Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6)

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Love in Game (De La Fuente Family Book 6) Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Give us a minute,” I answer Andie, but I can’t seem to stop touching Felicity.

  “I hope,” I breathe against her lips, “that you don’t expect me to apologize for that, because it was the most intense kiss that I’ve ever shared with anyone.”

  “You feel it too,” she whispers.

  I chuckle. “I feel so much when I’m with you.”

  “Kasey?” Andie hisses. “Dammit, get out of there.”

  “I think we need to go,” I say, regret rushing through me. “Can I have your number?” I smile at how corny it sounds.

  “Here.” She passes me her cell. “Put yours in there and then message yourself so we have each others.”

  “I like the way you think.” Quickly doing what she asked, we exchange numbers, but I have to ask, “When can I see you again?”

  “My brother’s shooting tomorrow morning for a calendar, so I could try and get away then.”

  “Wait. What calendar?” I frown and wait her answer.

  “It’s a sports thing.”

  “NHL?” I curse and snatch the door open just as Andie is about to bang the thing again. I scowl at her.

  “I’m sorry that I’m interrupting, but your teammate, who now has a sore foot thanks to my high heel, is looking for you. They’re about to start with instructions for tomorrow.”

  “Shit.” I run my hands through my hair and stare at Felicity. I’m afraid to let her go in case I don’t see her again for another three months. “What’s your brother’s name? Which team?”

  “Blake Kelly. Cleveland Flyers.”

  Double shit!

  I groan. “I know him…I’m Kasey De La Fuente of the New York Mavericks.”

  She gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, her face falling. “Oh crap! He’s mentioned you as Fuente before. He hates playing when you’re on the ice. He says you’re unstoppable…When he finds out about us, he’ll go nuts.”

  “Look”—I tug her into my arms before she can bolt—“I know where you’re coming from, okay? Your brother and I have never seen eye-to-eye on the ice, but you aren’t your brother, and I’ll be damned if I let the best thing to ever happen to me walk away. Are you hearing me, Felicity? I finally have you back, I’m not losing you again.”

  Felicity looks to the ground for a moment before nodding to herself, as her determined eyes meet mine, I sigh in relief.

  “You’re right. It was just a shock realizing that my brother knows you. We’re good, Kasey. I promise. But it means that you’ll be on set tomorrow as well.”

  “Yeah,” I admit, wishing that I could just run away with her some place so that we can be ourselves.

  “Come to my room later. I’ll head there now and message my brother that I’m going to bed. He’ll believe me because I was grumbling about being tired before he dragged me down here. He won’t come checking on me then.” She fumbles with her cell and then mine beeps with her room number.

  I’m seriously going to hate sneaking around, but I didn’t lie when I said I’d do anything for her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Keep your cell close and I’ll message you when I’m outside your room so you don’t give yourself away to him.”

  She nods, but looks about as happy as I am.

  “Kasey, he’s coming. Please tell him to stay away from me and I’ll look after Felicity.” Andie looks away and then back to me. “Tell him that I have genital herpes or something,” she mutters.

  Within seconds I’m shoved out of the door, and it slams closed with Andie and Felicity still inside.

  “Where’s that gorgeous babe disappeared to?” Xavier asks, trying to look over my shoulder.

  I roll my eyes and wrapping an arm around his shoulders repeat in a loud voice, “She’s probably gone getting that genital herpes seen to.”

  He pales and moves with me back into the room, while I can’t wipe the smile from my face.

  Not only will that teach Andie not to say shit like that to me again, but I’ll be seeing Felicity soon.



  “I’m going to kill him,” Andie growls at the closed door while I attempt to hide my amusement behind my hand.

  “You did tell him to say that.” I chuckle.

  Grumbling, she then grins and changes the subject. “So, Felicity, Kasey will kill me for telling you this, but he’s been a moody asshole since he woke up to find you gone.”

  My mood sours at her words, and I quickly dash from the room before she can see my tears. But she quickly catches up to me in the elevator. “I didn’t mean to hurt him,” I mutter, sadly.

