Haunt & Havoc

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by Jeremy Dwyer

  Potion Voyages®

  Book 7: Haunt & Havoc

  By Jeremy Dwyer

  Copyright 2017 Jeremy Dwyer

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of articles or reviews, without express written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real locations, objects, events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and not intended by the author.

  Potion Voyages® is a registered trademark of Jeremy Dwyer.

  (Last Revised Wednesday, February 6, 2019)


  I’d like to thank my wife, Rachel, and our son, Ethan, for allowing me to work the long hours required to write this book.

  Ebook Cover Design was done by http://www.ebooklaunch.com.

  Visit the official website at http://www.potionvoyages.com for more information.

  Table of Contents

  CHAPTER 1: Expanding the Kingdom by the Powers of the Waters

  CHAPTER 2: Spiritual Master of the Kingdom of Illusions

  CHAPTER 3: Designing and Financing the City of the Light

  CHAPTER 4: Gathering of the Society of the Dead Waters

  CHAPTER 5: Intrusion upon the Society of the Dead Waters

  CHAPTER 6: Fierce Punishment for Wealth and Pleasure

  CHAPTER 7: Secret Construction of the City of Light

  CHAPTER 8: Expectations and Intentions for New Life to Come

  CHAPTER 9: Pursuit of the Path to the Quiet Sea

  CHAPTER 10: Spirit of Terror on the Open Sea

  CHAPTER 11: Commands of the King for War and Splendor

  CHAPTER 12: Secret of Darkness of Stars and Spirits

  CHAPTER 13: Reports of Darkness in the City of Truth

  CHAPTER 14: Deepest Mysteries of the Sky and Sea

  CHAPTER 15: Burning Thirst of the Outside World

  CHAPTER 16: Darkness and Burning of the Desert Sands

  CHAPTER 17: Captives of the Castle of the Spirit

  CHAPTER 18: Building of Monuments to the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 19: Chronicle of the Evils of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 20: Filled with Hate without Reason

  CHAPTER 21: Darkness upon the Empires of Corruption

  CHAPTER 22: Construction of the Greatest of Walls

  CHAPTER 23: Rivalry for the Affection of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 24: Legends and Demands of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 25: Witnesses of the War between Light and Darkness

  CHAPTER 26: Telling the Tale of the Island of Crossings

  CHAPTER 27: Knowledge of the Evils of Ancient Times

  CHAPTER 28: Plotting by the Remnant of the Envious Sisters

  CHAPTER 29: Mother of the Child with Darkest Dreams

  CHAPTER 30: Spread of the Darkness from the Spirit to the Sky

  CHAPTER 31: Arrival of Powers from an Outside World

  CHAPTER 32: The Boundless Greed of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 33: Guided by the Watchers of the Seas

  CHAPTER 34: Revelation of Secrets of Death and Darkness

  CHAPTER 35: Promises to the Heralds of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 36: Plans against the Powers of Tyranny

  CHAPTER 37: Harvesting the Waters of the Great Oceans

  CHAPTER 38: Descent into the Perils of the Catacombs

  CHAPTER 39: Hatred of the Schemes of the Betrayer

  CHAPTER 40: Spirits of Vengeance in the Land of the Oppressed

  CHAPTER 41: Lies and Conquests of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 42: Regrets of the Chronicler of Mother and Daughter

  CHAPTER 43: Perplexed by Waters Dead and Different

  CHAPTER 44: Invitation to the World from the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 45: Haunts and Ruins in a World of Darkness

  CHAPTER 46: Temples and Tombs of Ages Past and Present

  CHAPTER 47: Rise of Voices against the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 48: Gathering of the Enemies of the Kingdom of the Sky

  CHAPTER 49: Waging of a War against the Kingdom of the Sky

  CHAPTER 50: Haunting of the Waters on the Island of Crossings

  CHAPTER 51: Gathering of the Haunts against the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 52: Promises of Love in the Kingdom of Hate

  CHAPTER 53: Plan for the Downfall of the Unfailing King

  CHAPTER 54: Pursuit of the Unification of All Waters

  CHAPTER 55: Rejection of Lies from the Kingdom of Hate

  CHAPTER 56: Knowledge of Secrets Lost and Found

  CHAPTER 1: Expanding the Kingdom by the Powers of the Waters

  The Unfailing King had a handsome, clean-shaven face and a tall, thin build. He was dressed in dark blue pants and a tunic, having gold trim about his neck, shoulders, wrists and waistline. His solemn facial expression matched his intense focus on ruling over his new subjects as he looked out upon the crowd of over thirty-four million (34000000) people in the eastern region of the continent of Ihalik. He knew that they were subservient to him, because the spirits of his former allies and loyal subjects now inhabited the bodies of these people. The singer, Aura, stood by his side, along with the other heralds.

