Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 35

by Ancelli

  Leslie paced, “I didn’t sign up for this shit. We were supposed to grab her and take her right back, it’s been almost 24 hours.”

  Sasha stared at her. “The maintenance guy was over here the other day.”


  “He told me to keep away because he was just getting over a bacterial infection, but couldn’t afford to stay home,” Sasha rocked the baby soothing her. “It must be in the air, and babies’ immune systems aren’t that strong.”

  “Bacterial infection could be anything,” Leslie tapped her finger on her lips as she paced, “Why did you let him stay?”

  She shrugged, lifting her shoulder. “What do we do?” Sasha tried soothing the baby.

  “Take her to the hospital, and tell them that you found her.” She wasn’t going down for this mess. Leslie would be charged with kidnapping if she was caught. Sasha was innocent.

  “Why me?”

  “Because they know me, someone might spot me,” Leslie stared at the baby. She was sweating. “Sasha, I told you not to get involved, but you did. That baby was premature, and now she’s burning up with a fever. Fucking take her to the hospital before she dies on us.”

  “You couldn’t be any harsher.”

  Leslie looked at her phone. She had a message, ‘Robert’s in the hospital, he was badly beaten. Give baby back!’ She wanted to go see him, but that would have to wait. She would visit him in a day or two, Leslie couldn’t be linked with Ramona.

  “Drop her off, leave town, and don’t come back,” Leslie told her sister. She had a feeling Ramona wasn’t to be trusted, but her baby sister didn’t mean any harm. She reached for her purse on the table and dug into her wallet pulling out all the cash. Leslie shoved the funds into her sister’s hand before she hugged her tight. “Don’t be like me,” she kissed Sasha’s cheek. “Now go!”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Brandon and Kanielle sat on the floor in their daughter’s nursery. “I pray she’s okay.” Kanielle laid her head on his shoulder, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was numb, clutching her baby’s blanket, and lifting it to her nose to sniff it. It was the one his grandmother made for Cece. She glanced at her cell again. Earlier, she’d received a text saying it was someone she knew, but who?

  “She has to be,” Brandon played in her hair. They’d been out searching the neighborhood and the woods in the backyard for the baby until one in the morning with no luck. No signs of their baby. Through everything Brandon was her rock.

  “This is my fault,” she choked out the words. Kanielle should’ve never let Robert in her home. She just had to tell him off, and now that might’ve cost her Cece. “I should’ve signed those freaking documents.”

  Brandon twisted to face Kanielle. He wiped at her tears. “This isn’t your fault.”

  “Deep down inside you blame me,” she sobbed, “I’m her mother. I was supposed to protect her.”

  “And you did,” Brandon caressed her neck. “We’ll find her, God wouldn’t give us a miracle just to take her away.”

  “He’s done it in the past.” Kanielle whispered.

  Brandon prayed. “Dear Lord, I come to you begging you to please keep our daughter safe,” he clutched Kanielle’s hand. His vision blurred as tears brimmed his lashes. “She is an innocent child. Please… please… take care of her wherever she is, and let her know Mommy and Daddy love her.”

  Kanielle sniffled, “Please… amen.”

  “He’s always answered my prayers, but in his time.” Brandon traced her ear. “I believe she is safe. I have to.”

  Kanielle took his hand in hers, and saw the bruises on his knuckles from when he whooped her ex. “What did you do to Robert?”

  “I fucked him up,” he sighed. “I think he’s in the hospital. At least he should be. I would have killed him if you hadn’t called me.”

  She turned her head to the side. “You thought he had her?”

  “Yes,” Brandon wished Robert or Maggie had taken Cece, because at least he knew they wouldn’t hurt her. He didn’t like the man, but for some reason he thought Robert cared about Coral.

  “And now you don’t?” She closed her eyes.

  “I had my hands wrapped around his neck,” Brandon leaned his head back against the wall “Choking the life out of him. He said he didn’t have her, and I believe him.”

  “Then who would take Cece?”

