Street King

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Street King Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  There’s no way he’d be able to survive if something did.

  Lifting her up, he held her against his body and the wall.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and it wasn’t enough. He needed to be closer to her.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” he asked.

  He was already moving across her apartment as she pointed out her room. He couldn’t walk straight over there, otherwise he’d let on that he knew where she stayed. There had been one time he’d been inside her apartment. He didn’t want her to freak out. It wasn’t normal for men to remember these things, was it?

  Kicking open her bedroom door, he placed her on the bed and stood back, staring at her. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her erect nipples pressed against her nightshirt.

  He held her hand, pulling her to her feet, and gripped the edge of her shirt. Staring into her eyes, he lifted the fabric over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  When she made to cover up, he took her hands, holding them out.

  “Don’t ever hide from me. I want to see all of you.”

  Slowly, she pulled her hands away from his, and they landed on his chest. She paused, and he waited to see what she’d do next. She slid them beneath his shirt and pushed his jacket off.

  Lowering his jacket to the floor so it didn’t make a sound of the weapons he had hidden, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, kissing each pulse on the inside.

  Placing her hands back on his chest, he waited as she took her time undoing the buttons that held his shirt in place. When that was off, he saw her gaze back on his body. Her fingers lightly traced over the ink he’d gotten over the years, her touch setting him on fire. He wanted nothing more than to slam her to the bed and fuck her hard. The ink wasn’t anything special. Most of it was black tribal ink that caught his attention—sharp edges and smooth curves. It had taken hours for the artist to create as he wanted it to be perfect. The only splash of color was the single rose on his inner wrist.

  He held himself in check, and taking hold of her hand, he placed it over his heart. That’s where she’d been for five years, and not a moment went by that he didn’t crave more. She was a lot stronger than people thought.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he moved her back to the bed, taking her shorts down in the process. When she was lying naked on the edge, her legs spread, he stepped between them. Her eyes were on him as he removed his belt and lowered his pants. Next, he removed his boxer briefs, kicking off his shoes and pushing both the items of clothing out of the way.

  Leaning over her, he stroked the tips of his fingers up one thigh going to the apex and cupping her pussy.

  She arched up against her, spreading wide, and as he teased her clit, he found her already so slick and wet.

  He wanted her more than anything else.

  Moving her up the bed, he stared into her eyes.

  “You look nervous,” he said.

  “I am. I mean, I want to be good at this.”

  “You’re going to be amazing. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “It’s going to hurt?” she asked.

  “I’ll do everything I can to make the pain go away.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he continued to stroke her clit, drawing out her pleasure, setting her on fire as he felt his own need curling deep inside him. His cock was already so hard and the tip leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.

  Stroking her to the edge of orgasm, he saw she was so close, and as he did he pulled away, grabbing his cock and placing it at her entrance.

  “Wait. Wait.” She put a hand on his chest. “A condom. We need a condom. I’m not protected.”

  He gritted his teeth.

  He’d hoped she’d be too far gone to demand something like that.

  It annoyed him that she’d want anything between them, but he had to remember, she’d not been waiting five long years for this. Besides, there would be more than enough time to get her pregnant, to have her the way he wanted.

  Plans didn’t always go the way he intended, but he always got what he wanted in the end.


  “I don’t have any with me. I’ll pull out.”

  “That’s not safe.”

  “I’ll never do anything that will not keep you safe.” Of course, that didn’t mean having unprotected sex.

  Thinking about Hannah heavily pregnant, with bigger tits and waiting to have his child, turned him on, but he wasn’t about to tell her that when she clearly didn’t want to have children just yet.


  He’d give her time.

  “Trust me, Hannah. I’ve not done anything to prove to you otherwise that I’d hurt you.”

  She nodded.

  Gripping his cock, which hadn’t lost any of his arousal, he ran the tip up and down her slit.

  Pulling out wasn’t a form of contraception.

  Far from it.

  He wasn’t about to tell her that though.

  Hitting her clit with the tip of his cock, he watched her cry out. Her body was sensitive as he’d brought her to the edge of orgasm but not let her topple over that cliff.

  “You want this, Hannah? You want my cock?”


  Slowly, he eased the head against her entrance. Staring into her eyes, he knew this would hurt her. That pushing past that hymen, making her his, he’d hear her cry of pain. Still, with one hard thrust, he tore past that cherry, seating to the hilt as her scream rang out in the air.

  He captured her flailing hands, keeping them locked beside her head, trapping her to the bed so she didn’t have anywhere to go.

  “It’s fine. I’ve got you.”

  Her pussy was so tight, so slick, and so hot wrapped around his dick. Tears leaked out of her eyes, and he hated that he’d hurt her.

  It was the last thing he wanted to do, to cause her pain.

  He licked away her tears before taking possession of her mouth. Her cunt contracted around him, and he had to concentrate not to blow his load there and then. She was so incredibly tight, more so than he imagined.

