The Heart of the Home

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by The Heart of the Home (retail) (epub)

  When she reached home she called, ‘Mam! Dadda! I was offered the job and I’ve taken it.’

  Walter Evans came out of the living room and hugged her. ‘Darling girl, of course they offered you the job. There isn’t anyone better suited. I hope this new boss of yours realizes how lucky he is.’

  Her mother, Lynne, was more practical. ‘Have you found somewhere to stay?’

  ‘Not really. I’ve booked into a small guest house for a month, while I make sure I’ll be happy there.’

  Lynne hugged her. ‘I hope you hate it,’ she said, her smile making a joke of the remark. ‘Seriously, I hope you enjoy meeting people and making new friends. But remember, you can always come back here. If you aren’t completely happy, come home to us. Remember, the business will be yours one day.’

  As she handed back the keys to her father’s car and thanked him for trusting her with it, he exchanged them for another set. ‘Mam?’ She stared at her mother, surprise on her face. ‘Don’t tell me you have a car. I thought you hated driving.’

  ‘Look outside,’ Walter said, nodding towards the front window. A small Austin was parked against the kerb and he tapped the keys he held on her open palm. ‘She’s yours, you’ll need transport if you’re to do the valuations.’ As she ran out to examine her exciting gift he turned to Lynne. ‘And she can come home to see us often,’ he added sadly.

  ‘Tell me the name of the firm,’ Walter asked as she came in filled with excitement at the surprise gift.

  ‘It’s Ace Estate Agency in Cwm Derw.’ She started as her parents groaned in disbelief.

  ‘Not George Dexter?’ her father pleaded.

  ‘Yes, and his son Teifion is there too, a bit useless I suspect, but… what is it? Is there something I should know about this firm?’

  Without explaining why, they pleaded with her not to go but she was adamant. If she turned this down, she might not get another opportunity and she badly wanted to leave home and stand on her own efforts. She was puzzled by their reaction particularly as they refused to even hint at the reason for their dismay.


  Trying out her new acquisition the next day was an excuse to drive around all her favourite places, and visit friends to say goodbye and give them her temporary address.

  The Barry Island sands were empty that November day, the sea sullen and unwelcoming. The headlands at each side of the bay were grey, lacking the bright patches of colour from the small sturdy plants that grew in defiance of the barren rocks and the wild weather. She strolled along the deserted promenade, past shops and entertainments now closed up until the spring. She looked at the line of poplars that indicated the cricket ground, also unused and silent.

  She would miss being able to come to the seaside at a moment’s whim, and see the holiday resort in all its moods. But there was no point in getting melancholy, she was stretching her wings and flying the nest. There was more to life than sea and sand. But she stopped and turned back for one more glance before getting into the car and driving off. She called on several friends and promised to write, and then she went to the road on which large houses overlooked the docks.

  Leo Hopkins was one person she would sorely miss. He was her father’s assistant and had been for many years. It was Leo, eight years older than her, who had taught her so much about the business. Her father told her what to do but Leo was patient enough to tell her why she was doing it. It was mainly because of his help that she had become expert at valuations, although her father would never allow her to deal with important sales on her own. That was one of the reasons for the move; a new start, giving her employer the clear understanding that she had no intention of being an office clerk.

  Mrs Hopkins opened the door and told her Leo was in the garden. She went through the house to where Leo was planting a few bulbs.

  ‘These were forgotten,’ he told her. ‘Dad left them in the shed, so although it’s a bit late, I thought I’d put them in.’

  She watched him for a moment, then said, ‘Leo, I’ve got the job. I start Monday.’

  Shock registered briefly, a nerve ticked in his cheek as the words he dreaded to hear were uttered. ‘I’m pleased, if you’re sure it’s what you want. But why so soon? I thought you’d start in the new year. Things are very quiet during the last weeks of the year. Better they paid you when you could be kept busy.’

