Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 27

by Ancelli

  Brandon wiped his hands on a napkin, took her hand and kissed it. “Why are you sorry, this happened way before you, sweets?”

  There it was, sweets. Every time he said the endearment he had for her, Kanielle’s heart skipped a beat.

  “My wife of six years never noticed.”

  “I’m not her,” Kanielle moved closer to him. “I asked you about you not being able to sleep, but you said you’ve always been like that. I noticed the way you always back in your truck, even when you don’t have to.” She gazed at him, seeing sadness. “I see you counting down when you’re angry, like you’re afraid you’ll blow.”

  “I am afraid of the consequences.” He took a deep breath. “I have flashbacks, recurring dreams of what we endured. Thunder and lightning are the worst sounds, like I’m right back where it all started. These are things that I don’t want to talk about, I just want to forget about that time in my life.”

  “You don’t have to tell me,” she paused. “Isn’t there a group where you share your experiences? Does it help? Let Shawn help you, don’t push him away.”

  Brandon wrapped his strong arms around her. “I don’t want you to walk away from me because of my past.”

  “Your past is just that, Bran… your past. You made it this far. Your future is what’s important… Our future, but before we can move on sometimes we have to take care of unfinished business.” Kanielle hugged him back tightly. “Baby, I wouldn’t walk away from you. With me you can be weak, because I will be your strength. You’ve been my rock, and I want to be yours as well. Let me?” she whispered in his ear. “Do you trust me?”

  Brandon pulled back, “More than anyone I know.”

  She smiled, “Then we can get through anything together.” Kanielle leaned in barely touching his lips. “Did you mean what you said?”

  “What did I say?” he kissed her lips.

  “That you loved me,” she bit his bottom lip.

  Brandon gazed at her with his hypnotizing eyes, and then cupped her face. “Sweets, I love you more today than I did in that restroom when I said it.” In a swift move he devoured her mouth. Kanielle slightly parted her lips, and his tongue took control of her mind, body, and soul, making love to her mouth.

  Kanielle didn’t think it was possible to love someone so fast, but she was a testament to it, because she loved Brandon with all she was. What she longed for since she was a child was right in front of her. The color of his skin or where he came from was not important, and whoever had a problem with it, well fuck them.

  Shawn cleared his throat, making them slowly pull apart. “My virgin eyes don’t want to see that mess,” they all chuckled. Shawn and Angela sat back down.

  “You missed a good game,” Angela’s eyes crinkled as she laughed. “I beat his ass.”

  Shawn tickled her side, “That’s because you cheated.”

  Kanielle smiled, observing her new friends. She could see the love they had for one another, and now she understood why Angela forgave him. Shawn made a stupid mistake that could’ve cost him his family, but look at them now.

  “I was hoping you would join me tomorrow at the hospital,” Shawn asked Brandon. Kanielle understood that meant to go see a therapist.

  “Okay,” Brandon searched Kanielle’s eyes.

  This is what she was always looking for, a unity between flawed people that made one perfect couple. Like Brandon said, their imperfections made them perfect.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Someone pounded on Kanielle’s door. She looked up at the clock on her wall, it was barely nine in the morning, and their banging was going to wake Cece up. Aggravated, she swung the door open. Robert stood at her front door staring at her through red-rimmed eyes, wearing all black.

  “She’s gone,” Robert threw himself at Kanielle, wrapping his arms around her. She held herself stiff in his embrace unsure of what to do. Kanielle hadn’t seen him in months, and here he was sobbing against her shoulder.

  Kanielle carefully patted his back, like he was a stranger.

  “My nana is gone,” he bawled.

  It was hard to catch the breath hitching in her chest, tears swelled in her eyes. No… Nana couldn’t be gone. She knew it was coming, but it still didn’t make it any easier. “When’s her…” she choked on her words, “Funeral.”

  “Today,” he pulled away, and grabbed a napkin out of his pocket, dabbing at his eyes and nose.

  “Today?” Kanielle’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why didn’t anyone call me?”

