Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 33

by Ancelli

  Kanielle stared at him, raising one of her eyebrows. “Really?” she laughed. “So, you made me put all those songs together for nothing?”

  “Not for nothing. When I listen to that playlist, I think of you.” He kissed her neck. “You had an ulterior motive,” he said against her smooth skin. Her scent was taking him back to the bedroom. He was around people he worked with, or else he would repeat the restroom scene.

  “And what was that?” she moaned.

  “Some of those songs were sensual,” he whispered.

  Kanielle giggled. “Really, Bran.”

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” his hand caressed her bare skin.

  “Yes, however you can tell me again.”

  “You look hot,” Brandon gave her a little smack on her ass.

  “I forgot to tell you how stunning you look,” Kanielle touched his red bowtie, and then ran her hand over his jacket. “You clean up very well.”

  The event from earlier was gone from their minds. They danced the night away in each other’s arms. This was a taste of heaven, having her in his life. Fuck everybody else! His staff and other personnel from the building stared at him and smiled, they finally saw the softer side of him. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  She brushed his hair on the back of his head with her fingers. “I don’t ever want to imagine my life without you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “Leslie, we’re over,” Robert stared at Kanielle’s house. He hadn’t seen her since the funeral. His mother was bothering him every day about the inheritance, but she was right, it was his money. Coral wasn’t his child, so she didn’t deserve a penny of his family’s money. If he had to blackmail Kanielle then he would. He’d spoken to his lawyer and he had a case. He picked up both files. They had a lot to talk about.

  “You can’t leave me,” she cried. “I lost my job because of you!”

  “You lost your job. I had nothing to do with that. You were supposed to keep an eye on Kanielle, now that is ruined,” Robert watched his cell screen to see that he had another call coming through. “I need more from a relationship than what you can offer.”

  “I’m pregnant,” Leslie blurted out.

  Robert laughed out loud. “Show me proof.” He knew Leslie wasn’t pregnant because he used protection with her every time. He wasn’t that stupid, the only woman he wanted a child with was his ex-wife. “I have to go.”

  “Robert, I can help you.”

  He hung up on her. Robert didn’t have time to argue with a dumb bitch. He swiped his finger on his phone. “Maggie.”

  “I’m in.”

  “Great, did you get the documents?” He included Maggie in his plans to get a hold of his family’s money. “You won’t regret it.”

  “I hate Brandon and your ex-wife. Why do they get to be happy?” Maggie ranted on. He didn’t care why she was doing it. He needed her on his side for this to work.

  “Did you sign them?” He opened the car door.

  “Yes. Robert, do you think this will really happen?”

  No, it wasn’t going to happen because Kanielle would sign the documents, giving over everything his grandmother left her daughter, before she would agree to share her precious child with them. “Yes, you will finally have what you’ve always wanted. Remember the plan, and do exactly what I say.”


  Robert placed his phone in his pocket and walked up to the house that once belonged to them. He spotted a For Sale sign on the lawn. She’s selling their home? Why would she sell the house she asked for in the divorce? He reached the door and rang the doorbell.


  Kanielle looked through the peephole to see it was Robert. What the hell did he want? She thought about leaving his ass out there, but there were a few things she needed to get off her chest. She knew what happened was in the past, and was grateful for the events that occurred. Because of his stupidity she met Brandon.

  She swung the door open. “Come in,” she smiled. Kanielle moved to the side, letting him in.

  “Good afternoon,” Robert looked at her confused.

  Kanielle closed the door, and followed him into her living room. He had folders in his hands, and a smirk on his face. “To what do I owe this visit?”

  Robert looked around her house. He inspected her Christmas tree and decorations. “You’re selling the house?” He asked gazing at a picture of her and Brandon.

  “Yes,” she was keeping her answers short.

  “You’re moving in with him?” Robert stared at another family picture.

  “That’s none of your business.” Kanielle really disliked the man standing before her.

