Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 13

by Ancelli

  "Baby Richardson," one nurse stated.

  Mrs. Jackson and Chris stood, and sauntered up to the incubator. Irene beamed staring at her grandbaby through the door. "Where are you taking her?" she took a glance at the two nurses.

  "Special Care."

  "Oh no." Mrs. Jackson’s eyes shined with tears. "Is she okay?"

  The nurse smiled. "Ma'am, if this was an emergency, we wouldn't have stopped for you to see the baby. She's breathing on her own. Taking her to the NICU is just a precaution." the nurse disclosed. "We have to observe her since she's premature, and run a few more tests."

  Chris studied the newborn. “My niece,” he wiped his eyes.

  "God, thank you…" Mrs. Jackson palmed the incubator.

  Brandon and Maggie stood behind Kanielle's mother, studying the newborn. His heart ached, as a sharp pain hit his stomach, and sadness over took him. The baby wasn't his. She was tiny with curly jet black hair; her skin, he thought, was that of an African-American, there was no doubt. His lips curled into half a smile, and he touched Mrs. Jackson's shoulder. "Congratulations," he said before leaving the waiting area with a broken heart.

  "Brandon, wait!" Maggie followed behind him. "Isn't she beautiful?"

  "Yes, she is," he continued walking.

  "I wonder when they'll be able to perform the DNA test." Maggie dug in her purse.

  Brandon turned, arching his eyebrows. "What DNA test? Didn't you see her, she's African-American." He glared at her. "You're a red head, I'm blond… what baby of ours would have black hair and the color of her skin?"

  "She's not black, she's just fair skinned," Maggie casually stated.

  Brandon was dumbfounded looking at her, was she being serious right now? "She's black," he blurted out. It didn’t matter what race she was, Brandon already loved that little girl. He knew this was goodbye to both Kanielle and Coral, and that hurt more than finding out she wasn’t his.

  “I’m not leaving this hospital until Dr. Howard tells me they are doing the test,” Maggie glared at him.

  “Don’t do this, let them have their moment,” he lowered his voice. “Let Kanielle be happy."

  “Their moment… Dr. Howard promised me a DNA test,” Maggie raised her voice, her face turning red.

  At that moment Dr. Howard passed them in the hallway.

  “Doc!” Maggie yelled, making Greg stop.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “You promised me a DNA test, and I want it done,” she demanded.

  Greg’s smile turned into a frown. “I will have to get permission from the Richardson’s, if you wish.”

  Brandon shook his head, was she fucking crazy.

  “I do.”

  “We can start by getting some samples from you and your husband.” Greg opened the file he had in his hands.

  “Ex-husband,” Brandon corrected. “I don’t see the point to this.”

  Greg arched his eyebrow. “You don’t want the test?”

  “Hell no.” Brandon combed his hair with his fingers. “Any idiot can see she’s not ours,” he sighed.

  “I’m not leaving without one,” Maggie glared at Brandon.

  He shook his head watching his ex. Why was she putting herself through this torture? “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Follow me,” Greg turned, walking down the hall to the laboratory.

  “Lead the way,” Maggie followed Greg with Brandon in tow.


  Robert was talking on his cell with his parents when Kanielle woke up. That had been one of the best naps she’d taken in months. He turned on the speaker so she could hear their conversation. “Did you get the pictures?”

  “Yes… she’s beautiful.” Mrs. Richardson said. “All that hair.”

  “We’re on our way back to the city,” his dad mentioned. His parents had been staying with Robert’s ill grandmother for the last five months. “Kanielle, how are you feeling?”

  Finally someone asked how she was doing? “I’m blessed,” she said leaning up on the pillows.

  “We are all blessed with that precious bundle of joy. My mother is beside herself with happiness at the news.” Mr. Richardson said.

  “Is she feeling better?” Kanielle fixed the sheet over her legs.

  “She says she is, but the doctors say otherwise,” his father sadly stated.

  Kanielle hesitated saying something, because she knew nothing she said would make things any better. “I’m so sorry…”

  Robert glared at her, turned off the speaker, and privately spoke to his parents.

