Paper Dolls

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Paper Dolls Page 7

by Sienna Mynx

  “Hey guys!” Raven chirped. Her head peeked in around the door.

  Valentina was the first to glance back. “Give us a second, Rae! Meet me in Matt’s office. Okay?”

  “Oh, okay, didn’t mean to interrupt.” Raven stepped back in the hall and headed in the other direction.

  Valentina cut her eyes back to her producer. “What are you trying to do to me?”

  “Are you done?” he asked.


  “I think you are. Have I said one thing about charging you?” Mattel asked.

  “At some point you’re going to tally all this up and stick me with a bill. I’m floating these sessions on a shoestring budget. My time is money, Matt. So is yours.”

  “You’re right. And since I own the studio and those tracks you laid down until you pay me, we work under my timeline.”

  “Matt?” she protested.

  “Valentina, we’re dealing with your heart and soul here, not that pop shit you used to do with the Black Diamonds. If I don’t hear it in the music then I’m shutting it down. It’s what you will eventually thank me for.”

  “Why? Why now when we are so close?”

  “I believe in you, girl, if I didn’t I wouldn’t bother. So don’t order my techs around, or throw a tantrum when we’re working. I won’t put up with it.”

  Valentina stared at him. Few people in the world could take her thunder like Mattel. It was one of the reasons she liked him so much. He gave it to her straight. “Fine. I’ll take a break and—” She turned and he took her hand. He pulled her down to his lap. Moving his chair so he could face the soundboard he reached around her to bring up the levels and fill the studio with a beat. “Give me b-flat.”

  Valentina hummed. Mattel changed the strength on the equalizer and she matched it, then her voice faltered. “Right there…we need to get you past that right there. You smoking?”

  Valentina smirked. “You buying?”

  He bit her arm and she laughed. She put her arm around his neck and dropped her head against his.

  “I’m serious, Valentina. Lay off the weed. I need your voice, your real voice.”

  “Okay, I get it,” she agreed.

  “Tell Raven I said hi,” he said and patted her thigh.

  She stood and flashed him a smile he barely acknowledged, before she turned and walked out. When she walked down the hall she could hear the soft clicks of her friend’s heels as she paced behind Mattel’s office door. Valentina pushed the door open slightly and saw Raven chewing on her one hundred and fifty dollar manicured nails. Raven’s usually curled and fashionably styled hair was brushed into a messy ponytail. She wore a conservative navy blue, linen pantsuit. She still looked nice, because she was a natural beauty, but she definitely didn’t look like the Raven she knew. Something was wrong.

  “Hey, boo? What’s up?”

  “Huh?” Raven stopped in her tracks.

  “Something wrong? Why you acting all squirrelly?” Valentina asked.

  “Sorry. I’m a mess today. Stuff at work. Pay me no mind. I had to come tell you I listened to that song and it’s beautiful. I swear, Valentina, you amaze me. You are so damn talented.”

  “You like it?” Valentina’s heart surged. Raven was at the top of the list of people she hoped she’d impress. She’d never admit it, but Raven’s approval was another level of validation for her. Zephyr liked any and every thing so it wasn’t the same. Part of Valentina’s plan for her road to redemption was to show how much she had changed, and the only way she knew how to do it was with music. But this music was new and so close to whom she once was. It was like giving birth to herself.

  “I loved it!” Raven clapped her hands together. “I want you to let me give it to some people. Maybe even Katz? Valentina, they’ve been asking about you.”

  “Geez, Rae, no. I’m done with Katz Records! How could you even bring them up to me?” she sighed. Coming inside Matt’s office she closed the door. Raven sat. Valentina tried to find the words that wouldn’t start a painful argument between them both.

  “I love that you want to help me, but that’s not the point,” she began.

  “I can help you, that is the point. I can, Valentina. Do you know how many labels are dying to get a sample of what you’re working on? You have to be selective and—”

  “I don’t care. The one time I needed your help you abandoned me and sided with your husband. Remember that?”

  “That’s not how it happened. It was business, a business I didn’t own. Neither Alexander nor I could have stopped it. You and Diamond—”

  “It was my group.” Valentina’s eyes watered. “My group! I started it, I wrote those damn songs, I hand picked each and every one of them motherfuckers. And it was me that was humiliated in the end.”

