Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2)

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Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2) Page 23

by Drucie Anne Taylor

  He pushes into me one last time, presses against my butt, and spends himself deep inside of me, moaning loudly.

  After he has pulled out, I am briefly overwhelmed by a feeling of emptiness. When he lies down next to me and pulls me into his arms, I nestle against him. I grope for the blankets with my eyes closed, pulling them over our entwined limbs.

  “Are you still hungry?” he asks, panting.

  “Nope,” I smirk and lay my head on his chest. “Not at all.”

  He gently caresses my shoulder. “Tired?”

  “Yes, you successfully wore me out.”

  “Me too.” He kisses the top of my head. “Do you want me to stay or should I go back to my own room?”

  I place my leg on top of his. “Stay.”

  He chuckles softly. “You’re not letting me leave tonight?”

  “No way.” I lift my head, move a little higher, and kiss him on the mouth, but very softly.

  “Will you ever let me go again?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

  “That’s good, because I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Don’t you think you could panic again?” I ask tentatively.

  “Of course that could happen, but all I’d have to do is remind myself how good you are for me.”

  I nod slowly. “Lex, I … don’t want to put pressure on you now, but … you should decide soon, whether you really want that.” I take a deep breath. “I have a really hard time dealing with these ups and downs. I don’t let anyone into my life lightly, and you’ve already hurt me once. I couldn’t handle it a second time.”

  “I’d always choose you, over and over again, Honor.” He strokes my cheek. “Always; that’s a promise.”

  I nestle close once again, but this time I bury my face against the crook of his neck and inhale deeply.

  “And I know that I haven’t won your love back or anything. That will take a while still.”

  I sigh. “Let’s go to sleep, Lex.”

  He nods and kisses me again. “Sleep well, honey. Sweet dreams.”

  “Dream of your very own paradise,” I whisper as I close my eyes.

  “I will, and I’ll see you there in a minute,” he murmurs.

  I fall asleep wrapped in his embrace, and with his scent invading my nose. And I hope to God that this wasn’t all just a dream.

  Chapter 14

  The concert is going great. It’s the last gig of this tour before we fly home via Miami, where a friend of theirs is opening a bar this weekend. Draven had asked Linden if the band could come to the opening, and Alexis invited me along. We decided to stay in Coral Gables for a while after that, since they have a few weeks off after this grueling tour. I look forward to seeing Miami, but I also look forward to finally getting back to New York, and I miss Krys and Micah. And Jo, of course.

  This is the last scheduled encore. We’ll be done after this final song, and are going to board the plane to Miami tonight. Four concerts on four consecutive nights were the final drain on everyone’s energy, but we did it, even though Alexis is at the end of his strength. The tour has exhausted all of us, but it’s no surprise that he is completely wiped out. For me, the stress wasn’t so big, even though I spent most of the time studiously avoiding Alexis. Since our wild night three days ago, he’s given me flowers every morning. And one of those gold cats with a waving paw as a lucky charm. I really dig that sort of kitsch, and I already have the perfect spot in my apartment in mind.

  “Thank you, Hong Kong, you were amazing!” Linden screams into the microphone.

  The guys clap for their fans, but then Alexis leans over his own mic. “I think you forgot something, Linden.”

  “I did?” Linden asks.

  “Yeah, we have a little surprise for our fans, remember?”

  The cheering and squealing gets louder.

  “Oh, right. The surprise.”

  They look over at us background singers. “Honor, would you come to the front for a moment?”

  I point at myself and mouth silently: “Me?”

  They nod and start a chant of ‘Honor, Honor, Honor’. Their fans pick it up quickly.

  I swallow and step down from the raised platform in the back. Then I walk over to the front of the stage.

  “Our background singer Honor has written a song. We would’ve loved to put it on our new album, but Alexis insisted that she is the only one who should perform it. So we thought why not give you the chance to be the very first audience to ever hear it?” Linden explains.

