EMP Causality

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EMP Causality Page 10

by Michael Kravitz

  Jessica smiled and commented, “Yes, I can. I will ask him to boil some hot water. I am sure his friend Sarah can help with your clothes.”

  “Sarah? Friend?” Camille remarked with a big smile.

  “Well, we are working on it,” Jessica said proudly.

  “We?” Camille said with a little curiosity.

  “My mother and I. It’s time for Randy to take a break from his Buick.”

  “My god, this is better than HBO. You have a regular soap opera going on. We will call it The Daily Events of the Randal Clan.”

  Jessica smiled; she needed a little humor. Immediately she got a hold of her brother. She also told him that Camille needed to borrow some clothes. She insisted that Sarah could handle that department. Her mother, the divorcee, was close to Camille’s shape. Randy said fine. Little did Randy know, he was being set up, like a frog on a slow burn. Truth be told, Randy does find Sarah attractive.

  He isn’t the forty-year-old virgin yet. Without Jessica and her mom, I am sure he would be. It’s not divine intervention. More like a family nudge, to steer him in the right direction.

  In Ben’s eye, this is going from worse to super-super worse. Maybe he should use his gun to end it. How about just burning at the stake. After all, the fire pit was super-hot. No, how about using a knife? He could charge at a gang of thugs. Of course they would fill him with the spent bullets from their 9mm. At least he would go out in glory and get the respect he deserved.

  Ben put his hands on his knees. He smiled, like in a good Rocky movie. Ben said to himself, Heh! Adrienne, I am getting the crap knocked out of me. Time to go to bed. In the morning, I’ll climb those stairs in my sweats. Whoops! No stairs. How about just a casual walk to William’s house? Yeah, that’s it.

  At least William is friendly, neutral. Ben decided to check out early. He could read a book. Maybe War and Peace. Actually, a book with a lot of pictures. This was not Ben’s night. Maybe tomorrow would be better?

  Will you believe next week will be better?” Realizing it was too much for him, Ben just went inside the house.”

  Both Alice and Jessica are noticing the toll that this family feud is having on Ben. Then Alice thought, What about Jessica? She was an underage woman going into hostile territory. No one knew if Jessica would be seen again alive. At least Joshua did protect her. He also saw to it that she came home fine. How many have already lost their lives because of this EMP blast? Even though things are tense at the Randal clan, they are still alive.

  The rest of the afternoon went well. It was strange to see Randy sitting next to Sarah. Jessica helped her mom with clothes and a little house cleaning. Camille was in heaven. She was sitting in a nice hot bathtub. The drunk even offered to bring her a glass of red wine. The divorcee told him she would bring her the wine. Doesn’t get much better than this. Alice and Jessica did wash Camille’s clothes. Tomorrow was going to be an important day for her.

  She was going to meet with Officer Ryan.

  Now both William, Fred, and Camille are seeking safe passage to Tent City.

  Ben had asked Ann (Officer Ryan’s wife) about William and Fred. Ben knew he could not choose between Camille and Fred. He could not have wars on multiple fronts. Let Officer Ryan take the heat for choosing. Neither Camille nor William knew that each were seeking passage to Tent City. Camille did confide in Ben. He basically let her know that Officer Ryan should show up tomorrow. Ben did offer to let her sleep on the sofa.

  As the afternoon wore on, Camille just circulated with other collaborative members. Soon even Jessica decided to turn in. It was strange; as dusk started to settle, only a few people were still up. There was smoke and the crackle of a 9mm going off almost every hour. To most of the members of the collaborative, it became tolerable.

  Randy and Sarah were still sitting up by the fire. They both will have war stories to tell their young’uns. That is, if Randy doesn’t become a forty-year-old virgin. Maybe Sarah needs to start the foreplay. Still, it was a comforting site. It only took an EMP blast to wake Randy up.

