EMP Causality

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EMP Causality Page 13

by Michael Kravitz

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  Camille was outside talking to the union man’s wife when she heard Officer Ryan approach. It was a moment of truth. One could hear his antique motorcycle from a long distance. The mufflers did not stifle the sound very well. Officer Ryan drove to within fifty feet of the fire pit. Everyone is happy when he shows up. Not only does he represent a sense of security, but he also keeps everyone abreast of what is happening.

  As soon as he stopped the engine, he pulled out the kickstand. Taking off his Helmet, he noticed who was at the Randal residence. First he went over to talk to Ben. In a way, this made Camille nervous. If it was bad news, I guess he would inform Ben first. Camille was trying to compose herself. She has had to deal with a lot of negativity lately. She had her hoodie sweatshirt on. It was warm, but she was getting annoyed with all the bugs.

  Today Officer Ryan was in his civilian clothes. Maybe his wife was called in to do a shift. The state police have been trying to alternate them. This way, someone would always be at their house. It keeps the neighborhood safe; plus, the Ryans have too many important documents and firearms.

  After several minutes, Ben waved for both William and Camille to come over. Camille had knots in her stomach. William would make a good poker player. He always tried to keep his emotions in check. It took a few minutes for both them to walk over. When they arrived, Officer Ryan looked each into their eyes.

  “I have talked with both of you. Both of you have valid reasons to go on this road trip. I have had a hard talk with Ann. She is one talented policewoman. She needs to brief the authorities as to what is going on here. I have all the confidence in her actions. Beyond that, she is also my wife, and I love her very much. I know the dangers that she is going to face.

  It is the illegal biker gangs that concern me the most,” Officer Ryan said as he paused.

  For the next few moments, Officer Ryan had to compose himself. He put his right hand over his face. I guess the pain was more than he could bear. With his shirt sleeve, he wiped a tear from his eye.

  “My wife and I had a serious talk. She knows that William and Fred have a serious medical condition. This definitely warrants a trip,” Officer Ryan said slowly. He then turned and looked at Camille.

  “Our arguments were about you. I told her I understand why you want to go. You have to understand that my wife’s health and well-being are important to me,” Officer Ryan commented and then paused.

  At this point, Camille felt rejected. She knows she is up to the task. What can she do? She really left no stone unturned. Her left hand was on her mouth.

  “My wife is a stubborn woman. I guess it’s her early childhood. Whatever you said to her made an impression,” Officer Ryan commented as he was still looking at Camille.” She insisted that you can match any man when it comes to protecting a love one. Get your things in order. She will be by in three days.

  I must warn you, this will be a difficult and dangerous trip,” Officer Ryan warned as he turned his head away. He didn’t even say goodbye.

  He paused and put his left hand on his face. After a moment of composing himself again, he started up his antique motorcycle. Without looking at anyone, he took his two fingers and waved them a few inches. It was his way of saying goodbye and “I will catch you later.”

  What a roller coaster moment! Camille could feel her heart pounding. Total shock! She is going on a road trip. Now she was given orders not only to guard her own life, but that of Ann’s. She never thought of it this way. She realizes that Officer Ryan is right. Camille is taking the place of a man. Perhaps a much younger man who is in top shape. Camille now knows she must protect Ann at all cost.

  William, Ben, and Camille did not talk. It really was what you call a “Kodak moment.” It will define them in more ways than we can count. Instinctively, the three of them mingled with other people. There will be a lot of time for them to commiserate.

  Camille sought out Randy. She wanted to go home for the night. It is important that she see her daughter and gets to spend the night with her. Randy agreed and asked Sarah if she wanted to go for the ride. At least Sarah’s mom is happy.

  Something is in the air. Alice and Jessica felt it. They both saw Camille’s face. Alice knew she got her wish. Alice could only wish her the best. Jessica really didn’t know what was going on. She only knew that a road trip of importance is happening. It has been a stressful day for everyone; not only for the Randal family, but for the whole collaborative.

