Chelsea Wives

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Chelsea Wives Page 3

by Anna-Lou Weatherley

  ‘Thanks,’ Imogen smiled, giving it a little squeeze. ‘It’s been treated with Botox, can you believe it?’

  ‘Who hasn’t, darling?’ Cressida threw her head back and let out her familiar throaty laugh.

  She took a sip of her San Pellegrino, watching Imogen from over the rim of her glass. She had hardly changed in fifteen years, she thought. Her complexion remained untarnished by age, her hair still thick and lustrous, though much longer than the short, androgynous elfin crop that had made all the fashion editors quiver back in the day. Her lips were still full and fleshy, her smile dazzling and infectious. Of course, she had aged a little in that indefinable way people do, but at thirty-six years old she had maintained an air of youth about her that most women would sell a kidney for.

  A waiter approached the table.

  ‘Give us five, Marcello, there’s a poppet,’ Cressida cooed, watching his tight arse as it wiggled off to the next table. She turned her attentions back to Imogen.

  ‘So, darling, I want to know everything. Work, life, love … the whole shebang.’ She was disappointed to note that the plain platinum wedding band was still very much on Imogen’s finger. ‘How’s Sebastian?’ she asked tightly.

  Sebastian Forbes the man who had killed her protégée’s career stone dead with his controlling demands and ultimatums, forcing Imogen to choose between motherhood and marriage and modelling, cutting short her meteoric rise to stardom and taking her biggest cash cow with him.

  If only Imogen and Sebastian had never met, thought Cressida bitterly. She could have been the most successful, fabulous model that had ever lived; forget your Twiggys and your Shrimptons, your Campbells and your Mosses, Imogen Lennard (as she was then) could’ve cleaned up, and moreover, so could she.

  ‘Seb’s … well, Seb’s still Seb,’ Imogen shrugged almost apologetically. Cressida had never made her dislike for her husband a secret. ‘Bryony is thirteen now,’ she said, deliberately changing the subject. ‘She’s so grown up, Cress, you wouldn’t recognise her.’

  Bryony Forbes attended the highly respected Mont-Fleuri Swiss boarding school in Montreux and it had been eight weeks, though it felt like eight months, since Imogen had last seen her daughter, something that caused a lump as hard as granite to form in her throat whenever she thought of it. She hated being apart from her beautiful, sweetly shy Bryony who was so much like she had been at that age; gangly and awkward, yet to grow into her own skin, but Seb had insisted she must receive the best education money could buy, even if that education happened to be hundreds of miles away from her family.

  ‘If she’s inherited your looks darling, I’ll get her signed on the spot,’ Cressida said in all seriousness.

  ‘As if Seb would ever allow it! Anyway, she’s far too busy trying to save the planet and the plight of the African elephant at the moment.’

  ‘Ah, beauty with a conscience, a devastating combination,’ Cressida smiled. ‘Listen, darling,’ she began, feeling the sudden need to get to the point, ‘the reason I’ve asked you here … well, it was for business reasons as well as pleasure.’

  Imogen clutched her chest, mock wounded.

  ‘And there I was thinking you just missed me after all this time.’

  Cressida smiled. She was glad to see that being married to such a controlling dullard all these years hadn’t completely robbed Imogen of her sense of humour.

  ‘It’s L’Orelie,’ she said, suddenly leaning in closer. ‘They’re looking for someone to become the face of their fab new make-up range for the forty-plus market. It’s top secret though, poppet – you know what a competitive business the beauty industry is. It’s an absolutely fucking huge contract. We’re talking national and international campaigns, billboards, TV ads, the whole goddamn enchilada.’

  Imogen placed her starchy white napkin over her lap and tried not to look as excited as she suddenly felt.

  ‘I’m not entirely sure how your name was thrown into the ring,’ Cressida tore up a bread roll and continued, ‘but out of the blue I get a call from Lorraine Harlech, the CEO, asking if I still had contact with you and if you’d be interested in testing for the campaign. Apparently she was flicking through an old copy of Vogue, saw you and wondered what had happened to such a beautiful rising star after all these years. She asked me to track you down and sound you out. That’s about the size of it, really,’ Cressida concluded. ‘Oh, that and you stand to make yourself a very rich woman in your own right, if you agree that is,’ she added poignantly. ‘So, darling,’ she drew breath and looked at Imogen expectantly, ‘tell Mummy what you’re thinking.’