  “Shit. That isn’t why I told you. I told you so that you’d know he’s serious about you. Kasey is a good guy, and in my own stupid way I was trying to tell you that. He won’t ever hurt you, at least not intentionally.” Andie gently turns me to face her. “I know you only spent one night together talking.” She rolls her eyes. “But he’s been missing you.”


  “Please let me finish. That last thing I’ll say before going back down to the lobby is, he’s one of the good guys, so please don’t ever leave him again without a word or a note, okay?”

  “That I can promise you,” I say in assurance because it’s true. I don’t plan on going anywhere.

  “Good.” She nods her head and when I exit the elevator, I turn around, and watch as she disappears behind the closing doors.

  My heart beats faster with excitement from seeing Kasey, and him giving me my first real kiss. I twirl around and grinning like an idiot, head down the hallway. Entering my room in a dream, I quickly put the lock on the door before I lean back against it. I close my eyes, tracing my fingers across my lips in delight.

  His touch made me want so much more with him. Back in Vegas, he’d said that he’d be the one deflowering me, but then I thought I’d screwed that up in my panic. Now he’s back in my life and I’m all tangled up with what to do. I want him permanently in my life, but my brother isn’t going to like where my affection lies. Not one bit.

  I chew on my lip as I potter about my room, making sure none of my stuff is lying around. I’m not the tidiest person, which is why I end up picking up today’s clothes from over the back of the chair that I’d tossed them on in my dash to get changed earlier. I sigh audibly as I toe my death trap shoes from my aching feet and cringe when one crashes against the side of the oak vanity with a loud thud. I curse my own clumsiness and collapse into the cushy armchair that was previously doubling as a clothes rack.

  My eyes glance over to the clock and I sigh that only ten minutes have passed since I left Kasey downstairs. Time is really going to drag until he’s here with me, and I can only hope that my brother will leave me alone for tonight.

  Reaching for my cell and groaning in exasperation when I realize that it’s in my purse, I slowly totter to my feet and root for the rose gold object. I quickly message Blake that I’m turning in for the night. He usually checks on me, but when I tell him that I’ve gone to bed, he usually leaves me be. I only hope tonight isn’t any different.

  Flopping back on the bed, I break out in goose bumps when I close my eyes and see the piercing blue eyes of Kasey. No one looks at me the way he does, as though I’m the only one he sees. He’s certainly the only man that I see. That I want.

  My need of him was so sudden in Vegas, and it’s just as bad, if not worse, here in New York. The man isn’t only delicious to look at but he has such a good a heart. Even if I doubted that, the way that he spoke so lovingly about his family tells me how right I am.

  Kasey De La Fuente.

  Waking to my phone buzzing in my hand, I quickly focus and realize that Kasey is calling me. I press accept, and hear, “I’m outside your room.”

  I jump up and stumble toward the door in my half-sleep state. Removing the deadbolt, I open the door and have the hottest guy that I’ve ever seen barreling into my room, slamming the door closed behind him. He reengages the lock and turns to me, a crooked smile on his beautiful l
ips as he drops his bag to the floor.

  “I thought you’d had second thoughts.” He holds my gaze.

  Shaking my head of the grogginess, I admit, “I fell asleep waiting for you.” I take his hand and lead him further into the room. “What time is it?”

  He glances at his phone before dropping it to the dressing table. “Eleven.” He shrugs off his jacket, placing it gently on the armchair. He sits on the end of the bed and yanking his tie free, he opens a couple of buttons on his shirt. “I hate wearing dress clothes. Prefer my sweats and T-shirts.” He groans as he stretches out his taut muscles.

  My eyes focus on the pulsing hollow of his throat while I lick my lips at the thought of being able to put my tongue there.

  Well, I’m obviously very awake now.

  “Felicity,” he groans. “If you keep looking at me like that, all of my good intentions will be out of the window.”

