Baker's Dozen

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Baker's Dozen Page 7

by Wendy Smith

  “As if I’d do anything different. See you ladies tomorrow.”

  I’m closing the door when Corey and Adam appear.

  At the sight of the box of beer in Corey’s hand, I roll my eyes. Of all nights, this is not going to be a boozy one for me. “Having a few drinks?”

  He grins. “We thought we’d come and bug you for a while.”

  I fix my gaze on Adam. “What about you? Don’t you have dinner at home or something?”

  “Corey came around to our place, and we were getting under Lily’s feet. She told us to come and see you for a couple of hours.”

  Chuckling, I nod. “Fair enough. Bring the beers in. Most of them must be for me, given I’m the one not driving.”

  When we get to the living room, I collapse on the couch. Adam and Corey sit in the recliners, and Corey opens the box, handing out the beers. If they don’t leave before Ginny gets here, I’ll kick them out, but for the moment, Adam and Corey are a welcome distraction.

  “So how are things going with you and Ginny?” Adam asks.


  He grins. “You know why. Because you’ve been seeing her since Drew’s wedding, and that’s not like you.”

  I nod. “Yes, we are still seeing each other. And I hope it continues. Ginny’s awesome.”

  “Awesome.” Corey snorts. “How old are you? Twelve?”

  “Fine. She’s a beautiful, intelligent, gentle, caring woman. Is that enough for you?”

  Corey nods. “It sounds more grown-up. And what Adam said. Not like you.”

  “Maybe it’s time for me to grow up.” I push myself to sit.

  Adam raises his beer bottle, and I clink mine to it. “Here’s to growing up,” he says. “It is kinda awesome.”

  Nodding toward him, I smile. “Well, who would have thought things would end up like this for you? Settled down with Lily and your kids. Took a while, but it must feel good.”

  “Best feeling ever.”

  That’s the life what I want. Settled.

  I lick my lips. “Ginny stayed over for the first time last night.”

  “No way,” Corey said. “Drew’s wedding was weeks ago.”

  “We’ve been taking things slowly. You guys should be proud of me because Ginny and I haven’t had sex yet.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You spent the entire night with a woman in your bed, and you didn’t have sex? That has to be a first.” Corey chuckles.

  “I’d just like to point out that she’s the first woman I’ve had in my bed.”

  Adam leans forward. “Really?”

  I shrug. “I always had this theory that it was easier to move on if I was the one leaving.”

  Corey shakes his head. “I had no idea you were that sad. But I guess it makes sense.”

  I raise my middle finger at him. “It’s worked for a really long time.”

  “Can I ask you something?” He takes a sip of his beer.


  “Why her? I mean, I don’t really know her, so I can’t judge for myself, but why after all this time is this one different?”

  I let out a loud puff of breath. “She cares. I’m not saying no one else ever has, but with Ginny, it’s so deep. When I’ve needed her, she’s been there, and I don’t think she’s had any expectations.”

  “So, like a babysitter?”

  I laugh. “Damn it, Corey. I can’t explain it. With Cara’s death, it’s really got me thinking about what a short time we have and how much I might have missed out on. Ginny just gets me. It feels right.”

  His lips quirk. “Good for you.”

  “What happened with you and that blonde from Drew’s wedding? Are you ever going to tell us? Are you seeing her again?” Adam asks Corey.

  Corey rolls his eyes. “We went back to her motel room, with her telling me the whole way what she wanted me to do to her. It was hot as fuck until she literally fell asleep as soon as she fell into bed.”

  I roar with laughter. “So what did you do?”

  “I was too drunk to go anywhere else, so I grabbed a pillow and slept on the couch.”

  The mental image is hilarious. Corey’s six-foot-something-ridiculous, and I know how small the couches are in that motel.

  Adam laughs. “Dude. Surely it would have been easier to sleep on the floor?”

  “I was drunk. It made sense at the time. My back hurt like a bitch in the morning.”

  Corey shifts his gaze to me. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do if you settle down. That just puts more pressure on me.”

  “As if anyone’s ever pressured you into anything.” I laugh. “How are things going with the cops on your land?”

  Corey currently has the police surveying his neighbours from halfway down his property. It’s a mutual arrangement made after the shit Ash Harris pulled on Drew’s wife, Hayley, and I know it’s gone on far longer than Corey would have liked.

  The smile disappears from his face. “All I know is that they’re there for the long haul.” He lets out a breath. “That truck that hit Cara and Ryan. Guess where it was coming from?”

  “The mountain?”

  “Apparently it drove up to those gates, dropped off whatever was inside, and left again. The driver was going way too fast, Owen. They never stood a chance.”

  I place my beer on the coffee table and bury my head in my hands. “So, let me get this straight. While the police take their sweet time over all this, that lot have managed to ruin more lives?”

  “Dude. I’m sorry. I thought you should know. The undercover cops are still relatively new in the community, and they’re not in deep enough. But whatever was in that truck is the key. They’re sure of it.”

  “Do they have any more clues?”

