Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 23

by Jennifer Domenico

We meet in the lobby and head out on foot. We walk through Piazza Signoria to a little pizzeria. Little red umbrellas fill the outdoor eating area.

  “We’ll eat here, no?” Enzo asks. We all agree and find a table. A man comes out to greet us. His eyes light up when he sees Enzo, and they hug and kiss like old friends. They have a brief exchange in Italian, and Enzo pulls him over to meet me.

  The man holds my face in his hands. “Bella Enzo, bellissima.”

  I know what those words mean so I smile in response. Enzo nods, his face full of pride. We let Enzo order. We start with zucchini flowers, filled with mozzarella cheese, lightly battered, and fried. Next, we get a platter of assorted meats, cheese, and olives. I gobble down as much prosciutto as I can. Enzo smiles. I know he’s pleased I’m enjoying my food.

  He orders several different pizzas, and we all pass them around sharing. The crust is so thin it won’t hold up if you try. Enzo shows me how to fold my slice in half and dip it into my mouth. It’s so good. The sauce is lightly sweet and a little tangy, bursting with fresh tomato taste. Hot gooey cheese drips down my throat.

  “Mmm.” The sound rumbles in my throat. Enzo makes a startled face and winks at me.

  “Don’t make noises like that Ava, it’s distracting.”

  “I can’t help it. This is so amazing.”

  Gabby is busy trying all the different pizzas and Calvin attentively serves her. Grayson looks amused by it all.

  “Okay.” Enzo says. Everyone looks up. “After this I need to take Ava to get ready for a dinner I must attend this evening. Everyone else is free to do as they please.” He aims his comment directly at Calvin.

  “Grayson you have the evening to yourself.” Grayson perks up.

  We stand up to leave and Enzo and I walk through the piazza.

  “Are you tired amore?”

  “No. I feel fine.”

  All around the piazza are artists painting, drawing caricatures of tourists, and peddling replicas of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces. Cafes line the piazza, with tourists and locals intermingling over cups of afternoon espresso and gelato. We make our way back to the hotel.

  “Where is the dinner Enzo?”

  “It’s across town. I have another driver coming to get us. I sometimes use his services while I’m in Italy. His name is Fabio.”

  “So you brought Grayson just to follow me around?” I narrow my eyes.

  “I brought Grayson so he could enjoy a vacation. It’s just a bonus that he can keep an eye on my treasure.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a vacation babysitting your wayward treasure.”

  Enzo sighs and frowns at me. “If I told Grayson it was a vacation he would have balked. I had to give him a job. He can see all the attractions he follows you to see. And I told him to hang back so you and Gabriella can have your girl talk.”

  “You are a mighty smart man Enzo.”

  “Smart enough to know I should hold on to you.” We enter the elevator again. He presses up against me and kisses my neck. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you later.”

  I decide I’m going to wear the spectacular red Suzette dress. I hope it’s not too provocative for the event. I unbraid my hair and really like the waves that were created. I put on some new black lace undies and a matching bra. I walk into the bedroom and decide on a pair of shoes. I reach for some nude colored opened toe stilettos. Slipping them on, I stand and gaze at my reflection, wearing nothing but my shoes and lingerie. Being in love does wonders for my looks.

  I squeeze into the form-fitting dress and stretch it over my curves. I adjust it so the cutouts are in the right place. One sits right above my breasts revealing the slightest curve of cleavage while another is off to the right just under my shoulder. Another one is on the side of my dress just below my rib cage, and the last one is on the backside at the small of my back.

  Damn, this dress is hot. But I need Enzo’s approval. I step out into the living room. Enzo looks up from his computer, dressed in a dark grey Armani suit. His eyes open wide.

  “Oh. My. God. Ava.”

  I twirl, unsure of his reaction. “What do you think?”

  “What do I think? I think you’re the most beautiful woman in Florence right now. I think every woman will want to be you, and every man will want to be me.”

  “Is it too much?”

  He rises and holds me at arm’s length, looking me up and down.

  “It’s perfect.”


  “Brava Ava.” He praises me.