  The Unfailing King spoke up and addressed the crowd: “Prepare to occupy this land from east to west, from north to south. Take all that you see and make it part of my kingdom, as you are my loyal subjects. I will remember you, always, and show you my grace and my generosity. You will have peace in my kingdom. You know my words are true. I, King Xander the Unfailing, have made my solemn promise.”

  “What instructions shall you give to us, Your Majesty, that we may please you?” Aura asked, looking for specific guidance, and hoping that King Xander would show her particular favor.

  “I do have instructions for you,” King Xander said.

  The crowd looked on, as did Aura and the other heralds of the Unfailing King.

  “First, to those of you who drink the waters of light – those of the Lujladia Ocean – you are to create works that dazzle and enchant, so that my kingdom shall be one of splendor and awe. Many in this land have not yet come to join us. Soon, however, they will see the magnificence of my kingdom, which is one of light in this world of darkness. They will soon believe in the light that is my kingdom,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of light,” Aura said to the crowd, wishing to encourage proper behavior toward the Unfailing King.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Next, those of you who drink the waters of passion – those of the Elanatin Ocean – you are to speak well of me, and think well of me, and instill in others whom you meet the passion to serve me and to love me. Put into their hearts a zeal for my kingdom,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of emotion,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of song – those of the Pirovalen Ocean – you are to sing my praises as Aura has taught you. Teach those you meet throughout the land to envision the kingdom with far seeing eyes, so that they build a kingdom for the future, in which there will be far brighter skies,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of song,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of nature – those of the Gradaken Ocean – you are to cultivate the lands of my kingdom.
May the fields of wheat produce an abundant harvest and the fields of flowers paint the land with the full richness of all color, exceeding that of the suns in the sky. Make the creatures, great and small, work to build this into the greatest kingdom,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of nature,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of diamond – those of the Kazofen Ocean – you are to extract the minerals and bend the stones of my kingdom to become awe-inspiring monuments to me. Give the gems clarity and color to sparkle and glitter far beyond what any artisan has ever done. Make the kingdom seem as a living treasure, that all who gaze upon it will treasure the honor of entering into its splendor and being in the presence of my majesty,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of diamond,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of strength and speed – those of the Nabavodel Ocean – you are to protect the others, that you may swiftly and surely conquer any resistance they should meet,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of strength and speed,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of the mind – those of the Medathero Ocean – you are to guide the others, that they may proceed along the proper course, and design proper and fitting monuments, and even temples, in my honor, and that all details are accounted for,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of the mind,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of spirit – those of the Zovvin Ocean – you are to act as spirit guides, and watch for enemies from beyond, who might wish ill upon my kingdom. Be ever on your guard against spirits of anger or confusion or sickness,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of spirits,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  One of the heralds – a thirty-four (34) year old woman named Rivka, who was a drinker of the Zovvin Ocean waters – was now nervous. She was the primary spiritual guide for King Xander, and had no intention of being subordinate to any other in her domain. Rivka was immensely gifted with innate potential for the use of the Zovvin Ocean waters, and guided many millions of spirits from King Xander’s old kingdom into these new bodies. She was not alone in this act, but she was the conductor, without whom Xander would have had less influence. Rivka was also interested in carrying the seed of the Unfailing King, and planned on being primary among his concubines, if only to protect her own standing with King Xander.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of darkness – those of the Ikkith Tar Ocean – you are to provide stealth and gather knowledge of those who would act against my kingdom, that we might know their secret plans of wickedness and thwart them,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of darkness,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of the stars – those of the Atrejan Ocean – you are to watch the stars in the sky, and know their movements, and seek the cause of this darkness, for the skies are not as they should be. Bring them into the service of my kingdom, that our ships may be guided truly,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of the stars,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said. However, they did not know specifically what to do – even the Unfailing King did not have answers, and he expected them to discover these. These drinkers of the Atrejan Ocean waters began to murmur among themselves about the cause of the darkening sky.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of time – those of the Ursegan Ocean – you are to be my Chroniclers, observing all events, no matter how quickly they might occur, and write them in your books. You will swear an Oath to the King, to write of my glory, and these writings will be for all to see,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of time,” Aura said to the crowd.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Then, those of you who drink the waters of health and beauty – those of the Trerada Ocean – you are to act as my guards against poisons and illnesses, and to be my concubines to produce a proper heir,” King Xander said.

