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by RJ Hunter

  "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm going." Said Laura, walking back out into the corridor. "You wont say anything will you?"

  The woman was taking a vacuum cleaner out of a cupboard and looked around at the young nurse with sympathy in her eyes.

  "No love, I wont say a word."

  Laura's heart sank as she walked down the stairs. She wasn't sure if the woman had been joking about the other girls, but right now she didn't care. She was carrying Lincoln's child, and he had gone off to the states without telling her, and apparently, unaware she was even pregnant.

  32. MARK

  It was a miserable wet October day, and Pauline was relieved to be finally rid of the police officers who had been constantly questioning her about the shooting incident that had led to Frank's death. From what Pauline could ascertain, the case could go either way, depending on whether Claire chose the right lawyer. There was a possibility she could be charged with manslaughter, but more surprising was the fact that she could actually get off totally free. A case could be made that Claire acted in self defence, shooting Frank when she genuinely believed he was about to attack her for being with his wife. However, that still didn't let Claire completely off the hook regarding using an un-licensed pistol, and for the dreadful assault on Emily. Fortunately, Pauline had arranged for a substantial sum of cash to be offered to the young hostess, and the possibility of promotion in order to keep her from testifying against Claire, and herself.

  The shot on that fateful evening had hit Pauline in the shoulder and the bullet had successfully passed straight through, without damaging any major organs. Pauline's shoulder was still heavily bandaged and her arm was in a sling, the doctors had assured her that she would eventually regain most of the use in her arm. Although the pain had been excruciating and she had lost a great deal of blood, Pauline's biggest wound was to her soul. Part of her wished that Claire had finished the job, and killed her too. How she wished to be re-united with Frank and the daughter she had lost so tragically.

  Immediately after the police had gone, a nurse came into Pauline's private room at the hospital to tell her that Mark had arrived to take her home. This had come about because Pauline had discharged herself against doctors orders as soon as she felt well enough, and was able to move from her bed.

  "I've got details of your first physiotherapy appointment, Mrs. Gant. It will be here at the out-patients department next month. Now we just need to wait for your medication from the pharmacy, then you can go." Said the staff nurse, in a cheerful, but efficient manner.

  "Thank-you," replied Pauline, putting her last few possessions into her case, before glancing at the nurse with sadness in her eyes. "My daughter was doing her nurse training."

  "Was she? That's a coincidence." Replied the nurse. "You said 'was' so has she stopped her training now?"

  Pauline had to look away.

  "Yes, she had to stop. She's gone away. I had hoped to be with her, but it wasn't to be."

  "I'm sorry to hear that," continued the nurse, sensing something wasn't quite right. "Mrs. Gant, please stay a little longer at the hospital. What you've been through was very traumatic and you need time to get over it. I can arrange for one of our therapists to see you."

  "Thank-you nurse, but that wont be necessary. I have two nightclubs and a cab company to run. I haven't got time to be talking to therapists." Uttered Pauline, not wanting to come across as weak.

  "Very well, Mrs. Gant. I'll show your driver in," said the staff nurse, as she turned to leave the room.

  Pauline closed her case and sat on the edge of the bed, closing her eyes, and trying to come to terms with all that had happened. As she opened them again, she saw Mark standing in the doorway.

  "Pauline, you're up and ready." He said, looking surprised.

  "Yes, Mark. I can't be laying here in bed all day on my own, there's too many things to do."

  "You're certainly a fighter Pauline, I give you that."

  "Where's Jamie?" She asked, staring up at him.

  "He's back at school. I thought it best. But, he's desperate to see you."

  "I'm glad someone wants to see me." She replied, her face devoid of all emotion. "Where's Frank?"

  "Frank?" He replied, looking at Pauline, and trying to work out in his mind, her fragile mental state. "He's dead, Pauline. You have to accept that. You really ought to stay in hospital, you're on very strong pain-killers."

  "I'm alright Mark. I'm just having trouble realising that he's gone. Talk to me, tell me about Jamie, about the clubs, the cab company. I need to focus on other things."

