The Beginning

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by Angelica Dawson


  I've long loved Angelica Dawson's work and her catch on the steamy puppy play of her dog shifter in this fun-filled read did not let me down!

  — Abby Hayes, Author


  "If you are looking for a hot, steamy, freaky read then this is the book for you. I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed."

  — Adriana, Amazon Reviewer


  "This was a very Hot book! If you love vampires and love kink then you'll love this book. It's a fast pace with a very sad storyline but keeps your attention."

  — Shelly Small, Amazon Reviewer



  "Kink at its finest!

  If you like kink and vampires, this book is definitely for you. Blue Moon House takes BDSM to some of its deepest levels. This is not a cutesy little spanking book. It is sexy, dark, and downright dirty. Heck, I'm a seasoned reader and parts of this book made me blush. I love it when a book can elicit that kind of response from me.

  I loved the fact that though the heroine was a submissive, she wasn't some whiny little quivering thing. The woman had strength! I seriously recommend this book to those into the BDSM genre or those looking to expose themselves to some hardcore kink."

  — Author D.F. Krieger



  "This story has it all. The story had Vampires. Check. The story had sex. Check. The story had toys. Check. The story also included group sex of all kinds, Dom/Sub role-play - f/m - f/f - m/m and lots of sharing. Author of the story did such a great job in the details of a scene. As if the author played a little herself. Lets just say," The book did exactly what the book was wrote for!" A Hot Horny Mess!"

  — Jess, Amazon Reviewer


  "A well written book with a lot of characters the author describes them in depth so you actually feel as if you know them."

  — Jean Hasse, Amazon Reviewer



  Now THIS is what I'm talking about! THIS is the book that I have longed for and it didn't disappoint in ANY way! In fact, I am left feeling very satisfied, exhausted, but satisfied to my fullest! Even despite the sadness, this truly is my FANGORITE of them all! The beauty in Nick makes him more human than even a lot of the humans themselves, even if Nick doesn't realize it. Even though I ABSO-FANG-LUTELY love, Love, LOVE this book, it has made me more eager for Sophia's story!

  — Cherri-Anne Boitson, Leather & Lace Reviews

  Voted 2nd Favorite Book Reviewer of 2015


  Blue Moon House: The Beginning

  by Angelica Dawson

  ISBN: 978-1-77357-042-6

  First Edition September 2018

  Published by: Naughty Nights Press, LLC

  Copyright©2018 Angelica Dawson


  All rights reserved. This book is copyrighted and protected by law.

  This ebook is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. Please store your files where minors cannot access them.

  This book may contain graphic language and sexually explicit situations offensive to some readers.


  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this ebook are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.


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  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Author’s Note

  Excerpt from Winter's Embrace

  About the Author

  Where To Find More Of Angelica Dawson


  Blue Moon House: The Beginning

  The eighth book in the Blue Moon House series by Angelica Dawson.

  Don't miss each new book in the series as Angelica Dawson takes you back to where it all began...

  Find out how each of the characters in the first novel became a member. Read the trials and tribulations they had to endure, the kinky sexual acts and wickedly wonderful ways required for entry. Find out what the big secret is all about.

  Perhaps even you might like to become a member of the Blue Moon House...


  Sophia's Story

  Sophia is on the run. A newly reborn vampire, she finds herself alone after an attack on her home. Running across Europe, she seeks a place to hide, and eventually, a place to fit in. She happens upon three adult sisters, orphaned and down on luck. If she can help them succeed, she might find her own success as well.

  What would you do to find a family after yours was burned to ash?

  How much pain could you stand to help a friend?

  Where does a vampire really fit, anyway?



  Special thanks to S.J. Maylee, who has beta-read all eight Blue Moon House books. I feel like this story is part of both of us. Huge thanks to Gina Kincade, who took this floundering author and made her a star.


  Blue Moon House: The Beginning

  Book Eight

  Angelica Dawson


  Fire seared her neck, inside and out. Screaming, her voice scraped her throat raw. Teeth bit into her, tearing her skin below the ear. Reflexively, Sophia punched the woman in breast. Her mouth opened in response and Sophia used the moment to get a knee between them and push her away.

  “I don’t know who you are, but Leo came to me, not I him. If you are jealous, your quarrel is with him.”

  From behind her, Leo called, “She won’t quit, Sophia. You have to stop her.”

  True to his words, the crazed woman with fiery brown eyes, eyes like Leo’s, lunged for her again. Sophia jumped toward her as well, spinning to knock them both to the cobbled street. The noise should have brought someone, but so late at night, anyone listening would assume it was something they didn’t want to get involved in.