  “I don’t know,” Brandon wracked his brain trying to figure out who wanted her. “I hope whoever has her is taking care of her.”

  She entwined his fingers with hers. “My baby.” She slumped against him.

  “We will find her,” Brandon squeezed her palm. “I will kill if I have to, but she’ll be back with us.”

  Outside of Cece’s room, Irene and Angela screamed. Heavy thuds sounded through the wall as if someone rushed up the stairs. The nursery door was slammed open. “They found her!”

  Kanielle’s eyes widened, and she rushed to move, rising. She stared at her mother.

  Brandon jumped up, “They found her? Where?”

  “Yes,” Angela smiled. “She’s at the hospital.”

  “Why is she at the hospital?” Kanielle put on her shoes.

  “The officer said someone dropped her off at the emergency room,” Irene answered.

  Kanielle grabbed Brandon’s hands and pulled him out of the room and down the stairs. “Lets go get our little girl. When I see her I am never letting her go.” He picked up his keys as they rushed out the door. “Ma, Angela, Shawn, and Andy, see you there.”


  Kanielle and Brandon didn’t wait until they were given the okay. They immediately dashed into her hospital room. Cece had an IV in her little hand. Her lips curled up into a smile when she saw them.

  “Hi, sugar pie,” Kanielle gently picked her up from the crib. “I love you.” She held the baby against her chest, and kissed the crown of her head.

  “Thank God.” Brandon brushed Cece’s curls with his fingers. “What did they do to Daddy’s peanut?” Something wasn’t right. The officer told them she was dropped off at the hospital.

  Coral snuggled between Kanielle’s neck and shoulder. “She’s burning up.”

  Brandon placed his hand on her forehead. He inspected Coral’s arms and legs. “She has hives all over her body.”

  What did they do to her baby? Kanielle sniffed Coral. That floral scent was familiar. She smelled the spicy aroma before. Kanielle needed to think, however now wasn’t the time for that. She had her baby back, and that’s all that mattered.

  “She’s had a bad allergic reaction,” the doctor entered with Coral’s chart in his hand.

  “To what?” Kanielle cried.

  “We’re not sure, ma’am. We are currently running tests to try and find out.” The doctor continued. “Is she allergic to anything?”

  “Milk,” Kanielle gently rubbed Cece’s back. “She’s allergic to cow’s milk, whoever kidnapped her must have given her milk.”

  “Is she okay?” Brandon gazed at his baby girl before lifting his head to stare at the doctor.

  “She was dropped off in time. If whoever had her had waited any longer, there might have been some consequences.” The doctor noted her chart. “She also has an ear infection, which is common in babies. We gave her some epinephrine, and now we have her on antibiotics, but she will need to remain in the hospital for a couple of days for observation. Her fever was over one hundred three.” He watched her monitor. “It’s lowering slowly. A nurse will be in shortly to give her some more medicine.”

  Brandon took Cece out of Kanielle’s arms. “Hey, princess, you gave us a scare.” He kissed her nose, and she giggled. “Daddy’s little girl.”

  “Da.” She moved her head from side to side, showing off her two bottom teeth.

  Kanielle chuckled. “Sugar Pie.”

  Cece dropped her head on Brandon’s shoulder and patted his collarbone.

  “Her eyes are swollen,” Brandon further observed. “Like she’d be
en crying. If I find out who took her, I’ll make sure they regret the day they were born.”

  “Not if I find them first,” Kanielle rubbed Coral’s back. “Right now all that matters is that we have her with us.”

  Coral’s eyes drifted shut, she was tired. Kanielle gazed at Brandon and their baby. This was her family. No more second guessing, no more looking back, only forward.


  Brandon watched the surveillance tape again with hospital security. All he could make out was that it was an African-American woman who dropped off Cece. Nothing more. She wore sunglasses at night, and a scarf over her face. There wasn’t any way to clearly identify who she was.