  Jessica really wanted to share her good news, but with whom? If Jessica was to enter womanhood, she needs to be responsible. She remembered the old saying “Loose lips sinks ships.” No matter whom she told, it might come back to haunt her. Besides, she knew soon Joshua would have his confrontation.

  Even though it is an unwelcoming event, it must be done.

  Back at Daniel’s house, Joshua has made up his mind. Today was the day that he must make peace with himself and Jessica. If nothing else, Jessica’s honor must be restored. That night Joshua did not sleep very well. It is a long bike ride. To do the bike ride with a 9mm gun in his pants seemed unnatural.

  Joshua is not afraid. He has already done it twice. The road has become a safe passage. Early in the mornings, at least twice a week, Daniel or another collaborative member made the trip. Most of the thugs stay clear. There are too many other vulnerable victims for them to attack.

  It was early in the morning when Joshua got up. While his dad was still asleep, he used the bathroom to wash up and shave. Looking in the mirror in the early morning light, he muttered, “Time to cowboy up.” He almost reached for the aftershave lotion to make a good impression for his encounter with Ben. But a little voice in his head told him, This isn’t what Clint Eastwood would do. So Joshua dropped the aftershave idea and continued to prep for the trip. Checking his 9mm, Joshua made sure there was a round in the chamber.

  Every split second would count in a firefight.

  Looking in the refrigerator, he noticed his mom made a few sandwiches.

  His mom heard Joshua walk by. Joshua walked up to his mom and kissed her on her forehead. Softly, Joshua said, “I am going for a bike ride. I will be back early afternoon.”

  His mom slightly squinted. She saw the 9mm in his pants. “Be careful, son! And by the way, if you see Jessica, say hello to her for me.” She then rolled over and went back to sleep.

  Joshua shook his head side to side. He raised his hands slightly and held his palms up. To himself, he muttered, “How in the world does she know?”

  Stepping outside, he noticed a few of the collaborative members by the fire. They brewed some morning coffee. At first, Joshua was just going to ignore them. But if he did that, it might cause a problem for later, so Joshua went over and joined them for a few minutes. He explained he needed to go for a bike ride for a few hours. It helped him physically and mentally. Usually Joshua wore sneakers for a bike ride. In these dangerous time, he thought boots would be a better idea. He also had a sweatshirt but tied it around his waist. This hid his 9mm from the other collaborative members.

  “Well, guys, see you in a few hours. I want to bike before it gets too hot,” Joshua remarked as he headed out. In Joshua’s mind, he had covered his bases.

  With a water bottle, sandwich, and his 9mm, Joshua was all set. Today he does not have to hide from Officer Ryan. Hopefully, he will never have to hide from him again.

  Joshua did not peddle hard. He wanted to make sure he will not be winded or sweaty. As the morning wore on, the sun started to really beat down. Every once in a while, someone would come out of their house. Most of the people have seen Joshua before. Besides, he is not dressed like the typical thug. With unruly hair, baggy pants, and potted faces, they always travel in packs, like wolves do. Joshua had spoken to the local residents a few times. To them, it was refreshing to see that Joshua is not afraid.

  It was a long and hard ride. As he approached Officer Randal’s house, he noticed Officer Ryan’s wife peeking through the windows. Joshua
kept peddling as he approached William’s house. Outside, William was sitting on the steps.

  Fred is chasing the squirrels away. William is in shock and did nothing. It was as if a gunslinger just entered Dodge. “Time to close the shutters on them windows.”

  Peddling for a few more minutes, Joshua could see the fire pit and several members for their usual gathering. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

  Jessica was still inside the house, but soon Alice ran into the house. She wanted Jessica to come outside.

  Joshua dismounted his bike and started to walk to the fire pit. He saw Ben. It was time, mano a mano. Ben was stymied as everyone else. Ben was about to say something to Joshua before he got any closer. Something inside of Ben told him to compose himself. He noticed his wife with their daughter, Jessica.

  Alice had her arms around Jessica. It was not to protect her; it was to prevent Jessica from running to Joshua.

