Only You: Second Chance Series

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Only You: Second Chance Series Page 4

by Luxx Monroe

  “What was that?” she asked and turned around, facing me by the door.

  “Nothing. I should get started. Do you need me to do anything else?”

  She shook her head and then pointed back to the kitchen. “No, no. I just wanted to tell you that I made some fresh lemonade. Help yourself; it’s in the fridge.” She smiled, which made my dick twitch a little more, making my exit that much more urgent. Fresh lemonade? She might as well have started to suck me off, because that shit was my weakness.

  “Thanks. I will for sure take you up on that offer.” She smiled back.

  “Oh, and I am going to be upstairs. I have a few people coming over tonight for dinner, so just come on in whenever you’d like.”

  I nodded with a chuckle because she was basically repeating herself. “Got it, help myself.”

  A slight blush rose in her cheeks and for some sick reason I loved that I had an effect on her. “Right, so yeah. Help yourself.”

  “You said that,” I said with a smile, and she started to laugh nervously.

  “I did, didn’t I?” She closed her eyes tightly and then slowly reopened them. “Anyway, it’s actually Gary and Krista who are coming over, so it won’t be too weird if you’re still here.”

  “That’s cool. Gary mentioned something about dinner at your place tonight.”

  Lena didn’t say anything right away, but I noticed her eyes were darting around the room. I made her really nervous, and I fucking loved it. “Right, and some other people. I’m actually having a guy come over. It’s the first guy I’ve invited over since, you know. Well, anyway, I don’t know why I just told you that.”

  Hearing that some other guy was coming over here to eat with Lena did something foreign to me, and I didn’t like that feeling one bit. But who the hell was I to get upset with her for dating? My aunt had mentioned something about getting Lena out there again, but for some reason it didn’t sit well with me. But she could never know about that. “Sounds fun, and don’t worry, I should be long gone by then.”

  We both nodded, and soon the quiet let me know it was time to get to work.



  For some ridiculous reason, the minute the clock in my living room chimed 5:30, all hell broke loose.

  “Kris, it’s okay. You have a puking child. You need to stay home. I get it. I’m not mad at all.”

  I could hear Krista yelling for Gary in the background, and I actually felt really bad for her. “Thanks, hun, but I am really sorry. I know how important it was for us to be there tonight, but you got this. Really.”

  Call-waiting started to chime before I was able to reply, so I told her good luck and switched over to tell Kirk the news that it would only be the two of us.

  “Hey, Kirk,” I said while finishing up the jalapeño poppers I was about to place in the oven.

  “Lena, hi.”

  “I’m so glad you called, because I was actually just about to do the same thing. Gary and Krista aren’t able to make it. Looks like it’s just us tonight, if that works for you?”

  I could hear Kirk groan, and I wasn’t quite sure how to take it. Was he really sad to be alone with me? Maybe I wasn’t as observant as I’d like to think and what we had the other night was just a fun friends’ night out.

  “I’m so sorry to do this to you, but something just came up. My ex was supposed to take Colton this weekend, but she isn’t able to. I need to get him to a football camp by six. I’m so sorry, but I need to cancel.”

  I pushed start button on the oven with a sigh and then looked at all the food that I’d just cooked. Looked like I’d be Tequila Lena all by myself. “It’s really okay, and I completely understand. We’ll reschedule. Just get Colton to where he needs to be and let me know when another night works.”

  “Friday, let me take you out to dinner on Friday. This camp he’s going to is for the entire week, so I’ll be very lonely. Keep me company, yeah?”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips. “Yeah, dinner sounds perfect.”

  After we hung up, I really wasn’t feeling that much better, but I did have a lot of food to eat. And margaritas to drink. I walked over to my sink and looked out the window to my back deck. Dax was nowhere to be seen, and I figured he’d left a while ago, but then I caught a glimpse of him walking to the back edge of my lawn, and of course he was shirtless.

  Well, I can’t let these margaritas go to waste. Might as well enjoy the show.