  “Thank you,” Brandon shook the guard’s hand. He’d been going to the security office every night after visiting his daughter, viewing the videos making sure he didn’t miss anything about the person who dropped her off. He pushed the elevator button, and waited. He was going down to the cafeteria to get some coffee, and something for Kanielle to eat. She hadn’t eaten since the baby went missing. The doors silently slid opened and he stepped in stabbing the L button. The elevator descended, stopping on the second floor.

  “Is it going up?” A woman asked,

  “No, down to the lobby.” He stared at her, knowing he’d seen her somewhere before.

  “What the heck, it’s only one floor,” she entered, and the doors slowly shut.

  “Do I know you from somewhere?” Brandon searched his mind trying to figure out where he may have met her.

  She turned and flashed a bright smile, “I don’t think so.”

  The information clicked in his head. It was the rude woman from the club. She’d had an attitude because he didn’t want to dance with her. “We meet at Chris’ going away party."

  Her eyes widened, and she reeled back shaking her head. “I don’t know any Chris.”

  “Everybody knows a Chris,” Brandon laughed. “Then you have a twin.” He watched her closely, he didn’t believe her.

  “Doesn’t everybody?” She replied, scratching her arm.

  The bell dinged and the metal doors opened. Brandon stepped out. “Have a nice day.”

  “You too.”


  Kanielle rocked Cece to sleep on her chest. “Angels were looking over you.” Coral was extra clingy with her and Brandon. She didn’t even want her grandmother or Angela to hold her, but she was getting better by the second. Kanielle gently laid her head on her baby’s. “I love you.”

  Brandon entered with a cup of coffee in one hand and a brown bag in the other. “I got you a sandwich and a juice box.” He placed it on the table. “Is she still fussy?”

  “No,” she kissed her forehead as Coral pushed up on her hands, looking over at Brandon. She began crying. “Cece wants you.”

  He put his cup down. “Come to papa bear,” he said and gently took the infant out of her hands.

  Kanielle stood, and opened the bag. She pulled out the sandwich, unwrapped it, and started eating. “This tastes like hospital food,” she giggled.

  “You need to eat something, sweets,” he patted Cece’s back. “We need to take care of each other.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” Kanielle said and continued eating. The sandwich was terrible, but the juice was just ok and masked the bland taste of the food. “She’s falling asleep. I’m going for a walk to clear my head.”

  “Okay,” he leaned back in the chair. Brandon’s progress with therapy was going so well and now this happened. She hoped it didn’t set him back. Brandon lost it twice, once with Robert and once with Maggie’s boyfriend from what Shawn had mentioned.

  She left the room and wandered through the halls. Kanielle stopped and cocked her head. She saw who she thought was Leslie lurking around. Kanielle followed the woman to the nurses’ station. They pointed in the direction of Cece’s room.

  “What are you doing here?” Kanielle approached Leslie.

  Leslie twirled around, looking at her. “I was visiting a patient.”

  “In pediatrics?” Kanielle eyed her.

  “Yes,” Leslie glared back at her. “You have some nerve even talking to me after you got me fired. I should charge you with assault.”

  Kanielle smirked. “Leslie, if that’s what you feel you have to do, then do it. I have other things more important to worry about.” She went to walk away, and then turned back. “And I didn’t get you fired, your work ethics did.”

  Leslie thinned her lips. “You need to be thanking me.”

  “Thanking you for what?” Kanielle replied, “You have never done anything for me.”

  “If you only knew,” Leslie smiled. “I hope your daughter is feeling better.” She veered to the side and went in the direction of the elevator.

  Kanielle trailed after her, “How do you know my baby is here?”

  Leslie didn’t answer, she just continued to push the round black button for the elevator.

  “Answer me.” Kanielle grabbed her arm and spun her around.

  Leslie pulled her arm away from her grip. “Robert is downstairs and he told me your baby was here,” she shrugged. “He wanted me to check up on her, make sure she was okay,” she scratched her arms. “Has her fever gone down?”

  “How did you know she had a fever?” Kanielle inspected Leslie, what was she up to? No one knew Coral was sick except for their immediate family and close friends, and Leslie and Robert were neither. Her heart stopped as she watched her. Could it be? Nah… why would Leslie take Cece?

