Captivated in Cancun

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Captivated in Cancun Page 6

by KaLyn Cooper

  Jack’s mother called out, “Boys down for the night?” The woman had invited him to call her Mother Girard, but that would take some getting used to.

  “They crashed halfway through tonight’s story.” Lilly went to the outdoor fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine, grabbed a glass from the rack overhead and poured. She tasted it before adding more to the glass and returning the bottle. “Between the sunshine, playing in the pool, and at the beach, they were wiped out. I’ll bet Greyson ran five miles chasing Addison around the sandcastle they’d built.”

  She settled on a chaise and stretched out long, elegantly curved legs, then looked at Jillian. “Your daughter has more energy than any child I’ve ever seen.”

  Josh lowered onto the mesh chaise next to Lilly, two fingers of excellent twelve-year-old scotch in hand, as he joined the circle of his hosts. The lighted pool bathed the quad in blues and made Lilly’s shoulder length hair shine with iridescence. Josh was sure it would be soft as he ran his fingers through it just before he pulled her head close and brushed his lips over hers.

  Jillian laughed pulling Josh back to the conversation. “That’s the truth. She wears me out sometimes.” She reached over and took Jack’s hand. She pulled her fiancé onto the same lounge and grinned at him. “At least we can tag team her.”

  Jack slid in behind Jillian and pulled her back to his chest. “I fell asleep putting her down for her nap this morning.”

  Damn. Josh was to blame. Jack had been up before the crack of dawn to rescue him. “I’m sorry I got you up so early,” Josh apologized. He scanned the entire group. “I really appreciate your hospitality.”

  “Any friend of Jack’s is always welcome in our home.” Mother Girard sipped her gin and tonic, while she continued to read and make notes on her laptop.

  “Your home is wonderful,” Josh continued. “If I keep eating Mateo’s cooking, we’ll have to double our morning workout, Jack.”

  “Actually, this morning was a shortened version.” Jack set his scotch on the small table next to the chaise and wrapped his arms over Jillian’s ribs. “Seems I’ve been sticking closer to home for the past few months and spending less time on my boats, so I’ve had to increase my gym time, too. Want to join me for weight lifting at six tomorrow morning?”

  “I’d like that.” Josh grinned. “We got a pretty good work out diving this afternoon, though. Is the current usually that strong?”

  Levi looked up from his laptop and quirked an eyebrow. “Where did you dive?”

  “First we went to visit the Virgin Mary but the tide was coming in,” Jillian started.

  Jack jumped in. “You know that area can become a funnel as the current squeezes between Isla Mujeres and Cancun, so we went to the ocean side.”

  “I loved the reef around the Madonna,” Josh interjected. “The red coral was so bright and those purple fans were beautiful. The whole area was filled with fish. The lionfish here are more red than in the Indian Ocean. Next time I’m renting an underwater camera and getting some pictures.”

  “You should talk with Luke and see if he’d let you borrow one of his,” Jack suggested.

  “Oh, yes.” Jillian tried to sit up but Jack held her to him. “He has the most stunning underwater pictures I’ve ever seen.”

  Josh smiled. He liked and respected Luke. The young Sea Hawk pilot had pulled his men, including Jack, out of some of the worst places on earth. He was one of the best helicopter pilots Josh had ever had the pleasure working with. Luke was fearless, volunteering when others complained of weather, terrain or danger of live fire. “I think I’ll do that. It was a real pleasure diving with those two today. Caroline may be a novice but she’s really taken to the sport.”

  “She and I like to buddy up,” Jillian noted. “We aren’t quite the strong swimmers you guys are and can’t cover as much distance as you and your crew.” She elbowed Jack who fake harrumphed. “Nor are we daredevils. I still can’t believe you hitchhiked a ride on the fin of the whale shark.”

  “What?” Lilly shot to her feet, spilling some of her wine. She glared at Jack. “” She gasped in a breath, but before she could utter a single word Jack spoke.

  “Now, Lilly.” He held both hands, palms up. “You know they’re not dangerous. This was a playful young one who was having as much fun as we were.”