  I meet his heated gaze with one of my own before I let my eyes caress over him once more. His shirt is crisp white linen, and is tucked into a perfectly fitted pair of black slacks. My mouth waters as my eyes hover over the bulge behind his zipper. “Nice,” I murmur, and hear a choking sound coming from Kasey.

  “You’re killing me,” Kasey says, seconds before he reaches out and wrapping his arms around me, he tosses me to the bed, gently lowering himself on top of me. He nudges my thighs open and settles between. “I want you badly, Felicity. But not like this.” He drops his forehead to mine, cupping my head with his large hands. “I want to sleep with you in my arms like we did in Vegas, but without the disappearing act in the morning. Can we do that?”

  My hands reach around him and sliding up his back, Kasey shudders at my touch. The throb between my thighs increases as he gentle rocks, pushing against my panties. When he hits the perfect spot, I gasp for breath, clinging to him, and arch my spine. “What are you doing to me?” I gasp.

  “What I promised I wouldn’t,” Kasey whispers, his voice nearly failing him as he cradles the back of my head with one hand, and with the other he cups my bottom, holding me tightly against the hardness of his pelvis.

  “Please don’t stop. It feels so good,” I beg, my hands gripping him tightly, giving him no room to escape.

  He chuckles, and places tiny kisses along my neck and my collarbone. “Your first time is going to be amazing, in a setting where we both can relax and just concentrate on each other. I really want that for you for us. But I don’t think I’m going to survive if I don’t have my hands on you tonight.”

  “You’ve got more than your hands on me, and I want to feel it. I want to experience pure bliss with you. Now. My body feels so hot and tight. I need our clothes gone and your skin against mine.”

  “Fuck,” he curses, dropping his face into the curve of my neck while he breathes heavily, and then he turns his head so that our gazes meet. “I’ll make you come, but you keep your bra and panties on.”

  I nod and quickly try to wiggle free of my dress, which eventually comes off with much amusement from Kasey. “You next.”

  He closes his eyes. “I’m staying dressed.”

  I pout and feel butterflies take flight in my belly when I realize that his eyes are glued to my breasts in the lacy crimson bra. “No way. I want to touch you.” I undo a couple more buttons of his shirt, needing more skin.

  “I can’t believe you wore this under your clothes.” He lifts his hips and looks at the small matching thong. “And this scrap of material”—he motions to my thong—“does nothing to hide you from my eyes.” He licks his lips. “Are you wet for me?”

  The heat in his eyes as he stares at me sizzles me to my core, but I can’t help the blush that I feel creeping up my face.

  He smiles and quickly removes his shirt. “Don’t be shy.” Dipping his head, he captures my lips in what I think was meant to be a gentle kiss, but something about this man makes me crazy. The minute our lips meet, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. His large body covers mine as my legs wrap around his hips, my feet digging into his ass to bring him against me.

  The minute the bulge behind his zipper presses against the heat between my thighs, I break from the kiss, gasping for air. “Feels so good.” I pant.

  Kasey rocks against me while I grab and clench along his back with my hands, trying to anchor myself. Nothing works as the pleasure starts to rise, and then I feel one of his hands slipping between us.

  I meet his stare and see the strain on his face as he lifts up, my eyes follow his movement and watch as he straightens his cock. My eyes quickly shoot up to his again and although flushed, he gives me a crooked smirk. “You have me rock hard, babe.” He kisses my lips and smiles, his fingers now rubbing along my panty line. “May I?” he asks, his eyes not leaving mine.

  “No one has ever touched me there before.” My belly quivers knowing that I’ll let Kasey do anything he wants to me. “But I want your touch. I crave it.” My voice wavers, the anticipation and need killing me.

  “Damn! Have you got any idea what that does to me? Or how your words make my body react?” Kasey drops his head briefly, before looking back at me. “Look down at my body, Felicity. Look at what you do to me.”