  Joshua looked Ben in the eye as he put the kickstand out of his bike. Slowly, Joshua walked toward Ben. You could hear a pin drop. Only the noise of a faraway cracking of a 9mm could be heard. Ben noticed a bulge under Josh’s sweatshirt. He knew it was a gun. Too late, f—— it. I’d rather my family see me die like a man. Joshua stopped fifteen feet away. Ben thought it was his move.

  He had no idea what was going to happen.

  “Mr. Randal, sir. I just need five minutes of your time. You never let either your daughter or I talk,” Joshua said very deliberately. “Your daughter did nothing wrong. You have no right to be mad at her. It is me that you need to take out your anger on.” Joshua, at this point, glanced around quickly and saw Jessica. It gave him even more courage to go on. “No one would accompany me to go on a short trip. I did not know your daughter was underage. For that I take full responsibility. We got into a bad firefight. People died,” Joshua stated as Jessica interrupted.

  “He saved my life, Dad. Damn, do you understand? He protected me with his own life! What’s wrong with you? Jessica yelled in a loud voice. Alice still held onto her daughter tightly. The whole collaborative stayed silent.

  “I will not lie to you. I do love your daughter and she loves me. You can only stop us for so long. Soon she will be legal, and several months down the road, electricity will be coming back.

  Ben was totally speechless. It was as if he were the villain. He was a father, husband, and the founder of the collaborative. Ben fell to his knees and started to cry. In his mind, he has lost. He had lost the respect of his daughter, his wife, and the members of his collaborative.

  Immediately, Sarah’s mother (the divorcee who lives in the next house) ran to Ben.

  “Everyone here respects you, Ben. Everyone,” she said as she held Ben’s head.

  Joshua stopped talking.

  It was a pivotal moment. Somehow the divorcee hit the right chord. Alice still held on to her daughter. Somehow, she knew it had to all play out.

  On his knees, Ben had one hand held by the divorcee. With his other, he wiped away his tears. Ben stood up. He had to regain his composure, his manhood. Everyone stood silent. Joshua himself was in shock. He had no desire to bring Mr. Randal down. Basically, he accomplished what he needed to do.

  “Okay, Joshua, I got it. I have made some mistakes. My own wife says I am pigheaded. I think it took courage for you to come here. For that I commend you.

  Jessica is still my daughter. As long as she is under our roof, she will follow our rules. I also cannot tell a lie. I do have anger and hurt at what you did. Now, at least I know what happened. Jessica is a bright g—woman (He caught himself; he now knows she is a woman, but will always be Daddy’s little girl). She needs her high school diploma and really should go on to a higher education,” Ben concluded.

  Not knowing what to do next, Ben made one more announcement. “You can stay for a short visit and have something to eat with my daughter. After that, Randy will take you home.”

  The family feud is officially over. Alice let go of Jessica and put both hands on her face. She is extremely proud of both Joshua and her husband. Jessica did run to Joshua; she really cried as she hugged him. For Joshua he felt he had a new family and is heading in the right direction. At first, Alice also wanted to run toward Ben, but there are still deep emotional scars that need to be healed. The emotional roller-coaster ride has taken a toll.

  As Ben turned around there was the drunk with two drinks. Ben smiled and stated, “You’re like the oversized St. Bernard dog always carrying a whiskey barrel.” Ben patted him on the shoulders. “You’re a good man.”

  With that remark, the drunk’s ego shot up all the way to the moon. Ben took his drink and slowly walked over to the Randy, Sarah, and her mother (the divorcee next door). Ben was going to say something to her, but she made a gesture. She put her two fingers on her lips. It was her way of saying “Silence is golden.” Ben did a slight nod. She was a wise woman.

  Joshua also used common sense. Now that there is less stress in the collaborative, he really felt that a short visit would be in order. He and Jessica talked for about an hour. Jessica was now trying to put a little weight back on. Both of them sat and held hands the whole time. Sometimes Jessica would squeeze hard. Joshua did not want to hurt her, so he just smiled each time she squeezed his hand.

  Joshua got up and said it was time to leave. Jessica hugged him and for once, Alice had a smile. Ben just watched without emotion. Recovery will take a long time. It was time to leave. Jessica wanted to go for the ride. But Joshua intervened, “Baby steps. We need to take baby steps.”

