Paper Dolls

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Paper Dolls Page 40

by Sienna Mynx

  They both laughed. Taint came back out with her granddaughter, who looked to be seven, in tow. “Tis jus came off de stove!” she announced proudly.

  Zephyr’s eyes watered from the strong peppery aroma lifting out of the large orange and yellow clay-bowl. The young girl put a plate in front of her and one in front of Clayton. Taint dipped the large silver spoon and scooped up a tomato based, Creole style mixture that Clayton translated as hen and cashew stew. It swam in flavored cilantro, thyme, shallots, and garlic, with cut potatoes and thick chunks of stewed hen. Rice and beans were brought out with a platter of fried plantain fritters. Zephyr’s eyes stretched at the feast.

  “Eat ‘em up!” Taint said proudly. She stood at the table with her hands to her wide hips grinning at Zephyr, her gold tooth sparkling in her mouth.

  Zephyr looked to Clayton for help. He smiled and nodded that they should try it. She was grateful for the cool lemonade that came with the meal, and fresh baked bread, because her mouth and nostrils were aflame from the strong spices. And then without warning, her taste buds fell in love. She was licking her fingers throughout her meal.

  “This is sooo good! I have to tell Valentina and Rae. They will love this place.”

  “I’d bring them out. But I have to admit that I enjoy hanging out with you solo,” Clayton said.

  Zephyr wiped at her chin with her napkin. The stew was so hot she was sweating. “So I got Mr. Stripes to thank for that.”

  “Confession time,” he gave her a sheepish smirk.

  “You have something to confess?”

  “Mr. Stripes wasn’t actually caught in the bush,” he said.

  Zephyr frowned. “Huh?”

  “He was sitting on the balcony looking pretty lonely so I called him over. It was Milo’s idea. You know just to hang with us.” He joked.

  “Why did you lie?” her nose wrinkled in disapproval.

  “Oh, well I just thought, well cause I wanted to meet you,” he admitted.


  “Because I’ve seen you for weeks and could barely get in a hello. You’re my next-door crush. One that I’ve had for quite awhile. Are you angry?”

  “Angry? Well no. But it’s weird.”

  “Why? Men have to be stopping traffic to get your attention,” he said.

  She stared at him. Clayton couldn’t tell if she wanted to smack him or laugh at him. “Zephyr, you’re a wonderful woman. Is it so strange that a brother would want to get to know you?”

  “No, but a gentleman would use his brain, and not my cat to make the introduction,” she corrected him.

  He nodded. “Okay, I deserve that.”

  Louis came over to the table and cut through the tension. “Yeeeaaaaah! Tis time we dance!”

  “Oh I can’t!” she shook her head.

  “Come!” he insisted.

  “No, I—” She was brought to her feet. Louis spun her out in front of the band. He stepped back and wound his hips, bending his knees then winding down low. He kept one arm stretched out, with the other hand pressed to his diaphragm.

  Zephyr had no choice but to join him. She watched his feet and hip action, and then tried to mimic him. Several others clapped. She looked up to see Clayton smiling. Laughing she was taken by surprise when Louis grabbed her hand and spun her around, and then threw her out again. Once they separated she fell in line with the rhythmic dance under his instruction.

  Clayton observed. Zephyr partied, and he was glad for it. He was on his second strike. One more mess up and he’d totally blow it. Then he chewed over the messy detail of her boyfriend. Shaking his head he wondered why he always went for women that were emotionally unavailable. If he knew the answer he could have spared himself the painful divorce.

  “Come, Clay! Dance wit her…I got her ready fa ya!” Louis grinned. Zephyr smiled at him and stretched her hands out to Clay while she worked her hips. That was an offer he couldn’t refuse. He rose and went to her. Taking her hands he spun her so she had her back to him. He worked his hips against her backside, and she gave way to a twisting move that had him biting down on his bottom lip. Then she turned and pushed up against him. They swayed to the music and she circled her arms around his neck.

  “Sorry about Mr. Stripes. I really am.”