  "I know you do, Pauline, and I'm here to help you all I can."

  "You've been a great friend to me Mark. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

  He went and sat on the bed next to her and put his hand on hers.

  "I'll always be here for you." He said, his voice low and meaningful. "But I want to be more than a friend to you Pauline."

  Pauline stood up and went to the window. Mark knew she was deeply troubled, but knew better than to smother her too much.

  "Why do you want me Mark? I'm just a hollow shell, everything's gone, everything that mattered. I've lost my daughter and the man I loved. I can't love again. It hurts too much when you lose them. Go and find someone who'll love you back. I'm not for you."

  He sat motionless for a few seconds, before getting up and going to join her.

  "Pauline, you haven't lost everything. You have a son who loves and needs you." He put his hand up to her face and made her look at him. "You may have lost one family, but you have another. You have Jamie, and you have me. I will never stop loving you Pauline. Let me be your husband. Let me love you. Let me take care of you?"

  She looked up into his sensitive, brown eyes. It seemed strange for her to see a man emotional. She had only known a life of brutality and terror at the hands of Frank, and she couldn't quite understand this new, unfamiliar side of the male character, especially from someone as big and powerful as Mark.

  Just then there was a knock at the door, and the staff nurse re-appeared.

  "Mrs. Gant, I have your medication, you're free to leave now."

  Sally had said she would probably be back home around 6pm. This was supposed to give Laura and Jonathan more than enough time to prepare the dinner and little surprise party for their mother. It wasn't planned to be anything too stressful, just Sally, and her three children. It was meant to be a show of love and appreciation for their mother rather than anything else. Sally had hit rock bottom, and it had been Laura's idea to let her just sit back and relax, while the rest of the family did all the work.

  Lizzie had taken Sally out earlier that morning so she could get her hair done, and typically, Sally had insisted on going to the boutique afterwards to see how things had been coming along. She had been thinking about getting more involved with the business once more, now she getting well again. This had worked out fine for Laura and Jonathan, who along with Penny were busy cleaning the house, adding flowers and generally getting in each other's way.

  "Look, it's only a family dinner party, Laura. I don't know why you're getting so stressed out?" Called out Jonathan, as Laura struggled with the new fangled oven Sally had recently brought.

  "I'm not getting stressed out, Jonathan. It's just that I've got things on my mind at the moment." Replied Laura, sweeping her hair back behind her ears.

  "You mean that doctor and his child you're carrying?"

  "Jonathan, not so loud." Exclaimed Laura, glaring at her brother. "Penny will hear you."

  "Listen Laura, you have to set the temperature first before you put the timer on!"

  "Now you tell me! How come you know so much about Mum's new cooker?"

  "Because I took the time to read the instructions, that's why!"

  Eventually Laura got the oven to work and placed the basted chicken inside.

  "Jonathan, have you peeled and cut the potatoes?"

  "Yes, they're over there! Anything else madam?" He replied, standing to

  "Just the rest of the vegetables, and oh yes, the table needs setting up." Came back Laura's stern reply. "Where's Penny?"

  "Why are you cooking a roast? It's Saturday!" Asked Penny, after Jonathan had prised her from her Walkman.

  "It really doesn't matter, Penny. You can have a roast any time."

  Penny shrugged her shoulders and pulled a face.

  "I suppose so. What do you want me for?"

  "Can you set the table for four, while Jonathan and I sort the vegetables out?"

  "You're very bossy Laura!"

  "Come on Penny, this is for Mum. I'm not doing it for myself." Was Laura's irritated reply.

  Jonathan watched intently as his sister began chopping carrots. He waited until she picked out an extra large one and was about to make a witty comment when she turned on him.

  "Don't even think about saying anything Jonathan!"

  "I'm sorry sis, but I can't stop thinking about seeing you with that Lime Green bloke!"

  "His name's Lincoln Greene, and please stop going on about it. Being pregnant is no laughing matter."

  "Have you decided what you're going to do yet?" He asked.

  "I'm going to tell Mum later tonight."