  “I’m here aren’t I?” Robert blew his nose, and rolled up the napkin. “I know she would want you to be there,” he looked past Kanielle’s shoulder inside her house.

  Coral started crying from her playpen. “I’ll be right back,” Kanielle backed up and spun around, walking to her daughter to pick her up. When she returned Robert was strolling into her house, and closing the door behind him.

  “She’s gotten so big,” Robert’s frown turned into a smile while gazing at the baby. “She’s what six months now?”

  “She’ll be six months next week,” Kanielle kissed Cece’s head. She resembled Kanielle, but her eyes and her personality were all her daddy’s genes. Coral was all she ever wanted and more, and the love she felt for her child was unexplainable.

  “I can’t believe it’s been that long since our lives were turned upside down,” he touched Cece’s hand and she pulled away, leaning her head on Kanielle. “Do you ever wonder what if?”

  “Robert, what time is Nana’s funeral?” Kanielle wasn’t about to entertain going down memory lane.

  “At three,” he looked at his watch.

  She raised her eyebrow. “You waited until the last minute to tell me?” she glared at him. “I loved her too,” Kanielle wiped at her falling tears.

  “Are you coming to the funeral?” Robert extended his hand to hold Cece. The baby scrunched her nose, and turned away.

  “Yes, I’ll be there.” Kanielle nibbled Coral’s neck, making her giggle.

  “I won’t hurt her. Nana left in peace because of Coral.” He moved closer, and gently wrapped his hands around the baby’s waist. “Hey, you were supposed to be my girl.”

  “Robert…” she cautioned him. Brandon had been going to group sessions at the Veterans Affairs hospital every Saturday for the past three weeks. She prayed he didn’t walk in and see Robert with Coral. He was just holding her though, and maybe the baby could be a comfort in his time of pain.

  He kissed her chubby cheeks, “You can’t tell she was premature.”

  “She’s healthy,” Kanielle grinned.

  “Are you sure Greg didn’t make a mistake, and she’s ours?” Robert lovingly stared at Cece. “I still think she looks like me.”

  Kanielle glanced at him. “You ask that after nearly six months?”

  “Look at her, Kanielle, she’s black,” Robert pointed to the baby’s skin. “That man never liked me.”

  She smirked, “But DNA doesn’t lie. Really look at her, she’s a part of Brandon.”

  “Don’t mention that ass. I can’t believe you’re already fucking him,” he shot her a dirty look.

  “Watch your mouth around my child,” Kanielle raised her voice. “And what I do with Brandon is none of your business.” Why was he trying her? This visit was supposed to be about his grandmother, not her personal life.

  “I apologize, honey,” he sat down on the couch. “I didn’t come here to argue, I came because I know she would want you there.” Robert must have read her mind.

  “I’m sorry for you loss, I know Nana loved you,” Kanielle sat next to him, feeling compassion. She knew Robert loved and admired his grandmother. “She was proud of you.”

  “No she wasn’t. I disappointed her so many times, especially when you ended things because of my stupidity.” He turned to look at her. “Kanielle, are you with that man because you like him, or is it because of your daughter?”

  Kanielle just gazed at him. It was because of Coral that she met
Brandon, but it wasn’t because of her that she loved him. The man saved her, when she didn’t even know she needed it.

  “I would like to hear the answer to that question myself,” Brandon placed his keys on the side table, glaring at Robert holding his child. She could see one of the veins throbbing in his neck.

  Cece started smiling when she saw her daddy. Wiggling, trying to get out of Robert’s hand. “Ba…ba…”

  Kanielle stood, “Brandon, it’s not what you think.”

  “What am I thinking, Kanielle?” he ambled forward taking Cece out of Robert’s arms. “Hey, princess, let’s go upstairs.” He went to move, and she grabbed his arm.

  “His grandmother passed away,” she released her grip. Kanielle didn’t want him thinking she invited him over. “Her funeral is today.”

  Brandon coldly looked over at Robert. “Sorry for your loss, but be gone when I come back down.” He went up the stairs.

  “What the fuck?” Robert jumped out of his seat, his dislike for Brandon all over his face. His eyes scrunched up, and his eyebrows met in anger. “He’s kicking me out of my own house.”