  ‘I’ll be busy all right. I’ve had a look at their filing system and the way they keep addresses of enquirers and I’ve promised to revise the way the office is run. I think George Dexter’s wife has been doing the office work and she’s been very slap-dash. Perhaps because they seem to be the only auctioneers in the area, they’ve become complacent.’

  ‘George Dexter?’ Concern showed in his blue eyes. ‘Does your father know who you’ll be working for?’

  ‘Yes and they obviously don’t like each other. He won’t tell me why, probably some professional jealousy. He tried to make me change my mind but I won’t.’

  ‘There must be other firms who would be glad to have someone like you.’

  ‘Not so many. Most still think it’s a job for men. Even though women did almost everything during the war, often men still think of us as second class and slightly stupid. You wouldn’t believe the attitude of most people who I approached about a vacancy. This is the only offer I’ve had and I have to give it a try, Leo. You can understand that, can’t you?’

  Leo didn’t reply. He went on loosening the earth even though the bulbs had all been planted. She rested her hand on his shoulder. ‘Thanks to you, I know how things ought to be done. I appreciate all you taught me.’

  ‘Pity I did. You wouldn't have wanted to leave if I hadn’t bothered.’

  Now it was her turn to remain silent. She was saved from replying by Mrs Hopkins calling to tell her tea was made. Below them the water of the docks was stirred by a rising wind. She was aware of how cold she had become.

  ‘Don’t forget, Meriel, I’m here if you have any problems,’ Leo said as they walked back into the cosy warmth of the house.

  The table was neatly set and the food attractively displayed. Since the death of her husband, Mrs Hopkins had concentrated all her love on her son. Her two daughters had moved far away and Meriel had the somewhat disturbing feeling that his mother depended on Leo far too much. Perhaps he too ought to leave while he still could, she thought sadly.

  She was puzzled by the dislike between her parents and George Dexter, and equally so by their refusal to discuss it. Mrs Hopkins insisted she knew nothing about it, although the way she looked away from her when she denied any knowledge of the quarrel made Meriel doubt this. All Leo would tell her was that the two men had argued when they were young and dislike hadn’t faded with time. There was no hint of why.

  As she was leaving, he hugged her and kissed her cheek and the warmth and security his closeness engendered made her almost regret her decision to go. She was inexplicably sad as she drove away and headed for home. Saying goodbye to Leo had been harder than she had expected. She had always loved him but only in the way she loved all those close to her. Now there was something more and it was unsettling. Her decision to leave home seemed to have stirred up emotions stronger than anything else had in her whole life.


  Meriel’s first days at Dexter’s Ace Estate Agency and Auctioneers were strange. When she had mentioned her father, George had made it clear he didn’t want to discuss their past differences. Her second and greater disappointment was that he didn’t seem to expect her to do anything apart from sit in the office and attend to any enquiries. When she asked to make a start on the untidy files and consider changes to the various forms they used which were seriously out of date, he said he had to wait for his wife to return. ‘Frieda will explain everything to you better than I can, and at present she’s in Brighton with her sister.’

  ‘But I can’t sit and do nothing,’ she complained. ‘Couldn’t I just look through what you do so your wife and I can discuss any changes
when we meet?’

  Despite the fact much of their work was with farms and farm stock two people came during her first week and, despite the fact that Christmas was just over a month away, asked for their home to be placed on the market. One family had decided to emigrate to Australia, while the second was selling a house after the death of his mother. It was Teifion who went with his father to decide on the valuation while Meriel sat and waited in the hope of another enquiry. She spent some time looking at the advertising pages of the local papers, noting what was selling and gathering information about prices in the town.

  That lunchtime she drove around to look at the first place and made a vague assessment of its value by comparing it with another being sold on the same street. While George and Teifion were looking at the second property, a client came in and she gave him details of the few houses they had on their list and also told him about the property she had seen that day.

  By the time George and Teifion came back the man was almost convinced the place was for him; he knew the street and the actual house. They took him to see the house and he agreed straight away to put an offer in. Their valuation had been the same as hers and they were delighted with her success.