  Running his hand down her thigh to cup her ass, he lifted her leg up.

  The action opened her up a little more, and he sank inside her, moaning as he did.

  “So perfect,” he said. “Does it still hurt?”


  Slowly, he stared to rock inside her, pulling out until only the tip of his dick stayed inside her and then thrusting in deep. Her cunt started to go slick and he was able to thrust inside her with ease.

  Her nails bit into the flesh of his arms as he continued to take her, to get a little deeper with each thrust.

  After a few minutes, she didn’t just lie there but started to thrust up against him, driving her pussy onto his dick, clearly knowing what she wanted.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride my cock. Fuck, yeah, that’s what I want. Harder.” Reaching between them, he found her clit, slowing down his thrusts, letting her do all the work as he teased her clit.

  He closed his eyes, counting to ten to gain control. All he wanted to do was come so hard, to flood her tight cunt with his cream.

  She screamed his name as she came.

  Each pulse squeezed his cock until he couldn’t help it anymore. He fucked her hard, the headboard hitting the wall with each of his thrusts. She wrapped her arms around him as he took her lips once again.

  Filling her pussy with his cock, he felt his balls tighten. The first stirrings of his orgasm, and when he came, he did so with a groan and at the last minute remembered. Pulling out of her wet hole, he ran his hand up and down the length, coating her pussy with his spunk.

  It wasn’t the ending he’d wanted, but it was going to have to do.

  When he finished, he saw his cum was mixed with her virgin blood, his cock smeared with it.

  He’d taken her.

  Now she belonged to him, and there was no going back.


  “Emily could come home at any minute,” Hannah said.

don’t care.” West wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t love how attentive and possessive he was. Not only had he taken her virginity but immediately after, he’d run her a bath, and that’s what they were doing now.

  West was way too big to be inside this small contraption, but he held her close. His hands stroked her, building up a flame that only he could put out.

  She was no longer a virgin.

  He’d taken her cherry.

  It had hurt so badly.

  When he pushed his cock inside her, the burn had startled her, and then as he went to the hilt, she’d been overwhelmed by just how big he was.

  West wasn’t a small man in any sense of the word. Every single part of him was big, ready for anything.

  Leaning her head back against his chest, she felt safe, secure, content. Happy even.

  “We have to share this bathroom, and I don’t want her seeing you.”

  “This is a jealousy thing? You don’t like other women looking at me?”

  She nibbled her lip, suddenly nervous. “Is that okay?”

  He chuckled. “I love it. No other woman could ever compare to you, but if you’re nervous and want to mark your territory, go right ahead. I’m not going to stop you.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to do that.” She didn’t like the thought of other women wanting him. “Are you seeing other women?”

  “You think I’d string you along like that?”

  “No.” She couldn’t help it. “I don’t know much about you.”

  “You know a lot. There’s no other woman but you, Hannah. I’ve not got a dozen mistresses lying around waiting to service me. I’ve been alone for a long time. Waiting for you.”

  She snorted. “You’ve not been waiting for me.”

  “I’ve been waiting for the right woman, and that happens to be you.” He nibbled her neck and she closed her eyes, trying not to moan but it was impossible.

  When it came to West, she couldn’t seem to get any of her senses under control.

  When she’d heard the buzzer of the apartment, she just figured Emily had forgotten her key. Hearing his voice had done things to her body. Made her ache. Her pussy had been slick with arousal, and need had flooded her. Seeing him outside her door, she’d known she wanted him. That if he touched her, she’d give him everything.

  That kiss he’d given her had been filled with hunger.

  She’d been so desperate for him.

  So in need of him taking her.

  “Did you get all of your work done?” she asked.

  She’d been so disappointed when he’d told her he’d have to cancel their evening. It’s why seeing him tonight felt so right for her.

  She’d not been saving her virginity for a special occasion or anything.

  Being with West, it felt right.

  “Most of it. I didn’t stay for everything though. I wanted to come and see you.”

  She leaned back, smiling up at him. “I like that. I like that you came here.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d ever want to go.”

  She pulled out of his arms and moved so that she was facing him. She missed his touch, but she wanted to be able to look him in the eye as she spoke.

  “Come back here.”

  “No. I want us to talk. That is allowed right, to talk?”

  “We can do whatever the hell you want.” He leaned his head on his fingers, smiling at her. The ink on his wrist drew her attention. All of his ink was black and white, no color whatsoever.

  The rose though looked vaguely familiar.

  “Is that a regular tattoo?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “I just … I thought I’d seen it before.”

  Silence fell between them for a few seconds, and she tried to think where she’d seen that ink before.

  Nothing came to mind. Not where she’d seen it or on who. It was like there was a giant hole of feeling something, but it was out of her grasp.

  “You’ve been in a tattoo parlor?”

  “What?” She pulled out of her confusing thoughts and looked at him. “Sorry, I completely zoned out. What did you say?”