  “Oh please, it’s cute. You wanted to meet me and I’m glad you did. I’m having the best time!” Zephyr laughed.


  “Really.” She nodded.

  “Whew!” he said and picked her up swinging her around. She kicked her legs and laughed. They finished the dance and returned to their half-eaten meal. Louis tried to get her to drink mojitos made with raw sugar cane and fresh mint leaves, mixed out of special homegrown Rum. Zephyr tried to get out of drinking it, but she got the feeling that it would insult them if she didn’t. So she took several sips, and then downed the flavorful drink. By the time it was over she was laughing loudly and trying to learn French.

  She danced several times and always ended up in Clayton’s arms. He never crossed any lines, but those mojitos had her wishing he did. When they left she really regretted it, but she had to get back to Mr. Stripes. They headed home with full stomachs, and a new friendship that she hoped would be lasting.


  “Well we’re here,” he said as if he didn’t want to turn off the car.

  Zephyr’s tongue tasted hairy and coppery, and her stomach burned. Rum mixed with spicy food was a new thing for her. She was so stupid to even drink. She had no lasting experience with handling alcohol. All she wanted to do was make it into her place, and fall across her bed to sleep the intoxicated feeling away. “Thank you, Clayton. I had such a good time.”

  “Why don’t you call me Clay?”

  She cut her eyes over to him. “Okay, call me Zee, all my friends do.”

  “I like Zephyr better,” he said.

  She swallowed. The thread of desire between them wove and wove until they seemed closer to each other than she intended. Maybe it was the alcohol, or all the laughter in the day. Whatever the reason, she felt good with him. When was the last time she felt like this with any man?

  Then it dawned on her. He was a man. Experience taught her to never go by the good feeling, because it promised to not last.

  “Well you can call me Zephyr if you want,” she said with a nervous chuckle then looked away. She reached for the door handle. Clayton got out and ran around the front of the car to help her. She was now between the open door and the car, with him blocking her pass. They stood there staring into each other eyes for several long minutes. What was there left to say? How should she end a day like this? A day that was so unexpected, but oddly intimate in so many ways, that shouldn’t end at the door. With the lust stirring in her, she said. “I—”

  Then his eyes went past her and his brows came together in a deep frown.

  “Zee?” José shouted.

  Zephyr’s head turned. To her dismay José stood at the door to her condo wearing a look of shock. Mr. Stripes peaked his head out around José’s foot curiously.

  Clayton moved so she could pass. Zephyr noticed that he didn’t shy away from José’s angry glare. He stood there holding it. It was just like José to show up when she didn’t need him, and ignore her when she did. She looked back once more at Clayton and smiled. “Have a good night. And thanks again, I really did have fun.”

  “You too.” Clayton winked.

  José stepped back for her to come inside. Once through the door she noticed how he remained at the open door. Glaring. “José! Close the door.”

  He slammed it. “Who the fuck is he?”

  Zephyr stumbled to the bedroom and tossed her purse to the mattress. She wasn’t too drunk, but her feet were killing her. If she had to stand on her feet another minute she might do the unthinkable. Like bite through her tongue.

  “I asked you who was that motherfucker!”

  “How was West Palm?” Zephyr answered.

  “West Palm? Zee, what has gotten in to y
ou? I left you a message telling you I’d be in today. I’ve been here waiting for hours. Raven and Valentina didn’t know where you were. You didn’t answer your phone, and your car was parked out front. I was about to call the police.”

  “You called Rae and Valentina?” she asked, more concerned about her friends being alarmed than him. She had left the cell phone in her Gucci purse. She took the Dior with her to the Keys.

  “Did you hear me? I said I was worried sick.,” he yelled.

  “Oh please! How many nights have I sat in this very room worried about you? Only to turn on the TV and see you with some tramp, or pick up a magazine and read about you and some all-nighter at some celebrity orgy?”

  José double blinked and his mouth gaped. “You want to fight with me about something in the past, when you were out with another man!”

  “Past? What, you mean the past six hours it took you to leave whoever she was and finally make your way here to me?” Zephyr laughed.

