The Shifter's Gift

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The Shifter's Gift Page 7

by Haley Weir

  He pulled up, doubled checked the address, and looked at her house. It was a little rundown, but it looked like she took care of the place. The curtains moved in the window, and he saw her peek through. He stepped out of his car and walked up to the front door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The rumble of an engine outside drew Ava’s attention to the window. It was a little late to be the mailman. Besides, how many more Past Due notices she could get before they would shut off the lights on her and carried her out of her house kicking and screaming? Still, the sound was worth investigating. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a shiny, black SUV pulling up in front of her house. Who in the world was that...?

  The darkly tinted windows made it hard to make out the driver, but her heart skipped a beat when Mason got out of the car. What was he doing here? She didn’t know how to feel. It had been yet another day of applications, follow up calls, and no success. It wasn’t exactly the perfect ‘tomorrow will be a new day’ shtick she’d told herself last night. Part of her was happy to see Mason walking up to her front door, even if the other part thought she was crazy to care about him at all after what he’d done.

  Then again, she had spoken with Isabella Grace about what happened and had received a return call from Ms. Prince herself. Apparently, Henrietta was no longer working for the company. Ms. Prince said she planned to speak with Mason about removing his profile. She was no longer interested in doing business with him.

  Strangely enough, Ava had rebuffed that last part. She’d told Ms. Prince that she didn’t want his chance at finding love to be thrown away because of her. The call ended pleasantly, even if the marketing position had already been given to someone else. Ms. Prince said Ava would be considered if another position were to open up.

  Mason pulled a dozen white roses from the car along with a manila folder that he tucked under his arm. He was wearing a suit. This didn’t make any sense. She contemplated pretending she wasn’t home or not, but thought better of it. Hiding hadn’t solved anything for Ava.

  He knocked on the door. Her heart pounded in her chest.

  She looked around her living room, making sure there wasn’t anything there that could embarrass her, like a melted carton of ice cream, or yesterday’s sundress lying in the hallway. She ran around frantically straightening up everything she could.

  “Just a minute!” she called, hoping he could hear her. When she was done picking up, she looked over at her progress. Not bad, all things considered.

  She opened the door and leaned against the frame, trying desperately to hide how flustered she felt. She looked at his face, to the flowers, and then toward the envelope in his hands again. “Hi.”

  “Hi Ava. Sorry for coming by unannounced. You had every right to ignore my texts, but I need to talk to you.” Mason’s nervousness helped strengthen Ava’s wavering confidence.

  “How did you find out where I live? I didn’t give you my address,” she said accusingly, and crossed her arms across her chest.

  “My friend is a private investigator. He helped me out.” He looked down at the roses. “These are for you, by the way.” He glanced back up at her after a few moments.

  Ava sighed, feeling her emotional walls softening a bit. “Thank you.” She accepted the roses he was holding out for her, and stepped aside to invite him in. “Come inside. Let’s not talk on the porch.” She peeked over to see her elderly neighbors craning their necks to get a better look. When she saw them staring, they waved. “My neighbors are pretty chatty, especially when it comes to everyone else’s business.”

  Mason waved to the neighbors as well before walking inside after her. “Let’s not give them anything else to chat about then.” He stood in the doorway, looking around her living room uncomfortably. He was trying to respect her boundaries, both emotionally and physically.

  “Have a seat, if you want. I’m going to put these in water.” She headed for the kitchen, and took a few quiet, deep breaths to help soothe some of her frazzled nerves. She grabbed a vase from under the sink and filled it with water before dropping the flowers in. When she turned around, she nearly dropped the vase. Her heart pounded in her chest at the sight of him leaning against the doorframe, watching her walk around the kitchen. “You scared me! But I guess should’ve anticipated that. You are quite stealthy.”

  A smirk tugged at the corners of Mason’s lips. “Guilty.” The smile faded after a moment. “Anyways, I know it’s probably awkward having me here, but I wanted to try and make things right with you. I couldn’t just let our last conversation be the end of things.” He lowered his gaze for a moment before looking her in the eyes. “I called the Prince Dating Agency earlier today and spoke with Henrietta Douglas. She wouldn’t take back our agreement. She said she didn’t want to get in trouble, and that they’d already hired someone else. Ava, I-”

  Ava held up a hand to stop him. “I spoke with Ms. Prince today. She assured me that Henrietta no longer works for Prince Dating Agency. She already told me the position was filled.” Sadness filled her as she said the words out loud. That made it real. If none of this had happened, she would have a job right now. She could’ve already been working and on her way to paying her bills. Now she didn’t know what she was going to do.

  Mason cocked his head to the side. “I see. Did she say anything else?”

  “She told me she’d speak with you about canceling your service. I told her not to do that. I don’t fully blame you for what happened. I feel betrayed by Henrietta, to be honest. She seemed like the kind of person I could trust. She had no real regard for my feelings or situation. It just isn’t fair.” Her calm façade was cracking under the weight of her emotions. She tried to regain her composure.