  “You are honored and eager to serve His Majesty the King with the powers of health and beauty,” Aura said to the crowd. This time, however, she gritted her teeth as she spoke, because she wanted King Xander for herself, that she would feel the pleasure of his flesh and that the royal heir would have her blood coursing through his veins. Yet, she wanted to please the king so she continued to rally the crowd, despite not agreeing at all with this last part.

  “Indeed, we are honored to serve His Majesty,” many in the crowd said.

  “Now, go forth as you have been ordered, and give glory to me according to the varied powers of the ocean waters that flow within you. One day, however, you shall find for me the waters of the ocean that gives all powers. Search high and low for these unified waters, so that all may drink of them, and that each of us may have every power. This is your greatest goal, and all your actions must serve this purpose, as the oceans are the greatest among all powers, and the greatest among the oceans is the supreme power,” King Xander said.

  “All shall serve and give glory to His Majesty, King Xander the Unfailing,” Aura said.

  “We shall serve and give glory to King Xander, the Unfailing,” the crowd said.

  The crowd of thirty-four million (34000000) subjects of King Xander went forth across the continent of Ihalik. They had varying degrees of innate potential for using the waters they drank, and they quenched their thirst from their supplies. With these waters, they were energized, and they created works of light that dazzled, and built monuments that inspired awe. They conquered swiftly by strength and speed, by sword and by guile, by echoing the Envision song that Aura first performed and by passion. They hid in the darkness and waited in ambush for enemies, whose numbers decreased rapidly. They watched for and guarded against enemy spirits, who were numerous from the Zovvin Ocean in the northwest. They planted crops and harvested the abundant yield. They repelled poisons that were used against them, and even utilized their natural beauty to seduce the unwilling with carnal pleasures to win them over to believing in the king. They even chronicled all the great things done in the name of King Xander to record his glory for always. Over the following two (2) months, the entire continent of Ihalik had been conquered and nearly all of its one billion nine hundred million (1900000000) people were loyal to King Xander.


  However, some of the subjects among them – Atrejan water drinkers numbering fewer than two hundred ten thousand (210000) – listened to the stars as he had ordered, and when they did, they felt great pains and heard screams from the kingdom of the sky, as if it were under siege by a strange darkness. These subjects had thus failed the Unfailing King and were afraid of being punished. Among them was a somewhat attractive twenty-seven (27) year old woman named Della and a thin and barely handsome thirty-two (32) year old man named Palmer. These two (2) star readers sought an audience with the king, who was residing in his palace in nor
thern Ihalik. This palace had been taken from the previous inhabitants, who had served under Lycaon and then Lavakara, who deposed him, and then later abandoned the palace for his own pursuits.

  Aura stood in a receiving room that they had to pass through before entering the throne room of King Xander. The room was splendid, with ten (10) carvings of blue sapphire falcons, each twenty-five (25) feet in height, and their wings spread fifty-one (51) feet across. These falcon carvings were arranged in a circle. Between the falcons were large gold coins – each two (2) feet in diameter and three (3) inches in thickness, lying flat and fixed in place upon the white marble floor. In the center of the falcons and the coins was a large key, nine (9) feet across. Except for the falcons, these coins and keys resembled the medallion that Aura and the other heralds wore. The walls and ceiling of the receiving room were trimmed with electrum and platinum, such that the room shone brightly.

  “Do you bring news for His Majesty, King Xander the Unfailing?” Aura asked, in a sing-song voice, which resonated beautifully, as she had recently drunk anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean.

  “We bring news, of a great difficulty relating to the stars in the sky,” Palmer said.

  “A great difficulty? Did you fail to achieve that which was commanded of you?” Aura asked, her tone becoming harsh. Her waters were highly purified, and so her voice was melodious even when filled with anger.

  “The stars of the sky have been obscured. When we listen to them on ordinary days, by the powers of the Atrejan waters we drink, then we hear their sounds, which tell us where they have been, and to where they are going. Yet, as of late, we hear only sounds of chaos and pain. It is as if the suns have come under siege, by a darkness that was never there in our lifetimes. We have never heard such a thing, and it pained us greatly, for many hours. We thought, upon listening, that we might die to hear the screaming, as it is dreadful and horrific,” Della said.

  “This news will disappoint His Majesty greatly. He commanded you to find the cause of the darkness, that he should not have to suffer it. Yet, you complain that you have suffered. Do not place your burdens upon the Unfailing King, and do not trouble him with your failings,” Aura said, hoping to frighten them into finding a way.


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