  Wrestling herself atop the woman, Sophia pinn
ed her arms to her sides and punched her face. She threw Sophia off her and sent her tumbling. She managed to get to her back and her hands up to block the attacker. Once more, she set her sights on Sophia throat. This time, Sophia reacted with the same, getting her teeth in first. She ripped at the woman’s throat, tearing into the flesh.

  “Yes, Sophia. Just like that.” Leo continued to call, but she ignored him, latching on and allowing her mouth to fill with the woman’s strange blood. It tasted wrong, almost sweet. As it reached the back of her tongue she swallowed, not willing to break the hold she’d gotten.

  The woman was strong, far stronger than Sophia, but she grew weaker as the blood left her. Not willing to risk another attack, Sophia drank until the other woman went limp.

  Swaying, she stood slowly, hand to her head. Everything swam in her vision and she stumbled.

  Leo came and scooped her up. “That’s my girl.”

  The darkness filled with sparks of light. She couldn’t breathe. Her lungs were full, but it didn’t stop the urge to inhale or the frustration of not being able. Thrashing in Leo’s arms, she gasped, trying to get some sip of air.

  Leo, always so strong, held her through her struggle. “Yes, I know, it hurts. It will end soon. I love you, Sophia.”

  That was the last she heard before death claimed her.

  Chapter One

  Sophia placed a gentle kiss on Antonio’s shining forehead. Despite being a shade paler than normal, his heart still beat rapidly and his breathing was easing. She should be craving more of his blood, but instead she relished the satisfaction of post-coital relaxation. Antonio continued to recover, his head resting on her breast. His eyelashes tickled as they fluttered and a steady pulse thumped in the throat pressed to her chest. Sophia caressed his face with her fingertips.

  She was still new enough that sensations overwhelmed her, allowing her to detect each lash separately, the mole on his cheek, the snags in the sheet covering them. Based on her family, her thirst would be insatiable one day, but today, contentment filled her heart with each beat of his heart and breath of air, this was enough.

  “ aren’t human,” Antonio murmured, unafraid. “You...what are you?”

  Sophia chuckled. “I am your lover,” she answered, kissing the top of his head again. “Does anything else really matter?”

  He took a deep breath. “No, I don’t suppose it does.” His eyes drifted shut and his breathing slowed further. Sophia transferred him from her breast to an actual pillow, rising to dress. Antonio woke once more. “Will I see you again tonight?”

  She grinned. “Perhaps. For now, I must go before day breaks.”

  Sophia didn’t sprint home, dawn wasn’t that close. If she had, she would be there in seconds. Still blissful, she walked slowly enough to enjoy the cool night air. Most women would be afraid to walk alone, but her keen eyes weren’t bothered by the dark and she was stronger than any man who might cross her path. She could also smell a man long before he reached her.

  Sophia’s breath caught in her throat. Smoke. Sniffing, she located the fire on her way home. Breaking into a sprint, she stopped in the olive trees at the end of the lawn. Men with flaming torches surrounded her home. One of her brothers tried to escape the burning house, but another of the townsmen swung his brand, catching him in the gut. Ordinarily, the blow wouldn’t even phase the vampire, but fire burned their kind quickly. He fell in a flaming heap that extinguished itself while Sophia watched.

  Both fists crammed against her lips, Sophia fought screams like those she heard from her family. Rocking on her knees, she watched in horror. Vampires were so much stronger than humans, but when they worked together like this, striking at their greatest weakness, humans were devastating. One or two fiery plumes rose from human bodies after the vampires that had escaped the building were ash. At least they had some vengeance.

  Shaking her head, Sophia rejected that thought. She couldn’t think of revenge, not if she had an escape to make. The roaring flames covered the quiet swishing of her skirts and crunching of leaves and grass. Running, she fled the town and didn’t stop until she had left the province behind as well. Tuscia was her home, but she would never be able to return. The farther she ran, and the brighter the sky became, the more she left her past behind her. She had no home, no family. Just before the sun crested the horizon, she ducked into a barn, disturbing cows and pigs. She climbed into the loft and buried herself in itchy straw, hiding until night returned. Taking refuge for the day, she could make a plan, spend the day to deciding what to do next.

  A day to mourn.


  The animals in their stalls were quiet and the farmer tending them had been gone for hours. Sophia continued to lie under the straw that poked through fabric to irritate her sensitive skin. She didn’t scratch, barely breathed. When the animals had been loudest, she’d allowed herself to cry with them, wail for her loss. Her family wasn’t of the usual sort, they didn’t share any human relation, but they were connected by blood none the less. Brother, uncle, cousin, they were all arbitrary designations bearing no relation to age or appearance, but they were family, one she had spent almost as many years with as her human family.

