Home > Other > THE COMPLETE TRILOGY, COMPENDIUM OF THE HEART: An epic love story > Page 62

by RJ Hunter

  "I can't be bothered doing tea, Sally. We'll have a drink instead. Is vodka alright? " Asked Pauline, causing Sally to jump.

  "Yes, vodka's fine."

  "That was me with Mr. Bloom, he was a very dear friend of mine."

  "It was a few years ago, Pauline, judging by the length of your skirt," replied Sally, a little nervously.

  "Mid-sixties I'd say. He was such a nice man, a jeweller, but he died in very suspicious circumstances."

  "How sad," remarked Sally.

  "People often tend to die in suspicious circumstances when Frank's around."

  "I'm sorry?" Asked Sally, a little puzzled.

  "Don't mind me, I'm always speaking out of turn." Pauline then started laughing, which Sally found most disturbing. It wasn't a normal happy sort of laugh, there was something sinister and very disturbing about it.

  "It must all be very painful for you at the moment, Pauline?"

  "I've tried to get on with my life, Sally. I thought I could do it. First I lost my grandfather, and now it's Tina who's gone."

  "But isn't Frank helping you get through it all?"

  "Frank? He's no help, in fact he's the problem. Besides, he's got himself another whore." Replied Pauline, glaring at Sally.

  Feeling decidedly uncomfortable, Sally picked up her drink, and wondered what on earth she could say to this woman. In the back of her mind she kept thinking about Frank, and whether Pauline's odd behaviour meant she actually knew about the affair.

  "Pauline, I'll try to help you all I can. I lost my husband not that long ago. It was the most awful feeling. I thought I had nothing left to live for."

  "That's just it Sally - I don't have anything left to live for."

  "But you have a son don't you?"

  "Yes, I have a son of sorts. But Jamie has no time for me now. Anyway, Frank's taken him away from me, to live with that other bitch. I may as well be dead."

  "Pauline, you mustn't think like that, there has to be something worth living for?"

  "Like what?" With that, Pauline began to sob.

  Sally was completely taken aback, and was again in torment about what she ought to do. She moved closer to Pauline, and placed an arm around her shoulder. It made Sally cringe, but it was the least she could do to offer comfort to a woman she both feared and detested.

  "Thank-you, Sally. I think I'm okay now." Said Pauline, after a few moments, which seemed odd. She then turned to face Sally, and wiping her eyes asked; "You are my friend, aren't you?"

  "Yes, of course I am, Pauline," Replied Sally, removing her arm.

  "I think we both could do with another drink." Said Pauline, again fixing an icy stare on her guest.

  "What a wonderful idea, but may I use your bathroom?"

  Sally breathed a huge sigh of relief as she locked the bathroom door. She was glad to be away from Pauline, even if it was only for a few minutes. Sally needed time to think and regain her composure. Pauline's behaviour was making her feel extremely nervous. But she needed to bide her time, perhaps just finish her drink, then say she had to go, yes, that was the best idea. She would then put the whole Frank, Pauline and Tina episode behind her.

  As Sally looked around, she noticed that Pauline appeared to have every single brand of shampoo on the market. There was also an abundance of conditioners, soaps and body lotions of every kind. For a moment it reminded her of her own bathroom at home, until she thought back to where she was and the cold, sterile interior. However, there was something else that caught Sally's attention. Just as she was washing her hands, she looked around to see where the towels were, and saw a robe. There was something familiar about it. Sally took the garment down from the hook and opened it out. She then noticed that it was exactly the same as the robe Frank had given her. This one however, had Pauline's name emblazoned on it. Sally was aghast and felt a sickness building up in her stomach.

  There was a selection of men's toiletries on one of the shelves, and Sally glanced through the bottles, realising Frank had several of the same in her bathroom. She noticed a distinctive, horse-shaped bottle of after shave, and knew immediately what it was, even before she had opened it. The smell made her gasp, and again she found herself having to sit on the edge of the bath. There could be no mistaking the vile, sickly smell of, 'Mane.' It had been a smell that had permeated Sally's life for the last few weeks. It haunted her, and made her want to retch.

