Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 30

by Ancelli

  He tipped the candle over again, and this time the warm liquid dropped on her right nipple. More warm liquid trailed from in between her breasts, over her stomach, and then to her navel. A sharp amazing feeling started from her breasts and shot directly to her clit. He moved the candle higher over her pelvis, and the wax slowly fell, rolling on to her pussy. Kanielle gripped the silky material on her wrists in pleasure, her eyes rolling into her head, “I,” her voice cracked. “I trust you, Brandon!”

  “Say that again,” he dripped some more warm liquid over her labia, the sensation was driving her climax into overdrive.

  “I trust you,” Kanielle chanted over and over. Her legs trembled in ecstasy as she came with so much force, “Shit!” She moaned, with short breaths. She never thought she could have an orgasm without even being touched. “I belong to you…”

  “Yes you do,” Brandon started peeling off the wax. Each time he gently removed a layer of the wax, her pussy tingled. “Was that bad?” He chuckled, looking at her passion filled eyes. He kissed the top of her pussy where the wax settled.

  “No that was wonderful.” She said between breaths. “Are you going to make love to me now?”

  “Next time we’ll try other parts.” Brandon settled in between her legs, and slowly plunged into her wet pussy. Kanielle gasped, her hands still aching to touch him. He held her legs wider, giving her slow, deep strokes.

  “Fuck, baby…” he said between groans. “You’re so wet.”

  She couldn’t touch him with her hands, but her legs weren’t tied. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper. Brandon was the best lover she’d ever had, and he always made sure she was satisfied before he came.

  “I… love…” she dug her foot into his back. “You…” her pussy muscles wrapped around his rod, and squeezed him.

  He drove into her a couple more times, and came inside her with a grunt. “Damn, woman,” he kissed her temple before rolling to the side. “I’m addicted.”

  Kanielle chuckled. She was spread eagle on the bed with her hands above her head, and normally she would’ve felt insecure or self-conscious, but not anymore. “My wrists?”

  “Damn, babe,” he jumped up. “I forgot you were in a boxing match today,” he chuckled, untying her hands.

  “Funny,” she twirled her wrist, getting the circulation flowing. “That was wonderful.”

  “See,” he kissed her hand. “I told you. Pain can cause pleasure.”

  “What were the handcuffs, blindfold, and whip about?” she asked and caressed the parts of her body where the wax touched, still feeling the sting.

  “I had to make sure you meant what you said,” Brandon’s finger traced her nipple.

  “I do trust you, Bran.” She eased closer to him. “You’ve never given me a reason not to,” she kissed his lips.

  “I hope I never do.”

  “You hope,” she sat up, grabbing a pillow and hit him. “You better not.”

  Brandon chuckled. “I promise to always be open with you about anything, even if it hurts.”

  She got serious. “Yes, no matter what.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “Bran…” Kanielle’s eyes slowly fluttered open. His phone was ringing. She knew Brandon was already up as she glanced at the clock and saw the time, it was eight in the morning. She flipped over and to her surprise he was still sleeping. She smiled; he was getting better at resting his body. The pills the therapist prescribed for him worked.

  She slipped out of bed a bit sore after the long night they shared. Kanielle entered the bathroom, did her morning ritual, and brushed her teeth. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. “He loves me,” she mumbled. All the hurt she went through led her straight into Brandon’s arms.

  “Yes, he does,” Brandon came up behind her. “Why would you question that?” He searched her eyes through their reflection. Kanielle lowered her head, and he tipped her chin. “Tell me.”

  “Why do you love me? I mean I know I’m Cece’s mother,” she rambled.

  “Sweets, I love you because of who you are,” he turned her around so she could look at him in his eyes. “You’re beautiful inside and out, you’re compassionate, the way you love me with all my flaws,” he bent his head and gave her a feather soft kiss. “You made me open my eyes. I was married to a woman for six years and she never once noticed what you have in less than a year. Cece was just a bonus.”

  Kanielle laughed.