  Stunned, Imogen took a swig of water, wishing she had ordered something stronger.

  ‘Well, I, me … modelling again. I don’t know, Cress. I’m thirty-six now and …’

  ‘Thirties are the new twenties!’ Cressida interjected, sensing her reticence. ‘Everyone wants the thirty-somethings nowadays. It’s the market with the most cash to spend.’

  Imogen shook her head.

  ‘I’m not even sure I’ve got what it takes anymore.’ She felt her heart pounding loudly inside her chest and hoped that Cressida could not hear it.

  ‘Nonsense,’ Cressida snapped dismissively. ‘Darling, listen to me. You were the best back in the day, a born natural in front of the camera. You owned it. I know as well as you do that you weren’t ready to leave the modelling world when you did and this is your chance at another shot. Oh, come on, Ims, offers like this hardly come by every day as well you know. What do you say?’ She cocked her head to one side and held her breath.

  Imogen looked up from the table.

  ‘Oh, I don’t know, Cress,’ she eventually said. ‘I’m different now. I’m not that girl you found at the train station. My life’s changed. I’ve changed.’

  Cressida felt the first flutters of panic settle on her intestines. She knew that if she could just get Imogen to test she would win the job hands down, just like she always used to, and then all her problems would be solved. She had to get her to agree.

  ‘If this is about Seb …’

  ‘No, no,’ Imogen shook her head. ‘It’s not Seb.’

  But it was Seb, partly at least. Imogen knew he would unequivocally hate the idea, that he would forbid her to do it and she was not sure she had the strength for another war between them.

  ‘Then what is it?’ Cressida asked, the softness in her voice masking desperation. ‘This is a golden opportunity, darling, the sort the likes of Cindy Crawford would cut her mole off for.’

  ‘I can’t even begin to tell you how flattered I am to be asked but I just don’t think I can do it. I’m not a model anymore. Those days are gone, Cress. I’m sorry.’

  Cressida placed her glass down carefully. It was not something she had wanted to do but backed into a corner like this, she was left with little choice. It was time to revert to Plan B.

  ‘It’s OK, darling, I understand.’ Cressida slid her hand across the table and placed it on Imogen’s. ‘I’m disappointed, naturally. After all, you were my first big star. I had hoped you might be my last and that I might go out on a high note.’

  ‘Go out on a high note? Don’t tell me you’re planning to retire?’

  Cressida lowered her eyes dramatically.

  ‘Something like that.’

  Now it was Imogen’s turn to feel a flutter of panic.

  ‘Listen, darling,’ Cressida said, fixing her with an earnest stare. ‘What I’m about to say, well, I don’t want any fuss or tears, promise me now.’ Imogen’s mouth suddenly felt dry.

  ‘You’re scaring me,’ Imogen said, taking a sip of her San Pellegrino.

  Cressida met her eyes with a doleful expression.

  ‘Well, it’s my doctor,’ she began, her voice a crackling whisper. ‘Gorgeous thing he is, young Asian chap with lovely teeth,’ she said, twisting her napkin nervously. ‘He says I’ve got the big C …’

  Imogen felt her heart miss a beat.

  ‘The big C?’

sp; ‘Yes, darling, you know, cancer. Apparently, I’m riddled with the damn stuff. I’m afraid there’s nothing they can do.’

  Imogen gasped. They may have been estranged for some years, but this made the news no less shocking.

  ‘Please don’t cry, darling, you’ll set me off,’ Cressida said, reaching her hand across the table and welling up herself. It was easy to cry. All she need do was think about the imminent repossession of her Mayfair pied-à-terre.

  ‘Oh God, cancer.’ Imogen fought back tears. ‘How long have you known?’

  ‘About two months,’ Cressida said gently. ‘Since then I’ve been trying to live life to the full, darling. You know the usual clichés, travel a bit, see a few sights, achieve some goals before it’s a wrap and I head to the giant Prada store in the sky.’ Cressida let out a bitter laugh.

  ‘Don’t joke,’ Imogen said, shaking her head. She couldn’t bear it.

  Cressida sighed deeply.

  ‘The fact is, my name’s down on heaven’s guest list and I’m going in. That’s all there is to it.’