  Kanielle took a deep breath. The look on Brandon’s face when he saw Robert was one of pure anger. Why didn’t she answer his question right away? Did she doubt herself? No. “This is not your house. I will be at the funeral.”

  She went to move, and he clutched her wrist. “I didn’t come here to fight, but he has no right kicking me out.”

  “I have a right,” Brandon took the steps two at a time with the baby monitor in his hand. “Don’t touch her.” He clenched his jaw. Kanielle knew he was angry, and he was trying really hard not to blow.

  Robert let her go and moved back.

  “If you want to go and play house with your ex, and please his family, then go, but you’re not taking my daughter,” He spoke to Kanielle, and then looked at Robert. “Don’t ever touch my child again, you made it clear how you felt about her at the hospital.” Brandon strolled to the kitchen.

  Kanielle followed him. “Play house?”

  “Go to the funeral,” Brandon voiced. “I know you loved her, go pay your respects.”

  “Bran…” He wouldn’t look at her. Nana meant a lot to Kanielle, and she would go say goodbye, regardless of how he felt.

  “Go, Kanielle!” he yelled.

  “Why the fuck are you yelling at her?” Robert entered the kitchen, like he still lived there. Pointing his index finger at Brandon, with his head held high. Kanielle sighed, preparing for the worse. Why didn’t he just stay in the living room, or leave all together? She already told him she would be at the funeral.

  Brandon stepped up to him. “None of your fucking business.”

  Robert made a mistake, and swung at him. He grabbed Robert’s wrist and pushed him back against the wall. Brandon eased forward and his fist connected several times with Robert’s stomach. Robert folded his arms around his middle and slid to the floor.

  “Brandon, stop!” Kanielle hadn’t seen this side of Brandon before. However, he’d warned her. She watched him a little confused, and afraid at the same time. His eyes that once turned dark because of passion were now filled with anger. It made her question herself. Would he ever hit her if he couldn’t control himself? But, then he glanced over her way, and she recognized underneath the anger what he was feeling at the moment, and she could feel the love. Brandon wasn’t Robert, he would never hit her.

  “I won’t mess up your face today, out of respect for you grandmother,” Brandon growled viciously.

  He stepped over Robert, and jogged up the stairs.

  “Robert, are you okay?” Kanielle bent down to help him.

  “That’s the kind of man you mess with now?” Robert sat up. “He sucker punched me.” He whined.

  Kanielle stood shaking her head. “You swung at him first, did you think he was just going let you hit him?” She crossed her arms over her chest. Robert asked for it, she couldn’t blame Brandon for his reaction.

  Brandon came back down with the baby in his arms. “Cece’s spending the day with me,” he marched out of the front door.

  He didn’t even ask if he could. “Brandon, wait we have to talk,” she yelled. She didn’t want to leave things unresolved. He continued down to the driveway as if he didn’t hear her. “What a day,” Kanielle covered her face with her hands, and then looked at Robert. “I’ll be there.”

  “We can ride together,” he said, still hurting as he held his stomach.

  “No, Robert,” she walked over to the door, and held it open. She could see Brandon hooking Cece into her car seat. “Which funeral home?”

  He handed her a card. “The ride’s about five hours, why do it alone?”

  “I won’t be alone,” as soon as she got rid of Robert she would call Angela and see if she would tag along. It was last minute, but her friend always complained about getting out of the house. Shawn could watch Jr., she hoped.

  “You’ve changed,” Robert stared at her. “Where’s the Kanielle that used to love me?”

  “That Kanielle has matured, she now knows what true love feels like.” She clutched the door handle, watching Brandon drive off. “What it feels like when the man you love only has eyes for you and no one else. If you’ll excuse me, I have to get dressed.” Kanielle slowly closed the door. She found her phone, and dialed. “Angela…”


  “You didn’t tell me these people were loaded.” Angela said smoothing out her black dress.

  “They don’t like me.” Kanielle clutched her friend’s arm. “We’re here to pay our respects and leave.” Nana was a wonderful woman full of life, always looking out for others.

