Taking the Reins [Dark Days Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Taking the Reins [Dark Days Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Jenny May

  “First off.” Rogue pulled off her shoes and grabbed on to the panty hose at her waist. “These things are ridiculous. I’m buying you stockings.” The material ripped in his hands as he pulled them off. “Second.” He grabbed to the edge of her panties and tore them. “When we’re out and you’re wearing a dress, no panties. Ever. If I want to touch you, or fuck you, I’ll be damned if I’m going to worry about a barrier blocking my way.”

  Zara moaned as his hand came into contact with her flesh. He massaged the stinging against her skin and slid his finger down her slit.

  “So fucking wet.” The length of his finger pushed inside. God, she wanted him to fuck her already. She moved her hips back to bring him deeper. Pain erupted over the previous area he’d spanked before. Tears came to her eyes, but she couldn’t stop the clenching of her pussy. “Don’t move again. You’re in trouble.”

  The sound of the lube opening almost brought her head around, but Zara caught herself. Rogue’s finger moved over her ass and she felt him smoothly slide inside. “Oh yeah.” He began to thrust his fingers into both of her openings. “I’m going to be so hard while we’re at your dad’s thinking about this.” More pressure pushed into her ass and at first she thought he’d put another finger inside of her, but she quickly realized what it was.

  “You’re putting a butt plug in me?” She looked up at Cooper and pouted her lip.

  “Bet your sweet ass I am, darlin’. You’ll wear it the entire time we’re there. If you’re a good girl, I might take it out once we get home. But we’ll see. Let me know if you need more lube. I’ll bring it just in case.”

  Zara gritted her teeth. This was going to be uncomfortable as hell. “What if I have to fight? Or change into my wolf. Ever think of that?”

  Cooper died laughing. She glared and he quickly got quiet.

  “You’ll never have to fight with me and Cooper there, Zara. We’re both well aware that you can take care of yourself, but we’ll take care of it first. And that’s an order.” He lowered her dress. “Now stand. You can wear panties for tonight since you have the plug in. But if you’re not wearing one, no panties. That’s the rule.”

  She clenched her teeth and stood. The butt plug wasn’t painful. It was rather small, but still uncomfortable as hell. She felt like she was walking around with his finger still up her ass. Zara opened her drawer and pulled out a pair of thongs. Those would work well to keep the damn thing in place.

  Rogue smiled and she kept her head down as she pulled them on. No way was she going to screw getting the thing out as soon as possible.

  “Now, off to meet the father. This should be fun.” Rogue led the way and she followed as he walked over to his Harley Davidson truck. The thing was beyond nice. Zara could easily see where he’d invested all of his income over the years. The cars he had were amazing. His small house wasn’t what she’d expected. There was hardly any furniture or anything. He really didn’t even have that many clothes. But vehicles and bikes. Yeah, he had those.

  As they left her ranch, Zara gave him the directions to her dad’s. It wasn’t but ten minutes away. As the big bold letter above the gate came into view, she stared at the big Z along the top. Triple Z was her father’s pride and joy. They stood for her and her brothers.

  The cattle guard vibrated the truck and she looked at the large two-story cabin ahead. The large glass windows that covered the front were all bulletproof. The house was a fortress in disguise.

  Rogue parked the truck on the large paved driveway and turned to them. “This is it. You both ready?”

  “Butt plug and all,” Zara said, smiling at him.

  “All right then. Let’s go meet Daddy.”

  Cooper opened the door and she followed him out. The plug slid a little inside of her and Zara moaned at the friction. Rogue had covered the thing in lube. Any small movement and she could feel her body come to life with delicious sensations.

  As they all met up at the front of the truck, she grabbed both of their hands. The cement wraparound porch was covered with rocking chairs and there was still plenty of room for all three of them to walk next to each other without coming close to touching them.

  “Zara!” Her father held out his arms for a hug like they’d been close forever. It was so out of character that it took her a moment to realize that she needed to go embrace him. The feel of his arms around her was awkward, but she stepped back and put on a smile.

  “Father. It’s great to see you, again. It’s been awhile.”