  I give him a wide-eyed look. “What?” My voice is drowned by the screams of the fans.

  He nods at me.

  “But … I can’t.”

  Alexis is suddenly at my side, and takes my hand in his. “I’m going to play the piano, okay? And the others will join in when the chorus starts.”

  My free hand is shaking. “I can’t do this.”

  “Of course you can. See it as a rehearsal for your own career.”

  “Could you stay here with me?”

  He shakes his head. “I need to be at the piano.”

  “Can I sit with you then?” I take a deep breath. “Where no one can see me? Please!”

  He smiles. “Sure.”

  “As you can see, Honor is a little overwhelmed right now. It’s her surprise just as much as it is yours. But she’ll be ready to start in a second,” Gavin announces cheerfully.

  Alexis takes my hand and leads me to the grand piano that is there for the ballads. He makes me sit down and then joins me on the stool, giving me an encouraging look. “I’m right here, okay?”

  “I hate you all for this,” I tell him, my voice breaking with excitement.

  “Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let it flow. Ready?”

  I nod before closing my eyes and breathing in deeply. Alexis plays the first notes of my song, our song, really. He leans over and kisses my cheek. “You can do this, Honor.”

  I put my hand on his thigh before beginning to sing into the microphone that is mounted on the piano. I’m terribly scared that I might forget the words or that my voice is off. When I look at Alexis, he leans forward and sings in to the mic with me. His voice is rough, complementing mine nicely. A few lines into the song, the others start to sing along, too.

  “When our love is gone … mhmmmm,” I sing the last line, before leaning away from the microphone. The sudden rush of applause startles me.

  “You should probably say ‘Thank you’ now,” Alexis says softly.

  I lean forward and speak into the mic. “Thank you.”

  “A little louder,” he laughs.

  “Thanks, you guys, you were amazing. I don’t even have the words to thank you; I’m far too overwhelmed right now,” I try again, glancing at Alexis for reassurance.

  “Much better,” he says with a smile, before standing from the stool. He takes my hand, and I get up as well.

  “Thank you.”

  Then he lets go of my hand and joins the others at the front edge of the stage. They form a line, raise their arms and then take a bow, while the house lights turn on slowly.

  When they are finished taking their final leave, Alexis takes my hand again and leads me off the stage. “I’m so glad we’ll be on our way home in an hour or so,” he says, the relief heavy in his voice.


  “That’s my home,” He replies with a boyish grin as he wraps an arm around me. “I look forward to showing you all my favorite places.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as the Venetian Pool, for example. It’s like a piece of Venice, Italy, right in the heart of Miami.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “And let’s not forget Dizzles, the birthplace of Downstair Alley.”

  “Is that a club?”

  “Yeah, and everything started with an open mic night six years ago,” he tells me. “It was the same line-up as it is now. We performed, we won, and we were invited to audition for a record company.”

nbsp; “Sounds like every musician’s dream,” I reply with a smile. We’re walking down another corridor of the large venue.

  “And we made it come true.”

  “I am so proud of you guys.”

  “Thank you, even though your sarcasm is entirely uncalled-for.”

  I laugh as we step into the dressing room. “But you can take my sarcasm like a man.”

  He sits down on the couch. “I know. I love a good battle of words.”

  I drop down next to him, keeling over on purpose, and landing with my head on his thigh. “You don’t fight back that often.”

  “Because I’m busy gasping for air between bouts of laughter.” He grins at me and then leans down to give me a kiss. “Did you like the surprise? It wasn’t easy to convince the others that we should do this.”

  “Oh yes, I liked it, though I don’t think it’s fair to be thrown in at the deep end like that,” I reply cheerfully.

  “How did it feel?”

  “I felt like a star for four minutes. Thank you, Lex.” I lift my head to kiss him.

  He returns my kiss and caresses my cheek. “I love you, Honor.”