  “Zee? What the hell are you talking about?” he asked.

  “WEST PALM! I know for a fact there was no training camp there. You lied to me!”

  José sighed. “I can explain that.”

  “Oh no, not another explanation. I hear another one and I’m going to throw up.” Zephyr groaned.

  “I just got home. I told you on the answering machine—”

  “This isn’t your home anymore.” She mumbled, and then lifted her eyes to his. She couldn’t stop the tears, but she meant the words. “I want you out of my place.”

  José frowned. “Have you been drinking?”

  “Yes! I’ve been drinking.” She straightened her spine and wiped her cheeks. Barefoot she faced him, it was killing her inside, but she faced him. Even now she loved him deeply. “And guess what?” she said. “I went to Key West in a boat and danced all day with a sexy Haitian man named Clayton Mills. He’s my neighbor from next door. Oh and I danced with a guy named Louis too. Not as cute though,” she grinned.

  “I’m going to fucking kill homie!” José pounded his fist into his hand. “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  “I don’t know, José. But I’m going down to the free clinic and find out since you’ve been sleeping with half of South Florida!” she shouted back. She said it aloud and it felt good. How many times had she been so scared to acknowledge the ugly truth about the risk she put herself in by ignoring his bed-hopping?

  José blew out a breath. “Muñequita, you got me wrong, baby. Dead wrong.”

  “No! Don’t lie to me again. Not to my face. Save it for one of your voicemails.” She said. She tried to walk past him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. He touched her face and she swatted his hand away. Going over to the bed to put distance between them, she found the strength to not cry anymore.

  “I didn’t go to West Palm,” he said calmly.

  “You liar!” she seethed.

  “I can prove it.”

  She watched him go to his luggage. Rolling her eyes she stormed out of the room headed for her kitchen. She needed an Advil. José caught her before she could go into the kitchen. “Look! Look damn it!”

  She snatched the document. “What is this?” she scanned it.

  “I’m under investigation,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “Steroid use. They served me before I left. I had to report immediately to the doctors and undergo tests. I’ve been in Boca with my attorneys, the league officials, and the coach. I’ve been going through hell, babe.”

  “Why would they do this to you?”

  “I don’t know. Some dude hates me. He was my physical trainer and he went and filed a report. I have to keep this out of the press. With the season about to open it could ruin me. You know me, Zee, I wouldn’t do that poison,” he said. He was all up in her space.

  “José, don’t.” She tried to turn away. But he captured her face and forced her to remain with him.

  “Then I come here and you’re out with that guy? How the hell do you think that makes me feel? I needed you. I need you now.” He tried to kiss her.

  Zephyr turned away from the kiss. He drew back and he was forced to release her. She handed him the document, and shook her head sadly. “You’ve been hurting me for years. I knew you were sleeping with those women, and I was too much of a coward to face it.”


  “No! It’s my turn! You listen to me! I wanted to believe that a part of you loved me. That this wasn’t all in my head. That we had something, but how can anything we share be special when you’d give it to any woman on the street?” she shouted.

  “My life is falling apart and you want to fight now? Now!” he shouted her down.

  “I don’t have anything left, José. You have drained me of every ounce of compassion and love I had for you. You’ve lied so much that there is nothing for me to hold on to. I don’t even know if I ever knew you.”

  “What the hell does that mean? Of course you know me, Zee, you’re going to be my wife!”

  “Then where is my ring? Why is it that every time you’ve hurt me you throw that out in the conversation? What am I supposed to do, fall to my knees and be grateful that you even mention it?” she asked.

  José crumbled the paper and shook his head. “I can’t do this now. I’m going to take a shower.”

  “No!” she said. She stepped in his space. “Get your things and go home, then take a shower.”

  “This is my home!” he shouted.

  “Not anymore!”

  “I pay the bills here!” he said.

  “I’ll write you a check.” She crossed her arms and blocked his way.

  “I’m telling you my life is shit. I might get kicked out of the league!”

  “You said you’re innocent.”

