Your Favorite Girl (YFG Series)

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Your Favorite Girl (YFG Series) Page 13

by Steph Sweeney

  "He's trying to control you."

  To my surprise, she nodded and said, "I know."

  "You're letting him, then?"

  "We have to work together," she said. "He's going to try no matter what. It's easier if I just let him boss me around."

  From the corridor came the sound of distant laughter. Pete and Murphy, giddy and erect, guffawing at a joke that probably wasn't funny.

  Judy heard it, too, and she sighed.

  "Are you upset?"

  She looked at me. "About what?"

  "Murphy. He's been ignoring you all night."

  "I'm having a great time." She smiled, and to my surprise it appeared genuine. I'd been under the impression that she was in love with Murphy. To clarify, I asked her if she had feelings for him. She grimaced. "No, not at all. That's what everybody thinks, and I know it's his fault. He likes to brag to the lab techs. He tells them we've done things, and we definitely haven't."

  "That's news to me. I thought for sure there was something there," I said. "I wish I'd known otherwise. I wouldn't have invited him."

  "He wouldn't let me come by myself anyway."

  For someone who purports to be having a good time, she sure looked dejected. Shoulders slumped, lower lip puffed out, eyes cast to the water or the floor. She always carried herself this way, beaten down by life though she was no older than me.

  "You okay?" I asked after a period of silence.

  "Yeah, I'm great," she said, her voice as perky as she could muster. "It's nice to talk to someone . . . else."

  Strange music blared from the room, distorting as it echoed through the corridor. Some kind of techno.

  I hopped off the ledge. "Okay it's official, Judy. You're staying the night with me."

  She stood slowly, shaking her head. "I don't think he'll let me."

  "He has to do what I say," I lied. "I work on Level D now. That gives me authority over lower level employees." I didn't even know if this was true, but I doubted Judy would repeat it, and Murphy was too scared of women to put up much resistance. If it came to it, I could threaten to call Sean. He'd be back to his own room in a matter of seconds.

  "Do you have authority over Kate?" Judy asked.

  "I'm not sure about that."

  "I'd find out as soon as possible."

  "Good idea."

  We returned to the room to find Kate dancing on the coffee table with Pete and Murphy seated on the couch below with their legs spread wide. They didn't even see us approach, so enraptured by Kate's snaking moves and their own aching crotches.

  Kate met eyes with me, smiled, and kept on dancing.

  "Take it off!" I shouted over the weird music.

  Kate ran her hands down her stomach and curled her fingers around the hem of her skirt. She pivoted to face Judy and me, her back now to the boys, and slowly she raised her dress up above her belly button. She wasn't wearing underwear.

  Behind her, Pete and Murphy sat forward at the same time and turned their faces up to get a look at her vagina.

  I began to giggle. So did Judy.

  "What's so funny?" Kate asked, dropping her skirt and jumping down from the coffee table. Pete and Murphy scrambled to sit back, and now they stared at me, waiting to be indicted as perverts. "Stop laughing, Judy!" Kate screamed.

  Judy ducked her head and put her hand over her mouth.

  I stepped forward, still trying to get my own laughter under control. "It was them," I said. "They had funny looks on their faces."

  Kate grinned, to my relief, and swatted a hand towards the couch. "They were probably creaming themselves."

  "I didn't," Murphy said. He looked at Pete with a mixture of nervousness and antagonism. "Did you?"

  Pete curled his brow and shook his head quickly, seeming to retreat into the couch. He was sweating and red in the face, clearly uncomfortable.

  "I want to make a toast," Kate announced. "Melissa, make everybody a fresh drink." She turned and strutted to the bed.

  "Please?" I said.

  She climbed onto the bed slowly, crawling across the mattress like an animal stalking its prey, skirt riding so high her ass wore it like a hat. "Oh please, my lady Melissa," she said, rolling over onto her back and letting her head fall off the foot of the bed. "Please, if you please . . ."

  I turned back to the others and asked what they wanted, and then Kate called them all to the bed.