  “Your laughter, I love it when you smile, the way your eyes crinkle, and your mouth lifts on one side. Woman, I love everything about you,” he watched her leaning against the sink. “Is this question physical?” He cocked his eyebrow. “I don’t get you women.”

  She smirked.

  “Is it because you’re not boney?” Brandon caressed the arch of her back. “I’m into thick women,” he pinched her ass. “You didn’t notice that by now?”

  Kanielle twisted up her mouth. “You could’ve fooled me, Maggie is as skinny as they come.”

  “That was before I met you,” he kissed her forehead. “I’ve loved before, but I didn’t know how it would feel to completely give myself to another person. You know everything about me, what makes me happy, everything. You know that you and our baby make me the happiest I have ever been.” He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ears. “I’ve shared with you things I’ve never shared with anyone, that’s love.”

  “Yes it is,” Kanielle’s lips curled up into a smile.

  “Coral is still sleeping,” he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “No.” she moved out of his way. “My tits and coochie are still sore.”

  “No more candles,” Brandon chuckled.

  “I didn’t say that,” she squealed.

  “Good, because I have more tricks up my sleeves,” he grabbed his toothbrush, and brushed his teeth. He rinsed his mouth and dried his face. “Get dressed, Greg is on his way.”

  “Oh, I forgot,” Kanielle left him shaving in the bathroom. She grabbed some clothes she’d placed in his top draw, and slipped into them. They both finished dressing at the same time. At breakfast Cece babbled away in her highchair, banging her palms on the tray. “Ba… da… pa…”

  “Did she just say da da?” Brandon gave Cece a handful of cheerios.

  “No she didn’t,” Kanielle pointed at the baby. “Mama first.”

  Cece just giggled.

  Someone rang the doorbell. Brandon stood, and walked to the front door, swinging it open. “Greg,” he shook the doctor’s hand. “Come in.”

  Greg walked in with two white envelopes in his hands. “Kanielle,” he grinned watching her with Cece. “She’s beautiful,” he strode closer to her, and touched the baby’s toes. “Hey, sweetie.”

  Kanielle wrapped her hand around his. “It’s so nice to see you.” Greg was a great doctor, regardless of what happened in the lab.

  He hugged her back. “My office hasn’t moved.”

  “I know,” she pulled back. Kanielle didn’t have any excuse, she should’ve visited. “How have you been?”

  “Still achieving miracles, like this one,” he tickled Cece’s feet.

  “Yes, she’s our miracle,” Brandon lovingly caressed her cheeks. Cece twisted in Kanielle’s arms and flailed her feet, squirming to get down.

  Kanielle placed Coral in her playpen. “You didn’t have to come here,” she looked at Greg.

  “I did,” he handed them both their settlement checks. “The both of you accepted the settlement the clinic director offered, but you exes didn’t.”


  “What do you mean?” Brandon stared at him. When he and Kanielle talked to the director of the clinic, all they wanted to do was get this over with. If they could settle out of court, that’s what they wanted.

  “You received three hundred thousand each, they wanted more because they claim they ended up with nothing, so they settled for an additional fifty thousand more. I just thought you needed to know.” Greg watched them.
/>   “It’s okay, Greg, this wasn’t your fault,” Kanielle waved her hand in dismissal. “If that makes them feel better then so be it.”

  Brandon observed Greg, there was more. It was the same look he had when he told them that Coral was his.

  “What else?” Brandon blurted. He was nervous, his hands were moist as he touched the back of his neck. Anxiety curled up in his stomach, making him feel sick. He finally had everything he’d prayed for.

  Kanielle twisted looking at him. “Is there more?”


  “Spill it,” Brandon cracked his neck. He couldn’t take any more heartbreak.

  “We had to bring Trish the technician in for questioning. Her credentials were taken away, and she can’t work in any state again,” Greg explained.

  “Good, after what she did. God knows if she made the same mistake before,” Kanielle said.

  “She didn’t,” Greg responded. “Trish didn’t make a mistake.”

  Kanielle didn’t let him finish, she just covered her mouth with her hands, and her eyes shined. “No!” She stared at Brandon, “Coral isn’t Brandon’s? Oh God!”

