straight up, fully hard.

  It’s then that I fall to my knees. There’s only one thing I want to do and that’s fill my mouth with his meat. I grab the veiny, throbbing cock and thrust into my mouth. His pre-cum is the first taste to greet my tongue, making me even hornier than I already am.

  “Yeah, Fiona,” he screams. “Take that cock.”

  I lick it voraciously, feeling like a wild animal, a lioness attacking a gazelle. Still on my knees, I take him so deep into my throat I almost choke.

  Meanwhile, my pussy is soaked. I pull his dick out of my mouth, and I sit on the bed, spreading my legs wide. We’ve kept the bright l
ights of the sleeper on the entire time. My green eyes are glued to his brown ones.

  “There are two kinds of people in the world,” I say. “The first kind are the ones that have the sledgehammer to dig while the second are the ones that provide the hole.”

  “My sledgehammer is ready,” Buck says with a nod, his cock still sticking straight out.

  I lie on my back, legs still wide. “Right, Mr. Trucker. So put a jimmy on it and start digging the fucking hole.”

  Buck is grinning from ear to ear as he rips open one of the condom packets I had left here and slides the rubber over his large penis. He towers over me with his perfect six-pack, and then he pulls me so that my ass is right at the edge of the mattress.

  With his hands still on my legs, he doesn’t enter me. Instead, he presses his hard cock against my wet pussy. God, it feels good.

  Now instead of pressing it, he’s moving his cock and his balls over my pussy lips, still not penetrating me, just driving me wild and causing my nipples to harden more in excitement.

  “Just fuck me, Buck! Please.”

  The look on his face tells me he’s enjoying this torture, but then, without warning, he shoves himself inside me. The sledgehammer drills me to my heart’s content. I’m wet and open and slippery enough to swallow his entire cock. He pounds me rapidly. I moan. I scream. It feels better than it’s ever felt.

  Buck continues to hammer me hard. My brain feels like it’s about to burst with passion. I’m crazy for him; I’m drowning in it, and I want more.

  I raise my legs and place them on his shoulders. He grabs my thighs and goes deeper. Buck is merciless, fucking me so hard he may tear my pussy apart. I’m in pain, but the pain is good. “I’m dying!” I wail.

  When I look up Buck’s head is tilted, and his eyes appear to roll back in his head. “I’m fucking coming, baby,” he screams. “Arghhhhhh!” He pushes his body into me and explodes.


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