  “You’re right, what you do or whom you choose to lay with is your problem,” Robert looked at her. “He will hurt you. You two don’t have anything in common. Starting with your skin.”

  “Like you hurt me?” She bit the inside of her cheeks. Kanielle wanted to hear what he came to say. “We have more in common than you and I ever did. Robert, you didn’t come to chit-chat, so why are you here?”

  “Where’s the baby?” He looked up the stairs.

  “Sleeping,” she crossed her arms over her chest. Kanielle was about to blow. He cheated on her with Sasha, Leslie, and the one that hurt the most, Trish. She could’ve used someone else’s sperm. Months ago she’d cried herself to sleep at night because she’d blamed herself somewhat. He blamed her for not being able to have a child the natural way. Kanielle glanced at him. And when they finally got pregnant and the mix-up was exposed, he pointed the finger at her, when all along it was his fault for sleeping with the lab technician. Kanielle felt guilty when Greg read the results, because deep down she wanted Brandon to be the father.

  “Can I see her?”

  “No!” She blurted out. “No, you can’t see my child. Why are you here, Robert?”

  “Why are you so angry? I’m only here to talk,” he moved away from her. Robert walking to the other side of the room was a good thing, because she wanted to kick his ass.

  “Why would you want to see the child you wished wasn’t here? Let me quote you,” she lifted her middle and index fingers and bent them. “If that baby wouldn’t have been born.” She glared at him and tilted her head. “You never got to finish your sentence, do you want to now?”

  “Kanielle, I apologize for what I said. It was in the heat of the moment.” Robert regrettably said. “I loved that baby, and I still want her in my life.”

  Kanielle chuckled hard. “Say again.” She couldn’t have heard him right.

  “I want Coral in my life,” Robert opened a file in his hand.

  “Are you crazy?” She felt her ears burning in anger.

  “I have petitioned the courts for visitation rights,” he handed her the documents.

  Kanielle began reading them. Robert and Maggie were suing her and Brandon for visitation, because they felt cheated. She threw the papers at him. “Get out of my fucking house,” she yelled.

  “You told me I could still be her father because she was yours,” he mocked her. She was emotional after having the baby, and everyone was in shock at the news. Robert loved her when he thought she was his, but the moment he learned the truth, all his feelings stopped, and hers did too.

  “I didn’t mean that shit,” she hollered. “After everything that you’ve done to me, I don’t want you or that psycho bitch near my daughter. Get your papers and get out!”

  “You won’t be deciding if Maggie and I get rights to your child.” He bent down and picked up the documents. “The courts will decide, and guess what, honey? My family has connections.”

  “Do you think I care what your family has or doesn’t have?” She was done listening to him. He and his family could go to hell. “You will see my child over my dead body.” Her growl was vicious as she stared at him with anger.

  “Maggie and I can’t get over what happened,” Robert smirked. “The incompetence of the clinic. It’s not our fault.”r />
  Kanielle closed her fist, her nails dug into her palm, and she lost it. “You fucking asshole, it’s because of you that the mix-up happened!”

  “What are you talking about?” He raised his eyebrow.

  “Did you forget your rendezvous with Trish? You fucked her and in the middle of your passion filled trysts, you told her you didn’t want to be a father!” Her breaths were short, “Well guess what, she made your wish come true. She purposely injected Brandon’s sperm in my eggs.”

  “What?” The files fell to the floor.

  “Yes, so if you’re looking to blame someone, look in the mirror, you son of a bitch.” She moved forward, wanting to hit him so bad, but she retreated. “And while we’re on the subject, you and Leslie…” She sighed and then smiled. “I was such a fool! Being married to you was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.” Her cell phone rang, and she grabbed it. “Hello!”

  “Sweets, what’s wrong?” Brandon sounded concern. She couldn’t take it out on him. “Kanielle.”

  “Nothing, baby,” she managed to disguise her anger. “I’m dealing with some trash at the moment.”

  “Kanielle, I didn’t know Trish. I don’t know any Trish, and who told you about Leslie?” Robert stuttered as he talked.