  “ touched it?” Lilly gulped in air and shakily pushed it out. Her smooth light brown skin paled and her hand shook. She still held the wine glass and sprinkled sticky liquid dangerously close to Josh.

  He stood and placed his hand on Lilly’s back, rubbing up and down while he ran fingers down her forearm and eased the wineglass from her clenched hand. She released it to him without acknowledgement or resistance. “It’s okay, Lilly.” He tried to reassure her. “They are very friendly. This one was downright playful.”

  She whipped around to face him, eyes wide. “You. You did it, too?” Her voice squeaked.

  “Yeah. It was fun.” He couldn’t hold back the smile. In all his years of diving, Josh had never experienced anything like it before. Given the rarity of the close encounter, and mood of the shark, he’d likely never have the opportunity again. “He kept coming back around to get the next person.”

  “Caroline and I chickened out.” Jillian shrugged.

  Jack laughed. “If you really want to ride one, we can go to Isla Holbox.” He laid a kiss on his fiancée’s cheek before they resumed their casual position once again. “They migrate there every year. The one we saw must have chased a school of krill around the horn.”

  “It did look like fun,” Jillian admitted with an anxious smile.

  And it had been, which was why Lilly’s reaction seemed so irrational. She was shaking. “Hey. It’s okay. Whale sharks eat krill and plankton. They’re gentle giants.”

  “I know that,” Lilly snapped. “It’s just...they’re so big. And down there you never know what’s going to happen.”

  Uncaring that others were around, Josh said quietly, “Come here, Lilly.” He pulled her into his arms and held her quivering body. Stroking her back he tried to reassure her. “We were all fine. We followed underwater safety measures. No one was going to get hurt. Now take a deep breath. Breathe in...and now out. Deeper and once again.”

  As she regained her breath, and composure, she tried to step back. Josh didn’t want to let go. He held her tight to him. Finally, she settled completely with a long exhale and he felt her melt into him. Damn, that felt wonderful. “Now there’s my Tiger Lilly.”

  She laughed. This time when she tried to step back from his embrace, he allowed her.

  “Tiger Lilly, huh.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Yeah. A blue Tiger Lilly.” Josh ran a finger down her nose and over her natural, make-up free cheeks. “The light from the pool makes your freckles look dark blue on lighter blue skin.”

  “They’re from Gramps’ Irish side.” Lilly touched her cheekbones. “I’ve always hated those little dots.”

  Josh stepped closer to her and pulled her hands away from her face, clasping them in his larger ones. “They’re beautiful. Don’t ever hide the real person you are. And, Lilly, you are a tiger deep inside.” He’d bet she’d be a tiger in bed as well.

  She took another step back releasing his hands. As though she’d suddenly realized they were not alone, she announced, “Show’s over folks. I’m sorry I lost it, all know why.” She picked up her wine glass. “After that display of my total lack of control, I need a drink. Something stiffer than this wine.”

  “I’ll get it, Lil,” Levi offered and started to set his computer aside. “I need a refill anyway.”

  She grabbed his highball glass from the cocktail table between him and Josh and headed to the pool bar. “Let me. I need a minute. Anyone else ready for a refill?”

  After everyone declined, and Lilly was several feet away, Jack caught Josh’s attention. Quietly he explained, “Lilly had a bad experience with a whale shark as a
teenager and ended up riding in the chamber for a few hours. She had a minor air embolism in her lung from coming up too quick, coughed up a little blood.” He shrugged because he and Josh had seen much worse cases of the bends. “She got startled and forgot all her training. It wasn’t life threatening, but she’s never been in deep water since.”

  “I didn’t know that’s why she doesn’t swim or snorkel with us,” Jillian professed. “I couldn’t imagine not diving. I love it down there.”

  “Me, too,” Jack agreed.

  Right there with you. Josh had always loved the mysterious world under the surface of the sea. His degree from the Naval Academy was in oceanography and for a long time, he’d hoped to get a masters and doctorate from Woods Hole and spend his life exploring the depths of the oceans. But his life had taken a different turn when he and his roommate decided to join the SEALs. He had been atop and under every ocean on earth, but spent more time on land and in the air than he’d ever imagined as a midshipman.