  Robert’s father saw her, and walked up. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days and had bags under his eyes.

  “Here goes,” Kanielle scratched her nose. “That’s my ex-father-in-law.”

  “Kanielle,” he hugged her, and then pulled away. “I’m glad you could make it, my mother loved you.”

  “She was dear to me,” Kanielle sincerely said. “How are you doing?”

  “Better, she’s finally at peace, no pain,” he looked down the aisle. “It was nice seeing you,” he backed away and went to talk to his family.

  Ramona sauntered forward, glaring at Kanielle. “What are you doing here?” She spouted quietly through a smile.

  “Who’s this?” Angela’s attitude showed, as she pointed her finger at Ramona.

  “This is my ex-mother-in-law,” Kanielle responded.

  “Why don’t you take your little hood friend and leave?” Ramona belittled her, rolling her eyes at her and Angela like they were beneath her. Kanielle shook her head, not even in church was this woman nice. At least she could pretend at liking her, same as her husband just did.

  “Excuse me,” Angela placed her hand on her hip. “Who are you calling hood?” She snapped.

  Kanielle grabbed Angela’s arm and pulled her further into the church. “That woman is evil, ignore her.”

  “Fine,” Angela muttered slowly counting to ten.

  They sat in the back pew. Kanielle pointed Robert out to Angela, and explained to her what happened at her house earlier.

  “He went up against Brandon?” Angela chuckled, covering her mouth. “That man could kill your ex if he wanted to.”

  Kanielle sighed. “I should’ve stopped him.” Her phone vibrated. It was Greg, she would let it go to voicemail. She knew it was about the settlement. That was the last thing on her mind at the moment.

  “When Brandon is on a mission, you don’t want to intervene,” Angela opened the program. “Remember what I told you about my house?”

  “I know what I’m about to say is wrong, but,” she stared at Angela. “I’ve never seen him like that before, it was sexy,” she whispered. Kanielle looked over at Robert, he was in tears. He sat next to his father, sitting stoically, staring at the casket. His mother was in the pew behind them, showing no compassion for the woman that raised her husband.

; The service began, celebrating Nana’s life, while everyone in the church cried as the choir started singing Jesus Promised Me A Home Over There. Many in her community, and her family loved Nana. Robert Sr. stood at the podium and spoke about his mother, her life, and everything she did for the less fortunate. He broke down crying, and Robert ambled forward, wrapping his arms around his father’s shoulders.

  Tears rolled down Kanielle’s cheek, and Angela sniffed, handing Kanielle a napkin. At the end of the service, she stood and sang with the choir, Soon And Very Soon, while Robert bawled as he stood over his grandmother’s casket. Angela wiped at her tears.

  Kanielle dreaded seeing Nana in that white casket as she walked up the aisle to say her final goodbye. Tears just rolled down her cheeks. When she reached the casket she quietly whispered, “No more pain queen, you’re finally free,” then she placed her fingers to her lips and gently touched Nana’s hands. “One sweet day I will see you.” She went back down the aisle, “Angela, we can leave.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes,” Kanielle wiped her face. “I said goodbye to an amazing woman.”

  Angela stood. “I’m driving back.”

  They started walking out of the church.

  “Kanielle,” Robert rushed after her and called out. “You’re not staying for the reading of the will after the funeral?”

  She stared at him. “No, I don’t need to be there.”

  “Nana, wanted you there,” Robert pleaded as they moved beyond the inner sanctum.

  “I’m no longer part of your family.” Kanielle knew what Robert said wasn’t right. Nana told her the truth, she had nothing left to give, and even if she did she didn’t want any part of it. She stepped forward and loosely hugged him, “So sorry for you loss. Take care.”


  It was after eleven o’clock at night, and Kanielle was tired as she pulled into the driveway. Five hours there and back had worn her out. She opened the front door to Brandon’s house with the key he had given her. She crossed the threshold and noticed the TV was on in the living room. She grabbed the remote control and turned it off. Kanielle strolled down the hallway, and opened the door to the nursery. Cece wasn’t there.


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