  He shakes his head, gripping my shoulder. “If they do, they’re not telling me. That truck driver had a wife and kids too, so it wasn’t just Cara and Ryan’s girl left behind. I mean, was he speeding to get home, or just to get away from whatever he’d delivered? How bad is all this?”


  She still occupies my thoughts. I made a very angry phone call to Graham Taylor the morning after the funeral to request an update on Ava and complain about what happened that day. That poor kid. I’ve never dealt with anything like that before in my time as a volunteer fireman, and I hope to God I never have to again.

  “They have to get to the bottom of all of this,” I growl.

  “They will. I have to be patient because those lumbering oafs think they’re being quiet where they’re camped out in the little hut they’ve built, but there’s no wildlife within half a freaking kilometre of my place now. But there’s no way I’m giving up, or blocking them from doing what they have to do because Ash tried to hurt Hayley.” He sighs. “That shit’s unforgivable. I want Ash Harris locked away for a very, very long time.”

  I nod.

  It’s the least that bastard deserves.



  Nathan Webster still gives me the creeps.

  There are rumours about him. Rumours that no one will confirm, but I’m pretty sure people just don’t want to rock the boat in a small town with limited employment options.

  Nathan eyes me from the other side of the staffroom. The way he casts his gaze over me leaves me with a stomach ache.

  I’m almost thankful when Becky walks toward me.

  “Can I talk to you?”

  I suck a breath in. I’ve been waiting for this moment as I knew it would become public knowledge Owen and I were seeing each other. I’m surprised she’s waited this long to say something. We’ve already discussed his past with Becky, my co-worker, but until now she’s not said anything about Owen and me. Now it seems that’s about to change. “Sure.”

  She licks her lips as she sits beside me, obviously trying to choose her words wisely. “It’s about you and Owen Campbell.”

  I nod. “I thought it might be.”

  Her eyes widen, as if it’s a surprise that I already know what she w
ants. “I don’t want to interfere, but I do have some experience when it comes to him.”

  It takes everything in me to stop an eye roll. I’m well aware of Becky’s past with Owen, both that they screwed around, and that she practically stalked him afterward. That is from my own personal observation too, and not because of anything he’d told me. “I know you do, but Owen and I are seeing each other and we’re happy.”

  “You’ll be happy until he moves onto the next one.”

  For a second, I close my eyes. I can’t pretend I haven’t thought about this, but it’s been nearly two months, and Owen’s doing everything right. He hasn’t given me any reason not to trust him, even when I feel like I’m looking for one. “He’s changed, Becky. I know you don’t believe it, but I do.”

  “Leopards never change their spots.” She sighs. “Look. I’m not warning you because I have any feelings left where he’s concerned, but I like you, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I’ve got no reason to think he’s going to hurt me.” I let out a loud breath in exasperation. “He’s been through a lot, and he’s working out what’s important.” My heart sings at the thought of his dedication to me so far. If it was just about sex, I’m sure he would have given up weeks ago. I don’t think he’s seriously romanced a woman before, but Owen’s bending over backwards to get me to fall in love with him. Not that he’s really had to try hard. I do love him. Just the thought warms my heart.

  “Just don’t let him break your heart in the process. Trust me, Ginny, it’ll be a matter of time before he moves onto the next one and leaves you in his wake. It’s what he does.”

  I swallow hard. “Not this time.”

  In that moment, I know I’m lost. Lost in love with Owen, and way past the point of no return. He’s been so patient and sweet, never putting any pressure on me to have sex with him, even though I seem to keep hearing from everyone else from everyone else that’s all he wants. And yet, I know how much he wants me.

  I want him, too.



  After an hour, Corey and Adam head back to Adam’s for dinner. Adam invites me, but I decline the offer because nothing is getting in the way of me spending time with my girl. Especially not tonight.

  Tonight is all about Ginny and me.

  I can’t remember a time when I was this nervous. I’ve skated through most of my life with casual flings, but this woman means so much more to me, and I want this night to be special.

  When the knock on the door comes, I have to calm myself. I’m going to worship her like the goddess she is. I’m going to show her just how much she means to me.

  Because I know she will have heard otherwise.

  The thought of that punches me in the gut. When I decided never to settle down it was for what I thought were all the right reasons. But putting everything that’s happened in perspective lately, what a stupid decision that was.

  “Hey.” Her smile illuminates the room, and there’s something behind it I haven’t seen before.

  “Hi, beautiful.” I lean over and give her a tender kiss, lingering on the lips I’ve been missing since this morning. “I’ve made dinner.” She scans my face, and I smile. “What?”

  “I want you to know that someone told me today that I’d be hurt when you move on.”

  My heart sinks. “Becky, by any chance?”

  “How’d you guess?” A smile still plays on her lips, and she doesn’t sound upset. “I told her this was different, and that you’d changed. She didn’t believe me.”

  “As long as you know. Everything that’s happened lately has taught me a lot about myself. She doesn’t know that.”

  “But I do. I’ve seen it.”

  My heart leaps at her faith in me. I grab hold of her hand. “Let’s go and eat. I made pasta.”

  Her eyebrows twitch. “I haven’t had pasta in forever.”

