Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 19

by Jennifer Domenico

  Enzo smiles. “It’s okay Ava. I honestly hadn’t thought about it before. I know I want children, so I suppose in the back of my mind, I thought I would marry someday, but it hasn’t been a serious thought.”

  Cassie’s face falls, and mine is about to go with hers.

  Enzo continues. “Until recently that it is.” His eyes meet mine and pure joy washes over me.

  “What else would you like to know about me?” Enzo is being such a good sport fielding her interrogation.

  Then she asks about Italy, and he lights up. He tells us about the property plans and how eventually he would like to spend more and more of his time in Italy.

  “I’m going to build a house and live there at least several months a year. I want my children to experience Italy as much as possible.” He glances in my direction and damn it if I’m not blushing.

  A waitress brings us several platters of food, and we eat family style. Cass is just like me and can put down some serious food. She digs into the lasagna for a second time. Enzo watches us both with rapt attention.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” He’s smirking.


  “I just like the way you eat. Both of you. It’s refreshing to see women enjoy their food.”

  Cassie looks confused.

  “Have you noticed the overabundance of thin women yet?” I ask.

  She looks around the restaurant then nods her head.

  “A lot of salad eaters.” I add.

  Cassie guffaws. “The only salad I want is on my burger.”

  After a round of espresso and after dinner drinks, Cassie’s questions have died down, and she seems satisfied Enzo is good enough for me.

  “Ladies, it’s getting late. We should go.” Enzo rises and waits for us.

  “I stayed in that room over there the first four days I was in town.” I point, showing Cassie.

  “This is a great hotel Enzo.” Cassie smiles sweetly at Enzo and I know she is officially under his spell. Even Cassie is not immune.

  Et tu, Cassie?

  We drive back, and Cassie continues talking away telling me all about Chris and her job and how she thinks she should cut her hair. The wine loosens her mouth even more than usual. She talks and talks, not really expecting a response. Enzo shakes his head and laughs.

  We walk into the apartment.

  “I can sleep on the couch if you want to stay with Cassie.” Enzo offers.

  Cassie throws her hands up in the air, slightly tipsy from the wine and the heat. “You think she wants to sleep with me when she can have you?” She laughs hard, and I can’t help but laugh in return.

  Enzo shakes his head and walks to the linen closet returning with linens for the couch. It’s so big and plush I know she’ll sleep well. Besides, she’ll be passed out in a matter of minutes.

  “Let’s change Cass.” She follows me into my bedroom and finds her t-shirt and shorts.

  “He’s so hot Ava. I’m happy for you.” She’s obviously tipsy now, but I know she means it.

  “I know Cass. Let’s get you to sleep.” We walk out to the living room where Enzo is fixing the couch for her. He stands and turns to leave but Cassie throws her arms around his neck, surprising him.

  “Thank you for taking care of my girl.”

  “She takes care of me too.”

  She unwraps herself and climbs onto the couch.

  “Night Cass.”

  “Night Ava. And keep it down in there.” She laughs again.

  “She’s certainly animated.” Enzo shakes his head, but a smile fills his face.

  I nod. “She’s a force of nature.”

  “I can see why she’s your friend. Shall we go to sleep?” His eyes twinkle.

  “Sure. As long as we keep it down.” I laugh as Enzo grabs me and pulls me tight.

  “Buon giorno.” Enzo is already working away in the chair in my bedroom.

  “I’m heading out in an hour for my flight.” His voice is low and soft.

  I climb out of bed and snuggle in his lap, burying my face in his neck. He holds me tight.

  “I’ll miss you bella.”

  “Not as much as I’ll miss you.”

  “Impossible. I’ll call you when I get there.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you back.”

  “I trust you.” He kisses my cheek.

  “I trust you.” I return his kiss.

  I brush my teeth and brace myself for his departure. I know I’ll miss him, but this time with Cassie will be really good. I walk him to the door. Cassie is still sound asleep on the couch.