  By the end of her first week, Meriel was feeling hopeful of the job being suitable. Once she had proved they could trust her they would give her more important and interesting work to do. ‘Maybe I won’t wait a month before finding somewhere to live,’ she told Teifion.

  On Sunday, instead of going home as her parents had hoped, she walked around the neighbourhood. There were only two other houses for sale, both were being sold privately, with home-made boards set up in their gardens. Perhaps she would call and try to convince the owners of the advantages of employing the services of professionals.

  She drove away from the main roads and down a narrow country lane where ditches and grass verges lined both sides. There were a few houses on one side and woodland on the other. She stopped when she caught sight of a house set back from the rest. Its windows were bare of curtains, its chimney without smoke. At this time of year that must mean it’s empty.

  At first she wondered whether the owner might be selling and therefore a prospective client, but then, as she drew near and saw the place something happened. The house seemed to call her, and she almost ran the last few yards to peer through its windows, her heart racing. The floors were huge slabs of Welsh slate. The living room had a fireplace with the fire laid, just waiting for a match, a solitary couch seemed to be the only furniture. Large windows offered a superb view over the surprisingly neat garden at the front and, at the back, facing the lane, was the kitchen with a gas stove and a long, oak table. Standing on the back porch, tall trees hiding the lane from sight, she had the impression that the house and its garden were part of the woodland. There was no For Sale notice, only a house name. She saw it was called Badgers Brook.

  She felt stomach-churning excitement. It was too large and the rent would be ridiculously high. There would be the cost of furnishing, and even considering it for a moment was ridiculous. But she knew without doubt that she desperately wanted to live there.

  ‘Looking for someone, are you?’ a shrill voice called. A woman aged between fifty and sixty stepped out of the hedge and tilted her head questioningly.

  ‘I just wondered about the house. It’s obviously empty and might be for rent.’

  ‘I’m Kitty Jennings, me and Bob live in the first house on the lane. It’s Geoff Tanner you want. Him at the ironmongers. He’ll tell you whether or not he wants to rent it.’

  ‘Thank you, I think I know the place, in Steeple Street, isn’t it? I’ll call on Monday and ask him.’

  ‘Call now, he and Connie won’t mind. Love visitors they do.’

  ‘I couldn’t, not on a Sunday.’

  ‘I’ll come with you if you like. My little Sunday joint won’t take much cooking, no bigger than a couple of conkers! It can wait an hour.’ Without waiting for agreement, she ran off and Meriel heard her calling to her husband. ‘Bob? I’m just popping to see Connie and Geoff, I won’t be long.’ And she was back, dragging on a coat, plonking a hat on her head.

  ‘I have a car, so we won’t be long,’ Meriel said, taking out her keys.

  ‘Ooh, there’s a treat!’ Kitty said with a wide smile.

  Geoff and Connie were in their kitchen preparing vegetables for their Sunday roast. Connie answered Kitty’s knock and invited them in. ‘Put the kettle on, Geoff, we’ve got visitors,’ she called as she ushered them through the shop and into the warm kitchen.

  Introductions completed, Meriel asked them about Badgers Brook.

  ‘Where did you hear about it being for rent?’ Geoff asked, putting aside the sprouts he had been cleaning. ‘We haven’t advertised it and you say you’re a newcomer to the town?’

  ‘I work at the Ace Estate Agency on the High Street. Do you know George Dexter? I was just driving past, saw it and felt I had to live there.’ Meriel lowered her eyes, she felt silly making such a remark. She was a business woman and not given to fanciful thoughts.

  ‘It’s large for one person,’ Connie said.

  ‘I know and I don’t even know how long I’ll be staying. Dexter’s might not be suitable for me, or I for them. It’s far too early to be sure that I’ll be staying. But even though it’s probably too expensive and definitely too large I just know I’ll be happy there. Silly, isn’t it?’

  ‘Stay and share our meal and then we’ll take you for a look around,’ Geoff offered.