  Sally knew she had to start thinking clearly. She sensed great danger, and had to get out of Pauline's house as quickly as possible. She put the top back on the bottle and unlocked the bathroom door. As she came out and started to make her way towards the stairs, she noticed Pauline's bedroom door was ajar. Peeping inside, she saw more photographs on top of the dressing table. She was inquisitive and wanted to take a further look. Standing perfectly still for a few moments, she could hear Pauline crashing around down in the kitchen. Then, before she had time to consider the folly of her actions, she had slipped off her sandals, and found herself standing in the middle of Frank and Pauline's garish bedroom. She glanced at the ugly maroon wallpaper and matching king-size duvet. A large fur rug made up of several different animal skins was laid out in the centre of the floor. The furniture was pure white and modernistic. Two large television sets were attached to one of the walls, like you would expect in a hotel. A floorboard creaked as Sally reached across to pick up a photograph of Pauline and Frank. It was an old wedding photo, and she couldn't help noticing how insane and angry Frank looked, it was as if he was being forced to marry Pauline, and unbeknown to Sally, he was. Seeing him again as he was all those years ago made her blood go cold, it brought back such horrendous memories of when he got into William's house and attacked her. If it hadn't been for David, who knows what could have happened. She hurriedly put the photo back down, but couldn't help being drawn to another set of three pictures further along. One was Frank with Jamie, another was him with Tina as a baby, and the last was Frank alone. Sally gazed intently at all three. She felt nervous and her heart was pounding wildly.

  She had been having an affair with Pauline's husband, a man she had detested since her days at university, a criminal, a violent sexual predator, and a man directly responsible for the death of his daughter, not to mention any other poor souls that Sally was unaware of.

  She closed her eyes for a brief moment and began to realise the full horror of her predicament. However, as she opened them again, she saw Pauline standing in the doorway, clutching a carving knife.

  "Pauline, what are you doing? Please put the knife down, you're scaring me!" Pleaded Sally, as Pauline with hatred etched into her face, moved menacingly towards her.

  "You tried to take him from me, you slut!"

  "Pauline, he tricked me. He said your marriage was over. He pretended he wanted to buy my house."

  "What the hell do you take me for? Coming here lying to me, telling me you're my friend!"

  "I'm sorry, Pauline, I can explain," Begged Sally, falling back onto the bed.

  "You put your arm around me, Sally. You tried to lure me in, like you did with my Frank!"

  "We had a row, Pauline. He doesn't want me anymore, it's you he wants, not me, you're his wife!" Gasped Sally, scrambling up the bed.

  "How dare you lie to me anymore, you bitch! I deserve better than that."

  "I don't want him Pauline, I don't honestly. Please don't come any closer."

  "What do you mean you don't want him? Is he not as precious as your dear William? Is my Frank not good enough for you?"

  "No, I never meant it to sound like that, Please Pauline, put the knife down!"

  Pauline halted her advance, and leered at Sally, whose dress had now ridden up to the top of her legs, in her desperation to flee her tormentor.

  "Look at you, not so special now are you? You're like a cheap tart. I knew you were seeing him, I'm not stupid you know."

  Sally could only nod, she would have screamed, but was certain Pauline would have stabbed her to death.

"I was curious to see how he would treat you," continued Pauline, her voice low and threatening. "Why, you've lost some of your airs and graces. You're no better than me are you?"

  "No, Pauline, I've never been better than you."

  "You lying bitch! You've always thought you were superior to me, you and that other bitch friend of yours!"

  "Pauline, please let me go, this will only make things worse for you."

  "You certainly look different now, in fact Sally, you look a bit rough! Bags under those lovely blue eyes, a few wrinkles here and there, and what's this, I do believe you've put on a few pounds - a bit too much of the old booze eh?"

  "Pauline. Please trust me, my daughter's a nurse. I can get you help."

  "Well, you're very fortunate, aren't you? I had a daughter once, she was a nurse too."

  "Let's go back downstairs, Pauline - we can have another drink and talk things through?"

  "Has he made you walk around with root vegetables and giant dildo's stuck inside you?"