  “Is that Robert?” Brandon asked.

  “Yes,” she gritted her teeth. “He came to serve us papers.”

  “For what?” He hollered.

  “Our child,” Kanielle was shaking that’s how mad she was.

  “I’m on my way,” Brandon hung up.

  “Who told you?” Robert yelled.

  “Sasha told me,” she lifted one finger and then another. “Leslie, told me.”

  “That bitch.” He rubbed his eyes.

  “She wasn’t a bitch when you laid with her,” Kanielle didn’t care who he slept with anymore. She finally got what she needed to off her chest. “Oh, let’s not forget Trish. She told on you too. Go ahead and sue us, after everything you’ve done, they won’t let you near her.”

  “Maggie will win, she’s a mother in distress.” Robert bent down and picked up his folders, and inched closer, and Kanielle moved back.

  “Then let the battle begin,” she said. Did he think she was going to back down? He should know by now that would never happen.

  “Or you can save yourself time and sign this,” he showed her another set of documents.

  “What are those?” She squinted her eyes, reading the small print, not being able to put the words together.

  “Power of attorney.”

  “For what?” She was tired of his nonsense. Who did she marry? When they dated he treated her like she was a queen. He wined and dined her with fancy words, and empty promises. Robert was a manipulative man.

  “Your daughter.”

  “Why would I ever give you power of attorney to my child, that’s worse than visitation?” Her chest heaved up and down, why did he want access to Coral so bad?

  “This is a special power of attorney. It only has to do with her finances,” Robert took out a pen.

  Kanielle took a deep breath. “What is this all about? Cece doesn’t have any money.”

  “But my grandmother did, and she left everything she had to that bastard child of yours.” He extended the papers and pen. “Sign the fucking papers, you know she doesn’t deserve a penny of my money.”

  She pushed the papers away. “That’s not possible. Your grandmother didn’t leave anything to Coral.” Nana told her she was broke, she’d spent more money than she had. Nana didn’t have anything but her properties.

  “Nana died thinking your daughter was ours, I never told her the truth.”

  “Whose fault was that? You should’ve told her the truth,” Kanielle reared back. “And since you didn’t have the balls to tell her I did. Nana knew Coral wasn’t her great-granddaughter. So, it’s impossible that she would leave her anything.”

  “You bitch, you went behind my back and told her?” He clenched his jaw.

  “Behind your back, Robert, no. I openly told your grandmother, and like you she kept the secret of knowing to herself.” Kanielle cocked her head to the side. “Your grandmother died knowing the truth.”

  “Sign the papers, Kanielle,” he calmly demanded.

  “No, I’m not signing any of your papers,” She held his gaze.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” Robert moved closer to her.

  Kanielle stood her ground, “Give it your best shot, you punk.” Her head was held up high. “You come in my house and assume you can order me around. Fuck you!”

  “That was always your problem, you didn’t know how to follow orders.” Robert went to grab her arm and she stepped back. “That money isn’t yours.”

  “I don’t want your family’s money,” she responded. “Your grandmother was broke, and I bet she is laughing in her grave.” She hit a soft spot, and Robert’s nostrils flared.

  “How dare you disrespect my grandmother?” The vein in his neck throbbed.

  “It’s the truth, she told me how your mother was waiting for her to die, but she would have the last laugh,” She chuckled, and in an unexpected move Robert wrapped his hands around her neck.

  “You stupid bitch,” he spat. “I’ve told you about talking about my family, especially my mother.” His hands were getting tighter.

  She dug her nails into his arms, breaking skin, and he released her. She gasped for air, holding her own neck. “You’re going to pay for that. Does it make you feel good hitting a woman? You weren’t such a bad ass when Brandon dropped you to the floor.” Her voice was hoarse. Kanielle knew how to push his buttons, and if it took her getting hurt to save her daughter, then that’s what she was going to do. Leverage, over him was what she needed, and she knew his family name was too important to him. She would tarnish their name.