  I grabbed the pitcher of pure goodness and poured myself a generous amount. “Here’s to a great fiesta,” I said with a giggle and downed my first drink way too fast.

  Watching Dax work and drinking margaritas was my new favorite hobby. His muscles moved in all the right ways, and I found myself having some very dirty thoughts while he finished weeding an area in the back corner of my lawn.

  I picked up one of the sombreros Krista had dropped off earlier and placed it on my head. The tequila was already making its way through my body, and I figured I might as well have a good time. Pushing play on a new mix I’d created the day before had my hips swaying and my drink splashing.

  I had only looked away from the yard for a few minutes, but I was surprised by how sad I was that Dax was nowhere to be found. He left, I thought, and was disappointed that my ogling was done for the night.

  After refilling my drink, a new song came on and I squealed with excitement. The tune that blared through my kitchen was one of my very favorites from high school. My body was now into the motion of the music, and as I turned around, Dax was standing right in front of me with a very amused look on his face.

  “Shit!” I shrieked and splashed a little of my drink down the front of my shirt. “Fuck, you scared me!” I said loudly over the music, which made Dax laugh even harder.

  “I seriously never know what I’m going to get when I walk up on you,” he said with a smirk while I walked over to pause my obnoxious music.

  Trying to not look more like an idiot, I grabbed a towel and attempted to blot some of the liquid that had soaked the front of my shirt. “I didn’t want this all to go to waste, so I decided to just embrace it,” I said more to myself than to him.

  “Go to waste? What happened to your date?”

  It was impossible to miss the hint of sarcasm in his voice, and that made my eyebrow lift a little. Was Dax upset I had a date? I turned around and took in his bare chest, but only for a second because he was already pulling a shirt over his head. Dammit.

  “It was more of a get-together, but it was all canceled. Brock is sick, so Krista and Gary are staying home. Kirk needed to take his son to some camp, so yeah. Here I am.”

  Dax looked me up and down and grinned. “There you are. Sombrero and all.”

  I rolled my eyes and touched the large hat on my head and completely lost it. My hysterical laughs quickly turned into sobs, and soon I was a blubbering mess.

  “Hey, hey, I was totally kidding. Come here, what’s wrong?” Dax gently coaxed me over to him and placed his hand on my shoulder. I didn’t know why, but it had been such a long time since a man had held me that I just wanted to have that feeling again, if only for a second. Even if it was with my best friend’s nephew. I needed it more than anything at that moment.

  I knew he wasn’t expecting me to just walk into his arms, but he also didn’t miss a beat and wrapped his large hands around my waist and pulled me in. He smelled like a working man, and it was more intoxicating than the damn tequila. The mix of his woodsy deodorant and the sweat from working had me feeling so many things that I knew then that I was going insane.

  “I’m just not used to this,” I sobbed into his chest, and tried to compose myself. But once the floodgates were open, I was a mess for a good few minutes. “I don’t want to date, but I know I need to get out there. I’m not good at this, Dax. And now I have all this food and tequila to drink. I’m a mess.”

  I could feel his chuckle move across his tight chest, and I couldn’t help what I
did next. I needed to feel him. My hands quickly roamed up his body before pushing myself away from him. “Sorry about that. I’m okay, just frustrated.”

  Seeing a bit of sympathy in his eyes made me feel even more like a loser, but hey, it could only go up from here.

  “Don’t be sorry. I get it. The dating scene is seriously overrated.” He winked at me and motioned toward the pitcher of margaritas. “Do you mind if I join you? I’d hate to see all of this food go to waste, and I’m so hungry I could probably polish most of this off for you.”

  I brushed a little moisture from under my eyes and quickly nodded. “I’d love that, Dax. Thanks.”

  “Why don’t you go change and I’ll get our plates ready, yeah?”

