Hitman's Desire: A Bad Boy Romance

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Hitman's Desire: A Bad Boy Romance Page 11

by Riley, Megyn

  “Vic gave me this card of St. Joseph. It’s only fitting we use it for your initiation,” Dominic says. “Hold out your hands.”

  Ryker cups his hands and Dominic drops the card into his palms. Then he takes out an Italian stiletto switchblade knife. His thumb presses the button, and the blade springs into action with a click. Dominic jabs the point in Ryker’s flesh, pricking his finger. A bulb of blood blooms on his fingertip and drips to the ground.

  Dominic folds the knife closed and slips it back into his pocket. Then he takes out a silver zippo, flicks open the cap, and strikes the flint. He lights the prayer card of Saint Joseph on fire.

  “This is an oath, bound in blood,” Dominic says. “Do you swear your allegiance to me and this family?”

  “I do,” Ryker says. He juggles the flaming prayer card in his palm.

  “Do you accept this family as your highest priority, forsaking all others?”

  “I do.”

  “If your mother was on her death bed, would you leave her and come to do my bidding?”

  “I would.”

  “May you burn like the saint in your palm if you ever disobey or defy this oath,” Dominic says.

  The prayer card burns into black ash. When the last embers burnout, Ryker brushes his hands clean.

  “Rise as a made member of the Falco family,” Dominic says.

  My heart sinks. I know that this means Dominic comes before all others. Even me. It’s an oath that cannot be broken. Ryker can never leave the organization. And the penalty for disobedience is death.

  Ryker stands. “Mafia wives are untouchable. As a member of this family, I claim Scarlett as my bride.”

  Dominic’s face tightens. His eyes narrow, and his skin flushes red with anger.

  “The rules of the rules, boss,” Sal says.

  “I’m well aware of the rules.”

  My jaw drops. Is he serious? Does he really want to marry me? My heart flutters. There are butterflies in my stomach. Sweat coats my body. This is not how I expected this to happen. I wanted a candlelight dinner. A declaration of love on bended knee. I wanted some cute, unique moment that would go viral on YouTube. I never wanted to be claimed. “Uh, excuse me. Don’t I get a say in this?”

  “No,” Ryker growls.

  Dominic is not happy. His nostrils flare, and his jaw tenses. But he has no choice. There is a long honored code of conduct in the mob. The organization depends on these rules, and the sense of structure and stability. Dominic will quickly lose control of his organization if he ignores this foundation, these established traditions. He may have a dozen loyal men. But there are hundreds of others who were loyal to Falco. And those men are watching Dominic like a hawk.

  “Alright, Ryker. I’ll let you have your bride. But if you fail to complete your assignment, trust me, I will make her life a living hell.” Dominic’s savage eyes scowl at Ryker. “And while we’re on the subject of commitment and loyalty,” Dominic says as he turns to Sal. “You betrayed me. You defied my direct orders. You allowed a threat into this building. I have worked hard to build a safe and secure facility here. And you have put that in jeopardy.”

  Sal knew this moment was coming. It was inevitable. “I’m sorry, Boss. I—“

  Dominic raises his pistol, aiming it straight at Sal’s head. His finger grips tight around the trigger—the hammer of the semiautomatic cocks back.

  Sweat drips down Sal’s forehead. “Please, don’t, Boss." He trembles, and his face grows pale. His eyes are wide.


  The bullet streaks through the air. It drills into Sal’s forehead, blasting through the back of his skull. Blood paints the wall behind him. I watch in horror as his body flops to the ground in a wet smack.

  “Let these two serve as a reminder to those who would defy me,” Dominic says.

  Ryker’s whole body tenses. His face burns red, and the veins in his forehead bulge.

  “Sal was a made guy,” Ryker growls. “You can’t kill him without permission.”

  “If you do your job correctly, I won’t need permission.”



  Father O’Malley takes a swig from a stainless steel flask. He’s already three sheets to the wind, and his breath reeks of whiskey. The pungent smell makes my eyes water.

  O’Malley’s face is rosy red, and full of broken capillaries. Too many years of sun and excessive alcohol. His eyes are sunken and puffy. He’s probably early 50s, but looks closer to 60. Rough skin and tousled snow white hair. Someone clearly rousted him out of bed. He looks barely put together.

  When I was a little girl, dreaming of the perfect wedding, this was not what I had envisioned. I wanted all of my family and friends present. Not dead bodies on the floor. I wanted to recite my handwritten nuptials atop a lush green cliff, overlooking the ocean. Not in a mafia stronghold. I wanted the perfect white dress with a long train. Not a string bikini. I wanted rose petals sprinkled before me as my father walked me down the isle. Not pools of blood at my feet. I wanted beautiful wedding bands that signified our eternal commitment. Not twist-ties shaped into rings. I wanted my bride’s maids to be my best friends. Not a bunch of mafia thugs. I wanted the man I married to be a normal, well adjusted, adult with a good job. Not a hired killer.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Dominic grumbles.

  O’Malley clears his throat and stands tall. He holds a bible in one hand. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two wonderful individuals…” the words slur from his drunken lips. He can’t even remember our names. He looks down at his notes contained on a card within the bible. “…Scarlett and Ryker.” He smiles.