  "Wow, heavy stuff, do you think that's wise?"

  "Yes, I do. She'll find out soon enough anyway, and I need all the support I can get."

  "Rather you than me."

  Laura went on to tell her brother how she had gone to Lincoln's flat, only to find it empty, with him supposedly having gone to the states.

  "Hey, I've got an idea. Mum could look after your baby while you finish your course. Then you wouldn't have to give up nursing."

  Laura broke into a smile for the first time that day.

  "Yes, it might give her something to focus on. You see Jonathan, you can come up with some good ideas. You being at university hasn't been a total waste of time!"

  Scarlet's was going through an extremely busy spell. Lizzie had recently introduced the new autumn line and it seemed very popular.

  "I'm glad leg-warmers are finally going out of fashion!" Exclaimed Lizzie clearing some space on a shelf. "We've got that damned, Fame show to thank for these! What's the point of wearing a nice pair of boots just to cover them up with a load of knitting?"

  Sally laughed as she picked out a garment from a rail, and inspected it.

  "I see you've been managing rather well without me!"

  "On the contrary, Sally. Yes, I've taken on another girl to work the sewing machines and someone to help me with the designs, but it's out here I need you, on the shop floor." Replied Lizzie glancing over to a bored-looking assistant flicking through a magazine. "These girls today don't know how to interact properly. You have to engage with the customers and find out exactly what they want."

  "Yes, I couldn't agree more Lizzie. Perhaps I could start back part-time and see how things go?"

  "My words exactly, Sally. Get to know the new ranges again, then we can start taking out samples to the bigger organisations, just like before!"

  "It sounds perfect Lizzie. I really need something to get stuck into."

  "You're looking wonderful Sally," Remarked Lizzie changing the subject. "Perhaps you need to put some weight on, but the new hairstyle suits you. We can be a great team again."

  "Thank-you, Lizzie, that's nice to hear, but don't worry about me putting weight on." Added Sally dryly. "Maybe we could design a few things for the older woman too?" She continued, glancing around at the young girls surrounding her.

  "You see, you still have your wonderful insight!"

  "What about pregnant women, now there's a good market?"

  "Sally, I love it! Come on, let's go to the wine bar, we've got so much to discuss!"

  "Oh Lizzie, you never change do you?"

  Sally was more than pleased to leave the busy shop, as she desperately wanted to confide in her old friend, and the best time to talk to Lizzie was always over a glass of wine.

  "Why have you never had children, Lizzie?" Asked Sally, out of the blue, as they found themselves an empty table. "You would make a fantastic mother."

  Lizzie laughed and lit up a cigarette.

  "It's not from the want of trying darling."

  "What do you mean?" Asked Sally, puzzled.

  "Well, Jeremy has always wanted children, and we have said if it happens, it happens. But it never does. I don't know if it's him or me, but anyway it's far too late now." She replied, summoning the barman and eyeing Sally suspiciously. "But why do you ask?"

  "Oh, it's nothing really. I was just curious that's all."

  "Pull the other one Sally. I've known you too long. You can't hide anything from me."

  Sally looked around to see if anyone was within earshot.

  "I'm pregnant Lizzie."

  Lizzie gasped and stared at Sally with a look of absolute astonishment on her face.

  "My god, you're a bit of a devil. Congratulations must be in order, or are they not?"

  Sally looked serious and closed her eyes for a few moments.

  "No Lizzie, congratulations are not in order, not this time."

  Lizzie inhaled sharply as the realisation hit her that Sally was carrying Frank's child.

  "Oh my god, is the father who I think it is?"

  Sally nodded and took a mouthful of her wine.

  "What on earth am I going to do? I can't possibly keep it, knowing it belongs to Frank, not after all he's done."

  "Yes, I quite agree, oh dear, you poor thing. But how many weeks are you?" Asked Lizzie concerned.

  "I'm not a hundred per cent, but I'm sure I conceived when he took me to Paris."

  "I think we need to act fast Sally. Does anyone else know?"