  “Don’t get upset, I didn’t come here to upset you,” Raven said.

  “I love you, Rae, I do, you know I do, but I don’t want you involved in my career. It’s best we don’t mix business again. Because to be honest, I don’t think our friendship could survive another go at it. Okay?”

  “Okay, understood,” Raven said and cut her gaze away.

  Valentina believed she hurt Raven’s feelings, but she was being as real as she could be. “Damn, so you like it huh? You really thought it was good?”

  “It’s better than good. It’s fresh, it’s original, and it’s not like that synthesized crap they play today. It’s got that old school feel to it, you know kind of like Frankie Beverly meets Betty Wright.”

  Valentina laughed. “Yeessss! Then it is good.”

  “You sound like you did when we were in school. You sound free and… well I liked it a lot. I want this for you too. I want you to have it all, and hey I can play it your way. Just know that all you have to do is say the word and you’re back on top, Valentina. I’d make it my personal mission to guarantee it.”

  “That’s sweet, Rae. Thank you.”

  “No problem,” she said. Valentina noticed the way she tapped her foot and kept averting her gaze when she spoke. Raven Katz was the kind of woman who always looked you in the eye.

  “You’re acting weird.”

  “Me? What do you mean weird?” Raven asked.

  “The pacing. The way you’re tapping your foot. Out with it. And I know it isn’t work. You live for that drama, princess.”

  “Girl, don’t call me princess. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Huh? You are a princess. Worst than Zee. You always have it together.”

  “Not anymore!” Raven looked down at her foot drumming a beat into the floor. She put her hand on her knee to stop it from shaking.

  Valentina narrowed her sights on Raven. Raven was easier to read than most folks. “Did you go out with Alexander?”

  Raven stood. “Let’s not get into this. Besides I’m out of time. I got an appointment with Zee to get my hair done. I just came by to say—”

  “Oh no you don’t.” Valentina pointed at her friend. “Sit down.” Valentina forced her to sit. “Did you meet with Alexander last night?”

  “You know I did,” she sighed.

  Valentina dropped her head and shook it. “Well tell me you finally told him to fuck off? Finally got it off your chest so you can move on.”

  “More like fuck me,” Raven mumbled.

  Valentina’s eyes stretched, “RAE! You didn’t sleep with him did you?”

  “I don’t know how, but it happened.” Raven confessed.

  “What do you mean you don’t know how?”

  “Stop yelling at me! I can’t think when you’re shouting!” Raven put her hands to her head.

  “Okay, chill. Start from the beginning.”

  Raven closed her eyes when she spoke. “It was supposed to be dinner, just dinner, and then we started drinking, he started talking, we started dancing. And then… well and then my clothes fell off.”

  “Your clothes fell off?” Valentina frowned.

  “I swear it just happened between us, it wasn’t planned
. I don’t even know if I’m mad, upset, or what I feel. It’s just so damn natural with him. I’ve missed him so much. And he looked so damn fine, and he smelled good. He started calling me ‘love’. You know how weak I am when he calls me that. I lost my head.”

  “Eeww, spare me the details.”

  “I’m serious, Valentina. One minute I know what I want, and the next minute I see him, and then it’s clear. I want him. I want him bad.”

  “You want the man who broke your heart? Who cheated on you just weeks after you lost your baby? That man?”

  “No. Yes! No…I mean I don’t want him, cause the marriage is over, but part of me loves him because… because I—”

  “Because you’re weak,” Valentina said.

  “What?” Raven asked unable to conceal her hurt.

  “I have to give it to you straight. I don’t know any other way to say it. The man stomps your heart into dust and leaves for a year, and then he shows up. What do you do? You just give him your heart again without even a fight.”

  “That’s not fair, he’s my husband,” Raven said.


  “I know, but there’s so much unresolved between us. He’s in pain too.”

  “He cheated. He let that Asian cunt who had been sniffing around him for months take your place. Whether it was one time or not, he let it happen. Open your eyes, Rae. Is there any clearer message than that? So I’m saying it again, who’s the weak one, him or you?”