  Biting my lower lip, I slowly move my gaze down past his torso and my eyes widen in surprise when I see that the bulging head of his cock has burst out of the waist of his slacks. The head is red and pulses as my eyes refuse to move from it. I reach down and when my fingers rub around the smooth crown, fluid trickles from the slit and Kasey sucks in a rush of air. His body trembles, making me realize that we both react the same toward each other.

  If I needed proof that he wants me just as much as I want him, then I have it.

  My mind suddenly goes blank when I feel one of his fingers beneath my panties, rubbing the wetness that I’m unable to hide. “I love how wet you are. This”—he cups my mound—“is mine, Felicity. One day soon I’m going to take you somewhere for just the two of us, and I’m going to make love to you, slowly and passionately. I want it to be perfect for you.”

  I gasp as he slips a finger inside of my quivering body, and I wrap my hands tightly around his arms. “Just being with you is perfect,” I admit. “Ahhh, Kasey…Oh, God.”

  “I’m going to make you come,” he pants, “and then I’m going to sleep with you in my arms.”

  “I want—”

  “Shush,” he whispers, his fingers working beneath my panties, building me higher and higher to the point that I’m straining against him.

  With one hand, I quickly reach between us and shoving my hand into the front of his slacks, I rub my palm against his pulsing cock. He trembles again, but I don’t stop. Then Kasey inserts another finger into me, and my belly starts to quiver and something starts to build higher…the pleasure causes my hips to rock against his hand.



  Touching her, and having my fingers inside of her pussy, has my own release climbing up my spine. The wetness coating my fingers feels good and I’m imagining how good it will feel to have all that wetness surrounding my cock as I make love to her. She drives me crazy as she continues to rub me with her hand. And as my orgasm starts building in my balls, the little whimpers coming out of Felicity’s mouth is my undoing.

  And then she floods my hand with her release, her pussy pulsating around my fingers so tightly that I can hardly move them. At the feel and sound of her coming, my release suddenly hits and I squirt over her wrist, and as she tightens her hand around my iron hard cock, I can’t stop coming. I rock into her fist as we both ride out our phenomenal release.

  “I should apologize.” Dropping my face, I nuzzle against the curve of her neck. “But that felt too amazing to apologize.”

  “If you apologize, I’d have to hurt you.” She chuckles, tickling the base of my dick. “I’ve never felt anything like that before, and to know that I brought you so much pleasure just by rubbing you, makes me so happy, Kasey.”

  “I made a mess,” I admit, slowly
moving my sluggish body from hers and quickly closing my eyes as she caresses me while moving her hand away.

  “I see that.” She pushes me to my back. “Let me go clean up and I’ll bring a cloth back for you.”

  I watch her pad toward the bathroom, and being able to see the smooth skin of her bottom isn’t helping any with my body’s reaction to her. I throw my arm over my eyes and try to finally catch my breath while she’s out of sight. My heart pounds with the fear of losing her. I can’t lose her. She’s my girl now. Mine to love and keep safe. My head also spins with how fast I’m moving with her. I just know that she’s the one, and after going crazy with missing her these past few months, I’m not prepared to let her go. I feel as though I need her to breathe.

  “Your turn,” she says just as I feel the zipper on my slacks being lowered. I grab her wrist and smile when I see her with a washcloth in hand. “I’m just cleaning you.” She blushes.

  “I could do with a shower.”

  “Oh.” She hides her eyes and turns away. “It’s through there.”

  Without taking my eyes from her, I slowly move from the bed and ignoring the bathroom for now, I wrap an arm around her shoulders from behind. “Talk to me.”

  There’s a pause and then she says, “I wanted to touch you, and…I wanted to watch as I cleaned your release from you.”

  I smile and notice the flush to her beautiful face. So I turn her in my arms and hold her gaze as I remove the rest of my clothing. Once I’ve stepped out of them, I move her to sit on the edge of the bed and step between her thighs, thankful that she’s pulled on a pair of sleep shorts.

  “Look at me, Felicity. Every part of me belongs to you.” I smile. “Even the sticky mess.”


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