Home > Other > THE COMPLETE TRILOGY, COMPENDIUM OF THE HEART: An epic love story > Page 64

by RJ Hunter

  "Laura, what are you like!"

  "But Amanda, that's the thing, I'm not really like that. I was upset because Nick stood me up, and I'd had far too much to drink. But I have to say, it was fun!"

  "So studious, Laura Peddlescoombe has taken her first black cock, and probably, the first of many!"

  "Shhh, Amanda, don't be so crude. Someone will hear you!"

  "So what did he do to you, that's got you so excited?" Giggled Amanda.

  "He did pretty much everything!" Replied Laura, blushing.

  There was no time to go into anymore details as Mrs. Drayton suddenly appeared and beckoned the group back into the classroom.

  "Now, girls, the surprise I told you about." Said Mrs. Drayton, in her pleasant Lancastrian accent. "I'm pleased to introduce, Dr. Lincoln Greene, who's kindly agreed to give us an insight into a busy day in the accident and emergency unit."

  Gasps went up all around the classroom, as Lincoln strode in with an air of arrogant confidence. He was wearing his white, doctor's coat, with blue scrubs underneath. Around his neck, he wore not only his customary stethoscope, but also a heavy, gold ingot on a thick chain. He looked as if he had just come straight from an emergency, as he surveyed his all-female audience.

  Laura knew Amanda was smirking. She turned to face her friend, and noticed that Amanda, along with a fair few of the other girls, had turned a magnificent shade of scarlet too!

  Lincoln cleared his throat, but instead of sitting behind the desk, that Mrs. Drayton had set up, he preferred to lean back casually against it to address the girls.

  It wasn't long before he caught Laura's eye. She felt distinctly embarrassed under his intense gaze, but the attention she was getting excited her, and caused her to writhe on her seat. The electricity of their evening together returned like a thunderbolt, and Laura found it difficult to maintain her equanimity.

  Lincoln had a slow, easy way of talking, and the girls were soon mesmerised by his seductive tones. Even, Mrs. Drayton had remained in the classroom, which was unusual with guest speakers, and was busy fanning herself, as she eyed him with keen interest.

  "We cannot rely solely on what the patient is telling us." Continued Dr. Greene, as he sat himself on the desk in one swift, agile movement. "We also have to look for physical signs and symptoms, and ask probing questions." He said, again catching Laura's deep blue eyes.

  "So how much more important is the nurse's role to the doctor in an emergency situation?" Asked Amanda, with a devilish grin.

  Lincoln responded immediately, and stood up to walk over to where Amanda and Laura were sitting.

  "As you well know, Amanda - the doctor can't function effectively without the back-up of the nurse, and the nurse can't function efficiently without the input from the doctor, so it's very much a team thing." Replied Lincoln, now closely addressing Laura. "This relationship becomes much more heightened and intense in the hot bed, that is the A&E department."

  Laura immediately caught that same alluring, musky scent as he purposely brushed against her while moving cat-like between the desks. By this time, the nurses had stopped taking notes, and were eagerly watching the movements of the tall, muscular, black registrar.

  "Well, that about concludes Dr. Greene's talk." Stuttered Mrs. Drayton, putting her fan down. "I've never known a group of young nurses to be so quiet and attentive." She said. "You must come more often."

  "Oh, I intend to, Mrs. Drayton." He laughed, showing his perfect, white teeth.

  "Now, ladies - it's lunchtime, and I shall see you all back here in an hour," Remarked the tutor, as the girls began to pack their things up. "I have a few little jobs that need attending to, so I'll leave the classroom open, should you want to come back early." She added, putting on her coat.

  Laura was all fingers and thumbs, and struggled to put her notes back into her bag.

  "It's an unbelievable pleasure to see you again Laura. I've been thinking about you a lot." Smiled Lincoln, moving to within inches of her.

  "I thought you may have gone to the states?" She replied awkwardly.

  "What, and not see you before I go. I could never do that. I must say you look very different, and very pretty with your clothes on!"

  "Oh, you mean not being in my uniform?" She giggled, getting his joke. "I thought you meant something else!"