  Kanielle ignored him and his parents, staring at the door, wondering if Brandon would come by to at least say congratulations. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Brandon was so attentive when he brought her into the ER a few hours ago. He held her hand, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and reassured her that everything was going to be okay, until Robert came in and demanded Brandon leave the room. She hadn’t seen him since, and her heart broke for him, but she was overjoyed for her and Robert. After all the testing, procedures, pain, sorrow, and tears they finally had their own baby.

  Her heart skipped a beat, when the door cracked open, making her lips curl into a smile until Greg walked in. “Are her lungs strong enough?” Kanielle asked concerned.

  “Her lungs are doing great, she’s strong.” He bent, and picked up a paper off the floor. “We have to keep her in Special Care for observation.”

  Kanielle got to hold her miracle briefly before they wheeled her out in the incubator. She was tiny with a full head of hair. She cried her lungs out, but never opened her eyes. As soon as she saw the baby, she knew she was hers and Robert’s. It was in her features, and the skin right above her fingertips and ears were darker than her fair skin. She knew it was a myth, but her mom said it was a proven fact.

  “Bye…” Robert swiped his phone off. “What are you doing here?”

  “Robert!” Kanielle glared at him. “Greg is my doctor, and I wanted him here.”

  “After everything he’s put us through,” Robert responded. “I’m not dropping the lawsuit.”

  Greg shot daggers at Robert, and then glanced at her. “Kanielle, you can visit your baby anytime you want to. You can try to breastfeed also, and see if she latches on.”

  Kanielle smiled. “Can I try right now?”

  “Yes,” Greg answered. “But first.”

  “What?” Robert rudely asked.

  “I need your permission to run a DNA test on your baby,” he surveyed Kanielle, ignoring Robert.

  “A DNA test for what?” Robert hollered.

  “Mrs. Stokes is demanding a DNA test on the baby.”

  Kanielle sat up, turned, placing her feet off the mattress. Robert took her hands in his and helped her out of the bed, and she glided her feet in her slippers. “Didn’t they see the baby?”

  “Yes, Brandon doesn’t want the test, it’s her.” Greg informed her. “He did get swabbed before leaving.”

  So he did see the baby, and didn’t say bye.

  “No…” Robert held her hand. “We don’t owe them shit. Any fool can see that’s my child, she looks like me.”

  “Kanielle, if you say no….” Greg didn’t get to finish his sentence.

  “You didn’t fucking hear me, I said no,” Robert yelled.

  Greg clenched his jaw, and the vein in his throat throbbed. “I’ve had enough of you,” he pointed at him. “I wasn’t the one that made the fucking mistake in the lab.” There he finally said it. “I’m tired of your disrespect.” Robert didn’t say anything, and Kanielle guessed he didn’t expect Greg to react the way he did, but enough was enough. “I didn’t ask you, I asked Kanielle. I’m making it her decision.” Greg shouted.

  “If this gives her closure,” she sighed. “Then I’ll do it.”

  Poor Brandon, after everything he’s gone through with Maggie, she was putting him through this too.

  “Thank you,” Greg opened the door.

  “Fine…” Robert whined, guiding
her out of the room.


  “Hi, my little miracle,” Kanielle held her baby, caressing her tiny hands. She was hooked up to machines taking her vitals, but she was breathing on her own. Her baby girl was tucked into her robe, skin to skin with her. Kanielle knew the importance of having her baby feel and hear her heartbeat. Coral tried to latch on a couple of time but was having problems doing so. Her little girl’s eyes fluttered a few times, and she could see her beautiful eyes. Kanielle squinted trying to make out the color of her baby’s eyes, but she closed them again. Coral was lazy, she barely opened her eyes, but regardless her mom said babies’ eyes change color, especially preemies.

  Robert touched the baby’s head. “Hey, Coral,” he bent down. “Daddy loves you. I would do anything for you.” This was a different side of Robert, one she’d never seen. Kanielle could feel the love he had for their daughter in his smile. “I can’t describe how I feel.”