  When one of the cows began to snore, Sophia was roused from her stupor. She climbed down slowly from the loft, stumbling out into the moonlit night. Even with a whole day to plan, she wasn’t sure what to do. It was possible that she was the last of her kind. It would be safest to find a place where no one knew there were vampires.

  In the next town, her thirst caught up with her. She hadn’t fed heavily on Antonio. Straightening her hair, she entered the candle-lit tavern. Heads turned as she entered and walked through the bustling common room. She gave the customers one appraising glance, turning to be sure she had accounted for everyone and chose her mark. Two men sat at a table against the wall, both older than she appeared. She took an empty stool and sat beside the older of the pair.

  “I am Sophia,” she announced. Then she grabbed hold of one of the mugs and took a swallow. She nearly spat it out again. Although she didn’t need human food, she could digest it. This swill, however, nearly furred her tongue.

  “Allo, Sophia.” It seemed she’d put enough distance between her and her home for the dialect to change. Actually, as she focused on the voices in the room, many weren’t speaking her language at all. She let that fact lodge in the back of her mind and focused on the men.

  She leaned over the table to say to the younger, “I wonder, do either of you know where I might find a room for the night?”

  The look the men shared said exactly what she’d hoped. “I think I might have a room,” the younger man said. “Would you like one of your own?” he asked tapping his mug.

  Sophia demurred. “No, thank you. The one sip was enough. I think it may go to my head.” She laughed and tossed her black curls over her shoulder.

  “Then perhaps you want to turn in?” the younger man asked again, the older just starting to realize he was being left out.

  “I could show the lady the way, Stephan,” he said. His hand came around Sophia’s arm in a possessive way she didn’t quite like. Twisting slightly, she broke free without tearing herself away. She switched the position, slipping her arm through the crook of his.

  “Indeed? I would feel quite safe with two escorts.” She grinned at Stephan while stroking the arm of his companion.

  “Then let’s be off.” Stephan jumped up. “Of course, Luke, if you’d rather stay and finish your—”

  Luke cut him off by kicking his stool back. “No, no. I’m with you.”

  Sophia let his action break her hold and she rose smoothly to exit the tavern ahead of them. Behind she heard Stephan say, “And what about Marie?”

  “With her hands full of the babe, she won’t notice me turn in late. Keep your nose to yourself.”

  “Oh!” Sophia feigned surprise as the two men each latched onto an arm. What she heard concerned her. Unlike the rest of her family, she felt
remorse after killing. She’d taken these two to be single men, ones who wouldn’t leave wives and children behind. The thought flashed through her head and she adjusted her plan for the evening.

  Arriving at Stephan’s tiny home, she was relieved to find he, at least, was what she had taken him for, a young man starting off on his own. He released her arm to take her hand and pull her inside. She pretended to stumble and fall into him. He quickly put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her.

  His hands didn’t move, but Luke’s did, sliding over her skirt and slowly hiking it up. His rough fingertips seemed to burn as they slid up her leg. He pressed into her from behind, pinning her between himself and Stephan.

  Stephan broke the kiss just long enough to say. “You will stop us—”

  “Don’t stop,” Sophia gasped, pulling Stephan’s face to her bosom. Luke worked her skirt up and his trousers down. She felt him hard between her buttocks and she rocked into him.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, “and so wet.”

  She kissed the top of Stephan’s head and then his ear, nipping it with her sharp teeth to open a small gash that she sucked until it closed. Before it did, the men had manipulated her and her clothing to their advantage, the loose laces of her dress opening for her breasts in front. Stephan held one, his thumb brushing her nipple, while he suckled the other.

  Luke wasted no time penetrating her and his thrusts made her breasts bob in Stephan’s hand and face. Her breasts were aflame at the light brushing of his fingertips and lips and she started to squeeze Luke inside her.

  Stephan moved his hands lower, taking up her dress where it was bunched and pulling it off entirely. Luke reluctantly let go long enough to remove the garment. Sophia dropped to her feet and then knees, taking Luke in her hand and grabbing for Stephan as soon as he freed himself. She sucked one cock while stroking the other, switching often and reveling in the sounds each man made.

  Her own need grew as each man approached his own climax. Luke pulled her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust into her roughly. Her head fell back in ecstasy as he filled her. Stephan’s arm wrapped around under her arms and over her breasts. Her head came to rest on his shoulder as Luke drove his cock in and out of her at a fever pitch. He wouldn’t last long, despite how desperately she wanted him to continue all night.


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