  “It’s not about being weak, Valentina, it’s called being human. You should try it sometime. Maybe it wouldn’t be so easy to kick someone when they’re already kicking themselves. You know what? This is my fault for even bringing Alex up. Screw it!” Raven picked up her purse and pulled out Valentina’s CD. She tossed it to Valentina’s lap before she stormed out.

  Valentina didn’t say anything. She refused to take back a word she said. She hated Alexander Katz with a passion, and she was sick of Raven wavering over dumping his loser ass.

  Raven was right about one thing though. Valentina always pushed away the people she loved, always punished them for their mistakes. Black Diamond was her group until she got bigger than the music, bigger than the friendships. How Zephyr or Raven remained her friend after everything she still didn’t know. She wished she did.


  Zephyr swerved her BMW into the parking spot next to Raven’s flashy car. She saw her friend talking a mile a minute. Speaking as if someone was in the car with her. She knew she was on her car phone. Raven threw her hand up and Zephyr waved. She reached behind her to grab her bag and got out of the car.

  The black celebrity salon of choice was called Zephyr Falls, and it was a gift to Zephyr from Valentina. When Valentina first struck it big, Zephyr, who studied sociology in college, but always wanted to go into fashion designing—stepped up. She would do Valentina’s and her band mates’ hair for fun. From the Grammys to the Kids Choice Awards, Valentina would always credit Zephyr as her stylist. And then suddenly celebrities took notice. They too wanted their hair done by Zephyr. Next she was onsite for video shoots and booking movie sets and commercials. Alexander and Raven told Zephyr she had to invest in her talent. It wasn’t quite fashion designing, but it was a dream job that made her happy.

  It was Valentina’s idea that she and Zephyr go into a partnership. And luckily, Katz’s legal team saved Zephyr from losing the business when Valentina went bankrupt. A client had to pay a minimum of a thousand dollars just to sit in Zephyr’s chair, and she never serviced over ten or more clients in a month, unless by special request or called in to do hair for a video shoot. With two friends in the business, there was a never-ending supply of demand from customers. She had about seven hair stylists under her, and four cosmetologists. All of her employees were young and caught up in the Miami nightlife scene. Zephyr loved their spirit. It made the place fun and kept her ahead of the latest trends.

  She walked in, a bit surprised to find Manuel at work. Her salon was closed Mondays and Thursdays. Manny worked his magic early for his clients. Zephyr typically arrived mid-afternoon to meet her clients.

  “Hola, honey-cakes!” Manuel sang. He gave her two air kisses. Manuel stood about six foot two with platinum blonde hair and brows. He had mocha brown skin. Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in Miami, Manuel was a real heartthrob, and her secret advisor on how to deal with her playboy boyfriend. Women and men’s heads turned when Manuel entered a room. Manuel was openly bi-sexual. However, he recently started an affair with a local celebrity and decided to pick a team.

  “Morning, Manny. How many do you have left today?” Zephyr asked.

  “She’s my only. I’ve got the photo shoot down at Bel Harbor this evening,” he drawled.

  “Oh? Okay. Who’s going with you?” Zephyr asked. She took out her special sheers and curling irons from her Louis Vuitton cosmetic bag.

  “The usual. I really don’t need the help, honey. You know what they say about too many fags spoiling the pot.”

  Zephyr frowned. “That’s not the saying, and I told you about the language in front of a customer.”

  “Huh? Ain’t that something, honey? In this politically correct world a gay man can’t use the word fag?”

  His client flipped the pages of her magazine with a sardonic chuckle. “Yeah that’s crazy, Manny.”

  Manuel turned and pointed the hair comb at Zephyr with a hand to his hip. “Now see. You hear that, princess Zee? Fag, is a term of endearment. It’s like saying nigg—”

  “Stop!” Zephyr put up both hands. “I get it. I get it.”

  Manuel laughed. “Well you know what I mean, Ms. Zee. You know what I mean.”