  It was time, even for Randy and Sarah, to get some shut eye. Everyone to his own castle. The only sad one left was the drunk. He was a welcoming relief for the collaborative. Yet he was alone, and his house was in need of repair. He was left a lot of money when his wife died. He only went to the liquor store. To him, he just wanted to stay in a constant alcoholic stew. In a way, it’s like going to the dentist; you get the Novocain to numb the pain. When the drilling is done, the Novocain wears off. The drunk really feels when the alcohol blitz he is on finally subsides; he will be in heaven with his wife. He never cared about his house. But he was always paranoid that he would run out of liquor.

  Each time the social worker went to the drunk’s house, she (or he) would see more and more liquor added to his personal stock. When they ask him “Don’t you think you have enough liquor?” he would always reply, “There’s never enough liquor.” With canned goods of food piling up, they started to bring him meals on wheels. Thing is, he did like the company. He would always be polite. He just didn’t want any lectures about how he should be living his life.

  To him, it was like a prolonged type of suicide. He was not hurting anyone. The only person who can make him whole has left this world and has gone to the other side.

  Besides the social worker, the only other person who has tried to help him was Jessica. Now Jessica has her own problems, her own path to travel.

  She still encourages him to eat, just not as often as before.

  Today was a warm day, but nights are now becoming a little uncomfortable. One can open a window as long as there was a screen. Without electricity, there is very little one can do to keep cool. At least Gilligan’s island had a constant ocean breeze. Here in Boston west, everyone suffered. But not as much as in Florida.

  Ever hear the phrase “Something is in the air”? The Jumanji board was now moving several pieces at the same time. Tomorrow will be a new beginning. Many had a restless night, but dawn started with a slight drizzle. This was a welcome break from the heat.

  Today Ben did get up first. He knew Randy would be up soon. Ann (Officer Ryan’s wife) said Officer Ryan would be back from prison duty. When he returns from work, he always makes the rounds. There are several elderly who are near his home. He graciously checks on them. He then stops by Ben’s collaborative. It is a time for him to unwind. Usually he stops by in the early afternoon. This way, if he had a few drinks, he would not have to worry.

  It was early morning. Ben just made himself an egg and ham sandwich. With canned ham, how you can go wrong? He felt in the afternoon that there will be a variety of food. There were lots of cooks in the collaborative. Walking to William’s house served a few purposes. He needed to clear his mind, time to focus on William’s needs. Fred is a human being. Isn’t his life just as valuable as the rest? Both William and Ben feel it is. Fred really should be with a doctor for a needed checkup. It is like a ticking time bomb. It is not only the right insulin; it is also his blood pressure and cholesterol meds, which are now depleted.

  As far as Camille is concerned, she has been a family friend for several years. That is all Ben has to do, to Tell Camille he has promised William and Fred safe passage to Tent City. His daughter, Jessica, would really go ballistic. Enough is enough. He just wants to tell William that today is the day that Officer Ryan will show up.

  This morning, Jessica was on a different page. She knew that Joshua would be writing another letter. Jessica knew she had to respond to him. Joshua has indicated to her that he wanted to confront her father. First, this frightened her. She did not want any more problems. Her mind is reaching a fever pitch. Something has to give. Listening to Camille did send some flags up. In the end, she knew that Joshua was the right fit for her. She is trying to grasp the obligations of being responsible for daily bills. Her whole life, dad and mom paid for all her expenses. On the other hand, Jessica has been responsible. School did come first, and on weekends and nights, she did help
her mom. How is that not being responsible?

  If she did hook up with Joshua, she did not want it to be liability. The power grid will be back in a few months. All right, she thought, I can take this a little slower. As long as it is between Joshua and her, her dad cannot interfere. If he did, she would run off again. To do that, though, would put even more stress on Joshua. With Joshua’s letter in her hand, she read it so many times that she could recite it from memory. Looking at her bedroom mirror, she said, “Well, girl, time to grow up, time to write her own letter.” She kissed his letter and grabbed a paper and pen to begin.

