Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 16

by Jennifer Domenico

  My head is spinning. He’s angry and hurt, and it’s my fault. I didn’t know all of that about him, but then I realize there is still so much I don’t know. Maybe we are rushing all of this. I feel so conflicted. Surely even the Great and Powerful Cass would agree with me on this.

  “Enzo, please don’t be angry with me.” My voice sounds weak.

  “I’m not Ava, not at all. I just want you to understand where I’m coming from and what I want…what I need from you.”

  I look up and meet his pleading eyes. He won’t like what I’m going to say.

  “I hear you but I need time to think about all of this. Please?”

  He sighs and places his coffee cup in the sink. He walks back towards me and kisses me on the forehead.

  “Make the right decision Ava. For both of us.”

  He grabs his phone and waves goodbye as he heads out the door.


  That thoroughly sucked. Why did he have to go there? Why not just let us enjoy last night without this added pressure. I know I’ve stepped into a world not like mine, and it overwhelms me. He’s had time to get used to it, but it’s all so new to me still. But, I’m not gonna lie- I’m enjoying this lifestyle I fell into.

  Suddenly, money is no object. I can do what I want, buy what I want, and go where I want. And it’s not just the money, it’s the overall upgrade. I’m having the most fun I’ve ever had in my life because of this man, and I’m freaking out about it. He can be so intense sometimes but then turn around and be the sweetest, kindest, and the most vulnerable man.

  Bonus that he’s crazy hot and awesome in bed. I got Donald Trump cash flow with Armani model looks. I know I want to be with him, I just need to figure out what my place is here. Quitting my job is a huge step. I need some time to think. I finish getting ready for work and head to the car.

  “Ava, we’re very sorry. This is so unexpected.”

  My mouth falls open in shock.

  “None of us knew this was even in the works.” My manager, Andrea stands at her desk, wringing her hands as she speaks.

  “We don’t have a package we can offer you, but we will pay you for two weeks.”

  I’m being laid off. Not just me but this entire office. Shut down. Corporate offered some of the senior level managers a relocation package and anyone with over a year of tenure is getting a severance. I don’t even have a week of tenure.

  “We heard about the closure when everyone else did. If I even knew it was a potential, I wouldn’t have hired you and put you through this Ava. I’m very sorry.”

  I can see her sincerity and understand that it’s just bad timing on my part. Shit, now what am I going to do? I walk back to my desk to get my handbag. I have nothing else to gather. I walk through the halls, heavy from the somber mood. Many people are even crying. I find Gabby sitting at her desk, wiping tears from her eyes.

  “Hey Gabby.”

  “I don’t know what I’m gonna do Ava. This is all I know. I’ve worked here since I got out of college.” She’s sobbing.

  “You’ve got a lot of experience, you’ll find something. We both will.”

  “The economy is really shit right now.”

  This I know. You can’t turn on the TV without depressing news about the horrible state of the union.

  “Well the package should help for a while right?”

  She perks up a bit, nodding her head.

  I smile. “Come on, let’s go get drunk, my treat.”

  We drive over to a popular Mexican restaurant and sit down. It’s eleven o’clock in the morning, but we order margaritas anyway.

  “Never too early for tequila.” Gabby raises her glass to me, cheering up at least a little.

  The waitress brings chips and salsa, and we dive in.

  “Man Ava, I can’t believe this happened. We’ve heard rumors off and on but upper management always denied them. I’m blindsided by this.”

  She’s blindsided?

  “Maybe they didn’t know either. Business climates change quickly.”

  “That’s true.” She gulps her strawberry margarita and grabs her forehead.

  “Ack, brain freeze!” We both laugh.

  “I’m being so selfish Ava! What are you going to do?”

  “Honestly I don’t know yet. I have money in savings so financially I’m okay, at least for now.”

  “So did you tell your boyfriend yet?”

  “No, he’s on a plane to Boston right now. I’ll call later.” I think back to our argument this morning. Well don’t you look like a dumb ass now Miss Independent?