  “It’s even gluten-free. I made it fresh myself. The things I do for my girl.”

  She laughs. “You spoil me.”

  “You’re worth the effort. Mind you, I’m not exactly sure how it’s going to taste, so be prepared for anything.”

  As I take a step toward the kitchen, Ginny grabs my hand. “I don’t care what anyone says, Owen. I know your heart.”

  “You probably know it better than anyone else.” I squeeze her hand before continuing to the kitchen.

  Her faith in me leaves me feeling better than anything has in a long time.

  I’m not too sure about my pasta attempt. I frown as I chew my way through it. Ginny doesn’t complain once.

  I’m a baker, not a chef.

  Afterward, I clean away the dishes, and she makes herself comfortable on the couch. Nerves chew at my stomach. This is insane.

  She smiles as I enter the room. That smile lights up my whole world.

  “Sorry for dinner.”

  Ginny laughs. “What do you mean? It was lovely.”

  I shrug as I sit beside her. “I’m not sure if lovely’s the right word.”

  “It was made by you. That’s what makes it special.”

  I reach for her face, locking my fingers in her hair and pulling her closer. “You’re special.”

  My mouth meets hers and I close my eyes as the familiarity of her kiss floods my system. I never thought I’d feel this way, and it’s corny as hell, but Ginny completes me. She’s like the other half of my soul.

  We were just meant to be. I’m sure of it. Everything in my life has led me to her, and I’m not about to ignore that.

  “Are you ready for bed?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she whispers, and every nerve in my body stands to attention.

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to. There’s no rush.” I can’t believe I’m talking myself out of sex. That is definitely not like me.

  “It’s time, Owen. I’m not going to make myself wait any longer.”

  My heart catches alight at her words. These past few months, while I’ve been desperately wanting to do more than just kiss her, the last thing I wanted was to apply any pressure. The thought of sinking into her makes my body ache. And now she wants me.

  For the first time in my adult life, I feel woefully inadequate and wonder if I can fulfil her needs. Maybe the anticipation of this has played with my head a little too much.

  “What’s brought this on?” I ask.

  “I just want to be with you.”

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I look into her eyes. “You’re with me regardless. I only want to take the next step if you’re completely ready. And yeah, I know this might seem weird coming from me, but I want this thing to work with you.”

  “It will.” Her smile brightens the room, and any more thoughts of delay leave my brain.

  She wants me. I want her.

  There’s simply nothing else left.

  She shivers as I unzip her dress and run my index finger down her spine.

  This is like getting the best Christmas present ever, and the anticipation is killing me.

  Turning to face me, Ginny’s gaze sweeps over my face as she reaches for the hem of my T-shirt.

  I’m as nervous as a teenage boy on a first date.

  As she throws my shirt on the floor, I pull her into my arms.

  “Owen,” she whispers.

  I raise my hands to her shoulders and slide the sleeves of her dress down her arms.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I say.

  Her dress drops to the floor, and this time she’s got nowhere to hide as I unclip her bra.

  Our lips brush, and I catch a glimpse of her perky breasts before she presses them against my chest. The feel of her skin against mine is divine, and I close my eyes as I drop kisses down her neck.

  I groan at the feeling of her hands on the waistband of my jeans. Her breathing accelerates as she flips the button and unzips me.

  “I need you,” she says.

  Pushing my jeans down, I kick them off, laughing softly as her hands are already on the elastic
of my boxers.

  “Impatient?” I ask.


  Ginny in her underwear was hot. Ginny naked is spectacular.

  Nothing’s coming between us tonight.

  Her eyes settle on my cock as she removes my last piece of clothing, and I smile. I’m already hard from the extensive making out session on the couch. This time I don’t have to deal with it myself, which only makes me harder.

  Tonight, I’ll be with her.

  She sucks in a breath as I climb into bed beside her, running my fingers from her neck, and down the side of her body. I kiss my way from her shoulder to her breast, taking the delicate pink nipple into my mouth and caressing it with my tongue. She shivers.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Just a bit nervous. I don’t know why.”

  I grin. “Anticipation? It’s the same for me. I want this to be perfect for you so badly.”

  “What about you?”

  Pushing myself up, I lose myself in her lips for a moment. She’s so warm and familiar, but makes my heart race when I kiss her. “Being with you makes this perfect,” I whisper.


  I bend my neck and return my attention to her breasts. This is one night when I’m not going to be in any rush. One night when I’m not running away.

  What I always thought would be the hardest thing of all is made simple because I’m in love. And as strange a feeling as that is for me, I revel in it.

  Ginny sighs, but it’s a contented sigh, and she scrapes her nails over my scalp. The gentle gesture drives me on. I want her to feel everything when she’s with me, just as I feel everything right now.

  I take my time, pressing kisses down her torso until I’m between her legs. When I look up and into her eyes, they’re full of emotion, and I know she’s feeling this as much as I am. There’s something special between us. There’s no denying that.

  Her breath catches, and I smile. She squirms before I make contact with her clit, and her moans are barely audible when I do. But I hear them. I notice everything about her.


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