  Dear Joshua, my love. I have read your letter countless times. So many times that I have it to memory. Life here is almost unbearable. I am trying to be cordial toward my dad, but it is hard. He seems sad, but it will not change his point of view. I think of you, Joshua, constantly, to be with you, to touch you. Even to smell your own body odor. It is my hope that soon, I can spend some time with you. My father can only do so much to stop me. I know you are trying to reach out to me about obligations. I want this to be a team effort. I will help in any way I can. I really want to make you happy, Joshua. I love you so much. I am willing to take our time. I will go to nursing school, I will contribute, just give me a chance. My whole life, I have studied and I have helped my mom cook and clean. My father will not be in our way, as long as you stand with me. My father needs to know. He can only delay, not stop our union. Love you, Jessica

  Jessica read her letter several times. It is hard to be calm and calculated when one’s emotions are like an overloaded, circuit board. She sprinkled a little perfume on it. A smile came to her face, progress, it was a taste of progress. Now she had to figure out how to place it under the rock near William’s house. Jessica put the letter in the plastic bag. It was early morning; time to go outside for some breakfast. Peace, that is what Jessica feels right now. Her dad was not there, thank God. Others, including Mr. Henderson’s son, were there. Time to circulate.

  It was different, neither Randy nor Sarah were here. Must have been a late night for them. It is way too early for the drunk. Camille was already up. I guess sleeping on the sofa can do that for you. Jessica decided after breakfast to take a bath herself. These sponge baths are getting old. She will wait for Randy to get up. If she tries to dump hot water on herself, her dad will interfere. At least the drizzle has cooled the air.

  After a while, Mr. Henderson and the union man showed up. They both volunteered to heat some water from the well. It is a pain to take a bath outside, but it does work. Jessica smiled and said she would like to go first. Today something was different. Her dad and William were not there. Something must be happening.

  After the water was heated, the union man poured a few buckets into the tub. He also put a few buckets of hot water near the tub. With the tarp closed tightly, Jessica stripped of her clothes. Gingerly, she put her toe into the warm water. Ah, just like baby bear, the water was not too hot nor cool. A touch of heaven. Maybe next time, she can light up a few incense candles. With a towel and small mirror next to her, she melted into a blissful escape, an escape from all the hardships caused from the EMP blast.

  It was several minutes of soaking before an inner alarm went off. Raising her arms to wash herself, she noticed how thin she had become. Quickly she picked up the mirror. One hand held the mirror and the other touched her Face. “S——! I have to start eating. I look pale. I cannot let Joshua see me this way. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Jessica lay the mirror down. She flung her arms over the side of the tub. With a deep breath, she just lay there for several minutes.

  Time to stop being an insecure teenager. She made a vow to take care of herself. Growing up is so hard to do. Wouldn’t it be a lot easier just to be Peter Pan? You can just fly around for a couple of centuries. No need to worry about school loans, down-payments, rushing to appointments. Just endless flying; just make sure your stupid hat doesn’t come off.

  As she lay in the hot tub, images of the divorcee and Camille came into her swarming head. “I know I have to stop eating like a rabbit. I just don’t want to blow up. After all, she needs to please Joshua. She doesn’t want Joshua to take an interest in other women. Ah, stop already! I am becoming an insecure teenager again. My mother is secure, and dad still loves her.”

  Jessica stepped out of the tub. The water was getting cooler and she didn’t want to look like a prune. She put on her jeans. Time to get a fresh pair of jeans. Walking out of the tub area, she thanked the union man for his help and headed for her bedroom. There, she exchanged clothes. Jessica just made sure that the two letters stayed with her.

  As she walked outside, the drizzle continued. It seemed like it was near noontime. Finally, Randy and Sarah showed up. Off in the distance, Ben and William’s family also showed up. Camille too was there. She seemed deep in thought. Looking at William’s face, he too seemed to be on a mission. It was not a normal day at the Randal residence.

  Alice, Randy, Mr. Henderson, and most who were there did not sense anything different. It was Jessica who could sense a change. Something is going down. With the fire pit roaring, Alice and the divorcee started to cook. Several of the collaborative members were already looking to eat. It was past noon, and now even the drunk stumbled in. Hopefully, he still had a liver to function with. Jessica saw the drunk and immediately grabbed his arm. “Today we both have to turn over a new leaf,” Jessica said to the drunk.