  “Be safe Ava,” he whispers.

  “I promise.”

  He kisses me softly. I stand looking up at him in the morning light. He kisses me again, this time with depth. He walks to the car and blows me a kiss, and then he’s gone. I head back to bed and sleep until the sun comes up.

  “Alright Cassie. Shopping or spa?”

  Cassie is messing with her curls trying in vain to tame them.


  “It was an either or question.”

  Cassie giggles.

  I give in. “Okay both. In that order.”

  “I don’t want to go to a mall. I’d rather go check out some cool funky little shops.”

  Cool and funky? I have no clue. I call Gabby.

  “Hi Gabby. My friend is visiting from out of town and she wants to go shop somewhere quirky. I have no idea where to go.”

  “Oh sure. You can take her to this area called Avalon. It’s a bit of a drive, but it’s worth it.”

  “Want to join us? There’s a spa day in it for you.”

  “I don’t want to intrude, Ava.”

  “I want you to meet Cassie. No intrusion.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Of course. Meet us here at ten.”

  “Okay I’ll come over.”

  I hang up and call Grayson.

  “Are you available to take us around this morning?”

  “Of course. I’ll be there at ten.” He responds professionally. I have a feeling that’s his job for the weekend.

  “You have a driver?” Cassie is astounded.

  “Well, he’s Enzo’s driver but it does come in handy. Besides, I still don’t know my way around that well, and I’d rather focus on the company than the driving. You can meet Gabby too.”


  Gabby shows up moments before Grayson and we head out. I introduce the girls and know they are going to hit it off.

  “We’re going to Avalon, Grayson.” He nods.

  “This is so cool Ava. It’s like Driving Miss Daisy or something!” Cassie practically shrieks. Gabby nods in agreement.

  I laugh. “It’s taken me some time to get used to it, but yes it’s nice. I’ve only known him a few weeks even though it feels like years. The abundance of money is the hardest thing to get used to.”

  “Not in my world. If Chris came home a millionaire I’d have no trouble accepting it.” She laughs.

  “But that’s the thing Cass, you’re already in a relationship with Chris. It’s different when you just meet a guy.”

  “Whatever Ava. So you fell in love with a rich guy instead of a loser. Cry me a river.”

  Gabby bursts into laughter. I have no defense.

  Grayson pulls into a small parking lot. “I’ll wait here.”

  “Or I can call you when we’re ready.” I offer.

  “It’s no problem.”

  Now I’m sure I’m his job for the weekend. Who can blame Enzo though? I haven’t exactly been responsible when he’s not around.

  We jump out of the car and head towards the shops. Cassie and Gabby are chatting away, fast friends. My phone vibrates.

  Hot and Bossy: I’m in San Diego. Wish you were here.

  Me: I’m in hot ass Phoenix. Wish I was there too.

  Hot and Bossy: Drink water!

  Me: Okay!
  Hot and Bossy: Love you

  Me: Love you back

  “Okay ladies, let’s get this party started.” I clap my hands and rally my girls.

  The shops at Avalon are all locally owned businesses, which I love. We pass some clothing boutiques, but most of the shops contain various items for the body and home. We find this adorable shop that makes handmade soaps and body creams. The owner uses milk from her own goat farm. I pick out several bars of scrumptious smelling soap and a new organic eye cream.

  Next, we head into a fragrance shop. The owner will help you make your own customized blend. Gabby and Cassie both pick out a fragrance.

  “I’m buying!”

  “No you’re not Ava.” Gabby argues.

  “Speak for yourself Gabs.” Cassie retorts.

  We all start laughing. Each fragrance is a hundred and ten dollars. I know Gabby doesn’t want to spend that without a job.

  “Please?” I bat my eyelashes at Gabby.

  She frowns. “I’ve already accepted way too much from you and Enzo.”

  “Gabby, this is my world now. I can do these things for people I love and I want to.” I sound eerily like Enzo.

