Home > Other > THE COMPLETE TRILOGY, COMPENDIUM OF THE HEART: An epic love story > Page 57

by RJ Hunter

  Taking another sip of her coffee, Laura checked her watch again. He was ten minutes late, and she began to feel anxious. She recalled when they had arranged the date, she may not have been too responsive, due to Tina's death being at the forefront of her mind, but she definitely said yes to the time and place they agreed, she was clear about that.

  Ordering a glass of water, Laura took out her compact. She had never been one for wearing masses of make-up, normally it would just be a little eyeliner, or mascara with a hint of blusher. Only if it was a special occasion, or if she was going out, would she wear lipstick and apply foundation.

  "You look superb, Miss, as beautiful as ever!" Remarked the young waiter, as he brought the water over. "But where is your friend? I would never keep a lady like you waiting!"

  Laura felt flattered by the attention and smiled, but now twenty minutes had passed and she was feeling rather self-conscious. The cafe was empty, and the waiters scrutinised her as they stood bored behind the counter.

  Finishing her coffee, she went to the payphone across the road and called the hall of residence at the college. The number rang for several minutes as was often the case, before someone eventually answered.

  "No, sorry, Nick's gone. He went a couple of days ago." Said the unknown student on the other end of the line.

  "Do you know where?" Asked Laura desperately.

  "No idea. He did his exams and just went."

  "Thank-you," she replied politely and replaced the receiver. She sighed and glanced over towards the cafe again. The waiter who had served her gave her a lusty grin and waved, but Laura, feeling embarrassed and let down pretended not to notice, and quickly walked away.

  After checking the library, she made her way back towards the High Street. There was one more place to check, but she was in two minds about it.

  The beer garden at the Devonshire Arms was busy, mostly with tourists and office workers alike. Tight Fit's 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' was playing on the jukebox as she stepped through the door. But, in direct contrast, it seemed rather empty inside. Glancing around, Laura saw a few familiar faces from the hospital, but Nick's wasn't one of them.

  "I love small breasts, they're much more responsive!" Came a Hispanic accent she recognised immediately. Fortunately the remarks were not directed at her. Roberto was up to his old tricks again. This time it was with the new barmaid.

  "Can you let go of my hand please, Roberto, I have a customer to serve!" Replied Chrissie, not at all fazed by the South American's advances.

  "Just an orange juice please!" Said Laura, trying not to bring attention to herself. However, it was a bit too late for that. She soon felt Roberto's piggish, bloodshot eyes boring through the flimsy dress she had worn, and now she wished she had worn a bra.

  "Hola! Yes, indeed hola!" Exclaimed Roberto, in a drawn out, throaty groan.

  "Hello Roberto, it's lovely to see you again. Are you well?"

  "Yes, Laura, I am positively throbbing now that you've come to me, I knew you would!"

  "Actually, I'm here to see Nick. Have you seen him?"

  Roberto stepped back a couple of paces, and in theatrical style admired the young nurse's curves.

  "I cannot stand here and watch you drink that, Laura. It's for babies! No, you must have a real drink befitting a lady of your poise and beauty." He replied, having not listened to word she had said.

  "No, Roberto, I don't need a drink. I just want to see Nick."

  He took his eyes off Laura's breasts only long enough to summon Chrissie over.

  "A cocktail for the lovely senorita, and one for you as well, Chrissie, as you are equally as lovely."

  "Give it a rest Roberto," laughed the barmaid, before glancing over at Laura. "He's full of it, isn't he?"

  Laura smiled back, as Roberto ushered her over to a table.

  "First, we must eat. Then we go to a place I know, maybe a little music, yes?"

  "No, Roberto." Replied Laura firmly. "Thanks for the offer of a drink, but I only came to see Nick, and I can see he's not here."

  "Please, Laura - don't be in such a rush to go. You are a very a beautiful woman, and I only joke with you." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

  "Do you know where he is Roberto? I was meant to meet him."

  He shook his head, and sighed deeply.

  "Nick has gone Laura."