  “Damn it.” Mother Girard cursed and sat up. “I’ve been making the agenda for our conference call tomorrow morning at six with the Chinese, but I need to review those contracts one last time. We need to finalize this deal and get sales moving.” She closed her laptop and wound up her cord.

  “Speaking of the Chinese,” Levi set his computer on the end of the chaise and stood to dig into his back pocket. Cell phone in hand, he announced, “I need to talk with that SOB at the port authority in Hong Kong. They need to release our samples.” He strode toward his room at the far end of the quad holding his laptop under one arm. As he passed the bar, he grabbed his glass. “Night everyone. See you in the morning,” he called over his shoulder.

  Jack and Jillian called back in harmony, “Night Levi.” The two spoke quietly then got up.

  “We’re going to call it a night,” Jack told Josh. “See you in the gym at six. It’s across the hall and down two doors from your room.”

  “I saw it,” Josh assured him. “Nice set up.”

  “Feel free to make yourself at home and stay out here as long as you want.” Jack pulled Jillian in for a hug. “I’ve been known to sleep on the sun bed more than once. Calita changed the sheets before she left and there’s a top sheet in the drawer underneath. Same down on the beach at the palapa.”

  Lilly stepped between Jack and Josh with a tumbler of amber liquid. Jack sniffed it then threw his arm around his sister. “I’m sorry we upset you so much.” He glanced down at the glass then back to her eyes.

  “I overreacted, little brother.” Lilly’s tough façade was back in place. “It’s not that big a deal.” She sipped and rattled the ice cubes.

  Jack’s face tightened. “He fucking messed you up, didn’t he?”

  Lilly raised an eyebrow. “The whale shark? Nah. I’m fine. I’m handling it.”

  “No, the bastard you married.” He kissed his sister on the forehead. “Except for scaring you away from diving, which I know you used to love, the shark didn’t change you. Dr. Douchebag took away the strongest woman I know. Under that tough as nails lawyer exterior you show the world is a woman beaten down by years of criticism. Somewhere in there is still a tough tomboy who could take on the world.” Jack gave her a one-armed hug. “I want her back.”

  “Getting there, little brother.” Her forced smile admitted Jack’s assumption was true. Then determination flashed in her eyes. “You’d better look out because I’ll come back stronger than ever.”

  Jack stared at Lilly a long time before he gave her another hug and kiss on the forehead. “Night, sis.” He and Jillian sauntered off hand-in-hand to the pool house, leaving Josh standing beside Lilly.

  “Thanks for...earlier.” Lilly concentrated on her drink, swishing the ice cubes around and around the short glass.

  “It was my pleasure.” Josh ventured a small step closer. “I’m happy to hold you anytime you want. Or need.”

  She looked at him from under long black lashes. “That could be dangerous, Joshua Madden. Very dangerous.”

  He stepped even closer. “I thrive on danger.” Josh carefully placed his hands on her shoulders.

  She didn’t flinch. Good sign. Nor did she shrug them off.

  He did, though, feel a shudder run through her. Oh, yes.

  “Want to live dangerously, Lilly Girard?” Oh, so slowly, Josh bent toward her, giving her plenty of time to stop him. She didn’t.

  Her lips were warm and inviting. He was shocked when her tongue slid out, the tip begging for entrance. Yes, she wanted him. His cock stood up at the idea.

  She tasted of sugar and nuts as he allowed her explorations of his mouth. Amaretto had been in her glass. When he reciprocated by diving his tongue into her sweetness, he wondered if she’d taste as honeyed between her other set of lips. With the idea of lapping her warm core, he thrust his tongue into her mouth in the rhythm he’d like their bodies to enjoy below.

  When she moaned, he pulled her tighter to him, not caring if she discovered how much he wanted her. No way could she miss his straining erection. She threw her arms around his neck and hung on to him like a drowning victim.

  Josh slid his hand down her spine and she arched into him. With an opened palm over her rounded butt, he pressed her into him. She raised her knee to his hip, aligning her heat with his cock. Then she leaned in.