  He nodded. The gray covering his hair was unexpected. He’d had a few strands here and there a year ago, but now it was mixed through completely. “It has been a long time. I’ve been meaning to get around to seeing you, but the ranch keeps me busy.” He stepped to the side and held his hand out. “You must be Rogue. It’s a pleasure finally meeting you. You’re not at all what I was expecting.” He turned to Cooper. “And you. You’re the horse trainer, if my sources are any good. I could use you around here.”

  “Cooper, and thank you. That would be great.”

  “Well, good. Please, come in. Stella, my cook, has made us a feast. I haven’t had company in quite some time so she was enjoying herself.” Nikolas led the way to the large dining area. A diamond chandelier hung over a long mahogany table. Zara nearly stumbled at how extravagant it was.

  “Dad, what happened in here? It doesn’t even look like the same place.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, I redecorated. It was time. So sit. Tell me what your plans are.”

  Nikolas sat at the end of the long table and Rogue took a seat on his side, with Zara and Cooper following down the line.

  “Well, we haven’t really gotten around to talking about it yet. We only just got our stuff out of our homes a few days ago. Zara’s barn is pretty jam-packed with all kinds of things.”

  “You need a bigger house. I never approved of that shack she lives in. I wanted better for my daughter. I’m glad she has both of you now.”

  Pain raced into her chest. That shack she and George had gotten together. It was what they could afford. “How dare you talk down about George that way.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  Her dad sighed. “I’m not talking down about him, Zara. He did well for a human. He loved you, that’s the only reason I stepped back and let your mating progress. But I can’t lie and say I didn’t want better for you. A wolf. Someone who was ambitious. These two are perfect. Cooper has quite the reputation with ranch work, and Rogue. Well, you know firsthand what an asset he is. With these two, I can easily hand things over without worry of the legacy dying off. You’ll have your own kids to carry on Triple Z.”

  Zara swallowed hard and looked at the table. “Just don’t bring George into this again.” She met her father’s eyes. “He may have not been a wolf, but he was a damn good person. He took care of me, and loved me. And I loved him. Now I have new mates. They may be your ideal mates for me, but you remember first off, they’re mine. Not yours.”

  Her father’s eyes narrowed for the briefest moment before he turned to Rogue. “Quite the temper my daughter has. I apologize for upsetting anyone. I meant no disrespect.” Stella began carrying in the dishes, and her father continued as if she was invisible. “So, Rogue. Are you still interested in doing intel, or have you given thought to doing something else?”

  Rogue’s hand grasped on to hers under the table and Zara held it tightly. She knew he could feel her pain, and she was thankful to have him. Her eyes went to Cooper and she weaved her fingers through his. A tight squeeze had her smiling.

  “Intel is all I know. I don’t think I’d like anything else.”

  “Perfect.” Her father smiled, brightly. “I could really use you.” He glanced toward Zara and Cooper and seemed to pull back the reins on his excitement. “We’ll talk about that later, though. We have all the time in the world now that you’re mated to my daughter.”

  Rogue’s hand left hers and he leaned further on the table. “I don’t mind talking about
it now if you want. What territories is Triple Z in with? I know it’s not any of the ones Dark Days is allied to.” Fingers gripped her inner thigh and he pulled her legs open. Zara shifted uncomfortably and nearly moaned as his fingers bit onto her skin, hard. The grip was grounding. It was a clear indication that he didn’t want her to move.

  “Nothing against Dark Days. I know that’s your home, but that new alpha has a lot of learning to do. I hear he’s extremely strong, though. I’m sure he’ll stay in command for a while.”

  Rogue’s fingers paused just before they reached her pussy. Although she was thankful in a way, the frustration of needing him to touch her made her want to scream.

  “Logan will stay in control as long as I’m alive.” Rogue’s voice was stern. “He’s a good man, and a damn good alpha. Now if someone stronger comes along and the fight is fair and he loses, that’s one thing. But I won’t allow anyone to take him out unfairly. That’s just cowardly.” A smile came to his face. “And trust me when I tell you, I don’t like cowards. I’m as straight as they come.”