  “I am! But shit is crazy, and you want to throw the past in my face. I tell you that I need you, and all you can do is fight with me?” he backed away with evident pain on his face.

  “But it’s not the past. That’s the point. You haven’t done anything to make up for the past. And I don’t know who was holding your hand through those tests, but I sure as hell believe someone was. If I’m the woman you love then why am I always the afterthought? Wait. Wait one second. Don’t answer that. I don’t care anymore. It’s time for you to go.”

  “I can explain.”

  She didn’t want to believe he called on another woman while he was fighting to stay in the league, but her accusation scraped the truth. She saw it in his eyes. The truth. Even with his career in jeopardy, he was with someone else. That hurt. All of it hurt.

  “Get out. I’ll have your things sent to you.” She walked away.

  He reached and grabbed her again, snatched on her hard. “It’s over between me and her. I ended it. I needed time to get my shit together. I had to get it together so we could fight these accusations together. I chose you. I did. I came home and I wanted to tell you, but I was a coward. I made the choice before this went down. I don’t want to hurt you, Zee. I love you. You have to believe in me one more time. Just one more time.”

  “You disgust me.” Zephyr wept. “Did you end it, José, or did she? Let me guess she saw the writing on the wall. NEWS FLASH: Miami star pitcher kicked out of the game! That’s right, folks, no more partying, boozing, money doling out to be done. José Batista is washed up. He’s over! Tough times huh, José? So you decide to lick your wounds and come home to Zee. She can make you feel like a king with little effort huh? She can—”

  Zephyr dropped her head and was reduced to tears. The image of herself with him became too clear for her to ignore. She was as pathetic as he was. Valentina and Raven were right. José never cared. She was the one that told him it didn’t matter if he did.

  “Zee, stop this. This is your girlfriends talking, not you. I love you, baby!” he grabbed her by both arms and she winced. “I love you! I chose you!”

  “José, let me go! You’re hurting me.”

  “No! No, I’m not going to let you go
. Yes, I’m an asshole, a selfish asshole, and I deserve everything you’re saying, but I’m not going to give up on us. We just got some shit to work through. None of those women meant anything to me. I don’t love them. It’s just part of the business. You said you understood that.”

  “José, please stop! You’re scaring me,” she said. He shook her roughly.

  “Is it him? Is he why you are acting like this? Like you don’t understand, like you can’t forgive me when I just confessed my heart to you? I love you! Only you! Don’t you know that?”

  Mr. Stripes hissed as Zephyr fought to get loose. The cat swiped his paw at José’s exposed ankle. The scratch startled him. José jerked and kicked the cat out of reflex. Mr. Stripes went sliding across the floor and hit the wall.

  “Nooo!” Zephyr screamed.

  Shocked, José let her go. It felt more like a shove. She went to her hands and knees. She scrambled away from him. Zephyr went over to her cat that was already up on all fours. Shaken and shivering, Mr. Stripes went into her hands. Zephyr checked to see if he was hurt.

  “Zee, baby, I didn’t mean that. It was an accident. You saw it. The cat scratched me. I didn’t mean it.”

  “Get out!” she said holding her cat. “I mean it! Go! Before I call the police and have you on the news!”

  “Zee, no. Please, baby. Don’t do this. Things are getting out of hand. I can’t go at this alone. I’m scared, okay. I got problems. Big problems. I need help. I can’t go through this alone. Forgive me.”

  She got to her feet and ran as fast as she could to her bedroom door. He didn’t catch her. She slammed the door and held tightly to Stripes. “I’m going to call the police! Get out!” she said.

  José tried the knob but it was locked. He beat and kicked at the door. The violence made it shake it on the frame and nearly sent his foot through the wood. He couldn’t believe he was losing control with her. What terrified him even more was that he couldn’t stop himself. Zephyr was the last person he wanted to hurt, the only person that ever gave a shit about him. He had really fucked up. Banging his head against the door, he tried to summon the words to explain his actions. He just couldn’t lose her faith in him now. Not now.


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