  As I made the drinks, Kate bombarded Judy and Murphy with questions about their relationship status.

  "Why aren't you two dating?"

  "We're just not," Murphy barked.

  "But why? Who else are you gonna date? You work together all the time, you hang out all the time. Let him stick it in, Judy, damn."

  Judy sat at the edge of the bed with her legs dangling over the side. Kate still lay on her back, and Murphy and Pete sat cross-legged facing her like two kids playing Operation.

  "Maybe I will," Murphy said.

  This drew my attention enough to make me look their way and see Murphy glaring at the back of Judy's head. The little prick. How long before he decided to heed Kate's advice? Especially with Kate taunting and flirting with him all the time.

  I put the five drinks on a tray: apple martini for Kate, whiskey and coke for the boys with a little red umbrella to mark Pete's glass, and sparkling white wine for Judy and myself. Then I pulled the tiny bottle out of my pocket, filled the eye dropper with the clear liquid, and spiked two of the drinks. My hands were shaking. Kate had emphasized the importance of only using a single drop, but three or four fell into the first glass.

  "More than one drop and a cock might explode," she had joked.

  The second glass ended up with even more drops than the first. I had to work quickly, and my nerves were getting the better of me.

  Screw it. A little extra can't hurt.

  Kate saw me coming with the tray and eagerly sat up. She scooted back to the head of the bed and told the boys to do the same. "Judy," she said, "come on, get up here. I'm making a toast."

  I set the tray on the nightstand and handed out the drinks, one by one.

  "No one drink until my toast," Kate said, clapping her hands together and squeaking as I passed along her martini.

  I brought Judy's glass of wine to where she'd barely pulled her legs up on the bed. When I climbed on and moved to the center, she followed suit.

  Kate already had her glass raised, her face sharp with impatience.

  The rest of us raised our glasses, too.

  "Okay, here goes," Kate said. "I'm not even supposed to be talking about this, but I'm drunk, so fuck it. You guys can all keep a secret. You know better. You know your place." She made a point to look each of them in the eyes, one by one, and then she gave me the same look. "This is some high-up shit," she said. "I only know because I overheard it. There's a party tomorrow night up on Level E, and something big is going to happen. I don't know for sure what it is, but the way Sean was talking, I think the company is about to expand. You know what happens then? More job openings, which means they'll be handing out promotions to some of us. The most dedicated people." She looked down at her glass. "I've been to one of their parties. But I wasn't a guest. They tied me to that pole and doped me up with the Libido Drug. I can't remember how many CEOs fucked me that night. Two senators, I remember." She paused, still staring into her drink. For a moment I wondered if the same was in store for me, if Patton had invited me not as his date but as a party favor, but I was quickly distracted by the smile creeping up on Kate's face. She looked up at me and raised her glass. "To getting what you deserve," she said.

  Glasses clinked together. Everyone took a drink.

  Kate started laughing. "Here we go," she said, giggling uncontrollably.

  "What's going on?" Murphy asked.

  "Nothing, honey."

  "I feel weird."

  "Maybe you should stop drinking," Judy murmured.

  Murphy was too far gone to respond. He dropped his glass, staining the white comfort
er, which normally would evoke a tirade in Kate, but she, too, was consumed by the immediate effect of the drug.

  She was staring at me, angry and lustful.

  "You bitch."

  Pete and Judy looked frightened and confused. Murphy sat up on his knees and shins and started unbuckling his pants, making a noise that sounded like he was trying to mimic an accelerating motorcycle.

  "What are you doing?" Pete asked, backing away.

  "I'm gonna fucking get you," Kate said, reaching between her legs. She opened her mouth, moaned, began to hump her own hand.

  Murphy jerked his pants down and his average-sized, hairy penis flopped out, fully erect and already jetting semen. Holding his dick, he crawled over to Kate, pushed her down, and worked his way between her legs.

  Judy turned to me. "What's happening?"

  "I drugged them."


  "Because she wanted to drug you and Murphy," I explained quickly, climbing off the bed and pulling her along with me. Pete, embarrassed and drunk, clumsily followed. "She needs to be taught a lesson," I said.