  "Gone? But where to?

  "He's gone back to his wife, Sandra."

  "But what about his job at the hospital?"

  "He finished his exams, and left his job. I thought he would have told you he was leaving."

  "I don't understand Roberto?"

  "I'm sorry to give you such bad news Laura, perhaps I can make it up to you?" He stood up to go around and sit next to her, but as he did so, she leapt up, and with tears streaming down her face, ran from the pub.

  It was quite noisy in the nurses home that evening, it was Saturday night and lots of the girls were playing music and having a drink or two while they got ready to go out on the town. Laura, her eyes still watery from the tears she'd shed, wearily trudged up the stairs to her room. It was then that she noticed a note pinned to her door.



  "It's a bit late for that!" She muttered, as she screwed up the scrap of paper. She flopped down on her bed, her earlier good mood, now a distant memory. She eyed the bottle of red wine sitting on her dressing table, and considered drowning her sorrows. As she stood up to pour herself a glass, she went over to the mirror and studied her reflection. She then reached for her handbag, and began to do a hasty repair job on her make-up.

  No, she thought defiantly. I've been stood up at the last minute, by that swine, but I'm still going out to have a good time. Damn him! Damn all bloody men!"

  She then went out into the corridor and called on some girl's, who she knew would be going out.

  "Yes, of course you can join us, the more the merrier!" Exclaimed Amanda, delighted. "Come in, we've got some wine!"

  "Give me five minutes, I'm almost ready, I've just got to get changed," replied Laura excitedly. "I've got some wine too, I'll bring it along."

  There were four girls in total, and they took the Circle Line from St. James's Park to Sloane Square. Two of the girl's had apparently met members of a local band and had been told they would be in Drummonds, on the King's Road that evening. Drummonds was formerly known as The Chelsea Drugstore, but had now been turned into a trendy wine bar. It still however, retained the elaborate aluminium arches and circular windows from the sixties and early seventies.

  Amanda wasn't too bothered about meeting the band, and doubted if they would even be there. She just wanted to get out and let her hair down for a bit. At twenty, she was the same age as Laura. She was very pretty, with sparkling green eyes, and long chestnut hair.

  Both Laura and Amanda proved to be very popular, the blonde and the brunette. Laura was wearing a risqué black, lacy, see-through blouse along with her short skirt, which drew many admiring glances. Amanda, on the other hand wore a clingy, short white dress. They were hit on by several males and found neither of them had to buy a single drink during the whole evening! They eventually got chatting to a couple of young men, who claimed to be footballers from Chelsea Football Club. They certainly had plenty of spare cash to blow, but the two girls weren't entirely convinced. Besides, the one coming onto Laura resembled Friar Tuck, rather than a professional soccer player, as she had pointed out to Amanda

  Some time after this, the two girls who were meant to meet the band came over, looking rather disappointed. Obviously the band members had failed to materialise.

  "We're going clubbing up the west end, if you two want to come?" Shouted one of them above the noise. Amanda, shook her head, and glanced across at Laura.

  "You can go, but I don't feel like it. Besides, I'm on an early tomorrow. What about going to the Goat in Boots on the Fulham Road, t
here might be some dishy doctors there?"

  "What about the SAA bar at Westminster, you get them there too, and we're dressed to kill!" Suggested Laura, her speech a little slurred.

  "Laura, you're shameless, what about your boyfriend?" Giggled Amanda.

  "He stood me up, so forget him!"

  "Okay, let's go," agreed Amanda, finishing her drink. "The hospital club is a lot cheaper too, and if there's no doctors there, we can always get a Chinese and finish off the wine!"

  On the tube going back, Laura told Amanda about her meeting with the notorious, Lincoln Greene. Amanda was in stitches when Laura mentioned that he actually said, he would show her the ropes!

  "That's hilarious, he was certainly true to form!"

  "Have you ever been with a black man, Amanda?" Asked Laura, discreetly on the crowded train.

  "Why do you ask?" Exclaimed Amanda. "You're curious aren't you, innocent little Laura, now that you've met him!"