  Brandon’s heart stopped for a few moments. Cece wasn’t his? He had to pat his chest. No… she had his father’s eyes.

  “Kanielle.” Greg tried to get their attention.

  She shook her head, stopping him from saying anything. “Robert was right.” her eyes began to tear.

  “What did Robert say?” Brandon stared at Kanielle. What the hell did he tell her, and why didn’t she tell him? He loved Coral no matter what. That asshole didn’t deserve his family. Cece was his little girl, what Kanielle was saying couldn’t be right.

  “He mentioned that maybe Cece was his,” she sighed, not being able to look him in his eyes. “He thinks that Greg lied to us.” her eyes continued to tear.

  “He said what?” Greg barked in surprise. “I would never put my career in jeopardy for anyone.” Greg’s face was contorted with fury from what Kanielle just revealed.

  “All this time we thought she was Brandon’s.” Kanielle covered her mouth.

  Brandon took two steps and wrapped his arms around her. “It doesn’t matter who her father is. I love her, and that will never change.” He meant every word he just said. His heart would be broken if it were true though. What if that motherfucker kept her away from him? Brandon wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Brandon did see how much Robert loved the baby when he saw him holding her in the nursery, before they found out the truth.

  “Kanielle, Brandon!” Greg bellowed, finally getting their attention. “I didn’t say that Coral wasn’t your daughter.”

  “Then what?” she wiped at her fallen tears. “I’m not her mother?”

  “Yes you are,” Greg stayed where he was. “Trish knew exactly what she was doing when she injected Brandon’s sperm into your eggs, she never used Robert’s on purpose.”

  “What?” Kanielle reeled back. “What do you mean she never used Robert’s sperm?”

  Brandon was more confused now than he was when Kanielle almost caused him a heart attack by thinking Cece wasn’t his. Now what?

  “Kanielle…” Greg sighed. “I can see you’re happy. You and Brandon have found each other through this ordeal.”

  “Don’t you try to back out now,” she cocked her head, staring at him. “Greg, you’ve been with me through all my miscarriages, you held my hand, now I need you to just spit it out.”

  “Trish and Robert were having an affair, and he told her he didn’t want to be a father.”

  Kanielle’s jaw dropped, touching her chest. “What?” her voice cracked. “Fucking fool,” she stomped her feet, “How could he do that to me? He blamed me, and all this time it was because of him and his fucking mistress.”

  “They met while you were receiving a treatment. She said they exchanged numbers and one thing led to another. He made her promises, but never kept any of them. He lied to her, and after your last procedure was successful, and you were indeed pregnant,” Greg stared between both of them. “He told Trish their relationship was over because he was going to be a father, and that’s all he ever wanted. However it was too late she’d already injected Brandon’s sperm into your vial.”

  “My miscarriages,” Kanielle swallowed. “Were they Robert’s?”

  “Yes. ” Greg took her hand in his. “Kanielle, I’m so sorry.”

  “Greg, everything that happened, the mix-up, none of it was your fault. Stop apologizing for the incompetence of the stupid technician, and a man that didn’t know how to keep his dick in his pants,” she spat. “Because of him she played Russian roulette with me and my child.”

  Someone blew a horn.

  “I have to go, my wife and kids are in the car,” Greg mentioned.

  “You left them in the car?” Kanielle looked at the door.

  He smiled. “I’m glad you found each other, you deserve to be happy, Kanielle.”

  “I do,” she circled her arm around Brandon’s waist. He remained quiet, he knew Kanielle was hurting inside. This made three women that she knew of. Why would anyone cheat on a woman like her? “Brandon makes me happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “I’ll talk to you guys later,” he rushed out of the door, closing it behind him.

  Brandon cupped her face, “Let it go, baby.”

  “Why?” Her lips trembled, “I never did anything to deserve this,” Kanielle broke down in his arms, sobbing. “Why would he do this to me?”

  He held her tight. “I don’t know why.” he rubbed her back, “He was an idiot to let you go, but I am not sorry he did. No, because now you’re all mine, sweets.”