  Cressida watched as a lone grey tear ran the length of her former protégée’s beautiful face and thought how she would burn on a pyre for this one.

  ‘How long?’ Imogen asked, her voice cracking like glass.

  ‘They can’t say exactly,’ Cressida replied, dabbing at Imogen’s tears with her napkin in motherly concern. ‘A few months maybe … who knows?’

  Imogen almost knocked her bread plate from the table.

  ‘Oh no, Cressie, no!’ She began to sob into the white linen napkin. ‘But treatment … there must be something … anything they can do!’

  ‘Come on now, darling, it’s OK, it’s OK,’ Cressida soothed. ‘Look, I’m so sorry to have sprung it on you like this, but when the call from L’Orelie came I thought, well, this is it, one last chance for us to work our magic together.’ She paused for effect. ‘But I appreciate your life has moved on. They say it’s never a good idea to go backwards anyway, darling. Who needs a reminder of their past when they have a future? If they’re lucky enough to have a future, that is.’ Cressida added, wondering if she was beginning to lay it on a little too thick.

  She glanced at Imogen who looked to be in thought from across the table.

  ‘I’ll do it,’ she said after a moment’s pause. ‘I’ll test for the L’Orelie campaign. You’ve been like a second mother to me in the past and, well, it’s the least I can do.’

  Cressida felt her batteries recharging.

  ‘I prefer sister,’ Cressida bristled good-humouredly. ‘But what about Seb?’ she enquired, careful to mask her sense of relief.

  Imogen shrugged. ‘Screw Seb. Seb can deal with it. I owe you, Cress.’

  ‘Really, darling, you’ll do it for me?’ Caught up in the drama of it all, Cressida found herself welling up for real. She squeezed Imogen’s hand tightly and let out a little squeal. ‘It’ll be just like the old days again, darling,’ she said, eyes shining victoriously. ‘You really don’t know how much this means to me. Let’s order a bottle of fizz to celebrate.’ Cressida waved her hand in the air. ‘Marcello darling, a bottle of vintage Krug please … nice and chilled. We’re celebrating.’

  ‘Very good, Ms Lucas,’ he nodded obligingly.

  ‘I’m sorry, Cress,’ Imogen explained, ‘I can’t stay for champagne. I’ve got to be somewhere this afternoon and I’m driving.’ It felt somehow wrong to celebrate after what she’d just been told.

  Cressida pouted.

  ‘Ah well, not to worry, poppet. The test shoot takes place next week in LA. Can you get away?’

  Imogen nodded. ‘Leave it with me.’

  ‘I’ll call you with all the itinerary, flights, hotels etcetera …’

  Imogen stood to leave.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind if I head off. The sooner I get back, the sooner I can square it all with Seb. I promise I’ll celebrate with you properly in LA. We’ll stay at the Chateaux Marmont, get trashed on cocktails, like we used to …’ her voice trailed off, sadly.

  Cressida nodded, understanding.

  ‘You’ve saved my life by agreeing to this shoot. That’s more than enough for me.’ She looked up at Imogen’s dark, soulful eyes and her full lips, which were fixed in a pensive half smile and felt a hideous flash of guilt at deceiving her.

  ‘If only it were that easy,’ Imogen said, leaning in and wrapping her arms tightly around her old friend. ‘I’m here for you,’ she choked, inhaling her familiar scent deeply. ‘Till the end.’

  ‘I’ll call you,’ Cressida said as she watched Imogen leave the restaurant, her silky chestnut hair glimmering in the sunlight. She still had the fabulous strut, she thought as she watched her walk towards the door.


  Yasmin Belmont-Jones stretched a long, toned leg high up into the air, sighed and signalled for a crew member to come and refill her empty champagne flute.

  A young, attractive deckhand duly made his way over and tried not to stare at her bronzed, firm breasts, which were proudly on display. She adjusted the ties of her Missoni bikini and tightened her matching headscarf, aware of his chaste attempts not to stare, deliberately teasing him. Go on, I dare you, she thought as she twisted her body slightly towards him affording him a better view, get a load of these babies. She watched him intently as he poured the champagne into a fresh, ice-cold crystal flute and did his best to refrain from making eye contact. He could tell this one had trouble written all over her.