  We stood there watching Murphy and Kate clawing at each other and humping. They screamed for a moment, and then their bodies were so strained they couldn't even whimper.

  "Drug me, too," Pete said.

  "Are you sure?"


  I turned to him. "Pete, you do know what this drug does to you, right? You lose control of yourself. You might wind up fucking Murphy."

  "I don't care."

  I could tell he didn't. He was antsy. Ready to lose his virginity right now, naively confident that he could bypass Murphy's pale, freckled ass and insert himself wherever Kate would receive him.

  Without another word, I took the bottle out of my pocket and pulled out the dropper.

  "Stick out your tongue."

  He did as instructed, and I carefully squeezed out a single drop.

  I took his drink from him and said, "Good luck."

  Then I led Judy away as he frantically stripped naked, clutching his tiny penis as though concerned he might lose track of it.

  "What do we do now?" Judy asked.

  I shrugged. "We can stay and watch or we can go chill out in the hot tub."

  She glanced back at the developing threesome. Murphy lay flat on top of Kate, his thrusts now reduced to a rapid, spastic motion, barely detectable. Kate wasn't moving at all, though her cheeks puffed out rhythmically as Murphy rotated his tongue around hers. He had his arms locked under her knees, pressing her knees to her chest, and he was squeezing both breasts so hard they were flattened.

  Pete crawled around on the bed, jacking off with one hand and trying to push Murphy away with the other, but Murphy was a brick wall.

  "Hot tub," Judy said. "Definitely hot tub."

  I grabbed the open bottle of sparkling white wine and together we headed into the corridor. I glanced back a final time to see Pete trying to penetrate Murphy with his stubby penis.

  Judy was still reluctant to get in the hot tub, so I removed my clothes first, Judy too polite to even watch.

  "We can turn out the lights if you want," I offered.

  She shook her head. "It's okay. I'm just nervous. No one's ever seen me naked before."

  "I'm lucky then. I've never been someone's first."

  She laughed and finally looked over at me as I stepped into the steamy water. "You're a lot prettier than me," she said.

  "All I've got are a tan and bigger boobs," I said. "There's a million girls who look just like me. You've got that school teacher look. The way you keep your hair pulled back tight with the pencil through it. Men don't advance on you sexually because they're afraid of you."

  "Please," she said, smiling.

  "I'm serious. Boys are afraid of being emasculated. Whether you outwit them or bend them over and spank them. They're intimidated. You could control men in a way that I can't. You're smarter than me. And you have a great ass."

  "Now you're just being silly."

  "Maybe," I said, splashing water at her. "Come on, hop in."

  Judy picked up the bottle and took a long swig. Then she stood facing me and slowly unbuttoned her white collared shirt, removing it slowly to reveal her porcelain skin and tight figure, curvier than I'd anticipated. She wore a sports bra, which brought on another surprise: her boobs were bigger than I'd previously thought. A large B, if not a modest C, complimented by small, bright pink nipples.

  As she undressed, I came to realize she'd made an effort to veil her sexuality, if only to stifle Murphy's attraction to her. Most girls try to make their boobs look bigger, accentuate their curves with tight-fitted clothing, draw attention to their vaginas by wearing low-rise jeans that show off their hip bones. Judy did the opposite, dressing as boyish as possible to make herself unnoticeable.

  She unbuttoned and unzipped her dress pants and let them slip down her legs to the floor, tripping a little as she stepped out of them. Then she stood there awkwardly, covering her white panties with her hands.

  "Do I have to get all the way naked?"

  "You can do whatever you want."

  I scooted backwards until I reached the part of the pool that was shaded from the artificial lighting by the enormous leaves of a tropical plant, which arched over the water creating a small, private enclosure, just to the side of the waterfall. Through the foliage, I watched Judy step into the water. She had a small birthmark on her right hip, a little brown blemish, but otherwise she had perfect skin. Soft, I imagined, with little muscle to tighten it.