  Oh, Christ. He needed to be inside her. Soon.

  He pulled away from her mouth and started kissing his way down her throat.

  “Josh.” His name was a moan.

  “Right here.” He kissed the small indentation in her collarbone. She gasped then tilted her head back giving him more access. “And here,” he said as he nipped his way down to the low-cut dress. “And here.” He rocked his erection into her.

  “Oh.” Lilly sighed the word and rocked her pelvis up, rubbing her pubic bone his entire length as she tried to climb up his body. “Mmm.”

  He kissed the top of one rounded breast and cupped the other with his hand. Nothing fake about these beauties. They were full and heavy. A woman’s body. He traced the neckline of the dress with his fingers then slid under the thin cotton all the way to skin. She filled his big hands. He massaged tenderly then squeezed lightly before he freed her breast from the bra cup. He kissed the dark brown nipple as he scooped out the other one.

  She was shimmering in the light of the moon, the pool at her back giving her an ethereal glow while casting blue shadow waves all around her. She was a siren, and he a mere sailor.

  Josh didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so breathtaking in his life. He wondered if there would ever come a time when he could see her totally naked, right there, in the light of the pool and the moon. He’d then make love to her on the sun bed all night.

  Josh took her breast into his mouth and sucked. The noise she made was somewhere between a whine and a mew. She grabbed his head and held him there as he flicked her tight nipple with his tongue. He repeated his ministrations on the other side while listening to her heavy breathing.

  Lilly let out a shaky breath. “I...can we...”

  He stood up straight and took her mouth with more aggression than he’d intended. Oh, yes. They could. But he needed to slow it down a little. Lilly would need gentleness and tenderness. At least to start. Until she opened the tiger’s cage.

  He felt a vibration between his cock and hip bone. Damn it. Not now.

  He was about to step back and reach for his phone, but remembered his was in the back pocket.

  It was Lilly’s phone. The only thing that called at this hour was trouble.

  Josh leaned back a few inches and looked down at a stunned Lilly.

  “Did I—” she caught her breath and looked confused. “Did I do something...wrong?”

  He pulled her back in and hugged her. “No, darling. I stopped because your phone is ringing.”

  Chapter 6

  Josh gave Lilly room but continued to hold her. He refused to let go.

  Her gaze flew to the third-floor rooms whe
re her sons were supposedly asleep. Nightlights glowed around the edges of closed drapes, but there was no movement.

  She scrambled through folds of yellow dress and finally pulled out a smartphone. For a long minute she stared at the caller ID, then groaned, or was it a growl? “What the fuck does he want? Son of a bitch is always interrupting my life.” She swiped the screen and snapped, “What?”

  Josh held Lilly in his arms, so close he overheard every word. He considered replacing her naked breasts back beneath the dress, but got lost in his need to take them both back to the moment where he hoped she was going to invite him to her room.

  The man’s voice on the phone shook him back to Lilly’s call. “Did I wake you, darling? I’m so sorry.”

  Darling? She was standing half-naked in Josh’s arms and another man was calling her darling. Josh wanted to roar his possession of her.

  “No. I was awake. What do you want, Bright?” Lilly didn’t seem pleased to hear from the man.

  “I’d like to have the boys join me on Cozumel the day after tomorrow.” With far too much glee in his voice, the man added, “I want them to be at my wedding.”

  Josh watched as all the blood drained from Lilly’s face.

  Shit. She’s still in love with her ex. Then he watched fury build in her eyes and red tinge her brown cheeks. Oh, this was going to be good. He was in for a show, or a showdown. He was going to see the tiger in action.

  “You expect me to bring our boys—the children you haven’t bothered to see in a month, or call in the past three weeks, or send a fucking birthday card when Preston turned seven two weeks ago—and you expect me to take both boys over to Cozumel so you can pretend to be father of the year in front of your new wife, her family, and our friends?”

  “Of course not, sweetheart. My mother is flying into the Cancun airport. She’ll pick them up on her way to the ferry at Playa del Carmen and bring them over to the island. It’s going to be a small wedding. Just my family and about fifty friends.”


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