  She nods and smiles. “Thank you.”

  I throw down the Amex card and we head to the next store. I stop and buy water and ask Cassie to take a picture of me drinking it with my phone. I send it to Enzo.

  Me: Being a good girl J

  Hot and Bossy: Being a safe girl. Thank you

  “I don’t get it, you guys have some kind of water fetish or something?” Cassie is perplexed.

  “I’ve had a little problem with hydration. It’s kind of an inside joke.”

  We must go into twenty stores. I’m surprised Cassie is holding up so well in this heat but of course, she’s on a shopping high. Gabby is her normally composed self.

  “I can only take on one more store then I want lunch and a pedicure.” I announce dramatically. We head into a stationery store.

  “Who uses stationery anymore?” Cassie looks around.

  “It sure is beautiful stuff though.” Gabby muses.

  “Let’s get some and write letters. Even if it’s to each other.” I suggest.

  Immediately, I spot a package with real sunflowers pressed into the paper. How perfect. I grab three packages. I look around for something with an ‘E’ or an ‘M’ on it.

  A saleswoman approaches. “May I help you?”

  “I wanted some monogrammed stationery. Do you have it?” I can’t imagine there is anything they don’t have here.

  “It’s special order. We make it per your request. Would you like to see our sample book?”

  I nod and follow her. She pulls out a book with hundreds of choices. It’s all very personalized, for weddings, babies, birthdays, you name it.

  “I’m just looking for something simple and chic for a man.” She smiles and flips to the back of the book. I see a cream-colored card with a blue ribbon pressed into the paper that reminds me of Enzo’s eyes. It’s very elegant and not gender specific. She shows me the fonts I can pick from. I pick out a very ornate font that entwines the letters you pick into a striking design.

  “What initials did you want ma’am?”

  Cassie and Gabby are standing over my shoulder. “An E and an M please.”

  “You should add an A.” Cassie says.

  “That’s a great idea.” Gabby nods her head in approval.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little presumptuous?”

  Cassie glares at me, and I know the shit storm is coming.

  “Well I don’t know ‘miss let me buy everything with my new boyfriend’s Amex card while I plan my trip to Italy in my Mercedes’.”

  Gabby starts cracking up. I turn back to the saleswoman.

  “Can you add an A please?”

  I pay for my purchases, and we head back to Grayson, who waits dutifully in the same spot we left him. He takes our bags and places them in the trunk.

  “Where to?”


  He nods.

  “We’ll eat at the bistro on the grounds, then we can head over to the spa.” The girls nod.

  “There’s nothing but salads on this menu.” Cassie pouts.

  “I told you, that’s what lunching ladies do here.” I tease.

  “It’s probably best to eat light before the spa. Can we pig out later?” Gabby asks.

  “Great idea Gabs.” Cassie is pleased once more.

  We walk over to the spa and check in.

  “Do you have an appointment miss?” The young woman at the counter asks me. Shit! I didn’t even think of that.

  “No. I’m sorry we don’t.”

  She purses her lips together and shakes her head as she looks at the appointment book. “I don’t know if I can get you in today.”

  I turn around and see Camilla walking by and wave. She enters and comes to greet me. “Ava. So good to see you again. What are you doing here?”

  “Enzo suggested a spa day, but I forgot to make an appointment, so I don’t know if we can get in.”

  Camilla smiles. “You can get in. One moment.”

  I watch Camilla walk to the counter and say something to the woman, whose eyes shoot up at me in surprise.

  Camilla walks back to me. “You know Ava, you should use who you know a little bit more.” She winks. “Good to see you again. Come back when you’re ready for your next cut and color.”

  “I will. Thanks Camilla.”

  “Miss Bradshaw, I must not have seen these openings here. We can certainly accommodate you and your friends.”

  I look back at Gabby and Cassie and motion with thumbs up. Cassie pulls her sunglasses down and winks.