  “Have you ever been inside a tattoo parlor? I’ve seen your body and there’s not a piece of ink on you.”

  “Oh, no. I’ve never gotten inked or anything like that. I’m afraid of needles. I can’t stand them. I had thought of getting a tattoo. Like a dolphin or a Chinese symbol but it’s never come to pass.” She rubbed at her temple, feeling a headache coming on. “Do they hurt?”

  “Some of them did. I liked it though. Being under, having something come to life on my body.”

  “It sounds awesome. Not the actual drill though. I’ve seen some of the television shows where celebrities get tattoos. The sound reminds me so much of the dentist.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like going to the dentist. Not even a little bit.”

  He burst out laughing. “It’s not like going to the dentist. It pinches the skin some. I’ve got a very high pain threshold.”

  “You see, minimal. I get a paper cut, I cry.”

  “I’m sure you’ve got a higher pain threshold than that.”

  She shook her head. “Not really.”

  “Come here.”

  She felt her cheeks heat with the look he was giving her. “What are you going to do?”

  “You’ll see.” He winked at her, and he looked so sinful but also so welcoming that she couldn’t say no.

  Lifting up, she crawled toward him, aware of her tits hanging in front of her. She didn’t cover up though.

  West caught her hips and moved her so that she was straddling his legs. Hers were wide open as her knees slid down the sides of the bath. He ran his hands over her ass, up her back, in her hair.

  He tugged her head down and their lips met.

  She moaned, cupping his face as she opened up and he slid his tongue inside. There was nothing else she’d rather be doing in that moment than kissing him.

  Down his hand went, going to her ass. He tightened his hold on her butt, squeezing the flesh. He spread the cheeks of her ass wide before letting her go. His hands were once again in her hair, only this time he tugged on the strands.

  With the way he pulled, she arched her chest up. It was like an offering to him, giving him what he wanted as he held her captive.

  “Now these tits are so pretty. I’ve been wanting nothing more than to have them in front of me like this. To tease. To lick. To suck.” He stroked a hand down her chest, across each nipple, before holding still in the center, between the valley of her tits.

  Her pussy was already wet. It didn’t matter that they’d not long ago had sex. She wanted him again.

  She didn’t want him to stop.

  “You look like a sexy little offering for me and only me.” He moaned. “Now, let’s see how much pain you can take.”

  She tensed up, expecting something painful and brutal. His lips covered her left nipple and she relaxed, all tension leaving her body.

  Only, the suction on her breast tightened. It became almost unbearable, and she cried out as he used his teeth, biting down.

  She couldn’t pull away, not that she wanted to.

  He soothed out the pain with his tongue before sliding between her breasts to give some attention to her other nipple. He started licking then sucking, and his teeth grazed her bud before biting down.

  She cried out, but the pain was addictive.

  With each pull on her tit, she wanted more.

  She didn’t want him to stop.

  Her pussy was on fire with need. She wished he’d touch her there, to stroke out the need that consumed her.

  “I can see you like a little pain.”

  His hold eased up on her hair, and she looked at him.

  “See, there are some pains that you can handle.”

  She looked down at her chest as he placed his hand on her tit. He cupped her flesh, his th
umb running back and forth over her nipple. Biting her lip, she watched as he pinched her tightly before letting her go.

  Her breasts looked heavy. The buds were red from his torture, but it felt good.

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked.


  “Let me have a feel.”

  He cupped her pussy, his finger sliding inside her, making her gasp from the pleasure. He added a second finger, stretching her out. His thumb caressed over her clit as his fingers plunged inside her.

  “I want you. I’ve got to have you again.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and before she knew what was happening, he lifted her up and lowered her onto his stiff length.

  There was no way she wasn’t going to be sore tomorrow.

  She gripped his shoulders as he filled her to the hilt once again. She couldn’t believe she was having sex twice in one night.

  His cock hit deep inside her as she lifted up and rocked onto his dick.

  West held her hips, guiding her over his cock, making her take all of it.

  She did so willingly.

  She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Do you like that, Hannah? You like my dick inside you?”

  “Yes.” She loved it when he talked dirty to her.

  “I love fucking you. I love your tight cunt wrapped around my dick. I’ve been thinking about nothing else since we met. Now that you belong to me, I’m going to take you every single chance I get. I’m going to own this pussy, baby.”

  It was like something out of her books.

  His brand of possession aroused her.

  “Please, West.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  He pulled her off his dick, and she was startled as he had her in his arms, carrying her through to the bedroom. Within seconds, she was on the bed, spread open, and he was between her thighs, pounding in deep.

  He fucked her hard, and she loved every second of it.

  “Watch me, baby. Watch me take your pussy.”

  She looked down at where his cock was filling her. His dick was slick with arousal as he continued to pound in deep.

  She couldn’t look away, not that she wanted to. It was such a beautiful sight.


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