  A large hand gently rested on her shoulder, and she felt herself relax a little. “I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am, Ava.” He set the manila envelope on the counter in front of her. “I understand if you need to say no, but Henrietta mentioned you were highly skilled and applying for a marketing position. My company has an opening if you’re interested.”

  Ava wasn’t sure what to think about that. Was he doing this out of pity? He sounded genuine. She looked him in the eyes, and his sincerity made her heart feel like it was being squeezed. She wanted so badly to give him a hug, but her gaze rested on the envelope once more. “You haven’t even seen my resume. You don’t know if she was making that up or not.”

  “I doubt it. You are an incredible woman, Ava. Go ahead and open the envelope.” He stood behind her so close she could almost feel his body heat. It warmed her, and gave her the courage to forge ahead.

  She stared down at the papers inside, and her eyes widened. Was this real? Were her eyes playing tricks on her? She chewed on her lower lip as she read through the offer letter line by line. He wanted her to be the senior director of marketing? She’d been on track for that position at her old company. She flipped to the next page to see that there was a sign-on bonus if she chose to accept. Her eyes widened even more when she saw how generous it was.

  He placed a check on the counter. “All you need to do say yes and drive to the bank. I’m doing this because I care and I think you have what it takes, not because of any ulterior motives. If you never want to see me again, I’d understand and respect that.”

  What he’d given her was more than just a job. This was a chance for her to rebuild her life. She wasn’t about to shut him out of her life completely after he’d done this for her. “I wasn’t happy with what you did. But I know you didn’t do it because you were trying to be a jerk. You just made a bad decision because you wanted to get to know me. From the moment we met, I wanted to know you too. Thank you for coming by and apologizing. I...” She looked down at his chest, gathering the words to say. “I forgive you, and yes, I’d be happy to work for you.” She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and met his gaze.

  “It was wrong of me to manipulate the situation like that. I should’ve asked for your number
rather than being stubborn and costing you the job. Thank you for agreeing to work at my family’s company,” he continued. After a beat, he shuffled his feet, unsure what he should do next. “I...suppose I should be going now?”

  “Actually, could I ask a small favor?” she said. Regardless of everything, she didn’t want him to go. And he could help her start getting her life back together, starting now.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Sure, anything. Tell me what I can do.”

  “My car was repossessed last night when I came home. Do you mind taking me by the bank so I can deposit it? Maybe we can grab some lunch too?”

  “I’d be happy to. And if you need any help getting your car back, I can help you. I’m actually…on vacation from work for a while. Whatever you need, I’ll do what I can to help you.” He pulled her in for a gentle hug. Having his arms around her was so comforting. It was as if she didn’t have to worry about danger, and Mason would keep all the predators away.

  “Thank you. Sounds like a date,” she said, smiling up at him.

  He grinned back, but then his face became deadly serious again. “There’s one more thing I should tell you since we’re…clearing the air.”

  Ava’s heart sank. That didn’t sound good. What if he was married, or a criminal? “Go on. Tell me. The suspense is killing me,” she said.

  “I’m a werebear. You know, like a werewolf, except a bear...” He watched her as if expecting her to start struggling and running away. But Ava knew he was joking. He had to be joking. “You don’t believe me, do you?”

  “I...” She laughed, unable to hold it in. “No, not really. Werewolves aren’t real. They’re the stuff of folklore and horror movies. You scared me, you weirdo,” she said, and rested her head against his chest. After a few seconds, she realized Mason wasn’t laughing along with her. “Wait, you’re serious?” She leaned back to look up at him.

  “I’m serious. I don’t want to hide anything else from you, especially something this important. If you want, I can introduce you to my bear. He’s liked you ever since I first met you. That’s pretty rare.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek.

  “Um, yeah. Okay,” she responded skeptically.

  He cupped her cheek. “I’m serious, okay? You can’t tell anyone else about this. That’s really important. Do you understand?”

  Either he was the best actor in the world, or Mason was telling her the truth. She had never seen him act this intense before, even when it seemed like he would never see her again. This was a big secret, and trusted her with it. Still, she needed to see it to believe him. To trust that he wasn’t just trying to pull some very elaborate prank on her. But that did not seem like Mason. She decided to take the plunge.

  “I understand. I’m ready to see your bear.” Her voice trembled and she cleared her throat.

  “Let’s go somewhere with more space. Besides, the curtains need to be closed. I don’t think your gossiping neighbors should catch a glimpse through your windows.” He nodded toward the direction of her nosey neighbors.

  “You’re right. Ugh, those two. I’ll be happy to move. I need a fresh start.”

  “You deserve one,” he agreed, retreating toward the living room. He took off his suit jacket and laid it over the back of the couch before removing his shoes.

  Her eyes widened. “You’re getting…naked? Wow, uh, maybe I should turn around?” But she didn’t move. She watched as he pulled off his socks, then he took off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt…

  “Of course I am. The bear is much bigger than I am. I’ve shifted without taking off my clothes before, but it ends up shredding them. And this is an expensive suit.” He smirked. “I see you’re not turning around. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” He pulled off his pants and boxers last, kicking them aside.