  Looking down at the front of my shirt, I noticed that the spilled drink had made it completely see-through and my white bra and cleavage were on display. Jared had always told me that I had the best rack he’d ever laid eyes on, and I secretly wondered if that’s why he’d started talking to me in high school in the first place. And hell, Dax had already had this show before, so it was nothing new.

  “Right. Don’t think this is going to be a normal thing. I’m going to have to start charging you a fee if I keep putting myself on display.” I laughed more to myself and then realized how inappropriate my comment was. “Sorry, that was the tequila talking, not me.” I smiled and brushed past him to the stairs. What the hell was my problem? No sex. That’s exactly what my problem was.



  Scooping out the enchiladas that were sitting in front of me had my mouth watering like crazy. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had an actual home-cooked meal. My aunt wasn’t anything to write home about when it came to her cooking skills, but she was good at having food delivered. I heard the oven ding, and I pulled open the door to see some of the best looking poppers in my life. “Damn,” I said and grabbed the mitt sitting next to the stove.

  I pulled out the sheet and set it carefully on top of the range. After turning off the oven, I went back to getting some food on our plates.

  A few minutes later, dinner was ready to eat, and I was sitting at the table drinking a margarita when Lena came trotting down the stairs. She had changed completely and was wearing another loose sundress. It was a deep blue, which made her eyes pop out like crazy.

  “You look beautiful,” I said and stood to pull out a chair for her.

  “You’re too sweet. I’m so surprised you’re walking around this world as a single guy. I would figure that girls would be throwing themselves at you left and right.”

  Smiling, I pushed in her chair and gave her a little wink. “Like I said earlier, the dating scene is overrated.”

  Lena scooped up a bit of rice and looked at me before placing it in her mouth. “Uh-oh. What’s her name?” she asked and then slowly moved her fork between her lips.

  Watching the metal of the fork disappear into her mouth made my dick twitch, because hell, I was a guy and all I could think about was what it would be like if those lips were wrapped around my cock.

  “There was no girl. I mean, there were plenty of ‘girls,’” I said, using air quotes, “but none who kept my attention.”

  “So you’re a player,” she said playfully and took a large drink of her margarita.

  “Maybe was, but not anymore. I’m ready to settle down and get out of that era.” I matched her drink and soon we were in need of a new pitcher. “Damn, these are good. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re trying to get me drunk.”

  Lena snorted loudly, which made us both laugh so hard that soon we were completely red-faced and acting like we were teenagers.

  “This is fun,” she said and walked over to the kitchen to get more margarita mix.

  A few laughs—and some completely embarrassing stories—later, Lena had accomplished her goal. I was feeling the tequila. After just being in college, that was a feat in itself.

  “Let me help you clean up,” I said and stood up to grab her plate, but she was grabbing the opposite side at the same time, making us both try to awkwardly grab the plate, and that sent it sailing to the ground. I closed my eyes at the loud crash, and I knew it had shattered into a million little pieces.

  “Shit!” she yelled and started to pick up the mess we’d created. I bent down with her and was picking up more pieces when we both let it go and started laughing hysterically all over again. “Can this night seriously get any worse?”

  I would have laughed, but I thought our night was fucking perfect. “Come on, I wasn’t that bad of company. Was I?”

  Lena looked up at me with those mesmerizing blue eyes, and shook her head. “God, no. You’ve been the best company I’ve had in a very long time. I had a great time with you, Dax. Thank you so much for staying.”

  After we had finished picking up as many pieces as we could of shattered ceramic, we started to make our way to the sink, and without speaking, we cleaned up the entire mess from dinner.

  Doing the dishes together was so comfortable that it felt like we had done it a million times before. Shit, just being around Lena made me feel like she had been in my life forever. “Thanks again for tonight. I can’t remember the last time I had a meal like that.”

  “Stop, you’re being too nice.”

  Watching Lena lower her head down to her chest made my own heart tighten. The asshole ex of hers must have never told her how amazing she was, because it was like she thought I was lying. “Don’t do that,” I said and stepped closer to her so our bodies were almost touching.