  Jessica smiled and said, “You and you’re damn logic!” Joshua’s heart was filled with happiness.

  As Joshua left, he said to Jessica, “I will bike down in two weeks.” This will give them both time and also a little stability in their relationship.

  Joshua put his bike in the back trunk of Randy’s Buick. Sarah sat in the shotgun position and Joshua sat in back. Joshua asked Randy to drop him off a few hundred yards from his house. He still had to deal with his own father.

  Randy smiled. Enough drama for one day.

  On the way back, Randy felt it would be easier to go directly to Camille’s apartment complex. Tomorrow is the day that Ann (Officer Ryan’s wife) is going to stop by to pick up Camille and William. Going to Vivian and Camille’s apartment complex is always a challenge. There are several apartment complexes near them. It makes it easy pickings for the gangs and thugs, like shooting fish in a barrel. With all those people going to the armory, many of them fell prey to these lowlifes.

  It was a new experience for Sarah. She had a pair of her best designer jeans on. Before she left for the ride, Sarah struggled with which top to wear. Even her own mom got into the act. The mother went through her dresser for the perfect top. Sarah has a nice figure, but she does not want her daughter to be too revealing. “Ah, perfect!” she said of a red pull turtleneck sweater. Her mother insisted on a dab of perfume. Just a slight amount.

  Finally the mother stopped fussing with her daughter. Poor Randy, doesn’t even know he is being set up. Maybe it’s a good thing. If it was left up to him, he would be aging along with his Buick. Difference is, the Buick becomes more valuable. His value (unless he becomes rich) declines. Looking at Randy’s big smile, I do not think he is complaining.

  Some date. Sarah is sitting shotgun with a rifle in her lap and Randy has a gun on the dashboard. The red Buick is a tempting, shiny object. The only saving grace is that he has been to her complex several times. Most of the times, Randy was accompanied by his father or Mr. Henderson. The thugs are cowards.

  They are not going to engage in a firefight, too many other easier victims.

  Each time Randy drives to the apartment complex, it seems to get worse. Very few of the stalled cars have their windows intact. I understand breaking into a car for supplies. Why do they have to be vindictive and break windows for the thrill of it?

  Coming into the crashed gate, Randy sees more debris in front of him. There always seems to be a
foul odor that permeates the air. It is a mixture of rotting garbage, ash, and possibly decaying animals.

  Sarah is turning every which way looking for something. Randy handed her his handkerchief. It was still clean and folded. He just knew that Sarah would find the area and smell offensive. Little did Sarah know that Randy would use his handkerchiefs to check his oil level. It is a small secret that Randy will keep to himself.

  Pulling into the complex always gets the attention of the existing tenants. Hearing the engine, Camille grabs her 9mm and runs outside. She knew in an instant why Randy came. This is going to take several minutes. Camille had her bag packed. It is going to be a tearful departure. Vivian and her sister knew Camille is going on a dangerous journey.

  It took a good twenty minutes for everyone to say goodbye.

  Vivian was given countless instructions on how to use a 9mm.

  Randy promised he would be by at least once a week. Now that Jessica is home, Vivian will also be invited to sleep over at the Randals’ house. It would be like escaping to a safe house.

  Tears were in everyone’s eye. Going off on a journey that is full of danger is one thing; going without the use of cell phones is quite another challenge. Randy did say to Vivian that once her mother reaches safety, the state police barracks will be notified. They have communication that was protected by a Faraday cage. Camille got into Randy’s Buick. She sat in the back seat with a duffel bag. As Randy drove off, Camille turned around, wiping the tears with one hand and waving with the other. Randy and Sarah respected the moment and just kept quiet.

  The drive would take a good half hour. Young thugs were spotted a couple times. Randy instructed Sarah to put the barrel of the gun out the window. With the death of her nephew, Camille had more anger than fear. She gave her daughter the use of her 9mm. In a way, it emboldened her to make this trip. Camille is delighted she is paired off with Ann. It will be “Thelma and Louise, Part 2.”


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