  The expression that passed Nikolas’s face was one Zara couldn’t read. She couldn’t tell if what Rogue had said disappointed, or offended him.

  “Like I said, I’m sure he’ll be in command for a while. Now, shall we eat? The food’s getting cold.”

  At the disappearance of Rogue’s hand, Zara sighed. Maybe he’d touch her again later. She leaned forward and reached for the mashed potatoes. The plug moved the tiniest bit, but it was enough to give her pause. She closed her eyes against the pleasant sensation. When would she have both of her men? She wanted one in her pussy and the other filling her ass until she was coming repeatedly. And then she wanted them again.

  “Zara, are you okay?” Nikolas’s stare had her sitting back. She cleared her throat, trying her best to act normal.

  “I’m great. Sorry. I was just lost in thought. So, Father, tell me, how have things been going? I haven’t had the chance to visit anyone in the pack recently. I look forward to making the rounds again. I’m sure they’ll have plenty to tell me. It’ll be nice catching up.” Zara scooped the potatoes and handed them to Cooper.

  As she reached for the corn she could tell her dad wasn’t taking too well to what she’d said.

  “I don’t think that’s really necessary, Zara. You see, now that you’re mated to Rogue, I think we both know who the true alpha between the two of you is. If anyone needs to visit the pack and get to know them, it’s Rogue.”

  Zara felt her mouth fall open, even though she tried to stop it. “I’m sorry? Wait, what are you saying? I’m not allowed to make house calls and visit with the pack anymore? I’ll still be mate to the alpha. That has entitlements. The pack is mine, too.”

  The wolf deep within her stirred in anger. There was no way she’d spent her whole life molded to this station just to step down and disappear out of sight.

  “Calm, Zara. You always did have such a hot temper. It’s your biggest downfall. You have to look at it from their point of view. You abandoned them. They might not be so quick to forgive. I’m just sparing your feelings.”

  “Well they’re mine, and I can deal with whatever comes. I may have disappeared for a short while, but I assure you I haven’t vanished from thin air. I’ve been at the same place the whole time. Anyone could have visited me, you know. But no, not a single damn person came to see me. You don’t think I should feel bitter toward that? I’d lost my mate. My husband. And did anyone care? No. They waited for me to lay there and die. But I didn’t, did I?”

  “No one expected you to die, Zara. You’re alpha. Alphas don’t die easily. Look at me. When I lost your mother, it was the hardest damn time of my life. But you know what, I had you kids to think of. I knew that. Did I want to die to be with her? Yes. Did I? No. And for good cause.”

  Rogue scooted the platter of chicken in her and Cooper’s direction and she stabbed her fork into a breast. “I’m seeing them, and I’m going to start doing what’s right for this pack, Father. No matter what it is.”

  His eyes came up from his plate and met hers. “And so will I.”

  Chapter 11

  Cooper finished off his food, feeling all the hate in the world for the man at the front of the table. All throughout dinner he’d watched him. Listened to how he spoke, and what he said. Although on the surface, it all sounded fine and dandy, the threat he’d thrown in Zara’s direction was as clear as day. Nikolas was not going to do anything different than the way he was doing things now. That, Cooper knew for sure.

  Rogue leaned back in the chair, talking over Nikolas’s alliances with Cass Ranch and Sunset Strip. He didn’t know much about those packs, but Cass Ranch was one that had quite the reputation. And it wasn’t a good one. They bordered Mexico at the far south. The whole place was crawling with druggies, smugglers, and every bad thing you could think of. And if you drew a line up north from there, Sunset Strip was the next in the path between Triple Z and Cass. It was a perfect run to the south, if one was looking to traffic humans, drugs, or even guns. Wiggling had him looking over to Zara. The flush on her cheeks had him licking his lips. He could have sworn at times that he could feel what she was. That, mixed with catching the scent of her arousal all through dinner was almost his undoing. His cock had stayed in a constant state of hardness the whole time. Rogue had really done it by putting that plug in her. It wasn’t just torture for her, but for all of them.

  Cooper wasn’t sure how many times he’d caught Rogue’s hand slipping into Zara’s lap. Although he wanted to look, he knew not to draw attention to her.