  "I don't know what you mean?"

  "That'll come soon, he likes that. It gives him some sort of a power thrill."

  "I don't believe you!"

  "It's true. You could ask Tina, but I don't think you'd get a reply. Frank saw to that, like he saw to your precious husband!" Pauline then started giggling again, in the same pathetic, but disturbing manner.

  "What do you mean, Pauline?" Gasped Sally.

  "Frank killed your husband, cut his brake pipes, and he'll kill you as well, now that you know."

  "I don't believe you, Frank wouldn't do such a thing?"

  "You stupid, naive cow, Frank will do whatever it takes if he wants something." Glared Pauline. "Has he forced you to have sex with other women yet? Has he tied you up and beaten you?"

  "No, of course not!"

  "That'll come too. He likes to see two women doing it. Do you know what it's like to have sex with another woman, Sally?"

  "Get away from me!" Screamed Sally as she leapt up from the bed and attempted to get past her assailant. The thought of Frank killing William polluting her mind.

  However, Pauline caught her by the hair, and yanking her head down, brought the knife up to Sally's stomach.

  "I asked you a question, Sally. Do you know what it's like to have sex with another woman?"

  Pauline then slit the front of Sally's dress open, and pulled it apart. She drooled at her victim's shapely breasts before pushing her backwards onto the bed.

  She then leapt on top of Sally and began kissing her forcibly on the lips. Fighting for her life, Sally managed to wrench herself free from Pauline's probing tongue, and tried to wriggle out from beneath her. But Pauline wouldn't give up, and began biting viciously at Sally's breasts. Sally screamed in terror as Pauline then reached down and began to forcibly remove her underwear. Out of desperation, Sally grabbed a handful of her attackers hair, and tugged as hard as she could, but it just made Pauline bite deeper into her flesh.

  "Please stop!" Begged Sally, as Pauline brought the knife up to her throat.

  "Keep still, or I'll cut you!" Growled Pauline, her eyes full of hatred.

  Sally could only lay back and sob, as Pauline pulled off her knickers, and lowered her head down between her thighs.

  Pauline moaned with pleasure, as her tongue eagerly explored between her victim's legs.

  "You taste good, Sally - we should have done this sooner."

  The assault went on for several minutes, before Pauline came up for air and moved up the bed to kiss Sally again. The smaller woman was at last able to push herself away, and make a dash for freedom. However, the door was on the other side of the room, and once more, Pauline had the escape route blocked.

  "Please let me go, Pauline. You've had what you wanted?"

  "What's up Sally, don't you like being a lesbian? Frank wont like that - he likes his women to be versatile!" Pauline leered at Sally's naked body and began to move towards her. "I've only just started with you. You're my bitch now!"

  Sally took a deep breath, and put her hands up to defend herself. Then, as Pauline went to make another grab for her, she pulled back her arm and sent her fist crashing into the side of Pauline's face. As her attacker crumpled up on the floor, Sally grabbed what was left of her dress and fled from Pauline's house.

  "Lizzie! Lizzie! Open the door, let me in, hurry!" Shouted Sally, hammering at the front door.

  Lizzie, never one to be hurried, eventually opened the door and stared out tentatively. Sally pushed her out of the way and rushed inside, shutting the door quickly behind her, before slamming the bolts in place.

  "What's going on?" Exclaimed Lizzie, totally puzzled.

  "We must lock all the doors and windows, Lizzie. I'm in great danger, we have to call the police."

  "Sally, I must speak with you, it's very urgent. Please calm down and listen."

  "There's no time, Lizzie - it'll have to wait. Where's Penny, we've got to keep her safe?"

  "Look, Sally, I can take Penny to Gloucester, my parents would love to have her for a while, but what's going on?"

  "No, Lizzie, we have to stay together."

  "But, Sally - I have to speak to you, it's about Penny. There's something you need to know."

  "What's wrong, is Penny alright?"

  "She's up in her room. She's safe, but something has happened to her."

  "I think I can guess what you're about to tell me, Lizzie. Gasped Sally with a look of terror etched into her face.

  "Sally, it's so awful, I just don't know how to put it into words."