  “Get to the good stuff,” Dominic says.

  “Oh, yes, right,” Father O’Malley mumbles.

  “Hey. Don’t be a jerk,” I bark at Dominic. “This is my moment.”

  Dominic’s eyes widen. He looks a little stunned.

  This may not be exactly how I pictured it, but I’m going to at least try and enjoy the moment.

  “Do you, Scarlett Fox, take Ryker Stone as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, or for worse? For richer, or for poorer? In sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

  My heart flutters in my throat. My body trembles. I’m covered in a thin mist of sweat. I never thought I would be the one nervous on this day. I never thought I would be the one having second thoughts. We’ve been through the worse part already. I’m hoping it gets better. And death may certainly cause us to part.

  I take a deep breath and try to steady myself. I look into Ryker’s deep blue eyes. He gazes back at me. And if I didn’t know better, I’d almost describe his gaze as loving.

  “I do,” I say.

  “Do you, Ryker Stone, take Scarlett Fox as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, or for worse? For richer, or for poorer? In sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

  “I do,” he says without hesitation.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” O’Malley says. “You may kiss the bride.”

  I look up at my new husband and his glowing eyes. His passionate lips embrace mine, and I melt into his powerful arms. I feel emotion swell inside of me. It’s as if the combined energy of our two souls are radiating together as one. My body tingles and my stomach flutters. His plush lips press against mine. It is a kiss above all other kisses. It is the kiss I’ve dreamed about my entire life. And it doesn’t disappoint. Despite our surroundings and circumstances, this moment is priceless. This man’s lips feel like home to me. And I never want to leave home again.

  “Alright, honeymoon’s over,” Dominic says.

  Ryker and I break apart. I scowl at Dominic, my eyes like lasers burning into him.

  “You two can pick up where you left off after the job is done.” Dominic regards Ryker. “And seeing how Sal isn’t going to need this apartment anymore, I’m giving it to you.�
�� Dominic’s eyes scan the lifeless bodies on the floor. “It doesn’t come with maid service, so cleanup is up to you.”

  Ryker grits his teeth. I haven’t spent long with him, but I can read his expression like a book. He wants revenge for the death of his friend. He wants Dominic dead.

  “In a short while, I head to the Summit. A meeting of the bosses from the five families. Big Nicky, Benny the Butcher, Tommy Bones, Meatball Sonny, and of course, myself. I am going to arrive late. You are going to take out the other bosses before I get there. Fail, and I will personally get creative with your new bride. And you will be a dead man.”

  “Consider all the bosses dead,” Ryker says. It’s a subtle phrasing— but when Ryker says all, he means all. Including Dominic. “Where is the Summit?”

  “The location hasn’t been disclosed yet. Each of the bosses will get a call 20 minutes beforehand revealing the location.”

  “I’ve got 20 minutes to get in position, come up with an assault plan, and take out the entire Commission?”

  “That’s why I need you, Ryker. You’re the only one who can do this.”

  “I appreciate the confidence,” Ryker says with a subtle hint of sarcasm.

  “I’ll leave you two alone for now. I’m posting guards outside the door. She doesn’t leave this room until the job is done.”

  “I’m going to need weapons and ammunition,” Ryker says.

  “You’ll have full access to the armory.”

  “I’ll need a driver and a car as well.”

  “Done. There will be one waiting for you out front. Is there anything else?”

  Ryker shakes his head.

  “Don’t make me regret giving you this opportunity.” Dominic and his thugs file out the door. It slams shut behind them. I’m alone with my new husband. The idea sound so strange to me. The concept so foreign.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask. “You’re not really going to try and kill every mob boss in the city, are you? That would be suicide.”

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  “With the other families gone, there will be no one to challenge Dominic. He’ll rule this city with an iron fist.”

  “I have no intention of letting him live. You know that,” Ryker says. “I bought myself time to figure out how to kill him.”

  “So, this was all just a tactic, right? The whole marriage thing was just buying time? I mean, you don’t really want to be my husband, do you?” Part of me is hoping that he will refute my questions. That he will profess his genuine love for me. That he’ll say he would have married me anyway. It’s that little girl part of me that still believes in fairytales and happy endings.

  “We can get a divorce as soon as this is over, if that’s what you want?” Ryker says. “We can get an annulment. It’ll be like it never happened.”

  “I wasn’t saying that,” I stammer.

  “Oh, so you want this?”

  I fidget. “Well, I was hoping it might happen a little differently. But, now that we’re hitched… it might not be so bad.” My eyes sparkle at him. “That is, of course, if this is something you really want.”

  “How many times do I have to risk my neck in order for you to get it? I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.”

  My jaw drops. “You will?”

  “You’re not too bright, are you?”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  He presses his delicious lips against mine. We melt into one another. I feel a wave of heat rise in my body. My mind fills with inappropriate thoughts. Then I push him away before things get too hot and heavy.

  “We need to focus,” I say.

  “If we make it out of this alive, I promise… we will have a real ceremony. One that you deserve. One you’ve always dreamed about.”