  Meriel looked at once at Connie, unsure whether she would be happy coping with an uninvited guest. Connie was smiling as she held out her hand. ‘Please stay, we’d love to show you Badgers Brook.’

  Adding a few more potatoes and extra vegetables, the meal they prepared was generous and tasty. Geoff had given Kitty a lift home in the firm’s van and had returned, having opened the windows and doors of Badgers Brook, to freshen the rooms of the empty house.

  Despite being November and with the windows and doors of the house being open for a couple of hours, the place felt warm and welcoming. There were no disappointing aspects, and she felt happy as she wandered through the rooms. She imagined herself living there, longed to show the place to her parents and friends. Before she left, as she thanked Connie and Geoff for their hospitality, she had agreed to move in.

  Being auctioneers as well as dealing with the sale of buildings and farm contents, Meriel knew she would have no difficulty buying the pieces of furniture she would need. A week later she had already acquired cupboards, a chest of drawers and six chairs, as well as two large couches.

  ‘Are you sure you’ll need all those chairs?’ Teifron teased. ‘You must be very restless if you’re going to use them all!’

  She looked at him in surprise. She had no idea why she had bought so many chairs. She was going to live there alone, so a couple would surely suffice. She didn’t anticipate hordes of visitors, she didn’t know anyone apart from Connie and Geoff and Kitty Jennings.


  As she began to settle into Badgers Brook, one of the first people she met was Lucy Calloway. Lucy worked at the hairdresser’s shop owned by Mr and Mrs Ernest James. Mrs Jennie James had once been Lucy’s closest friend but since her marriage to the owner, the friendship had declined. She was looking for a change of occupation, she whispered to Meriel one day as she set her lovely auburn hair into a long outward roll, but couldn't decide where to go or what to do. ‘I just feel I need a change,’ she explained.

  At twenty-nine, she had little hope of marrying and having a family to care for and she didn’t like the idea of a future that saw her staying in exactly the same place as now. She had been engaged to Gerald Cook throughout the war but his lack of enthusiasm for marriage finally persuaded her to end it. Still living with her parents and going to the hairdresser’s every day was becoming so predictable, so utterly boring.

  After she had cut and set Meriel’s hair they went to the café for lunch and she describ
ed her tedious life. ‘I admire your bravery in leaving home. I did try once, shared a flat with Jennie Jones, who became Jennie James when she married my boss. It was a disaster, but I should have tried again. I might have avoided my present monotony.

  ‘Every Tuesday, Mrs Richards and Mrs Elsie Maybury sit here trying to outdo each other in swank, Friday late night there’s Mrs Nerys Bowen from the dress shop, and on Fridays and Saturday morning the young girls come to get their hair set ready for dates and the dances.’ She gave a deep sigh. ‘It seems a long time since I enjoyed weekends packed with fun. So it’s a pleasant surprise to see someone new in town. Perhaps we can go out sometime, to the pictures or something?’ She offered to show her the town and introduce her to a few people. Then on discovering there was a film which they both wanted to see, they began meeting often and soon found they had a great deal in common. In less than two weeks they both felt they had found a new and close friend.


  A week after moving in Meriel was glad she had bought all those chairs. Curiosity about the new tenant brought several visitors. They went away pleased with her genuine welcome and told others and before she knew it she was on Christian name terms with practically everyone in the vicinity of the lane and the High Street.

  Most visitors brought small gifts, and offered overwhelming invitations to spend some of the Christmas period with them, but she and Lucy had their own plans for Christmas and it was at Badgers Brook. Both young women had decided to step away from their traditional family Christmases and start traditions of their own.

  Although George still didn’t allow her to deal with ‘out of office’ appointments on her own, he was encouraging and obviously pleased with her expertise. His wife had still not returned from her sister in Brighton, so the files were still in a mess, although Meriel was beginning to work out the best way of updating the chaotic system. She began to fill her quiet moments with assessments of other changes, ways in which the office was run which would improve efficiency.


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