  He laughed his deep, sensual laugh and let his smouldering eyes latch onto hers once more.

  "I could have meant that too!"

  Laura felt her face burning, and turned to see if anyone was watching them, but the classroom was empty. Her heart was beating fast and she felt tingly. She longed to be taken by this handsome black doctor again, and felt herself turning to jelly.

  "I've been thinking about you too." She heard herself reply.

  "Pleasant things I hope." He replied, placing his hands on her hips, and drawing her closer towards him.

  "Yes, very pleasant," she whispered, glancing at his lips.

  He leant down and kissed her passionately, taking her by complete surprise.

  "No, not here Lincoln, what if we're caught?"

  "Let me worry about that. I'm just giving you a private lesson in anatomy." Was his reply as he ran his long fingers through her glossy, blonde hair. "I want you so much. I want you here, now!" He smiled.

  Laura couldn't answer and her breathing was shallow. She felt his enormous erection pressing against her stomach, and longed to free it and take it in her mouth.

  "I want you too, Lincoln."

  He reached up and began to unbutton her blouse, and Laura did nothing to prevent him. Once he had removed it, he put his large hands around her back and expertly unclipped her bra. Removing it completely, he eased her pink nipples towards his mouth.

  "You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen Laura. I have to lick them."

  She sighed and leant her head back, noticing people walking past outside, but she didn't care, she was lost in the passion of the moment, and could think of nothing else.

  Lincoln eased his massive penis out from beneath his white coat, and Laura gasped as she placed her hands around it. She felt a strong trickle of semen already seeping out, and instinctively knew what he wanted her to do.

  He sat back on one of the classroom chairs and beckoned her down. Now dressed only in her tight jeans and shoes, Laura sank to her knees, before taking Lincoln firmly in her mouth. She gagged at first because of his size, but she soon got the measure of him, and began to run her tongue up and down the length of his rigid manhood.

  He groaned and thrust his hips, in order to get deeper inside her mouth. Laura coughed, but she was determined to show this black doctor what a white student nurse could do.

  She felt the tip of him against the back of her throat, and fighting her gag reaction, swallowed as many inches as she could.

  Within minutes, Lincoln began to call out her name, and reached down to grasp her hair. Then, with one elongated moan, he lifted his hips off the chair and pumped his seed deep into Laura's mouth.

  "Didn't you have any lunch, Laura?" Asked Amanda, as she walked back into the classroom eating an apple.

  "Yes, I managed a morsel!" She replied guiltily.

  "Lincoln looked hot didn't he?" Continued Amanda, taking her place next to her friend.

  "I didn't really notice to be honest."

  "Don't give me that nonsense, Laura - you couldn't take your eyes off him!"

  "Was it that obvious?"

  "Yes, Laura, I'm afraid it was!" Grinned Amanda. "Don't go getting too involved with our Dr. Greene. You know his reputation and he's broken a lot of hearts. You do pick them don't you, Laura? First a married man, then a serial womaniser! Any more news about Nick?"

  "Nothing." Said Laura flatly, "And I don't care, his wife is welcome to him."

  "Sounds like you need some time at home to relax."

  "I would love to, but my mother's got involved with some crazy, mixed up psychopath."

  "Like mother, like daughter eh?"

/>   Laura laughed, she could still taste Lincoln's sperm in her mouth and wondered if Amanda had noticed any on her face.

  "I'm worried about my mother. I got some garbled message saying she's having man trouble and to stay away."

  "Sounds like another reason to go home, Laura. She may need you."

  "I'm stuck here in school with you until Friday, and I simply can't afford the fares back to Twickenham."

  "Oh dear, the rigours of being a student nurse." Replied Amanda, taking out her lecture notes.

  Pauline sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. A noise out in the corridor had distracted her. Her nerves were still in tatters following her unsuccessful attempt to kill both Frank and herself.

  Fearing Frank's vengeance, Pauline had taken a room in a Knightsbridge hotel.