  “Why is he going to Boston?” I realize my answer will be very telling, and I don’t know what I should say so I stay neutral.

  “Just a business trip.”

  “Tell me all about yourself Ava. How did you get here?”

  We chat and the hours pass quickly, margaritas taking the sting off the morning. I learn all about Gabby, her three sisters and her parents. I find out she likes NPR (smarty pants) and reads books I’ve never heard of. She has a biting sense of humor and occasionally drops the surprise F-bomb. I adore her immediately.

  I pay our bill in spite of my friend’s protest. We rise to leave, realizing we are both drunk.

  “We should call a cab.” Gabby slurs her words.

  “I have an idea.” I pull out my phone and decide to call Grayson. Brilliant!

  “This is Grayson.”

  “Hi Grayson, it’s Ava.” I try hard not to sound as drunk as I feel.

  “Miss Bradshaw?” He sounds surprised.

  “I could really use a ride home. Can you help me?”

  “Where are you?”

  I look out onto the street searching for signs. “I’m at Moreno’s on Scottsdale and 74th Street.”

  “Stay put. I’ll be right there.”

  I hang up satisfied with myself.

  “Who is Grayson?”

  “He’s Enzo’s driver.” Duh.

  “He has a driver?”

  I nod, steadying myself on a column.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “What kind of work does Enzo do that he needs a driver?”

  I look back at her and start laughing. Moments later, Grayson roars into the parking lot in his black Mercedes. He steps out of the car surveying Gabby and me closely.

  “Are you hurt Miss Bradshaw?”

  “Not at all Grayson but I’m drunk as hell.” I pat his hard chest.

  “We accidentally had a little too much to drink.” Shit. The words just fall out of my mouth in drunken honesty.

  “I’m glad you called.” He says, professionally. We climb in the back of the car and sit against the cool comfort of the leather seats.

  “Where should I take you miss?” He addresses Gabby.

  “6700 East Greenway, apartment 106.” He looks at us in the rear-view mirror.

  “Isn’t that your address Miss Bradshaw?”

  I turn and look at Gabby, and we fall into a fit of laughter.

  “I live in apartment 126!”

  I see a faint smile cross Grayson’s lips. He pulls up to Gabby’s place to drop her off.

  “Just call Miss Bradshaw when you are ready to get your car, and I’ll take you back.”

  “Thank you and thanks Ava.”

  She disappears in her apartment. We drive to my apartment. Grayson steps out and opens my door then walks me up to my apartment.

  “Thank you Grayson. I’m sorry to bother you, but you were the first person I thought of.” This is the second time Grayson rescued me because of alcohol. God only knows what he must think of me.

  “You did the right thing calling ma’am.”

  “Do you have to tell Enzo?” I ask, like a scared child. He nods. I figured that would be the case.

  “Well thank you again Grayson. I’ll call you later.”

  “Goodbye ma’am.”

  I walk into my apartment and stand around taking in the beauty. I need to tuck my tail between my legs and accept that I’m n
ot the bad ass I think I am. Right now, I’m a drunken fool who had to rely on someone else to get home. I strip down and throw on shorts and a tank top. I plop onto my couch wondering how I’m going to broach this topic with Enzo. My phone vibrates.

  Hot and Bossy: I’m in Boston now. Heard you had an eventful morning.

  Me: Yes. Eventful. You could say that.

  I hurt him. He wants to give me the world, but I won’t take it.

  Now I don’t even have a job. This is even worse. Now it will look like I’m accepting his offer because of the layoff. Shit. I have no idea what to do, but I feel a cupcake fueled crying jag coming on.

  Time to call Cassie.

  “Ava! Hey girl, what’s going on?”

  I immediately burst into tears at the sound of her voice. I miss her.

  “Why are you crying?”

  I tearfully tell her what has happened up to this point. She’s silent on the other end of the phone.

  “What should I do now Cassie?” I’m bracing for the verbal smack down.

  “What do you want to do Ava?” Her tone is surprisingly soft.

  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.”

  “Stop crying. Listen to your heart. What is it telling you?”