  Yasmin peered over her giant dark Dior sunglasses and surveyed the surrounding view with a deep sense of satisfaction. The Magus really was the most stunning boat she could have ever imagined; four polished-wood decks of luxurious, elegant living all on one state of the art 170 foot-long motor yacht. The impressive vessel boasted its own seaplane, a crew of seventeen, a heated top deck Jacuzzi, a freshwater swimming pool, twelve beautifully appointed guest suites and an exotic master suite apartment filled with antiques, embroidered silk fabrics and plush overstuffed furniture. Though he owned a rather impressive (albeit more modest) boat himself, The Magus did not belong to Lord Jeremy Belmont, rather he had won a week’s possession from his billionaire Greek shipping magnate friend, Demiris, in an exceptionally well-executed game of poker, and Yasmin Jones was determined to enjoy everything the boat had to offer.

  ‘Is there anything else, my lady?’ the blonde, blue-eyed deckhand asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she said, taking a long sip of the cool, dry liquid. ‘As a matter of fact, there is.’

  He looked at her for the first time, careful to keep his eyes firmly on her neck.

  ‘I need you to rub some oil into my back. My husband’s taking a nap, you see, and I don’t want to burn.’

  He hesitated.

  ‘Is there a problem?’ she asked, peering at him from over the top of her shades, enjoying his sense of unease.

  He swallowed dryly. There was nothing he would like more than to get his hands all over her naked flesh; after all she was a total fox and clearly gagging for it. But what about the husband? He could come lumbering up the stairs at any minute and catch them. It would almost certainly cost him his job, a job he enjoyed almost as much as he needed. He sensed, however, that the ‘Lady’ stretched out in front of him was not about to take no for an answer.

  ‘No problem, Lady Belmont,’ he said, thinking how they were all the same, these gold-diggers who married rich men. In time, they all grew bored of spending their husband’s money and instead searched for their thrills elsewhere.

  She looked up at him, her glossy lips glimmering and he imagined them around his cock.

  ‘Forget it,’ she said dismissively, her tone suddenly switching from flirtatious to cold in an instant. ‘That’s all, thank you.’ He hesitated for a moment, confused by her sudden turnaround. Cock-teasing bitch, he thought as he walked away, his hard-on rapidly diminishing. If he ever did get the chance to fuck her he’d make sure the pleasure would be all his.

  Yasmin took another
generous sip of champagne and exhaled. She stared out towards the cobalt blue Aegean Sea stretched out in front of her, mesmerised by the sunlight dancing on the ocean’s surface.

  It seemed incredible to think that less than eighteen months ago Yasmin Belmont-Jones had been plain old Stacey Jones, a nobody struggling to pay the rent on her poky one bedroom flat in Croydon, South London. What’s more, when she thought about it, getting there had been far easier than she could ever have imagined.

  Though Yasmin’s rise from rags to riches appeared meteoric on the surface, every detail had to be meticulously researched to ensure success. Such patience and dedication had ultimately paid off though because so far, Stacey Jones had fooled everyone.

  A small, slow smile crept across her lips as she sucked deeply on her thin Vogue cigarette. A waiter appeared.

  ‘Lunch will be served shortly, Lady Belmont,’ he said. ‘Lord Belmont has requested that you join him on the lower deck in half an hour.’

  Yasmin smiled, acknowledging his message without making eye contact.

  She knew what the crew were thinking the moment she had set a French pedicured foot on board The Magus; there could only be one reason why a young, attractive woman like her could possibly be with a man like Belmont. It suited Yasmin for them to think she was little more than a gold-digging opportunist. That she could handle.

  Yasmin padded barefoot across the polished deck to the edge of the boat and looked out onto the crystal blue water. The sea was as still as a pond and its tranquillity instilled a momentary calmness within her. But it was short-lived and soon replaced by a more familiar feeling of self-doubt. Since the wedding, the press had begun to show an inordinate amount of interest in her personal life. They wouldn’t have to dig too deep to uncover her true provenance.

  ‘Give me strength, Chloe,’ she said in soft prayer. ‘I’m doing this for you. Stay with me … stay with me.’

  ‘Ah, there you are, my darling.’ Lord Belmont lumbered up the last few steps to the top deck, panting and wheezing like an old boiler on its last knockings.


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