  “Girl, I’m sorry!” Raven hurried inside. She looked frazzled. Zephyr and Manuel exchanged looks over her state. “Things are a circus at the office. I could kill Kevin. I mean I got this mess with Liza-Rayne all over TMI. Now they call me and tell me she’s trying to bolt to avoid—”

  “Take a breath, honey. Loose lips can sink your golden ship!” Manuel pointed his comb at his client behind her head and smirked. Raven looked over and realized there was a customer among them. In their business any celebrity update was a payday gossip tip from an eavesdropper. She shut up quick.

  “Yea, oh, sorry,” Raven said with a defeated sigh.

  “Stop apologizing, Rae. The world can wait. Now come on so I can get you out of here,” Zephyr said.

  Raven dropped her things and followed Zephyr. “Ooooooh! You got some new shoes?” Raven exclaimed. The turquoise high-heels with the gemstone trim sparkled on Zephyr’s feet. Raven and Valentina joked often about their friend’s obsession with designer labels. “They look great, Zee.”

  “José bought them for me. And yes, girl, they are the new ones. He said he saw them out in LA and knew I had to have them.” She lifted the black smock covering the chair at the shampoo bowl. She turned to the mirrored door cabinets and brought out a towel. Raven sat at the washbowl. Her eyes locked with Manuel’s behind Zephyr’s back. They thought Zephyr didn’t see the look they exchanged, but she did catch it in the mirror’s reflection. Zephyr pretended not to notice. She put a towel around Raven’s shoulders and then shook out the smock like a cape. She tightened it around Raven’s neck.

  “So you and José are good now?” Raven asked.

  “Better than good, girl, I had to fight my way out of the condo. That man can go non-stop. I don’t know how he keeps all this energy,” Zephyr prattled on. “He has to go to West Palm for training. He’ll be gone for several weeks.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well have dinner with me this weekend?” Raven offered.

  “Maybe. I want to clean up my place thoroughly. Besides being the love of my life, José’s a slob.”

  “I told you, Zee, you need to hire someone to come in and take care of that for you.”

  Zephyr dropped Raven’s chair so she could lean back and her head was lowered into the washbowl. She picked up the long waterspout and turned on the spray
. At first she tested the temperature. “I grew up with servants. I like cleaning after myself. I think it’s unnatural to have someone waiting on you.”

  “And Valentina calls me a princess!” Raven laughed. “Listen at you jaded by the good life. Girl please, I wish I had servants as a kid.”

  “I’m a new and improved princess, spoiled by the good life,” Zephyr smiled. She rinsed out Raven’s tangles.

  “So?” Zephyr asked.

  “So what?” Raven answered. She closed her eyes.

  “You got some juice for me?” she asked.

  “I told you Liza-Rayne—”

  “Nope. Don’t even try it, Rae. Don’t think I don’t know why you looking like yesterday with your wrinkled suit and uncombed hair. What happened with Alexander?”

  Raven sighed. “Zee, I came here to get my mind off him.”

  “Oooooh! Something did happen! Spill it!” Zephyr said.

  “Let’s not talk about him, okay?” Raven asked.

  “Please, Rae. You know I’m dying over here.” She squirted the lavender shampoo gel in her hand and began to suds up Raven’s heavy mane. “What happened?”

  “We went to dinner. We had a few drinks. We went dancing and—”

  “And what? He told you he loved you? He wanted you back, that he wanted to start again?” Zephyr helped her continue.

  “Yes, among other things,” Raven said in such a soft voice Zephyr wasn’t sure she spoke.

  “What other things?” Zephyr pressed.

  “We had sex. Lots of sex.”

  Zephyr’s massaging hands stopped. She stepped back from the shampoo bowl and looked at her friend. “You made love?”

  Raven’s head lifted from the sink. “Zee, I’m in a hurry.”

  “No you’re not! You came here to relax remember,” Zephyr laughed. “Girl, you made love!” Zephyr squealed.

  “Who got some luvin’ over there? You finally hooked up with that nice tall piece of chocolate Kevin Fairfield, Rae? Good for you, boo! The man is sex-i-licious!” Manuel cheered.

  “No. Don’t go spreading that rumor.” Raven sat upright, but Zephyr forced her back down. “And it’s not love, Zee!” Raven snapped.


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