  Fabio is waiting in the lobby and after a brief introduction, we head to the car. I pictured Fabio based on those bodice ripper novels they sell in America, but he couldn’t be more opposite. He’s very short, maybe five foot five with a slender build. His hair is short and dark, and he has piercing blue eyes. What’s with all the blue-eyed Italians?

  He opens the door for me, and Enzo climbs in the other side. They chat comfortably in Italian, and Enzo informs me that Fabio doesn’t speak any English. Fabio drives quickly to the location of the dinner. I am more than a little scared as he weaves in and out of traffic, honking and yelling out the window periodically. He says something to Enzo while making eye contact with me.

  “He says don’t be scared. He is a very safe driver.”

  I smile politely through gritted teeth.

  We arrive in one piece at the Hotel Leonardo. Once again, Fabio opens my door as Enzo meets me. He eyes me up and down as I step out and Enzo snaps his fingers in front of his eyes.

  “Eh, questa donna è mia.”

  Fabio steps back apologetically and mutters something in Italian. I hear a heavy sigh from Enzo.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I just realized I’m going to have to fight off my compatriots all evening. Not good for a man trying to stow his jealous side.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I said you are mine.” He grabs my hand and smiles.

  A young Italian woman dressed in a dark-blue skirt and jacket acknowledges us as we enter, recognizing Enzo right away.

  “Signore Milano, please this way.” Her accent is very strong, but at least she speaks English.

  She smiles at me as she leads us to the dining room. We walk in, and the room breaks into applause.

  “Does this ever get old for you?” I whisper.

  He shakes his head no and flashes a brilliant smile for the crowd. I smile as we walk to our table. We sit and the ceremony begins. That's when I realize it’s entirely in Italian! He didn’t tell me that. I guess I stupidly assumed it would be in English.

  I look around the room. It seems a little dated with worn carpet and beige walls. It’s just a standard banquet hall, and I wonder why this location was picked. I am bored to tears listening to speech after speech in a foreign language. Every now and then, clapping breaks out and everyone looks towards us. Enzo is clearly in his element. I am clearly out of mine.

  We are served an opening course of spaghetti with marinara sauce. I’m surprised at its blandness. I never would’ve thought you could have bad spaghetti in Italy. Next, we receive a roasted chicken breast on a bed of wilted spinach. Again, it’s tasteless. Enzo is happily eating so I say nothing. I have no idea who can understand English in this room, and I don’t want to offend anyone. But I’m confused, knowing Enzo’s taste I can’t understand how he is accepting all of this.

  Finally, he stands and waves his hands around the room as the crowd erupts into applause. He leans down, kisses me chastely on the cheek, then walks to the front.

  “Signore e Signori.” He begins. He speaks for several minutes in eloquent Italian. I have no idea what he’s talking about, but I am enraptured. His poise, charm, and commanding presence come across in any language. I look around the room, and they are equally enthralled with him. I can’t wait to find out later what this is all about. His speech ends and he receives yet another standing ovation.

  Everyone stands and starts to mingle, a steady
stream of admirers come to speak to Enzo. Many of them address me and of course are met with a blank stare while Enzo translates. I hear bella and bellissima often and smile each time graciously, hoping they are indeed referring to me. I see Enzo give a warning look to more than a few men. Gotta love Italy. We finally take our leave and return to the lobby to wait for Fabio.

  “I hope you’re going to tell me what I just spent four hours listening to?”

  “Yes of course, I didn’t even think about the language Ava. You seem so Italian sometimes.”

  “It’s okay I enjoyed myself. Mostly.”

  He grips my hand. “This is my life.”

  “And I accept it.”

  Fabio returns and Enzo instructs him to drop us off near the hotel.

  “We can walk back from here.”

  “In these shoes?” I point down to my four-inch stilettos.

  He bends down and taps my leg for me to lift it. I steady myself on his shoulder while he removes each shoe. I shrug and walk barefoot down the Florentine sidewalk. We approach a busy storefront serving gelato. He orders while I step back. He returns moments later with a cup of chocolate gelato. We sit at a small table, and he grabs my legs pulling my feet onto his lap. He sits at an angle so he can spoon some gelato into my mouth.