  “Right this way ladies.”

  “That was so much fun, Ava.” Gabby wiggles her freshly painted toes.

  “I agree. You’ve got mad perks.” Cassie is using her fake gangsta voice again.

  We wait for Grayson to pull the car around and take us back to my place.

  “Who can we push around tomorrow?” Cassie cackles once more.

  We pile back into my place and discuss our plans for the evening.

  “I vote we order in and watch some sappy rom-com movie only a girl could love.” Cassie belts out.

  “I vote we do that and add a pitcher of margaritas.” Gabby chimes in.

  “Okay, Gabby, order the pizza. Cassie, make the margs, and I’ll get the movie set up.”

  I run to change clothes and pull out my phone. I want to hear Enzo’s voice. I hope he’s not too busy.

  “Ciao bella.”

  “Ciao Enzo. I just wanted to say hi. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “You are never interrupting me. In fact, this call is the highlight of my very boring day. What did you do today?”

  “We went to Avalon then lunch and spa at Girasole. Now we are ordering a pizza and going to watch a chick flick.”

  “Sounds like a fun day.” It’s silent for a moment. He speaks first.

  “Ava I’m really glad you called. I love hearing your voice.”

  “That’s all I wanted too Enzo, to hear your voice.”

  “Go have fun with your friends. I’m going to order room service and catch up on some contract reading.”

  “Okay, bye baby.”

  “Ciao amore. Love you.”

  “Love you back.”

  I hang up and feel giddy inside.

  “Pizza’s here!” I hear Cassie call out. Gabby is pouring drinks, and we all head into the living room.

  I select Only You from my collection, and we sit down to scarf.

  “So I think Chris wants to get married. He’s been hinting.” Cassie suddenly announces. I stop mid chew and stare. Gabby looks interested.

  “That’s awesome. You don’t seem excited though.” Her reaction confuses me.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to settle down.”

  I start laughing. “You’re already settled down Cass. Look at us. We’re sitting
on the couch watching Robert Downy Jr. movies on a Friday night. You’re settled.”

  She frowns but agrees.

  “Don’t be scared. Just go with it. Sound familiar?” I echo her earlier advice to me.

  “Well I think both you bitches should stop whining about your amazing love lives and find me a man!” Gabby bursts out, and we all start laughing.

  “I’m stuffed.” Cassie announces as the movie credits roll.

  “I’m going to bed ladies.” Gabby grabs her purse to head home.

  “Me too.” I get up to go to my room.

  “Okay. Good night.” Cassie adds.

  I see Gabby out and lock the door.

  That was so much fun. We laughed so hard my face hurts. I hear my phone vibrating on the nightstand.

  Hot and Bossy: Ready for bed?

  Me: Just getting in.

  Hot and Bossy: Alone?

  Me: Don’t be silly.

  Hot and Bossy: No. I mean alone. No girls?

  Me: No girls, just me.

  Where is he going with this? My phone rings.

  “Ciao Ava.”

  “Ciao Enzo.” I’m already grinning.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I told you. Getting in bed.”

  “What are you wearing?” Oh goody, I love this game!

  “Betty Boop pajamas.”

  “Take them off.”

  I stand and do as I’m told.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Nothing. Are they off?”


  “I want you to close your eyes and run your hands over your body, like I do.”

  “Okay.” I close my eyes and do as he says.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Good. I’m pretending it’s you.”

  “Good. Now play with your nipples.”

  I reach up and run my hands across my breasts, pulling gently on each nipple. I moan.

  “Does it feel good?”


  “Now I want you to put your hands between your legs and rub your clit.”

  Wow, this is totally hot.

  “Are you doing that Ava?”

  “Yes.” My breathing is heavier now.

  “I want you to make yourself come Ava, just like I do. So keep rubbing.”

  I rub in a circular motion and pretend his hands are doing this. My breath quickens, and I know I’ll be there soon.

  “Tell me how it feels Ava.”


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