  My eyes well with tears of joy. I wrap my arms around his hulking body. “We’re gonna make it through this,” I say, wishfully.

  “I know.”



  I hold her in my arms. I never want to let her go. Her body fits mine, perfectly. She feels like coming home after a long trip. Can’t explain it. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve never felt anything before. All I know is that I want her by my side. I feel more powerful when she is around. Like I can accomplish anything. Nothing is insurmountable. Even the impossible task at hand.

  This is somehow the worst, and yet, the best day of my life.

  “How are you going to kill him?” Scarlett asks.

  “It’s going to be difficult. He’s constantly surrounded by those goons.”

  “You said you had history between you two. What is it?”

  “Dominic is like me. He was part of Project Valkyrie. He’s every bit as fast and as cunning as I am. And even more ruthless. I hate to admit it, but he’s faster, stronger, and smarter.” Ryker sighs. “The CIA lost control of the project. They could create us, but they couldn’t control us. They had built the perfect killing machines. But we had our own thoughts and ideas. Dominic used his skill to work his way up the ladder. And if I do kill him, it will only increase the Commission’s desire to kill me. Ironic, isn’t it?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “The only thing I know how to do.”

  Ryker gives me his Uzi, and extra magazines. “Deadbolt the door. Shoot anyone who tries to come in.”

  She looks at me, gravely. “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  I grab her by the small of her back and pull her into me. I take one last kiss, then march for the door. I don’t look back. I focus my mind at the task at hand. Killing. It’s what I do. And I’m damn good at it.

  I push through the door. I hear Scarlett lock the deadbolt behind me. Two of Dominic’s thugs stand guard outside the door. My eyes glare at both of them. “If anything happens to her, I will kill you both.”

  They look a little skittish. They know my reputation. They know I’m good for my word.

  “We liked Sal. He was a good guy,” one of the thugs says.

  “Then you should have done something to save him.”

  “Nobody defies Dominic.”

  “Well, things are about to change around here,” I say. “Either of you got a problem with that?”

  They both shake their heads. They look like they’re about to piss their pants. Their hands tremble.

  “What are your names?” I ask.

  “Cadillac Jack,” one of them says.

  “Freddy Four Cents,” the other replies.

  “Because he’s always broke,” Cadillac Jack jokes.

  “There’s a million bucks each for you if you keep her safe. That ought to keep your pockets full, Four Cents. How’s that sound?”

  “Sounds good,” Four Cents says.

  Sal fronted me the $10 million for Scarlett. Now that he’s gone, that’s a loan I don’t have to pay back. It means I’ve got a little money to throw around. If I have to use every last dime to keep her safe, I will.

  “If I were you, I’d look into finding others that were loyal to Vic,” I say. “You never know when there’s gonna be a change of the guard.”

  The two thugs exchange a glance. They’re not totally sure what to think. It’s clear they’ve got no love for Dominic. But they’re also not going to bite the hand that feeds.

  “The key to surviving in this business is to know your next move. Things change. People come and go. You place the right bets, you live a long time. Think about it.”

  The two men contemplate my words. “You make the change happen. We’ll support it,” Freddy says.

  “Where’s the armory?” I ask.

  “Down on the 2nd floor. Talk to Tony the Ant. He’s got everything you need.”

  I march down the hall to the elevator bay. After a moment, the bell dings and the doors slide open.

  Her long, svelte legs take center stage. Stiletto heels, sculpted calves, toned thighs. A red dress hugs her body and leaves nothing to the imagination. It’s so short I can almo
st see her panties. Her platinum blonde hair is styled to perfection. She looks like a femme fatale from an old noir movie. Her emerald green eyes smolder at me. Breathy words float out from her deep red lips.

  “Going down?” she asks.

  I cringe, then reluctantly step onto the elevator. The doors slide shut, and suddenly, I feel trapped.

  “Hello, Veronica,” I mutter.

  “A little birdie told me you were in the building.”

  I try not to make eye contact.

  She hits the elevator stop button. The lift jolts to a halt. Veronica slinks toward me like a jungle cat stalking its prey. “I missed you.”


  This girl is trouble.

  She’s always been trouble. We had a brief fling, but that’s ancient history. One night, a long time ago. She’s Dominic’s girl now. And even if she wasn’t, I’d want nothing to do with her. It kills Dominic that I had her before him. It’s been a bone of contention ever since he found out. I know he’s got eyes on Scarlett.

  Veronica presses her body up against mine and whispers in my ear. “How about a quickie for old time sake?”

  I push her away from me.

  She looks at me, incredulous. Then she flings the straps of her dress from her shoulders. She peels the fabric down exposing her perfect breasts, her perky pink nipples. “Are you sure?” she asks, jiggling them.

  I feel nothing. I have to admit I’m a little shocked. I don’t even feel the slightest urge. There is no other woman for me but Scarlett. And this confirms it. Veronica is a good-looking woman. She has all the right parts in all the right places. She’s a 15 on a 10 scale. But I feel absolutely no attraction to her.

  “Pull your dress up, Veronica. You look desperate”

  She scowls at me.

  I flip the emergency button, and the elevator jolts back into action, continuing its descent.


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