Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 11

by Ancelli

  “After what she went through and witnessed when she was younger, I just thought it was best.”

  Brandon was about to ask him what Kanielle went through, when Maggie strolled into his office, passing in between them without even saying hello or excuse me, placing her purse on his desk. Maggie looked skinnier than normal, though her make-up was flawless like always, and she wore jeans and a dress shirt.

  “Excuse you,” Brandon watched her, shaking his head.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Chris waved his hand in the air and ambled down the hall.

  “Who was that?” Maggie grabbed one of his bottled waters, and twisted the cap off.

  “Why are you here?” Brandon kept her in his sight as she moved around his office.

  “I’m waiting for the Richardsons,” she sat taking a drink of the water.

  Brandon reeled back, and cocked his head to the side. “Who?”

  “The woman that’s carrying our baby, and her husband.” She crossed her legs, staring at him. “I spoke to Mr. Richardson a couple of weeks ago, and he agreed to sign the papers.”

  Brandon clenched his jaw, what the fuck did she do? “What papers, Maggie, and why would they come here?”

  “I was tired of waiting for you to get the job done, so I went to your attorney’s office and asked him for a copy of the documents he drew up for you.”

  “And he gave them to you?” He hollered.

  Her eyes widened in surprise to his reaction. “Yes, my name is on that document too, but it doesn’t mean shit if they don’t sign it. Robert signed his part, and he said he would inform his wife to meet us here to finalize it.”

  Brandon’s heartbeat doubled. He’d spoken to Kanielle every day, and less than an hour ago, but she didn’t mention a word about signing any papers or even meeting up. He rushed behind his desk, searching for his cell phone, when his desk phone rang. He knew it was Kanielle and Robert. That bastard, he was trying to turn her against him. “What have you done?” he watched Maggie. “I told you to wait until after the baby was born, why didn’t you listen?”

  “I want my baby as soon as she’s born,” Maggie casually stated. “You promised you would take care of this and you didn’t.”

  Brandon grabbed the phone, “Send them up,” he slammed it back down, breaking a piece of the black plastic. “You went behind my back, like you always do,” his voice was harsh. “Since we all found out about the possible switch, Kanielle has been through a lot of shit. Let her have some fucking peace.”

  “What about the shit I’ve been through Brandon?” Maggie yelled, getting up. “Years upon years of trying to have your baby, and now I might have the opportunity. So, excuse me if I try to secure my part in the baby’s life.” Her eyes shined. “Her husband said she’s unstable, I don’t want our daughter to be around that.”

  “Kanielle unstable?” Brandon laughed. “That woman is one of the strongest women I know. After what she’s been through, she still gets up with a smile. Coral means everything to her regardless of who her parents are, and she would do anything to protect her.”

  Maggie had this weird look on her face, “How would you know this, and who’s Coral?”

  “Coral’s the baby’s name,” he ignored her first question.

  “I don’t like that name, isn’t that a color or something in the ocean?” She took another sip of the water. “If she’s ours, I’m naming her Victoria.”

  Thank God she finally said if. Maybe now she knows it’s just a possibility.

  “Do you like that name?”

  He was about to say something, but Kanielle stormed into Brandon’s office, ignoring Maggie and going straight to the front of his desk. Kanielle’s nostrils flared, and her luscious lips thinned. Robert had already told her a lie. His ex-wife moved next to her, tried to touch her belly, and Kanielle stepped closer to Brandon away from her reach.


  Kanielle’s heart dropped when she walked into his office and Maggie was there. What other reason could she have to be in his office, after everything he’d told her about Maggie? “I can’t believe you would do this to me!” Kanielle slammed the documents on his desk. Brandon just looked at her with wide eyes. “I believed you!”

  Brandon grabbed the papers off his desk, and read them. They were the same damn papers he was going have them sign ten weeks ago. Robert stood at his door smirking, and Maggie had her hand on her hip. He shook his head, “Kanielle, I had my lawyer draw these up months ago.” Brandon strolled over by her. “Do you remember the day I went over to your house?”