  I calm down for a moment. “I want to be with him.”

  “So tell him.”

  “It’s not that simple Cass.”

  “Yes it is.”

  She’s right. I should just tell him I was wrong, and I want to be with him.

  “Now hang up and call him right now.”

  “Okay Cassie.”

  “And then call me back, or I’ll hunt you down and beat you with a stick.” She cackles.

  I hang up with Cassie and try to compose myself. I splash cool water on my face. The effect of the alcohol is thankfully wearing off, and I feel like I can handle speaking to Enzo. I dial his phone nervously.

  “This is Enzo. Leave a message.”

  Voicemail. I hang up and send a text instead.

  Me: Please call when you have a moment.

  Hours go by with no response. I remind myself that he’s working, not hanging out by the pool. Give him time. Besides, if the situation was reversed, I would avoid me too.

  I try to busy myself around the apartment. It’s nine o’clock my time, well past midnight in Boston, with no response from Enzo. I send another text.

  Me: Are you angry with me?

  Hot and Bossy: No I am not. Very busy.

  Hmm, his tone is cold. What happened to bella and amore? You know what happened. You dropped all your shit on him.

  Me: Can we talk?

  Hot and Bossy: Later. Good night.

  Shit. He’s either pissed or hurt. Or both. I didn’t even get a buona notte. I fucked up. I climb into bed and try to relax.

  I get up and immediately check my phone for a message from Enzo. None. I slept like shit and wish I could just will him to be here. I call Grayson to see if I can get my car and then call Gabby.

  “Grayson can pick us up at ten.”

  “Thanks Ava. I’ll be ready.”

  I put on a pair of white shorts and a black tank top, wrap my hair in a bun on top of my head, and wait for Grayson. Maybe I can talk Gabby into a little retail therapy today. I don’t want to be alone. I try Enzo’s phone again.

  “This is Enzo. Leave a message.” Shit.

  Grayson arrives promptly at ten and dutifully drops us back at the restaurant where our cars sit.

  “You’ll be okay today ma’am?”

  “Yes Grayson. I promise no excessive drinking.”

  He smiles and pulls away.

  “Let’s go to the mall.”

  “Okay!” Gabby exclaims.

  We both climb in my car and head over to Scottsdale Fashion Square. It has every high end store a girl could want. We stop in my favorite department store, Northland, and try on shoes. As much as it pains me, I leave with nothing. I can’t risk blowing through my savings with my future so unsure.

  “Is there somewhere we can get cupcakes in this mall?” I ask. I know it’s going to be a long night.

  “Oh yea, in the food court. There’s a gourmet bakery.”

  We walk down towards the food court when I catch a glimpse of a television playing inside a store. I’m startled to see Enzo in all his glory on the screen.

  “We’re here with prominent architect and developer, Enzo Milano.” A perky blond reporter beams from the screen.

  I stop, frozen in my tracks. He’s so breathtakingly handsome. And he’s mine. Or is he? Maybe he doesn’t want your drama anymore Ava. Maybe you’ve ruined everything.

  “Mr. Milano, now that you’ve sold all your Boston properties, what are your upcoming plans?”

  “Well first I’d like to say that I have enjoyed my time in Boston immensely, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Now, my plans are to start building resorts internationally, and specifically in Italy, where I’m from.”

  The interviewer asks him about his eligible bachelor status and refers to the brunette he has recently been seen with. My picture fills the screen and Gabby gasps in surprise.


  I wave my hand to silence her, not wanting to miss the interview.

  Enzo responds. “I don’t like to discuss my private life.” Paging Mr. Stoic.

  “Isn’t there a hint you can give all the ladies Mr. Milano? Should they give up hope?” The female interviewer grins and pushes for information.

  Okay Ava. Here’s your answer. Should the other women give up hope and should you keep yours.

  A soft, sweet smile fills his face. “I’m afraid I’m terribly smitten. My heart has been captured by an amazing young woman, and I am completely in love.”

  I can’t believe my ears. Gabby stares at me, her mouth gaped open.