  I am thrown completely off guard. I stare at him, blink repeatedly, and when I try to say something, all I can produce is a croaking sound. I didn’t see that coming at all.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he murmurs, before sealing my lips, and any further words, with another sweet kiss.

  Two hours later, we’re sitting next to each other on the plane. My head is on Alexis’s shoulder, and my eyes are closed. “What are you thinking about?” I ask softly.

  “I’m thinking about my house, and the infinitely comfortable bed I have there. I’m not going to leave that bed again for at least two days,” he states. “And you won’t either.”

  “I thought I might stay at a hotel.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “So I can’t get on your nerves.” Alright, there was a hint of sarcasm again in that sentence.

  “You’re not getting on my nerves. I want you by my side, so I’m not letting you stay at a hotel. Plus, it would be difficult to get a room without reserving it in advance. Miami is always busy as hell.”

  “Okay, then I’ll stay with you and get on your nerves,” I tease him.

  “You won’t.”

  “I’m sure I could easily piss you off.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “At least I could try.”


  I laugh out loud and then snuggle closer. “Alright, I’ll be there and enjoy the time we spend together.”

  “That sounds a lot better.” He intertwines our fingers and leans his head against mine. “Maybe we should try to sleep a little while. The flight is going to take six more hours.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because it says so on the screen. Right next to the local time,” he replies quietly before adjusting our seats to the standard sleeping position.

  “Oh. Okay.” I place my legs on top of his, our intertwined hands on his belly, and enjoy the way his arm feels wrapped around me.

  “Better catch some sleep now to take the edge off the inevitable jet lag that’ll be in store for us tonight.”

  “Does it help?”

  “It works wonders for me,” he murmurs. “But we could also retreat into one of the bedrooms and–“

  “Good night, Lex,” I interrupt him with a giggle.

  “Sleep well, beautiful.”

  I glance at him over my shoulder. “Why?”

  “We all have our own homes or apartments down here. Lane and I are going to take a regular flight up to Orlando to visit my parents.”

  “Oh, okay.” When we’ve got solid ground under our feet again, I hug him, and then Lane. “Enjoy your vacation then.”

  “You, too. And tell Lex to show you everything that’s worth seeing,” she says as she hugs me tightly.

  “I’m going to drown her in great impressions, just to one-up the special tour Gavin staged for you when you came here for the first time,” Alexis announces with a laugh before hugging the two of them goodbye.

  “You do that, but beware of overdoing it, or she won’t want to go home to New York City anymore in the end,” he counters with a grin.

  “You’re giving me ideas.”

  After we’ve all said our goodbyes, Alexis leads me to a white convertible that is waiting in the long-term parking lot. “Oh, baby, how I’ve missed you,” he greets the slick vehicle with a happy sigh.

  I get into the car, and he’s already starting the engine. “You’re making me jealous of this beauty.”

  “I would never.” He shakes his head vehemently, before putting the car into drive. Alexis put on his shades and a beanie, which suit him very well. He steps down on the gas and takes my hand.

  “What do you say, should I introduce you to my parents?” he suddenly suggests after we’ve been on the road for a while.

  I shoot him a perplexed glance. “You want me to meet your parents?”

  “Why not? I suspect that both of them will be surprised when I introduce them to a woman in my life, but at least they will finally stop thinking I might be gay.”

  My eyes bulge. “They think you’re gay?”

  “That’s what I assume, since my mom keeps saying that Linden and I are so sweet together, despite the fact that he’s engaged to Thally now.”

  “Wow, that is weird.”

  “Oh well, I sometimes like to play along and act like a drag queen, but I’d really like you to meet them. You mean a lot to me, and I want everybody to know that. Even my parents.”

  “Then I’ll have to introduce you to mine as well.”

  “No rush. We’ll be in New York City far more often than here in Miami, so I’d just like to make good on the opportunity.”

  “Alright then. Introduce me to your parents. Can’t be too bad, right?”

  “Not at all; they’re very easy-going,” he replies with a grin, and I notice that we’re rushing down the famous Ocean Drive.