  Before she knew it, Robert’s palm connected with the side of her face. “You will learn to respect me.”

  Her face burned from his blow, and her ear rung loudly. She touched her cheek, trying to smooth the throbbing. Kanielle rushed forward with all her strength and she swung her leg, and kneed him in his crotch. Robert clutched his penis, falling on his knees on the ground.

  He cried out in agony.

  “Who’s the bitch now?” She grabbed her cell phone and dialed 911. He was still bent over in pain. He glared at her, his nostrils flaring. “I’ve repeatedly warned you, what would happen if you ever touched me again.”

  “Like always… you won’t do shit,” he flung himself at her and she dashed out of the way.

  “Watch me!”

  “What’s your emergency?” The operator asked.

  “My ex-husband entered my home without permission and he punched me…” Kanielle cried out, like he had just hit her. “He’s attacking me again! He’s hurting me!” She got louder.

  “What’s your address?”

  Kanielle gave her the information she requested and hung up. Robert crawled toward the door, and then she smiled, “Two can play at this game. Now who is going see Coral?” She would do anything to keep her child away from him.

  He ran out the door.


  Brandon didn’t even bother turning off his truck. He jumped out and ran up the pathway. Robert rushed out of the front door holding himself, and when he saw Brandon, he smirked. Something was off. Brandon ran into the house.

  “You forgot these,” she threw the folders at Brandon.

  His heart slowed down, and then began to race. The right side of Kanielle’s face was swollen. He didn’t say a word, he just backed out of the front door and sprinted to his truck, swung the door open, and jumped in.

  “Brandon!” Kanielle shouted. “Brandon!”

  He couldn’t think; one thing was on his mind. Kill the motherfucker. He heard police sirens, and then saw the vehicles pass him. Brandon’s foot was heavy on the gas pedal, passing cars left and right. He was driving like a maniac. Robert wasn’t too far ahead of him. When he turned the
corner he saw his sedan. He had to make sure he didn’t take the exit to the highway.

  Brandon sped up, and without any caution, passed Robert up. Without thinking he slammed on the brakes. His truck screeched and turned to the side, blocking his way. Robert had nowhere to go. Brandon grabbed his crowbar from his backseat, and exited the truck. He banged the metal in his palm. He could see the fear in the man’s eyes as he got closer. Robert rapidly locked his car doors, and tried grabbing his cell, but it fell.

  Brandon pummeled the crowbar against the driver’s window, cracking the glass. He swung back with all his might and hit the glass again, shattering it to a thousand pieces. “You’re fucking crazy!” Robert screamed.

  “Yes I’m fucking crazy when it comes to my family,” Brandon roared.

  Robert unhooked his seatbelt and tried climbing over to the passenger seat, but it was too late. Brandon had already unlocked the door and grabbed him by his shoulder, pulling him out.


  Kanielle was outside waiting for the police to arrive, and called Brandon but he wouldn’t pick up. His eyes, she’d never seen him that angry. She thought she’d seen all his levels, however she missed this one. Brandon was trained to do damage. Damage that could land him in jail. Kanielle didn’t care about Robert, but she couldn’t live with herself if Brandon went to jail because of her.

  The cops parked in her driveway, and got out. “Ma’am, are you okay?” the officer looked at her.

  “No, that bastard hit me,” she pointed at her face. “And then he went after my boyfriend.” She needed to protect him too.

  “What happened?” The officer took out his small notepad and started writing everything she told him. Kanielle was nervous, praying that Brandon wouldn’t find Robert. She wanted the cops to handle him.

  “Officer, do you mind if I look in on my daughter?” Before Robert showed up she had put her down for a nap, and she slept through all the commotion. Kanielle entered the house, and went up the stairs. She opened the door to the nursery and Cece wasn’t there, she panicked. “Cece!” She pulled the blanket up, opened the closet and all the drawers, and tore the entire nursery apart. “Cece, where are you?” She screamed.


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