  Kanielle kissed the baby’s hand, “I can… It’s like no other love.” She looked him in the eyes. “We created her.”

  “Yes we did,” he pressed his lips against Kanielle’s forehead. “This makes me love you even more.”

  She remained quiet. This didn’t change how she felt. Robert sucked as a husband, but maybe he would make a great father.


  Kanielle slowly moved down the hall, gripping the IV pole. Tears rolled down her cheeks because she couldn’t breastfeed her baby. All the books she read said how beneficial it was to breastfeed, and she couldn’t get Coral to latch on. Kanielle was already feeling like a failure because she couldn’t make it to full term, and now because of it, her baby couldn’t latch on. At least she would be able to pump, but it wasn’t the same.

  Robert was behind her talking to his grandmother. “Yes, Nana, we’ll bring her as soon as we can. She’s the prettiest baby.” He proudly stated. “Talk to you later.” He walked next to her, “Coral spit up on my new shirt,” Robert rubbed the milk stain on his shirt. “This is a new shirt.”

  “Wash it,” Kanielle couldn’t believe Robert at the moment. When she thought he’d change, he did something to remind her he was the same man. She pushed the door open to her room and was surprised to see a bouquet of pink roses, white balloons, a big pink teddy bear, and a five-pound pack of gummy bears. Kanielle covered her mouth and chuckled. Brandon… She slowly walked over to the items, and smelled the roses. She picked up the small card that was attached to one of the stems.

  Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl… I told you, everything would be alright.


  Kanielle smiled, placing the note up to her nose. She could smell his citric aromatic, smooth cologne on the paper.

  “My parents are the best,” Robert grinned coming into the room looking at the balloons.

  She twisted around. “Your parents didn’t send this.” Kanielle sat on the edge of the mattress.

  Robert’s smile disappeared. “Then who?”

  “A friend,” Kanielle placed the note in her purse.

  “You don’t have any friends,” Robert strolled further into the room. “I’m the only friend you had.”

  “Well, you’re not the only friend she has now. Get over yourself, you no longer have a hold of my daughter,” her mom entered the room with a basket filled with baby items. Robert shot daggers at her mother, and glanced out the window. “The only thing that ties you together is my grandbaby down the hall.” Her mother ambled in, placing the basket on the table, and turned around and hugged her. “The elders of the church sent this.”

  Kanielle embraced her mother tightly. “Thanks, Mama.”

  “I came by earlier after the baby was born and moved to the NICU, but you were asleep,” her mother kissed her temple. “Coral is beautiful, she looks just like you when you were born.”

  “You think so?” Kanielle sat in the middle of the bed with her mother’s help.


  “She looks like me when I was an infant,” Robert turned around. “She has Richardson all over her face.”

  Her mom smirked. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but my granddaughter doesn’t look anything like you or your family.”

  “Excuse me?” he replied.

  “You heard me, that baby resembles Kanielle down to her pouty mouth and button nose.” Kanielle’s mama laid her purse next to the gifts.

  Robert laughed. “You’re blind,” he twisted up his mouth. “I’m going to go see my baby.”

  “Bye,” her mother waved at his retrieving form.



  “Did you have to be so harsh?” Kanielle lay back on the pillows.

  “Someone had to tell him the truth. I’m so happy you dropped that fool.” She sat in the chair next to the bed. “That fine young man sent you those flowers, didn’t he?”

  Kanielle nodded her head. She glanced over at the things he’d left, why hadn’t he waited for her?

  “That boy’s heart broke when he saw Coral,” her mother crossed her legs. “As soon as he saw her, the spark in his eyes disappeared. I actually felt bad for him and his wife.”

  “Ex-wife,” she blurted out.

  Her mother gave her a side-glance. “My mistake,” she giggled. “I saw him earlier.”

  Kanielle raised her eyebrow. “You did?”

  “Yes, he went to the NICU to see the baby,” her mom grabbed the remote control off the table, turning on the TV. “I tried to get him in, but the nurse said he had to be family, she wouldn’t let him in.”