  She had escaped from him the moment he'd brought the car to a halt. Pauline had ran from the scene, taking refuge in a nearby service station complex. He had searched for a few minutes, but as other people were around and emergency services were heading to the accident Pauline had caused, Frank thought it best not to linger.

  Pauline drained the remnants of her vodka and tonic, before padding over naked to the mini-bar to pour herself another. She had met Claire earlier that afternoon, and had told her about the events of the previous evening.

  "Do you want another drink?"

  Claire sat up in bed, running a critical eye over Pauline's nakedness.

  "I want to see you looking how you did, when I first met you, Pauline."

  "I can't even think about that now, Claire. Please don't put further pressure on me. Look, I'm a bag of nerves."

  Claire observed Pauline's shaking hands as she brought the fresh drink up to her lips.

  "The booze is your biggest problem. Cut it out and you'll lose weight, and feel much better mentally."

  "How can you be so damned cool, after all that's happened?" Asked Pauline with an agitated tone to her voice. "You haven't answered me, do you want a drink?"

  "No, Pauline I don't. Come back to bed."

  "It's not going to work, Claire, I can't concentrate." Replied Pauline, referring to their earlier attempt at having sex.

  "I think you need the secret office, Pauline and the table of pain!"

  "That would be the first place Frank would look. If he caught us together, who knows what he would do."

  Claire got up from the bed, walked over to Pauline, and put her arms around her.

  "My word, you are jumpy. Listen, I've got something that may help." Claire, then went over to her handbag, and after rummaging around inside it, placed a small pouch on the table.

  "What's that?" Asked Pauline, suspiciously.

  "Come on Pauline, you've been in the nightclub business long enough to know what this is. It's something we both need." Replied Claire, making up two separate lines of cocaine.

  "It'll make me feel worse."

  "I think it'll make you feel better, Pauline. You certainly can't feel any worse. Come over here."

  The two naked women both snorted their lines together and returned to bed. They kissed and touched each other, with Claire even going down on Pauline, but the younger woman still couldn't become aroused.

  "You're wasting your time. I just don't feel like it. I should be running the club." Said Pauline after a few moments.

  "Okay, you win." Sighed Claire, as she manoeuvred herself back up the bed.

  The two women both lay in silence, before Pauline eventually spoke.

  "Perhaps, you're right. Maybe the table of pain would make all the difference?"

  "Now you're talking!" Giggled Claire, licking her lips. "I think we'd be safe going back to the club. The police would have it staked out. Frank would be stupid to go back there."

  "Yes, you're right," Replied Pauline, leaping up from the bed laughing and prancing around the room like the sugar plum fairy. "I'm not scared of him. I run that damned club. He should be scared of me."

  "That's my girl. I can see the coke's having an effect on you!"

  Pauline's mood had changed drastically, and now Claire wanted to get her back to the club before the effects wore off and she went into a downer. Claire had realised that Frank's reign was coming to an end, one way or another, and sticking closely to Pauline could get her involved with the club once again.

  Pauline insisted on ordering a bottle of champagne, against Claire's advice. When it arrived, the waiter got more than he bargained for as he pushed the trolley into the room, only to serve the hotel's best plonk to two naked women.

  "I want you to pour it all over me, then lick it off!" Giggled Pauline, once the waiter had left.

  "That sounds yummy, let's take the rest of the bottle to the club, and you'll have your wish!" Replied Claire with a cunning grin.

  Sally stood in the doorway, with Lizzie right behind her, and like two frightened animals, they listened intently for any signs of impending danger. The road was quiet, so Sally crept out, looking all around as she made her way to the front of the house. Here, she placed a bin liner full of Frank's clothes on the gravel drive. Lizzie was following close behind and placed a second bag down next to Sally's.

  "I can't see the police out there? Let's get back inside and lock up. I'll have another quick look, to make sure we've gathered up all his stuff." Said Sally, anxiously.

  After bolting the door, Lizzie made straight for the drinks cabinet.

  "I'm sure the police are out there Sally, they said they would be." She added, trying to re-assure her friend. "Well, at least one thing could be said of him, he kept the booze supply well stocked up."