  “Do what?” she asked and looked up at me, licking her lips while flicking her eyes down to my own mouth and back to my eyes.

  “Act like that. Your cooking is fucking amazing. Be proud of that. Don’t assume I’m lying to be nice.”

  Lena didn’t say anything, but I did notice that her chest was moving at a much faster rate, and her breathing was becoming louder.

  “You’re nervous around me,” I said, more of a statement than a question, and watched as her tongue flicked out of her mouth again, wetting her lips.

  “A little,” she said and tried to look away from me.

  “Don’t do that, either. Don’t look away from me.”

  Lena laughed a little and went to move past me, but I pushed my arms by her sides, corralling her between me and the sink. “I like that I make you nervous,” I said in a much huskier voice than I intended.

  “Dax,” she whispered, and looked down at my lips one last time. “You’re Krista’s nephew.”

  Without thinking, I slowly leaned forward and placed my head against hers, feeling her body tighten at the contact. “I know,” I said and closed my eyes.

  I pulled back and felt her wanting to move, but for some reason I couldn’t let that happen. My body had a mind of its own at that point, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Lena’s breath hitched when I reached forward and tucked a long piece of hair behind her ear. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Do you know that? How gorgeous you are?”

  “Stop,” she said with a laugh and tried to play my comment off as a joke, but I wasn’t joking. “You are. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  Lena raked her eyes over my body and looked up at me with doe eyes. “Why? I’m so much older than you. You could go out and get any girl your age. I’m not even close to your league.”

  I reached my thumb up to her wet lips and that did all the talking for me. Brushing it slowly across her mouth, she automatically opened it slightly for me. She sucked in my thumb, and I let out a low growl, and before we knew it, my mouth was on hers and we were kissing like we’d never be able to get enough.

  Everything in me snapped and soon my hands were wrapped around Lena’s waist, pulling her ass right up on the counter. I scooted her to the side of the sink so I would be able to step in between her legs. She complied and pulled me to her.

  “You are everything I imagined. From the minute I saw you in that damn see-through n
ighty thing, I knew I wanted you,” I groaned as he started to lift my shirt.

  I moved my hand to the strap of her dress and gently started to pull it down. She wasn’t wearing a bra. That made me grin. That was evidence that she though this very thing could happen. Even if she knew she shouldn’t want this to happen; she was hoping it would.

  Without speaking, she continued to pull my shirt over my head, and soon I was half naked and hoping she would be the same.

  When I pulled her dress down far enough that the rose-colored bud of her nipple broke free, I almost came in my jeans. Fuck, she was so perfect.

  I pushed her back a bit, positioning her nipple perfectly. As I slowly flicked my tongue over her peak, she emitted a moan that would have made any man come undone. “You’re killing me,” I muttered, and sucked her nipple into my mouth. With my other hand, I reached over to the other side of her dress to set her other breast free. She was bare in front of me, and I was fully enjoying myself. Her chest was amazing. My hands weren’t able to fully grab her breast, which was hard to believe because I’ve always thought I had huge hands.

  “You have amazing boobs,” I said while she let out a soft moan. “Seriously.” I groaned and she reached around me and ran her nails up my back. “Fuck, that feels good.”

  Her moans matched mine and soon I made my way to her other nipple, taking my time, sucking and licking her perfect tit.

  “Dax, we can’t be doing this,” she said in a husky voice. Her words didn’t match her actions, but I also knew she had a point. I was so grateful to my aunt and uncle that I didn’t want to mess anything up, but having this woman in front of me, so hot and horny… I couldn’t just walk away. I needed to make her come. I needed to have that at least.

  “We’re not doing anything wrong. This doesn’t feel wrong, does it?” I asked and slowly made my way to the hem of her dress, lifting it up so I could see her creamy white thighs. “And this definitely doesn’t feel wrong.” I pushed her legs apart and gently stroked her inner thigh with my finger. I moved higher and felt her drenched panties; she wanted this.


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