  “And is the lucky lady who stole your heart the woman in the recent pictures?” The reporter presses.

  “It is,” is his simple response. I’m giddy.

  I cannot contain my smile. The interview is over, so we walk on.

  “I knew it! You’re dating the Enzo Milano. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “He’s so private, I wasn’t sure I could. I really wanted to. I didn’t even know who he was when we met.”

  “That would make sense since you’re not from Phoenix. He’s in our local newspaper and Phoenix magazine all the time. He’s been on the Most Eligible Bachelor list the past five years.”

  “I know about the list.”

  “How did you snatch him up?”

  I tell her the story of the plane and how we hit it off.

  “Sounds like a fairy tale.”

  I nod my head. That’s exactly what it feels like, a fairy tale. With a prince who won’t return my calls.

  My feet hurt after traversing the massive mall. I come home empty handed, but my spirits are somewhat lifted after seeing the interview. I look at my phone and see I missed a text from Enzo. Damn!

  Hot and Bossy: I think you need space to decide what you want. I’ll see you in a week.

  What? A week. That’s it? No discussion. He’s giving me space that I don’t want.

  Me: I don’t need space Enzo. I know what I want. You.

  No response. Two hours pass.

  Hot and Bossy: All of this has happened quickly. You need time to sort through it all without my pressure.

  Pressure? I have so much to tell him, and he won’t talk to me.

  Me: Can’t we talk?

  Hot and Bossy: No. It’s better this way. I can’t do the right thing if I hear your voice.

  Me: Enzo I love you.

  God this is so frustrating waiting for his responses.

  You’re the one making him wait Ava. You started this.

  I want to call my brain a bitch, but that would just be weird. An hour passes before he responds.

  Hot and Bossy: I love you too Ava. I will still love you in a week.

  So that’s it then. No talking for a week. Maybe he�
��s right. Maybe I really do need this space. Something doesn’t feel right though. His tone is still aloof. He’s holding back. Tears roll down my face. Too much has happened too quickly. I can’t stop the tears from coming as I roll into a ball on my couch.

  The sound of my ringing phone startles me awake. I realize I slept on my couch fully dressed. Enzo! I grab my phone. It’s Francesca.


  “Ciao Ava.” Francesca sings.

  “Ciao Francesca.”

  “You sound sad Ava?”

  “No, I’m fine. I just woke up.”

  “You just woke up? It’s ten o’clock! Why you’re not at work?” She asks in her adorable version of English.

  “Long story.” I mutter.

  “Yes, okay I have an espresso machine for you. I bring it now?”

  I’m not sure if I need it anymore, but I don’t want to go into that with his sister.

  “Sure. I’ll be here.” I get up and go brush my teeth. I look in the mirror at my red, puffy eyes, caked with mascara. Awesome. I quickly wash my face and put on some eye cream. I hear a knock on my door.

  “Ciao Ava.” Francesca enters and kisses me on both cheeks.

  “Hi Checca.” My mood is still sullen.

  “Yes, what is the matter Ava?”

  I fight back tears. I do not want to involve his sister in our relationship. I feel a lump in my throat that threatens my ability to speak. I’m really falling apart over this guy.

  “I’m just very tired, Checca. And I was laid off from my job.”

  Her mouth opens in exaggerated horror. “Oh no!”

  “They closed the whole office.”

  She rubs my back. “It will be okay. Enzo will take care of you.”

  I bristle. That’s how all of this started. I shrug, trying to avoid the subject. She reaches out and holds both of my hands in hers.

  “It’s okay Ava.”

  “I don’t know if it is Checca.” I can’t stop the flow of tears now.

  Her face fills with concern. “Why so sad Ava?”

  “He won’t talk to me. We had an argument and now he says he thinks we need a week to think.” I sob.

  Francesca nods. She already knows.

  “Enzo is a man. Men, they don’t think like women, no? He is scared Ava. He hasn’t felt this way in a long time, maybe never I think.” She pauses, and I can tell she’s thinking if she should tell me something.


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