  "No, Lizzie. I just can't think straight, that's why I had to talk to you. Part of me wants to keep it, but I can't. Frank murdered William and did all those other appalling things, and there's poor Tina and Pauline to consider. I simply can't keep the child, it's not an option."

  Lizzie pored herself another glass and scrutinised her friend.

  "You can't go through this on your own Sally."

  "I know, that's why I'm going to tell the children. Penny is old enough to understand."

  "Are you sure that's wise, Sally. You're such a brave open person, but I wouldn't like to be in your shoes right now. Some things are best left unsaid."

  "Maybe you're right, but I was planning to tell them tonight, after dinner."

  "Be it on your head Sally. I think you're making a big mistake. Whatever will they think?"

  "Thank-you. I know we don't disagree on many things, but I will give it a bit more consideration." With that, Sally finished her drink and stood up to leave. Lizzie watched, still in shock as her elegant, blonde friend walked proudly to the door, with many an admiring eye watching her.

  Jonathan, Laura and Penny were overwhelmed when their mother returned at six pm, just as she said she would.

  The hairdresser had only taken a few inches off Sally's hair and had put in some ash blonde highlights, which really suited her. Her make-up had a professional look to it, and despite appearing somewhat thinner, Sally still looked much younger than her thirty nine years suggested. Laura was the first to notice that her mother was dressed in a different outfit to what she had originally gone out in.

  "Mum, you look fantastic in jeans. I wish I had your figure and long legs." She remarked, amazed at Sally's appearance.

  "Come off it Laura, you've got a figure super models would die for!" Laughed Sally, delighted with the compliment.

  "Well, I must have got it from you, Mum!"

  Sally was in fact wearing an outfit Lizzie had picked out for her back at Scarlet's. It was quite a youthful look and much in vogue with the times. It comprised of designer jeans, set off by a very dark purple silk blouse, gathered at the waist by a thick, patterned leather belt. It was both chic, but practical at the same time.

  "You two look like sisters!" Added Jonathan, not wanting to be out-d
one in the compliment department.

  "Thank-you Jonathan, what a considerate son I've been blessed with." Joked Sally. "So how much money are you after?"

  "Well, now you come to mention it, twenty pounds wouldn't go amiss, until my grant comes through. I'd like to go the White Swan for a drink later."

  "I'll think about it Jonathan. perhaps there's some jobs you can do around the house." Then, turning to Penny, Sally asked; "So where's my compliment from you, or don't I get one?"

  "Sorry Mum, but Laura and Jonathan got in first."

  "Why are you looking so grumpy Penny?"

  "It's Laura, she's been bossing me around again."

  "I wish you two would learn to get along." Sally then sniffed the air and glanced towards the kitchen. "Something's burning!"

  "Oh my god, the chicken!" Exclaimed Laura, jumping up and rushing out of the room.

  The dinner actually turned out wonderful, even though the chicken was a little well-done, it did have a lovely crispy skin.

  "Laura, you've done parsnips. That's unusual with roast chicken?"

  Laura blushed and took a sip of her water.

  "Yes Mum, I've really been fancying parsnips lately. I just had to have some."

  "How very odd." Remarked Sally, looking at her daughter with a puzzled expression.

  "This is wonderful, all of us sitting here together again, without a certain person who shall remain nameless." Said Jonathan, raising his glass for a toast.

  "Yes, we've all come through everything remarkably well. That just goes to prove that you can't beat family love and unity."

  "Well said Mum," giggled Penny, you sound just like a politician!"

  "Thank-you Penny." Replied Sally, struggling to finish her meal.

  "Let's toast our wonderful mother, Mrs. Sally Peddlescoombe, fashion icon, matriarch and politician!" Called out Laura, as they raised their glasses. The mood was jovial and relaxed, which helped Sally with the timing of her announcement.

  "Now, listen carefully all of you. I have something very important to say." As Sally searched for the right words, Jonathan suddenly interrupted.

  "That's a coincidence Mum, I have something very important to say too." He then glanced across at Laura, who was squirming in her chair.


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