  She continued glaring at him. Yes, she remembered he had a folder in his hand, but he never mentioned it was legal documents, making her hand over her baby.

  “Don’t lie to me, Brandon,” she backed away from him.

  “I’m not!” he raised his voice, combing his fingers through his hair, messing it up. He was always the bad guy when it came to Maggie, and now she was trying to turn Kanielle against him. “She went to my attorney’s office behind my back and got these,” he held up the folder, “And then she handed them over to him.” Brandon pointed at Robert.

  Kanielle glared at Maggie. “You gave him the papers?”

  “Yes I did because Brandon didn’t,” Maggie stared at her stomach, making her feel uncomfortable. Last time she was in the same room with her, she felt the same way. Something wasn’t right with her.

  She glanced over at Robert. “You said Brandon knew about this,” Kanielle wiped her fallen tear.

  “That’s what Maggie told me,” Robert replied. “He’s lying.”

  “Is my signature on that document?” Brandon picked up the legal documents and showed her the signature line. “I didn’t sign it, Kanielle, because I stopped it.”

  Kanielle observed him, Maggie, and Robert. Brandon had never given her a reason not to believe him, but Robert on the other hand did, and she didn’t know Maggie. She didn’t look like she could be trusted either. There were two signatures on those documents, and Brandon’s wasn’t one of them. It was Robert who asked her to sign them. She turned and wobbled out of his office. His employees stared as she walked toward the elevator.

  “Kanielle, wait!” Brandon shouted.

  She continued down the hall, and pushed the green button.

  Brandon placed his hand on her finger. “Damn it, I didn’t lie to you.”

  She searched his eyes. Kanielle knew he wasn’t lying, but she had to make sure. She could see their exes from the corner of her eye.

  “Kanielle, he knew it all along. His wife asked me to sign it, he was onboard.” Robert informed her. “Are you going take his word over mine?”

  Kanielle chuckled sarcastically; they must have thought she was crazy. Did Robert just say what he did?

  The elevator door opened, and Kanielle waddled in. She punched the lobby button, slowly the doors started to close, and Brandon stepped in right behind her.

  “Look at me.” Brandon invaded her personal space.

  “No,” she looked everywhere but his face.

  Brandon grabbed the hand railing behind her, trapping her in between his muscular arms, causing Kanielle’s stomach to nudge him.


  He leaned his face down next to hers, smelling her soft perfume. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I gave you my word,” Brandon said next to her ear, he could see the goosebumps on her radiant brown skin. “I told you I wouldn’t bring the legal situation up until she’s born, and I didn’t break my promise to you.”

  All of a sudden the elevator jerked and bounced two times, stopping in between floors.

  Brandon’s biceps bulged, gripping the metal behind her, trying not to bump into her.

  “What just happened?” Kanielle’s eyes widened, glancing up. “Did the elevator stop?”

  He turned around looking at the numbers on the panel, and pressed the red alarm button. The alarm went off, and the guard’s voice sounded through the intercom. “Maintenance is on their way.”

on pushed the talk button under the red flashing light. “Make it fast.”

  “Yes, Mr. Stokes.” All of his employees knew his voice from all of the office meetings and ass chewing sessions.

  He twisted back around and Kanielle’s nostrils flared as she blew out her mouth. “Are you okay?”

  Her chest heaved up and down as she shook her head. Kanielle’s breathing was short and rapid. She moved in front of the doors, and started banging on them. “Help! Get me out!” Kanielle tried pulling the doors apart with her hands. “Help,” she screamed.

  “You have to calm down,” he studied her panicked demeanor.

  “I can’t… I can’t… be in small places.” Kanielle kept hitting the metal door. “I can’t breathe.”

  “Calm down,” he grabbed her arms, turning her around to face him. She was having a hard time breathing; she touched her chest as she began to wheeze. “Kanielle… you’re having a panic attack.” He knew the signs; he’d had a couple in the past.