  “I want to feed this to you.”

  I eat hungrily. It’s so good- creamy, cold, and chocolaty. It’s the chocolatiest chocolate I’ve ever tasted. After the disappointing dinner, this is definitely a reward.

  “With all those fancy flavors why did you choose chocolate?”

  “Because chocolate is the best, and I only want the best. That’s why I want you.” Prince Charming strikes again.

  We finish our gelato and walk around the corner to our hotel, Enzo carrying my shoes for me. As we’re walking, I start to feel a little lightheaded and very tired. Maybe it’s all that sugar at once. We head for the elevator. In the room, I sit down on the edge of the bed. I think I’ll close my eyes to rest for moment.

  I’m confused. The sun streams into the window and Enzo is not in bed. I roll out of bed and realize I still have my Suzette dress on. I frown. How long did I sleep? I walk into the living room and see Enzo working away as usual.

  “Ah buon giorno principessa.”

  “What time is it?”

  He looks down at his watch.

  “Seven thirty.”

  “In the morning?”

  “Yes, in the morning. You fell asleep on me last night and I didn’t have the heart to wake you.” He chuckles.

  “You let me sleep in this?” I motion to the dress. “Why didn’t you take it off?” I slept in a $1500 dress!

  “Because, like I said, you were sleeping. It’s just a dress.”

  Exasperated I sit down at the dining table. “Can I have some coffee Enzo?”

  He walks into the kitchen and pours me a cup of coffee.

  I take a big gulp. “Good Lord, that’s strong.”

  “That’s Italian.” He laughs, and I can’t help but laugh too.

  I go get dressed. I’m really excited for my first sightseeing outing.

  I put on some simple black capris and a white blouse. I feel much better after my deep sleep and refreshing shower. I walk into the living room.

  “I’m going to head over and get Gabby. Grayson said he would meet us in the lobby.” I inform Enzo of the plans for the day while I brush out my intensely wavy hair. I love it. I must figure out how to get this to happen back home.

  “That’s good. I’ll be in meetings all day. I’ll text you. Stick close to Grayson.”

  “I will.” I roll my eyes, but he doesn’t see me.

  “Calvin will be with you?” I ask.

  “All day.”

  “Then will you fill me in tonight about the dinner we attended last night.”

  “I’ll do more than that to you tonight.” He stands and chases me around the living room. I squeal like a child. He quickly catches me and kisses me. I give in for just a moment before I push him away.

  “You have work to do and I have sightseeing.”

  “Off you go.”

  Even though he’s working, Enzo is so much more relaxed in Italy. It’s great to see. I walk down the hall to Gabby’s room and knock on the door. I hear hurried rustling and knock a second time. She opens the door slightly and looks flustered.

  “Ava, hi.”

  “Why do you look so surprised to see me? Aren’t we going out? Grayson is waiting for us.” I hear more shuffling in the background and push open her door to see Calvin tucking in his shirt and smoothing down his hair.

  “Hey Ava.” Calvin smiles.

  Gabby blanches.

  “Looks like someone had fun last night.” I wink.

  “What’s going on here?’ I hear Enzo’s voice behind me. He looks over my shoulder and sees Calvin and Gabby looking guilty.

  “Are you ready to go Calvin?” He keeps his tone professional, but his quivering lips threaten to give away his amusement.

  “Yes.” He hurries towards the door but stops and kisses Gabby on the cheek. “See you later?”

  She nods.

  Enzo smacks me lightly on the butt, and the two men walk away. Gabby grabs her purse and we head to the lobby to meet Grayson, who’s waiting for us when we exit the elevator.

  “Let’s go to the Uffizi first.” I suggest. Grayson and Gabby agree.

  “Anything you want to share?” I tease Gabby as we walk to our location.

  “It just happened, Ava. I don’t know what came over me. We spent the whole afternoon together after you left. The next thing I know we’re rolling around in my bed.”

  “So you like him?”