  “Robert’s here?” She didn’t know he was admitted to the hospital. Did Brandon really do some damage?

  “Yes,” Leslie gave her a dirty stare. “He was mugged by three thugs. He can hardly speak.”

  “So, Robert sent you to check up on my daughter?” Kanielle tilted her head to the side. “Why?”

  “That’s a great question. Why does he still care about you?” Leslie snapped. “You had him arrested while he was in a hospital bed,” she spat, and then she disclosed, “Bobby is no longer cuffed because it pays to know people. Stay away from him.”

  “Tell your man to stay away from me and mine,” Kanielle stared her down. “I have all I’ll ever need.”

  “One day you will pay.” The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Leslie stepped in. “Like always it wasn’t a pleasure talking with you.”

  Kanielle watched as the doors closed, knowing that something wasn’t right. If Robert was in the hospital so badly beaten, Cece would be the last thing on his mind. She walked back to Cece’s room.

  “What’s wrong?” Brandon noticed her concern. Maybe it was the way she tapped her finger against her cheek?

  “I just ran into Leslie, and something doesn’t seem right,” she looked at Brandon, holding their baby. “She was supposedly checking on Cece.”

  “Who’s Leslie?”

  “My old supervisor. The one I got in a fight with.”

  “Why would she check on Cece?” Brandon placed Coral in the crib since she’d finally fallen asleep.

  “That is what I’m asking myself,” Kanielle paced. “She said Robert sent her.”

  “What?” Brandon raised his voice, making the baby’s eyes flutter, but she twisted her head back and forth before falling back to sleep.

  “He was admitted here,” Kanielle moved closer to the baby. “He’s telling people that he was mugged by three men. Do you think he was the one that took her?”

  Brandon took a deep breath and his hand bawled into a fist. “Kanielle, I asked him when his life was an inch away from being gone. He said no.”

  “Bran.” she gazed at him. “I need to know who did this, or I will never be able to be at peace. What if they come back?” She held on to the crib. “They almost killed her.”

  Brandon just stared back at her, and shook his head. “I need some air,” he said and walked out of the room.

  “Cece, if I ever lose you again,” she wiped at her tears. “If I have to stay with you twenty-four-seven, I will.”


  “You said you owe me right?” Brandon spoke on his phone.

  “I thought all those free meals were payback,” José chuckled. “What’s up?”

  “My daughter was kidnapped and I think I know who did it,” Brandon paced near the elevator.

  “What? Is she okay?” José asked, all joking was gone from his voice.

  “Yes, and no.” Brandon watched the nurses at the station. “She’s in the hospital.”

  “What do you need?”

  “I know you left that life behind, but I need backup,” Brandon was trying to calm himself down. He believed Robert and his girlfriend took Cece, and when she got sick they dropped her off like she was trash.

  “Say no more,” Jose replied. Brandon could hear José, talking to his staff. “I’m on my way.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “No need, if it was Maryann or Carlitos I know you would do the same. If I end up in jail for this your ass is bailing me out and explaining it to my wife,” José stated.

  “If this is going cau…”

  “Bye,” José hung up.

  Brandon shook his head. He made another call. “Shawn.”

  “I’m on my way,” Shawn replied. Brandon didn’t even have to say anything else.

  He was going to find out one way or another if Robert was the one who took or ordered someone to take his daughter.


  “I can’t believe that bitch,” Leslie stormed into his room. “I was just checking up on her brat.”

  “Who?” Robert’s mouth was still hurting, but the medication helped him speak better.

  “Who else, Kanielle.” She threw her purse on the table and sat in the chair next to his bed.

  “Why would you?” Robert turned his head, watching her.

  Leslie didn’t answer, “How are you feeling today?”

  “Better.” He moved up on his pillows. “Can you… get me water?”

  Leslie looked at the empty pitcher. “Sure,” she stood. “The things I do for you.”

  He stared at her. “Like what?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she grabbed the pitcher. “I love you, Robert.” Leslie stared at him, waiting for him to say it back.


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