  She closed her eyes, still breathing erratically. Brandon cupped her face with his hands, “Look at me… breathe,” her eyes slowly fluttered open, gazing into his eyes. Without thinking, he leaned his head down, and kissed her soft lips. The kiss was supposed to only be a tap to get her mind off their situation, but as soon as Kanielle’s lips responded by pressing against his, it soon turned into something else. The spark ignited between them, Brandon felt her lips part, and his tongue seek entrance. In a sudden move Kanielle pushed him away, and then touched her lips. He gazed into her brown irises, the connection he was missing with Rebecca was right here in front of him. What was wrong with him?

  “Why did you do that?” She yelled at him, and then smacked his arm.

  I don’t know. “It worked, didn’t it?” He chuckled.

  “What are you talking about?” Kanielle crossed her arms over her stomach.

  “You’re breathing normal again.”

  “And you couldn’t think of something else like pinching me, or hitting me?” She pouted. “Did you really have to kiss me?”

  “I did the only thing that occurred to me,” he caressed her cheek with his thumb, and she didn’t move away from his touch. “I didn’t betray you.” There was something about the woman standing in front of him. It wasn’t the physical attributes, not that she wasn’t pretty, it was more than that. It was her inner beauty, her pain.

  “I know,” Kanielle softly voiced. “For some odd reason, Brandon, I…” she grabbed her stomach, and slouched over. “Ouch…” she inhaled.

  “You want another kiss?” He laughed, thinking she was being funny. To be honest he wanted to feel her lips again. Brandon moved in front of her, barely touching her, he was about to kiss her again.

  Kanielle exhaled. “No… I… think… contraction,” she spat.

  Brandon’s eyes widened. “You’re in labor?” He rapidly circled his hand around her waist.

  “Not sure…” She stood straight, breathing heavily.

  He stared at her. She closed her eyes again, and slowly breathed out of her mouth and in through her nose. Kanielle was calmer than when the elevator stopped. “Are you okay?” He didn’t know what else to say or do.

  “Sir, they are working on getting you out, they said it will take about half-an-hour,” the guard said through the intercom.

  He pushed the talk button again. “Hank, I’m not alone. My friend is in labor, they need to fucking hurry up.”

  “Yes, sir,” Hank’s voiced cracked like he was nervous. “Do you need me to call 911?”

  “No…” Kanielle whispered. “I’m okay…”

  “It’s an emergency!” Brandon’s tone was harsher than he intended it to be.

  “It’s over…” She opened her eyes. “I think it’s just Braxton Hicks.” Kanielle rubbed her belly. “That one was stronger than the last one.”

  “The last one?” He arched his eyebrow.

  “Earlier this morning.” She leaned against the wall. “I called my doctor and she said it was normal.”

  Brandon moved next to her, and touched her stomach. He cared for Kanielle, there was no denying that fact. “Don’t scare me like that.”

  “I scared myself, it’s too soon.” Kanielle placed her hand on his. “She’s fine, feel her.” Brandon wiggled his fingers on her belly, and the baby shifted. “Did you feel that?”

  “Yes,” he smiled, and gazed at Kanielle. Her luscious lips were curled up into a smile. This baby was her world, and she had also become his. “What the hell are Braxton Hicks?” Brandon slowly sat on the floor; he knew it would take some time before the maintenance guys fixed the elevator.

  Kanielle stared at him. “My body’s way of getting ready for delivery.” She slowly started squatting down to the floor. Brandon jumped up, and took her hands in his, helping her down, and then he sat next to her.

  “Women go through so much shit.” He combed his fingers through his hair.

  “Tell me about it,” she patted her belly. “It’s all worth it in the end.”

  “I bet it is,” Brandon leaned his head against the wall, and closed his eyes. Every time he was around Kanielle something came over him. He opened up to her, more than he did his own friends. The last time he saw Shawn and Angela was about two month ago. Since the divorce, Brandon liked being alone, until he met Kanielle. He opened his eyes, and she was staring at him. “Yes…”

  Kanielle twisted, resting on her side, facing him. “Did you tell your parents yet?”