  “Yes. I like him.” She grins from ear to ear.

  Grayson stands directly behind us like a bodyguard. He can’t hang back too far because of the crowds. I’m told that August is usually a good time to come to Italy because there are fewer crowds, so I can only imagine how crazy it must be in the busier months.

  It’s pretty warm today too. The air is thick and sticky with humidity and tourists. We turn the corner and get in the mile-long line to get into the gallery.

  Standing in line, I try to engage Grayson in conversation.

  “Do you have a love interest Grayson?”

  “No ma’am.” He looks nervous.

  “I wish you would be more comfortable with me.”

  He looks down at me, and his eyes soften.

  “I am comfortable with you.” The hint of a smile forms on his lips.

  “Then can you please start calling me Ava?”

  His cheeks flush. “I’ll discuss it with Mr. Milano.”

  “No, you won’t. It’s my name, I decide how it’s used.” I smile to soften my words.

  “Yes ma’am…ur Ava.” I see his shoulders relax.

  The lines are unbearable, especially in this oppressive heat. I should have called ahead for a reservation. We get closer but are still about an hour deep in the line.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  Grayson frowns.

  I point across the piazza. “Look, there are some right across from here. You can keep an eye on me from here.”

  I make my way across the bustling piazza, turning back every so often to wave at Grayson and Gabby. I join yet another long line for the bathroom. The line wraps around a building, and I lose sight of Grayson in the crowd. I finally get inside the bathroom. I thought my bladder would explode!

  I walk out and look around for Gabby and Grayson. A commotion nearby catches my attention and a huge crowd of people swarm towards me. I try to push through the crowd to get back to my friends, but I’m surrounded by chaos. I feel a sharp push and try to ground myself but I’m backed against the building I just came out of. I can’t move the person in front of me. I hear Grayson calling my name and stretch my neck to find him.

  A sharp pain resonates on the back of my head, and then everything goes black.


“Ava? Ava I’m here.”

  I hear Enzo’s distant voice getting closer. I open my eyes to see Enzo, Gabby, Calvin, Grayson, and another man hovering nearby. Enzo is stroking my hand with a worried look on his face.

  “What happened?” I can’t remember a thing after I came out of the bathroom.

  “We’re not sure. Something happened in the piazza, everyone panicked, and you got shoved against the building, hitting your head.” Enzo says. That explains the pounding sensation.

  The unknown man walks towards me and puts his hand on my forehead. He looks to be about sixty and is wearing a stethoscope around his neck. He holds my wrist for a minute then speaks to Enzo in Italian.

  “What is he saying?” Gabby is frantic.

  “He said she’s okay, a little dehydrated and jet lagged is all.”

  I try to sit up, but my pounding head makes me reconsider.

  “Thank God it wasn’t worse.” Enzo strokes my forehead, his glorious face creased with concern.

  Grayson approaches anxiously. “I tried to get to you as soon as I saw what was happening, but I wasn’t fast enough.”

  “Grayson, it’s my fault. I wandered away. There was no way you could’ve gotten through that crowd.” I smile but even that seems to hurt. I close my eyes. Why can’t I remember what happened?

  “The doctor says you’ll be a little sore and have a headache, but you are fine.” Enzo stands and speaks to the man in Italian.

  Gabby holds my hand. “You really worried us Ava.”

  “Sorry.” I’m embarrassed.

  “Don’t be sorry Ava. We’re just glad you’re okay.” Enzo smiles but I know he’s still worried. “Okay everyone, she needs to rest.” Enzo shows everyone out. He returns with a cup of water and some ibuprofen. I gulp down both, praying for relief from this headache.

  He climbs in next to me and puts his arms around me. “You had me so worried. The thought of losing you was too much.”

  I nod my aching head. “Please don’t be upset with Grayson.”

  “I’m not. He’s punishing himself enough.” He squeezes me tighter. “I couldn’t go on if something happened to you. If you were gone…” His voice trails off.

  “I’m not leaving Enzo. You’re stuck with me got it?” I try to sound lighthearted even though I’m quite serious.


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