  "It's Frank isn't it?"

  Lizzie nodded.

  "My baby!" Shrieked Sally, losing all control of her emotions. "I'm going to kill him, Lizzie. I'm going to kill that evil bastard. He murdered William."

  "Oh my god, Sally. It's like a horrid nightmare. I can't believe it." Replied Lizzie, in a state of shock. "You have to be rational Sally, and think about what you're going to do."

  "I know what I'm going to do, Lizzie, and there's going to be nothing rational about it!" Screeched Sally, slamming shut the kitchen windows and locking them. "I must go up and see Penny."

  "It's not a good idea, Sally, I mean, the way you are at the moment."

  "It's okay, Lizzie, I'm calm enough."

  Sally knocked lightly on Penny's door, before entering, what looked like an empty room.

  "She's not here?"

  "She is," replied Lizzie, looking concerned. "Try the wardrobe."

  Sally stepped across to the wardrobe, and opened it slowly. It was packed full of Penny's clothes, which she had to push to one side as she desperately searched for her youngest child.

  "Penny, for god's sake, answer me, if you're in there!" Called out Sally, pulling out numerous pairs of shoes and paraphernalia, which she tossed behind her.

  When she eventually found Penny, the teenager was sitting on the floor of the wardrobe, curled up in a foetal position. After clearing a small space, Sally managed to ease herself inside, and cuddled up next to her daughter.

  "Penny, darling, Mummy's here. He wont hurt you again. I wont let him."

  Penny reached out and put her arms around her mother and sobbed.

  "Mum, don't ever leave me will you?"

  "Penny, listen to me - you have to go and stay with Lizzie's parents for a while, they'll take good care of you."

  "But I want to stay here with you, Mum." Replied Penny, her voice child-like.

  "It wont be for long. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Frank is liable to come back at any time."

  "What about you, Mum?"

  "I'm staying, Penny." Replied Sally, defiantly.

  Helping her daughter out of the wardrobe, Sally hesitated before asking Penny what Frank had done to her.

  "It was nothing, Mum. I think I was more worried about Pepys."

  "Penny, you don't have to put on a brave face just for me. I know you're hiding something. You're still my little girl, even if you are sixteen. Tell me what he did."

>   Penny sat on the edge of the bed like a frightened rabbit, clutching one of her old teddy bears tightly in her hands.

  "He only touched me, Mum."

  "Where, Penny?"

  "Up, here, and down there." Replied the girl, feeling ashamed of herself. "I was a bit drunk, and he gave me dope to smoke. It made me feel ill."

  "So he didn't...?"

  "No, Mum," Replied Penny, starting to cry again. "There was some trouble downstairs, and he went to sort it out."

  "You're not telling fibs are you, Penny to protect my feelings? Demanded, Sally, glancing towards Lizzie.

  "No, Mum - I'm telling you the truth." Replied Penny, in a barely audible whisper, but choosing to say nothing of Jamie's attack on her.

  "Why didn't you scream or try to fight him off?" Asked Lizzie in a matter-of-fact manner.

  "I told him not to touch me, but he just kept doing it. I was too scared to do anything else."

  "That's okay, darling, it wasn't your fault." Said Sally, as she glared icily at Lizzie, and reached across to comfort her daughter once more.

  "Please make him go away Mum, and Jamie, and those horrid dogs that hurt Pepys."

  "I will Penny. Nobody is ever going to hurt our family again, you can count on that. Now pack a bag, and come down when you're ready. I need to talk to Lizzie."

  As the two women went back downstairs, Sally began to tell Lizzie about her horrendous ordeal at Pauline's house.

  "Oh god, Sally - so Pauline knows you've been seeing Frank. Now you've got two psychopaths to contend with."

  "I think he wanted to break me into submission, Lizzie, so that I became a pitiful wretch like Pauline." Said Sally glumly. "Poor Penny could have ended up like Tina. It's just too awful to comprehend."

  "This is frightening, you've got to do something, Sally."

  "I'm going to ring the police," said Sally, going towards the telephone. However, as she did so, Lizzie stopped her.

  "Let's just think about this for a moment."


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