  “Did you tell your parents that you might be a father?” She waited for his answer.

  “My parents died when I was a kid.” Brandon looked away from her. “I was raised by my grandparents.” He wished his parents were still alive. He knew his mother would’ve been supportive of everything he did. His dad was a little harder on him, that’s who he got his temper from. His father was the disciplinarian, but he treated his mother like a queen. He remembered his father opening the car door, and pulling out the chair for his mother. Buying her roses every Friday. Brandon was a happy kid, and his parents did the best they could with what they had. He still missed them dearly.

  “I’m sorry,” Kanielle touched his leg. “My father is dead to me.”

  Brandon glanced at her, he never thought about her father. He assumed her parents were divorced since Chris never mentioned him. “Your father’s dead?”

  “No, he cheated on my mother, and then moved on without looking back,” Kanielle casually stated. “I guess we weren’t enough for him.”

  “So, he’s not dead?” Brandon could hear the hurt in her voice.

  “To me he is,” Kanielle grabbed her purse, and dug in it. She pulled out a bag of gummies, and started eating.

  “We only get one set of parents,” Brandon extended his hand. “Can I have some?”

  “Nope,” she chuckled, leaning away, and then placed some in his palm. Brandon popped them in his mouth. “My mother became my father too.”

  “Are you punishing your husband for your father’s sins?” He wanted to know.

  She smirked, closing the bag, and placing it back into her purse. “I’m punishing Robert for his own sins. I felt something was wrong a long time ago…”

  He thought she was going to be defensive about the question, but she answered calmly.

  “I wanted to give my baby,” she rubbed her belly. “Everything I didn’t have. You wouldn’t understand.” Kanielle looked away.

  “Why would you say that?” Brandon crossed his ankles.

  “Brandon, I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I wanted her to have both parents, but I can’t sacrifice myself.” She looked away. “Because in the end I will only be hurting her.”

  Kanielle didn’t know his story or where he came from. It was time that she knew.

  “You don’t know what poor is,” Brandon stared at her, and memories of his childhood resurfaced.

  She cocked her eyebrow, and twisted her lips.

  “I wa
s raised on a farm in the middle of nowhere. Half my childhood I was home schooled, I had to beg my grandparents to let me attend the public school twenty miles away. Have you ever been laughed at or ridiculed because your clothes were too small, or your shoes had holes in them?” He had flashbacks of when he was a kid. Two kids always picked on him, laughed at him, called him names, and even beat him a few times, just for fun. He’d been bullied his entire childhood, however look at him now. He was a force to be reckoned with.

  Kanielle just observed him without saying anything.

  “Guess not. We grew our own vegetables, and each morning I had to go out back to the chicken coop and get eggs for breakfast. In the winter, there were some days we didn’t have food to eat.”

  “I didn’t mean to…” Kanielle bent her knees. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I am who I am, because of where I came from,” he sighed. “When my grandfather died, I promised myself I would be someone my parents and grandparents could be proud of. So, I made it happen.” Brandon smiled, if those pricks could see him now.

  “I know they’re proud of you,” she caressed his jaw. “Where’s your grandmother now?” Kanielle placed her hand back down on her lap.

  “She won’t leave that darn farm,” he chuckled. “I remodeled her home, and she no longer has to lift a finger to do anything.” Brandon looked at the intercom, wishing they would hurry up, he didn’t like sharing too much of himself. “Let’s change the subject.”

  Kanielle leaned forward, grabbing her stomach. “This can’t be happening…” She exhaled, and then inhaled. “A… gain.”

  Brandon moved in front of her on his knees. “Contractions?”

  “Yes…” Kanielle rocked back and forth; he could see the pain in her eyes as she squinted. “This can’t be… happening. It’s too soon.”

  He stood pressing the buttons, “Hurry the fuck up!” he yelled. “Damn,” he looked at her. “I need to get you to the hospital.”

  “It’s over…” Kanielle extended her hands out. “Can you help me up?”


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