  “Excuse me.” Zara stood and the talking paused. Rogue looked up at her, and she shifted her feet. “I…I’m just going to go to the restroom real quick.” Rogue’s eyes narrowed, and Cooper held in his smile. He knew his mate was wondering what Zara was up to. Sure, she might have actually had to go, but from the arousal pouring from her, it wasn’t unwarranted to think she was going for something altogether different.

  “Are you, okay? You look feverish.” Nikolas stood and she lifted her hand.

  “Actually, I’m not feeling one hundred percent. Maybe we should be heading home. I’m sure you can all have this conversation at a later time.” Zara leaned forward and rested her palms against the table, shifting her feet. “Yeah,” she said, breathlessly. “I need to go.”

  Rogue stood. “Thank you for dinner. It was great meeting you. I’ll stop by in the next few days if that’s all right with you.”

  “Absolutely. Any time. Tomorrow if you want.” Nikolas shook his hand and walked over to Cooper, shaking his.

  Rogue scooped Zara into his arms and she clung around his neck, almost desperately. “Let’s go, Coop. I think we need to take care of our girl.”

  “I’m right behind you.” He gave Nikolas a little wave and pushed down the dislike for him as he followed his mates outside. Rogue tossed him the keys. “You drive.” As they loaded into the truck, Rogue once again waved at Nikolas who was standing at the door. Cooper took off, trying to leave the ranch as fast as he could. The guy gave him the creeps.

  The vibrations from the cattle guard had Zara’s hands slamming down into the seat. “Sir, please. I need to come. Please.”

  “I know you do, darlin’, and you’ve been a good girl.” Rogue was already pulling his belt off from his waist. “And I’m about to fuck you real good. Put your hands behind your back and turn around.”

  Zara obeyed, eagerly. Within seconds, Rogue was wrapping the leather around her wrists. He took off his tie and placed it over her eyes.

  “Keep driving, Cooper. I don’t care where you go. Don’t head back to the house until we’re finished.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Cooper looked over. Rogue pulled off his pants and ripped opened the white button-up shirt. It hit the floor in a whoosh. The impatience was evident in his actions. He knew his mate had been fight the urge to fuck Zara now for a while. Well, it had definitely caught up to him.

  Rogue turned and lifted Za
ra to straddle his waist. Cooper caught his hand moving in between her legs before he turned back to look at the road.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet. I love it.” His fingers came to his mouth, tasting her juices. A moan broke from Cooper. Dammit. The moment he got home, they were so going to continue. He didn’t care if he had to misbehave to make it so. He wanted his mates, and he was going to have them.

  * * * *

  Zara’s essence washed over Rogue’s senses like the strongest aphrodisiac he’d ever tasted. A growl tore from his throat. The need to claim her and overpower the alpha she’d already submitted was an urgency he’d never felt before. Which was ridiculous. She had already given him the ultimate submission, yet his own alpha had something to prove. He wanted her screaming in pleasure. Under his complete control as he took her over the brink of ecstasy.

  Rogue slid his fingers back over her slit, massaging the wetness into her folds. “Lay your head on my shoulder, darlin’. Relax and feel.” He whispered the words against her mouth and couldn’t control the need to slide his tongue over the part of her lips. Zara sighed and he lowered her head to the crook of his neck.

  “Sir, may I kiss your neck? Please.” Her pussy moved against his touch. Rogue eased his finger inside of her.

  “Yes, Zara.” She hadn’t even waited for him to finish before her lips brushed against his skin. The act was beyond intimate. He’d never let a woman kiss his neck before, but at this point, he would have led a crusade to take over the whole state of Texas if that’s what she would have wanted.

  Rogue slid another finger inside of her entrance. The slow thrusts were designed to drag out her orgasm, but if anything, he was sure it was causing more damage to him. His cock positively ached to fill her.

  “Rogue. Sir.” The words were more than her addressing him. They were a deep-rooted plea for release. Suction against his skin had Rogue’s eyes rolling in bliss.

  “Tell me you belong to me and Cooper, only. Tell me and I’ll give you what you want, Zara.”


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