  Ava couldn’t turn away, even if she wanted to. This was all a little overwhelming, but she could handle it. She just needed to keep breathing.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mason crouched down on his hands and knees, not sure if any of this was a good idea. He certainly hadn’t planned on showing her his bear when drove over here, but she’d forgiven him, taken the position, and hadn’t given up on him. He couldn’t keep this away from her. If she was his mate, there could be no secrets between them. More than that, he needed to show her who he was beneath the surface.

  His bones cracked, reformed, and lengthened. His muscles stretched as his body changed forms. The transformation was always painful, but it took less than a minute to complete.

  Ava stood there with her hand over her mouth. Her skin had paled a bit, but she stood strong. He wouldn’t have done this if he didn’t think she could handle it.

  “W-wow, you really weren’t joking,” she whispered, and moved closer to him. Her gentle hand hovered over his head. She wanted to stroke his fur, but wasn’t sure if she should. He lifted his head into her touch, and his bear huffed, content with the feeling of her hand on him. “What’s it like?”

  Her questions would have to wait a little while. He wanted to draw in her scent and continue to feel her cool hand stroking his fur.

  “Oh, right. I guess you can’t talk. So, how long have you been a werebear?” She shook her head. “Right, I know. I’ll ask my questions when you come back to your human...form? Is that the right word?” She chewed on her lower lip and ran her hand from his head down his back. “Your bear is handsome. Your fur is so soft.”

  After a few moments, he began the shift of drawing his beast back inside of him. She skittered back a few steps at the sounds his bones and tendons made as they broke apart to reform into his human shape. “Thank you. As for your questions, it’s amazing to be a bear shifter. I’ve been one since birth. My father, mother, and grandparents before them were all shifters. My family line is stretches back for some time. And yes, human form is the right word.” He noticed Ava’s gaze dipping down his body with widened eyes. What was she staring at...? His erection stood at attention from the sensual touch of her hand running down his bear’s back.

  “Oh, I should probably turn around. Sorry,” she stammered, but didn’t turn away.

  He took a step toward her. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” When she didn’t back away and lifted her chin toward him, he lowered his head to kiss her. The last thing he wanted to do was rush her. He’d already done a lot today: showing up to her place unannounced to apologize, giving her the job offer, and showing her his bear. What if he’d overloaded her with too much at once?

  “I don’t want to.” Her arms circled his back, brushing her soft, dainty hands over his skin. “You’re an amazing man. More than just a man, I suppose, which makes you even more incredible.” She stretched on her tiptoes, nearly bridging the gap between them. Her face was so close that he could feel her breath on his lips. “Maybe you’ll let me show you what I think of you?” The mischievous look in her eyes nearly threw Mason off balance.

  “You’re sure you want to do this? I’m not looking for something temporary.” He brushed his lips over hers before tilting his head back a little.

  Ava tightened her grip on him. “I’m sure. I want this. I’ve never been the kind of girl who’s after temporary flings.”

  The truth in her scent made him even harder for her. He pulled her closer so their bodies were pressed together. “Okay. If you want us to stop at any point, just say the word, and I’ll stop.” He smirked. “Well, up to a certain point, I suppose.”

  She giggled. “Of course. I’ll tell you if I want to stop. I promise.”

  “Okay.” He leaned down again, brushing his lips against hers. His grip on her hips tightened as he deepened the kiss.

  * * *

  Ava moved her arms from his back to his broad shoulders. Moisture dampened her thighs. She might not have been sure about giving her body to him before, but she certainly was now. She was practically burning with desire. She pulled back just enough to whine, “Mason, please. Let’s go to my bedroom.”

  His ey
es darkened with lust. He effortlessly lifted her into his arms without a word. His large, hot palms held her bottom, and she felt him squeeze with excitement and anticipation. He made her feel like she weighed nothing. It both startled and turned her on that much more.

  “Which room?” Without waiting for her to respond, he opened the door to the bathroom, a hall closet, then finally found her bedroom. His gaze dipped back to her lips as he gently laid her down in the middle of the bed. “Perfect.” His hands crept to the hem of her tank top, and he slid it up until her breasts were visible. He crawled onto the bed with his hands and knees on either side of her, bending his head to meet one of her rosy nipples. He slid his tongue around her areola before sucking her hardened peak into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it.

  She moaned approvingly, savoring the feeling of his tongue. His hand drifted over to her other breast, gently squeezing and tweaking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  He helped her into a sitting position and pulled off her tank top, tossing it aside before laying her back down. “You’re sure about this?” He his hands trailed down her torso, over her breasts, passed her belly button, to the hem of her shorts.

  She bit her lower lip, looking into his eyes as she nodded, but he didn’t move his hands.

  “Speak to me, Ava. Do you want this?” he asked, staring into her eyes.

  “Y-yes, I’m sure. I want you. I want to be yours.” Her voice was husky with desire, and she almost didn’t recognize herself. But she knew she wanted him. Badly. She’d wanted Mason ever since she first met him.

  Not needing any more encouragement, Mason tugged down her shorts and panties. He clenched them in his hands and looked over her naked body. His knuckles whitened, and she was almost concerned that he might rip the clothes apart. At the last minute, he tossed them on the floor beside the bed.


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