  "He's far worse after he's been drinking."

  "Thanks Sally!" Muttered Lizzie, looking worried. "We'll sort him out, don't you fret. Pour yourself a drink and we'll go over the plans again."

  Sally didn't argue. Her nerves were in tatters, and she fixed herself a vodka even larger than Lizzie's.

  Pepys had earlier come out of surgery successfully, although the vet could only give him a 50/50 chance of pulling through. The much-loved pet would be put into an animal sanctuary until he was well enough to come home. However, this was in the hands of fate.

  "I wish I had a gun, Sally. I would personally go and shoot those bloody dogs dead. Then, I'd do the same to that bastard who interfered with Penny, and murdered poor William. I wouldn't even give it a second thought." Lizzie immediately wished she hadn't mentioned William's name, it was a mistake, and she searched Sally's face for a reaction.

  "Don't go getting yourself worked up again Lizzie, why you're worse than me." Replied Sally, swallowing hard, and trying to fight her emotions.

  "You're far too good-natured Sally, that's your trouble. You really need to toughen up in this world."

  "Lizzie, I'll be tough enough when he gets here, don't worry about that!" Replied Sally, getting rather angry with her friend.

  "I'm sorry darling, you know what I'm like after I've had a few. Wouldn't like to do this sober though!"

  "Me neither," replied Sally, trying to make herself comfortable on the hard kitchen chair.

  "He might not come?"

  "Maybe not tonight, but he will tomorrow, to get his dogs. You can never tell with Frank, just what he's going to do."

  "Do you really think he might try to kill you, Sally?"

  "I don't know, Lizzie, but I have to take every precaution. The police know he killed William so he hasn't really got a reason to kill me for that. I've told Laura and Jonathan to stay away for the time being."

  "Have you told them about William's murder?"

  "No, Lizzie. I didn't know how to. I'll cross that bridge later."

  "Frank may come here to get money. Have you thought about that?"

  "Yes, I have. He knows about the safe where I keep my jewellery, but there's not much cash in there."

  Just then, there was a loud clattering noise coming from the garden that set the dogs off barking incessantly. The two women almost leapt out of their skins, since they seemed to think Fran
k would try and gain access via the front door.

  The plan was, they would stay together no matter what. Although, Penny had now fallen asleep in the lounge, the plan still remained. Sally would confront him with what he's done. As a precaution, the women had left weapons in specified places in all the rooms in the house which they were likely to use. The armoury included; kitchen knives, a couple of brooms, an electric iron, a power drill, golf clubs and hairspray. The hairspray was Lizzie's idea. Apparently, she had seen a film, where a woman was able to temporarily blind her attacker by aiming the spray into his eyes.

  "Well, at least when the police come to arrest him, his eyebrows would have kept their shape." Said Sally dryly.

  "The woman in the film hit him with a golf club after that!" Exclaimed Lizzie.

  "Golf clubs? That's a good idea. We've got some old one's in the garage, they may come in handy."

  It took a couple of minutes before the dogs finally calmed down, and everything went a deathly quiet. Both women now realised at the same time, that the dogs knew Frank, and he would easily be able to stop them barking. They looked at each other in a high state of alarm, before slowly inching their way towards the front of the house to see if he could be trying to gain access there. Lizzie didn't quite look the part of a commando as she crept along the hallway, her back hunched over unnaturally and clutching a golf club in one hand, and hairspray in the other. Suddenly, they heard the noise again, this time it was definitely coming from the front of the house. It was enough to start the dogs off again, but now Sally and Lizzie were both quite relieved to hear that it was two cats fighting that had been causing the commotion.

  "Phew, I'm too old for all of this!" Gasped Lizzie, downing her drink, before sprawling out on one of the armchairs.

  "Thanks for staying, Lizzie," said Sally, placing a blanket over Penny. "I really don't know what I would have done if I'd been here on my own."

  "Try thanking me in the morning, if we ever get there!"

  Claire had been right about the police presence at the club. Although, with two uniformed officers standing near the door, and others posted at various exits, it was by no means discreet.


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