  I lean over and kiss his cheek. “I’ll see for myself soon enough.”

  “Atta girl.” He pulls my hand up to his lips, kisses my knuckles, and then places my hand on his leg.

  “What a dream home!” I blurt excitedly. I’m taking a tour of his mansion in Coral Gables. As I walk around, looking closely at each room, I utter a string of ‘wow’s and ‘oh my god’s. Everything looks like it’s state-of-the-art and crazy expensive.

  “It’s only a house.”

  “But what a house it is!”

  “Come on, don’t make such a big deal out of four walls and a roof, honey,” he laughs as he follows me into the kitchen.

  “I’m not making a big deal, I’m just impressed.” I head on into a spacious living room, which even has an open fireplace.

  He continues to follow me, but then says: “Okay, I’ll be on the couch. Join me when you’re done admiring furniture.”

  I turn around and discover the immense couch ensemble. It reminds me of a gigantic bed. I smile and lie down next to him. “That’s not a couch. It’s a playground.”

  “I’d still go with calling it a couch.”

  “But you’re not even sitting, you’re lying. Lounging, maybe. Admit it, it’s a seduction playground.”

  He snorts. “All I said was that I’d be sitting here. Everything else is just your dirty mind thinking. Projection of guilt: a typical female tactic,” he expounds dryly.

  I laugh and kneel over him. “Women are always right. There’s a female tactic for you.”

  “That’s only because men let you believe that. We like to avoid trouble,” he counters with a grin.

  I lean down and kiss him on the cheek.

  “You must be warm; let me help you with that.” He sits up with me on top of him, and pulls off my t-shirt.

  “I am. A little.”

  He unclasps my bra, discards it, and then his lips find my nipple. I can feel the electric charge fro
m his touch all the way down to my crotch, and my clit starts throbbing with desire. Damn it! His effect on me is devastating; he’s irresistible. “Suddenly, I’m warm, too,” he smirks and takes off his shirt.

  I help him with the buttons to speed up the process of baring his chest, so that I can start marveling at his tattoos once again. I lean closer and tease his throat with my tongue, teeth, and lips, while my hands are roaming his ripped back.

  Alexis unbuttons my skirt and pushes it upwards. Then he pulls my panties to one side and places his thumb on my pulsing clit.

  I moan when he starts rubbing it gently. Jesus, this man and I have so much sex, you could think we’re nymphomaniacs! I shove my hands down between us to unzip his jeans. Alexis pushes me upwards and pulls down his pants, wiggling his legs to get rid of them. As soon as the barrier between us is gone, he pulls me down onto his penis, penetrating me without any further ado. He tilts his head back and moans loudly. I rest my hands on his shoulders and start to ride him slowly. It’s always a give and take of hard and gentle, but today I prefer the slow fuck.

  He sets a pace that is perfect to feel him as deeply and intensively inside of me as possible. We both emit low moans as we drive each other higher and higher. I lift my pelvis to the point where he almost slips out of me, and then lower it to take him in all over again. That elicits increasingly louder moans from him, mingling with the sucking noises our wildly dueling tongues make. Suddenly, he starts to push and thrust harder, up into me. “I can’t stand this sweet torture any longer,” he murmurs after he’s broken the kiss. Then he grabs me and pulls me down with him. His thrusts are hard, quick, and maddeningly arousing. I kiss him again. That is all I can do, since he’s got my arms locked in his tight embrace. Warm waves are spreading through my body, making my limbs tingle with anticipation, and my breath come faster. My heart is racing in my chest, which makes me feel as if it is ready to jump out of my chest any moment now. Alexis fucks me so rapidly that my breasts would jiggle, were they not squashed against his chest. He breaks the kiss again and cries, “Oh god, honey, you’re so damn hot!” And with that, he shoots his load into me. His orgasm sweeps me along, and I come with an ear-piercing scream.


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