  "Yes, I must admit, I have wondered what all the fuss is about!"

  "So, I take it, you haven't gone black?"

  "No, I haven't," replied Laura, going red, but you still haven't answered my question, Amanda!"

  "Well okay, yes, I have. I had an ex who was black." Replied the brunette, as they got off the tube.

  "But, surely it can't be that different from any other man?"

  "It's different alright, trust me on that, Laura. In fact it's quite hard to explain. It just seems more erotic, more carnal, like you're rebelling or going against the system."

  "You mean the taboo thing?"

  "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Even though it's 1983, there's still a lot of people out there who are horrified to see a white woman with a black man."

  "That wouldn't bother me, I'd go out with someone if I liked them, no matter what colour they were."

  "I'm the same," said Amanda, "But some women, once they've tried it, prefer black men."

  "Yes, I suppose you're right, but why?"

  "Well, for a start, a black man's skin feels different, so smooth, so velvety, and they seem much more masterful and dominant in the bedroom. It's lust in its purest form. When you give yourself to a black man, it feels so electrifying, so intense, and the contrasting colours of the skin is so erotic."

  "You explain it very well." Replied Laura, more than a little intrigued. "So, is it true that they are quite big below?" She added, with a grin.

  "I thought we might come to that! I think it's all a bit of a fallacy really. I've had white boyfriends who were very well endowed, but come to think of it, yes, my ex was quite big. But, listen, if you're so interested, then I suggest you try it, and see for yourself!" Laughed Amanda.

  "Lincoln did seem very nice. Surely, he can't be that bad?"

  "He's a man isn't he?" Added Amanda, pushing open the door of the SAA bar.

  The Staff Amenities Association bar was half full inside, and rather dimly-lit. It was designed in the style of an old English pub, complete with overhead beams, and exposed brickwork. The bar area was huge, with lots of tables and chairs, and another raised level containing a pool table and slot machines.

  "It's my round, what do you want to drink?" Asked Laura, reaching into her handbag.

  "Do you know what, I still feel a bit tipsy. We must have had a hell of a lot tonight, but maybe a small white wine wont do any harm!"

  As Laura stood at the bar to order the drinks, Amanda looked around for a free table.

  "Two small glasses of dry white wine, and some change for the juke box please." Asked Laura politely.

  "Hey, Laura, you'll never guess," remarked Amanda, nudging her in the ribs. "Your friend, Lincoln is here. Look, he's sitting over there!"

  Laura glanced around, and indeed, Amanda was right. Lincoln was sat at a table, in his white coat, chatting to what looked like another doctor.

  "Don't keep staring, he'll catch you, and it'll be embarrassing."

  "He must be on call," Amanda, replied. "Why will it be embarrassing?"

  "He asked me out, and I turned him down. I told him I had a boyfriend."

  "Oh, Laura, but Nick's married isn't he? Look, I have to go to the ladies, I'll be back in a minute."

  As Amanda left, Laura waited patiently for their drinks to arrive.

  "That'll be £2.80 please." Said the barman, placing the two glasses of wine on a tray.

  Before Laura could respond, Lincoln was towering over her. He was a good six feet two, and under any other circumstances, he could have been considered quite menacing, with his shaven head and broad shoulders.

  "I'll get these, Laura, please, put your money away." With that, the doctor handed a five pound note to the barman. "Small world!" He smiled, repeating the last words she had said to him when they had met before.

  "Thank-you, yes, it certainly is!" She replied, her voice nervous. "So are you on duty?"

  "Yes, unfortunately, but only until 11.30. Please come and join us."

  "No, I couldn't possibly, besides I'm with a friend."

  "That's okay, your friend can come over as well." He answered, his dark, smouldering eyes burning into hers. "I must say, you look gorgeous, Laura. Have you been out with your boyfriend?"

  Laura, looked solemn, and took a sip of her wine.

  "No, I've been out with friends. My boyfriend stood me up."