  “He wanted to see her even though she isn’t his?” Kanielle’s heart was aching for him, she knew how much he wanted this baby to be his, and she wouldn’t have minded sharing Coral if she was his.

  “Yes, because she’s your child…”

  Kanielle just sat gazing at her mother as she watched her soap opera. She needed to talk to Brandon, but she wasn’t going to do it with an audience.

  The Richardsons barged into her room without knocking on the door. Mr. Richardson held onto balloons in one hand, and a camera in the other. Her mother stared at the couple entering the room.

  “Where’s our baby?” Mr. Richardson asked.

  “Kanielle’s baby,” her mom answered. “In the NICU.”

  “Bobby didn’t tell us she was in intensive care,” his mother tied the balloons to Kanielle’s bed.

  “Is she alright?” His dad asked.

  “Yes, she’s perfect,” Kanielle, voiced proudly. “It’s a precaution since she was a few weeks early.” She knew his parents didn’t really like her, especially his mother. Kanielle had stood up to her a few times, putting her in her place when it came to Robert and their marriage. Now that the baby was here, she knew she would have a battle waiting.

  “She’s healthy,” his father said sitting down in the farther chair. “We can move her to a better hospital.” He looked around the room, like the place was beneath them.

  “No need, she’s fine right here,” Kanielle responded.

  “Relax, dear,” his mother shot daggers at her. “We’re only looking out for her well-being.”

  “Where was your well-being when my daughter was being mistreated by your son?” Kanielle’s mother spat, staring at them.

  “Mama, stop.”

  “Excuse me?” Ramona Richardson raised her voice. “My son has been nothing but a gentleman to Kanielle.”

  Kanielle chuckled, if she only knew the things her son was up to. She wasn’t the perfect wife, because she also had flaws, but at least she tried.

  “I guess that’s why they ended up divorced.” Her mother said turning back around, glancing up at the TV.

  Robert Sr’s eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

  Her mom ignored him, and continued watching the news.

  “Kanielle, is your mother telling the truth?” He asked in a stern tone.

  “Yes, your son and I are no longer married,” Kanielle couldn’t believe Robert or his mothe
r hadn’t told his father about the divorce.

  “Ramona, did you know about this?” He asked getting up.

  “No… no I didn’t.” She glared at Kanielle, “Where’s Bobby?”

  Kanielle stared back at his mother in disbelief, she knew they were getting divorced. She’d called, begging her to give Robert a second chance. Why would she lie to her husband, and act like this was all new to her?

  “He’s visiting his daughter, why don’t you join him, and get the hell out of my daughter’s room.” Her mother said without turning.

  His parents walked toward the door, “Gladly,” his mother said staring at Kanielle’s mom.

  “I have never done anything to you,” he also looked at her mother. “Your rudeness is not called for.” He eyed Kanielle now. “Kanielle, I don’t know what my son did or didn’t do to you that caused your marriage to end, but we will be in our granddaughter’s life regardless of the divorce.” His dad exited first.

  “You’re not keeping my granddaughter from us.” Ramona held the door open.

  “I never said that, why would I keep her away?” Kanielle raised her voice.

  “If we have to, we’ll take you to court,” she closed the door.

  “Did she just threaten you?” Her mother shot up from her chair.

  “Mama, don’t,” Kanielle was tired of arguing and fighting. “They can try, but they won’t win. Nothing will separate me from my daughter, not even their money. I can’t believe his parents, why didn’t he tell his father?”

  “We have God on our side,” her mother stomped the ground. “We will stop the devil right in his tracks, starting with the Richardsons.”



  Brandon’s grandmother decided to fly in when she learned the baby wasn’t his. She would be arriving in the morning. Brandon sat behind his desk with a bottle of whiskey in his hands, listening to music Kanielle downloaded for him. He didn’t bother with a glass, drinking straight from the bottle. Why was he feeling this way when he knew it was a possibility the baby wasn’t his? It took everything in him to leave the hospital, not wanting to leave them. Coral looked just like her mother, even down to her pouty top lip. He chuckled, “She’s beautiful.”


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