  They both went to the fire pit and had a plate in their hands. When your stomach shrinks, the hunger pangs also seem to go away. Jessica and the drunk were not hungry. She knew, for their health, they both had to eat. The drunk had mixed feelings. He was not hungry; he also didn’t like being taken away from his bottle. Like a baby sucking on a nipple, the drunk needed that constant high.

  The only saving grace was that he liked Jessica. She was the only one who really cared about him. Besides, she was a young and pretty girl. Even though she lost a lot of weight, the drunk saw her through blurry eyes. I guess it is better than rose-colored glasses.

  They both sat down together. Jessica was going to force both the drunk and herself to finish the whole plate. Every time the drunk wanted to wash his food down with an alcoholic drink, Jessica would banter him to drink water first. First time was hard. I am sure if she did this, once a day, both of their bodies would have positive effects.

  After they finished, Jessica took the plates and had them washed. When she turned around, the drunk was already hitting the bottle. In reality, Jessica was only causing, a delay in the game. Oh well, she thought, better than doing nothing. As the drizzle came down a little harder, Jessica sought cover under one of the tarps. Mr. Henderson and his sons put up several tarps. His construction company had worked for many high-end customers. He knew enough to put the tarps on his customers’ lawns.

  Soon after Jessica sat down, Officer Ryan drove up in his antique motorcycle. He had his state police rain gear on. With the engine stopped, Officer Ryan, extended the kickstand out. Ben came to greet him. It was always a welcoming sight to see a police officer with his side arm. Although he was not on duty, Officer Ryan’s uniform gave notice that this route was protected. They both went over to the fire pit. Officer Ryan was looking forward to a good home-cooked meal.

  After they exchanged salutations and small talk, Officer Ryan turned to Ben.

  “My wife has indicated to me that you were interested in getting William and Fred to Tent City,” Officer Ryan commented as he kept enjoying his meal.

  “Yes, Fred has many health issues—high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. He only has some old insulin. William feels he is a ticking time bomb. There is no way of knowing without some blood work,” Ben remarked as William was looking on from afar.

  “Hmmm. I see,” Officer Ryan uttered as he continued eating.

  “Then there is Camille,” Ben said with a little sigh.

  “What’s her story?” Officer Ryan asked.

  “Her nephew was killed, very sad.
She wants to go to Tent City near the Mississippi River. There she can travel to Houston to give her sister the news,” Ben said with a little deliberation. Ben sounded like a lieutenant to Carlo Gambino, the famous NYC mafia boss.

  Officer Ryan put down his empty plate of food. He looked at Ben.

  “Your wife is a damn good cook, thank you. Just don’t tell Ann she has a license to carry and she is a good shot,” Officer Ryan said with a little laugh.

  “Do me a favor, Ben. Let me talk first with William alone. When I am done, I will talk to Camille,” Officer Ryan commented as he picked at his teeth.

  I guess the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

  Ben nodded to Officer Ryan. He looked at William and put up his index finger. It was his way of saying he will be there in one minute. Ben went right over to Camille. He explained to her that Officer Ryan wanted to talk to William for a few minutes. She really had no say in the matter. When Camille came over to Ben’s house, it was without any prior notification. It was the first time Ben even knew, that Camille was interested in going to a tent city. Ben has the upmost respect for Camille. She has parented her daughter Vivian very well.

  Camille understood, she has come this far. She will wait. Ben then went to William and told him that Officer Ryan will speak to him alone.

  All this undercurrent was picked up by both Alice and Jessica. After all, when there is a cold war going on, one notices every move your adversary makes.

  Alice could not take the suspense any longer. She walked up to Jessica.

  “Are you seeing what I am seeing?” Alice asked her daughter, Jessica.

  “Yes ma, something is up! But what?” Jessica said.

  “I am not sure. But in a while, I will go over and talk to Camille. This breakdown of communications with your dad has a big downside.

  With dusk settling in, and most eyes on Officer Ryan, Jessica had a wild idea.

  Timing is everything. She was definitely curious, but she had a more pressing task. She needed to put her letter under the rock near William’s house.


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