  Kanielle cried. “I don’t ever want to see that man again,” she said against his chest. “Ever!”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Kanielle sat at the table with her mother and her boyfriend Andy. She was missing Brandon and her baby. They were in Arkansas with his grandmother. They spoke before she started eating. Andy couldn’t keep his hands off her mom, so she felt like she was the parent watching her teenage daughter misbehave.

  “I knew that man was nothing but a user,” her mom spoke up. “Thank God,” she lifted her hands in the air, “For answering my prayers.” She lowered them, and watched Kanielle.

  “I’m happy,” she took a bite of her turkey.

  “Kanielle, why didn’t you go with your family?” Her mom placed her fork down.

  “I didn’t want you celebrating Thanksgiving alone,” She glanced over at Andy. She didn’t know he would be with her mom, if so she might have traveled with Brandon.

  “Sweetie, I am not alone anymore,” her mom took Andy’s hand in hers. “Like you, I haven’t been this happy in ages.”

  Andy kissed her mother’s palm. “Kanielle, your mother has changed my life. It was empty,” he pushed back his chair and got on one knee. Her mother’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with her other hand. “Irene, will you marry me?” he opened a velvet grey box, exposing a diamond princess cut ring. “It’s our time.”

  “Yes, it is…” a tear rolled down her cheek. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” her mother pushed her chair back, and he stood. He kissed her on the lips and it wasn’t just a peck. They must have forgotten that she was there. Kanielle looked away, feeling uncomfortable.

  Kanielle was so happy for her mother, she was finally getting the happiness she deserved after all the years she sacrificed. “I’m here.” She reminded them.

  Her mother chuckled, “So?” She hugged her fiancé tightly. “I love you.”

  “I love you more,” he gave her a peck on the cheek. “Kanielle, I hope you approve.”

  “Yes I do,” she smiled. “It’s been what three years now,” Kanielle joked. “If you hurt my mother, I will come after you.”

  “Kanielle, behave,” her mom scolded her.

  “I was joking,” she looked at Andy. “Welcome to the family. Chris on the other hand, might feel different.”

  “I asked your br
other for your mother’s hand in marriage,” Andy grinned. “He gave me permission, before I proposed today.”

  “I’m going kill him, I talked to him and he didn’t mention anything,” Kanielle said thinking of her brother. He’d graduated boot camp, was at his first duty station, and didn’t want to use his leave for Thanksgiving. He would be coming home for Christmas though. She was a proud sister. Kanielle, Brandon, Cece, Andy, and her mom were front and center at his graduation. They’d spent the day with him, and could see how he’d matured in those few months.

  “Kanielle, what are you still doing here?” Her mother stared at her.

  “What do you mean? I’m eating,” she looked at her mother confused. Did they want the house to themselves? “If you want me to leave…”

  Her mother gave her the look that used to scare her as a kid. “You’re going to miss your flight.”

  “What flight?” She took another bite of her food.

  “To meet your family,” Andy interjected.

  Kanielle almost choked.

  “We purchased a ticket for you,” her mother stood handing her an envelope, “And if you don’t leave right now, you’re going to miss your flight,” her mother grinned.

  “Thank you!” Kanielle jumped out of her seat and leaped on her mother. “I love you!” she rushed to her mom’s old couch and picked up her purse. She had her own surprise for her mother. “Here, Mom.” She handed her a long envelope, “You’ve been the one constant in my entire life, my mother and father. I couldn’t ask for a better parent. I promise to listen to you more often.”

  Her mom opened the envelope and pulled out the documents. Kanielle strolled out the door, and her mother started screaming. “Thank you! Thank you!” She smiled walking to her car. She’d paid off her mother’s first and second mortgage. Kanielle was about to open her car door, when her mother came running down the stairs straight into her arms.

  “Thank you, sweetie,” she hugged her. “You didn’t have to do this, but oh Lord I’m thankful.”

  “I know, Mom,” she kissed her forehead. “After everything you’ve done for me and Chris you deserve this and so much more.” Kanielle pushed the key fob to open her car doors, and placed her hand on the handle, pulling it open. “I have to go.”


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