  A sad look appeared on Lincoln's face. He then glanced down noticing her lace blouse. "How could any man in their right mind possibly stand you up?"

  "He's married!" She exclaimed, letting the drink do the talking, and immediately regretting what she'd just said.

  Lincoln reached out to touch her hand. Laura felt her spine tingle, as his fingers entwined with hers. She recalled what Amanda had said about the effects of the contrasting skin colours.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't realise." He remarked, squeezing her hand harder.

  Before she had time to reply, Amanda returned.

  "I see you two are getting acquainted!"

  "Hello Amanda," smiled Lincoln, just as his pager sounded. He let go of Laura's hand, and walked to the end of the bar, to pick up the internal telephone.

  "I'm sorry, I have to go." He said, returning almost straight away, as the pager interrupted a second time. "Listen, Laura - I'll be in my apartment by midnight, if you want to come up for a chat. It's number 102, in the doctor's quarters."

  His eyes were on her again, taking in the whole of her body, glancing hungrily at her breasts, her legs, and back up to her eyes again. "Please, I'll expect you."

  The two women glanced at each other and smirked, before taking their drinks to a nearby table.

  However, Laura seemed distant, and deep in thought.

  "You look sad. What's the matter?" Asked Amanda

  "I'm sorry, I was just thinking about Nick. I've had a bit too much to drink."

  "I wouldn't shed a tear over him, Laura, men aren't worth it. Come on, let's put some music on!"

  A couple of minutes later, Kraftwerk's, 'The Model' was playing over the club's sound system.

  "Yes, you're right, Amanda, he's not worth it, but I really enjoyed tonight."

  "So are you going then?"

  "Going where?"

  "Going to Lincoln's apartment!"

  "No, of course not. Whatever gave you that idea. I'll finish my wine and probably go to bed." Replied Laura, defensively.

  "Well, I'm going to get a takeaway. Don't you want one?"

  "No, I'm not hungry any more."

  The two girls said their goodbyes, and promised to meet up again soon. Amanda went off to get her Chinese, while Laura began the short walk to Empire. When she got back to her room, she sat on her bed for a few moments, again deep in thought. She then did a quick touch-up job on her make-up, and brushed her hair, before heading back out, and making her way to the doctor's quarters.

  Lincoln was shirtless, and just wearing a pair of running shorts when he opened the door. He had a towel draped around his neck, and looked as if he'd just stepped out of the sh

  "I'm glad you could make it," he said, in his deep tone. "I haven't been back long myself. Please, come in." He made a sweeping gesture with a well-muscled arm, and Laura found herself hesitantly stepping inside. She again, caught the smell of expensive musky aftershave, and it set her hormones racing.

  Lincoln had a one-bedroom apartment a couple of minutes away from the main hospital. It was fairly minimalist with cream and maroon walls, and a three-piece dark leather suite. Sade was playing discretely in the background, as he took her denim jacket.

  "This is nice, it's huge compared to my room at Empire."

  "It keeps the rain off! Take a seat. Can I get you a drink?" He asked, seeing tantalising glimpses of white flesh through her blouse. She had a couple of buttons undone, showing the top of her low cut black bra.

  "I'll have a coke, or whatever, if you're having one?" Replied Laura, nervously.

  "Of course, I'll just put a shirt on, I certainly don't want you to think I'm a savage!"

  Laura laughed and watched as he strode, with a confident swagger into the bedroom. She couldn't help noticing his athletic V-shaped torso, and pure dark, unblemished skin. He returned a few moments later in a tight black T-shirt, and wearing faded jeans. He was clutching two exotic-looking drinks.

  "Sorry, totally out of coke, but try this, it's made from fresh pineapple and coconut juice."

  Laura's mouth had suddenly gone very dry and she could feel her heart racing. Sitting back on the leather sofa, she tried to act calm, aware that he was standing over her, taking in every detail of her body.

  "Did you have a busy night?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink, and trying to break the sexually charged tension.

  Lincoln sat down beside her and put his drink down next to hers.


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