  To my surprise, Judy disappeared into the shallow water, and before I could search for her she emerged right next to me, wiping the hair from her temples.

  "Goodness, this water's hot."

  I was stunned. "You're a fast swimmer."

  "I was on the swim team in high school."


  "Yeah, but then I developed an eating disorder. Anorexia--not the puking kind. I weighed eighty-five pounds at one point." Easy to believe. She couldn't weigh more than a hundred now. I asked but she wasn't sure. "I can't get on a scale anymore. I get addicted to it, and then I stop eating."

  "Well you look great."

  She shrugged.

  For a while we both sat back against the smooth granite, relaxing in the humidity, the warm water lapping at the bottoms of our breasts. I fell into a daze trying to count how many drinks I'd had and then drifted to other thoughts. The party, first and foremost, what to expect, how Patton would present me to the guests. What would I even say to a bunch of businessmen and politicians?

  It occurred to me to wonder if Clifton would be there, and that led to speculation as to his secret entry point. He had to be coming in here in the shower room, but where?

  I wanted to get up and start looking, but now wasn't the time. I would have to tell Judy all about it, and then she wouldn't want to come here anymore.

  Besides, she looked like she was sleeping, head resting on the rock, eyes closed, mouth slightly agape.

  "Judy?" I whispered.

  No response. She'd only had a few drinks. Better to pass out than puke, like my first time drinking. I didn't want to disturb her, and I needed to check on the orgy in the bedroom, so I slowly moved out from under the canopy and across the pool.

  I toweled myself dry at the closet and grabbed an extra one to leave by Judy's clothes in case she woke up while I was gone. Then I dressed, wrapped the towel around my head, stepped into the chilly corridor, and froze.

  Sean stood in the doorway with an expression of joy on his face.

  ─Well Versed─


  Judy and I were being held in a big office on Level C. Sean and his three nameless, voiceless guards stood grinning at us and occasionally whispering to each other. We'd been here for ten minutes and none of them had spoken a word. Judy was crying, humiliated to be sitting here naked and shivering and covering her breasts. Two of the guards still had wet pants from storming across the pool and sn
atching her up.

  I couldn't stand to see her suffer any longer, so I pulled off my t-shirt.

  "Here, put this on," I told her, but she was too upset to hear me. I worked the shirt over her head and halfway down her body before she finally caught on and did the rest of the work herself.

  At least now the guards were focused on me.

  "Any of you pricks have a name?" I asked.

  No one spoke.

  "What the fuck are we doing here? I already told you it wasn't us. It was Kate. You're fucking retarded for trusting her with that shit."

  Murphy was dead, which was part of the reason Judy was so upset. I'd given him and Kate too much of the Libido Drug. Luckily for Kate, she'd built up some level of immunity from frequent usage. She was in a coma.

  Pete, to whom I'd administered the proper dosage, had run out of the room and into the main lobby, where he'd chased down a girl who worked in the cafeteria and tackled her to the floor. A dozen employees had stood there watching him yank down the girl's yoga pants and attempt to penetrate both orifices while the girl kicked and screamed. No one helped. A few minutes later, one of Sean's guards happened to pass through. After a severe beating, Pete led him to Kate's room.

  Now we were waiting. For what, I had no clue. But it couldn't be good. I'd caused a lot of trouble for this company. How long would they really put up with me?

  The door opened behind us. I turned hoping to see Patton walking in, but it was Mr. Shriver, looking like a pit bull and once again wearing an expensive robe and house shoes. In one hand he held a steaming coffee mug with the letters YFG printed on the side. In the other, a newspaper. Every day was the weekend to this asshole.

  He walked over and sat in a chair opposite Judy and me, setting his mug on the round marble coffee table.

  "What happened?" he asked, yawning and then staring straight at me.

  "It was Kate," I told him. "How many times do I have to say it? We were having a little party, and Kate started talking about bringing out the Libido Drug, which I knew was against the rules. Judy and I didn't want anything to do with it, so we decided to hang out in the Jacuzzi. That's all I know."

  He yawned again. "You're lying."


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